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Author Topic: Spookyfort: Inheritance  (Read 26924 times)


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2020, 01:22:27 am »

Our fox familiar died when trying to cover the roof, getting spooked by a zombie and somehow jumping across the aquifer gap and got killed on the beach. We have another one caged though - so it's not the worst.

It seems the magic stuff from your mod is a bit slow, so I'd like to see Crystallake build toward it over the years.


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #46 on: October 07, 2020, 06:18:16 am »

Got the save, I'll start later tonight.

Gonna have to go through an read the previous couple pages before I commit to anything besides a dorfing, but PTW.
Any preferences?
Life is, in a word, volcanoes.
                        - Random human lord


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #47 on: October 07, 2020, 09:30:23 am »

I cannot find the point of entry - I think there is a clue in that occasionally pygmies are spotted by the fort and we're told to drive them off. Other than that one carcass, no one else has gotten it - but I really can't find the location.
Oh great, its like the room outside space over again. So now aside from the, erm, actors getting too in-character and killing dwarves, we've got eldritch geometry allowing abominations to wander in from the caverns hidden vents to allow more actors in.

I haven't been able to take a look at the fort save, but I'd suggest looking at corners to see if there's a gap somewhere (since creatures seem to be able to pass through diagonal gaps), or if there's an up-down stairway somewhere that wasn't closed off with a floor hatch.

King Zultan

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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #48 on: October 07, 2020, 03:20:51 pm »

If we're doing the dorfing thing I'll take one, given how many dwarves have died so far I wonder how long it'll last.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #49 on: October 07, 2020, 03:28:30 pm »

Jesus Christ I just went back through and...

I mean kudos for getting people killed in droves without going out of your way to do it, but good lord.

Nobody'll wanna come to this place at this rate, this bodycount is gonna be a PR nightmare.


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #50 on: October 07, 2020, 11:36:11 pm »

Journal of Endok “Ender” Whiprings

Winter 668

So! Finally, I see where this blasted band of boneheads is headed! Days in a wagon with a bunch of weirdos telling ghost stories, only to be dumped here, in this “camp.” Looks more like a warzone to me. Guess this is just what happens when you let a bunch of superstitious lunatics loose in the wild.

“Oooh this camp looks so interesting! Uncle Luckyowl already signed up for a stay there, why don’t you visit him, Ender?” Thanks MOM. It sure wasn’t obvious you were just looking for a way to get rid of me! At least here I’ll be free of their constant pestering to get a job. It’s not my fault the troglodytes back home don’t have any work deserving of a superior intellect such as I!

Well the first thing I and this gaggle of morons saw to greet us was a dwarven skeleton poking out of the snow. Next was a bunch of freaks on stilts punting around a bird corpse and someone’s severed head. Some kind of macabre circus troupe? I guess that’s what passes for entertainment around here.

The locals came out to meet us. Only five of them, and apparently, they’ve been holed up underground for like a year. With my group of new campers that brings the total to 13 dwarves. An unlucky number according to some. Nonsense say I! Clearly what misfortunes befell the previous residents were a result of unpreparedness and a rejection of sound logic, not the superstitions spread so widely here.

I found a memorial slab for uncle Luckyowl. Not so lucky after all, it seems. He may have been a kook, but I remember him being fun when I was a kid. I’ll miss him. Done in by a strain of rabies that swept through here, it seems. The locals still insist upon claiming it was the “undead,” pah!

Fantastic news! The dwarves here have chosen me to lead them through these troubling times as their new overseer! Clearly, they saw that I was the only one with a clear head here. It’s good to finally be recognized for my genius!

Our new broker traded some things we had lying around with the circus freaks. I nearly lost it when he told me he had spent almost 8000 urists worth of crap on something they called “essences.” Apparently, they’re some kind of food that are supposed to give you magic. Ridiculous. Likot’s lucky they didn’t have anything more useful to sell.

Bembul, one of the new arrivals, let a weird racoon out from one of the abandoned cages. The critter must have been locked up in there for months, but it’s taken quite a shine to Bembul. I just don’t like how it stares at me with its conniving eyes. Gives me the creeps.

Some bizarre noises have been keeping everyone up lately. Its really been getting people agitated, on top of all the complaints about hauling dead bodies. Naturally everyone jumps to the conclusion that it’s a ghost.

You know what I’ve realized? All these fears and superstitions, they all stem from a few root causes! Take zombies for example. They’re rooted in the fear of disease from dead bodies. If I can make my fellow dwarves understand and confront their fears, maybe I can make sensible creatures out of them yet. Yes, I will construct a place to study the causes of their superstition in a controlled environment! Let’s see, it will need to be large, with calming curved architecture… maybe some radiating lines to symbolize personal growth and understanding. Hmm… perfect!

Zan walled himself in while setting up our new well. Good thing I noticed, or we might be down a skilled dwarf!

Such carelessness in the construction here! One of the stairways just ends in a hole that opens into a four story drop down to the caverns! I nearly fell in while distracted pondering the nature of morality! Better seal that up quickly. Should help ease the populace’s fears of cavern monsters sneaking in as well.

Man, this overseer stuff is easy. You just say what you want people to do and they do it! I don’t get how all the previous leaders could screw it up so badly!

Life is, in a word, volcanoes.
                        - Random human lord


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #51 on: October 07, 2020, 11:51:54 pm »

Jesus Christ I just went back through and...

I mean kudos for getting people killed in droves without going out of your way to do it, but good lord.

Nobody'll wanna come to this place at this rate, this bodycount is gonna be a PR nightmare.

This is easily one of the most fun forts I've played in a while. The random element of unknown mods and the recklessness with which this fort is played makes it great.

“Oooh this camp looks so interesting! Uncle Luckyowl already signed up for a stay there, why don’t you visit him, Ender?” Thanks MOM. It sure wasn’t obvious you were just looking for a way to get rid of me! At least here I’ll be free of their constant pestering to get a job. It’s not my fault the troglodytes back home don’t have any work deserving of a superior intellect such as I!

I love that troglodytes could refer to idiots or literal troglodytes in this context. Thanks for finding the hole in our defenses, nogoodnames!


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #52 on: October 08, 2020, 04:32:45 pm »

Spring 669

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My peaceful spring morning was rudely interrupted by cries of alarm from the surface. Apparently, we’re being invaded by a large group of human bandits. Well, the panicking fools claim they’re zombie humans. Come on guys, this is serious!

Looks like everyone made it safely into the fort except for Asob, who was doddering around on the surface while the others ran past her. She has a spear, but it won’t do much good against those numbers. No doubt the bandits will knock on the door with a ransom demand any minute now.

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These bandits are absurdly persistent. Don’t they need to go home and eat at some point? At least this lockdown gives me time to focus on underground projects. Going along with my “Face Your Fears!” initiative, I’m having windows carved into our cavern-side rooms. Hopefully that will dispel the rumors that they are infested with towering monsters and bizarre demons.

Some of the dwarves have started claiming to see the ghost of Asob down near the refuse pile. Worse, one of the loons jumped me this afternoon and claimed her ghost had stolen an artifact, one that had been locked outside before the siege. I tried to be reasonable and asked how he telepathically knew this, but all I got was a vague shrug.

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I swear, these ghost hunters are worse than the alchemist club downstairs. They may be deluded into thinking they can extract magic by burning random crap together or summon objects from the ashes, but at least they don’t bother me about it!

I wonder if all the decaying bodies down on that level have produced some kind of hallucinogenic gas buildup. All the more reason to ventilate out to the caverns.

The miners have broken into a third cavern layer.

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They described to me a bizarre hellscape where fleshy, tumorous growths cling to the stalactites. Demonic creatures slither and squirm in the shadows. The very ground is carpeted with cancerous organs, grasping hands and constantly screaming heads. It is as if the damned are reaching out from the underworld, mutating and merging into grotesque amalgamations as they desperately claw toward some vague hope of salvation.

Get back to work, you slackers! I want a stairway straight to the mantle!
Life is, in a word, volcanoes.
                        - Random human lord


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #53 on: October 08, 2020, 08:22:07 pm »

They described to me a bizarre hellscape where fleshy, tumorous growths cling to the stalactites. Demonic creatures slither and squirm in the shadows. The very ground is carpeted with cancerous organs, grasping hands and constantly screaming heads. It is as if the damned are reaching out from the underworld, mutating and merging into grotesque amalgamations as they desperately claw toward some vague hope of salvation.

nice description here - the third layer always struck me as a rather horrifying and alien place.

I approve of windows - I had planned for gem windows in fact but ran out of time due to my character's death.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #54 on: October 08, 2020, 10:29:43 pm »

We should definitely trap troglodytes or some other creature behind glass to give the dwarves a constant spook whenever they walk past it.

King Zultan

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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #55 on: October 09, 2020, 02:25:05 am »

"There's a man on the wing behind the glass!"
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #56 on: October 09, 2020, 08:13:10 am »

I'll take a turn, if fort will survive until that point.


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2020, 01:16:49 am »

Autumn 669

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Ah, here we go! Limitless magma for our industry and some kind of oddly fibrous cyan ore. If only we had anyone with enough metallurgical experience to figure out what to do with it. Oh well, something for the future, I suppose.

Fall is slipping away without much excitement. I can still hear the bandits stomping around up there, but they’re weirdly tight-lipped so no chance of overhearing their plans. The mountainhome must have abandoned us to them, cowards! The bandits aren’t even armed from what I’ve heard! If They didn’t outnumber us, I’d have everyone grab an axe and take their chances.

Well, at least Splint is preparing for if we need to fight our way out of here. He’s recruited Moldath, our manager, as a sparring partner. I guess he chose her because she claims to have killed a demon with her bare hands. Well, she may be a terrible liar, but at least she’s been reliable so far. She can’t use her right hand since the “demon” incident, but she gets by.

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Winter 669

Whatever the miners think they saw in the lower caverns seems to have really affected them. Truly absurd. I’ve told them over and over that there’s no plausible biological mechanism which could support an ecosystem like they described! Hmm… this is the perfect opportunity to acquire some exhibits for the Face Your Fears project! I’ll have them carve an entrance and lay some traps down. I imagine we’ll catch some worms and rodents and such. Once the peons see that, they’ll realize how foolish they’ve been, and I might even make a novel scientific discovery! Get to work!

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No sooner had I announced that I had opened the cavern than Likot, our broker, rushed past me mumbling something about “hydro devil drudge upper front tooth,” whatever the hell that is. She made a beeline straight into the cavern. Damn fool is going to get herself lost in there. I had to grab King Zultan before she ran off as well, and then sent our two militia to search for Likot.

Well, Likot’s back, but she twisted her ankle pretty badly. One of our miners found her curled up in a hole where she must have fallen. Moldath of course had some absurd story about her sweeping in and punching a horrific monster to death while the miner carried in Likot. I asked, if this supposed monster actually attacked Likot, why did it apparently wander off instead of finishing the job? She replied with some nonsense about using him as bait, really!

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King Zultan seemed upset when I expressed my doubt for Moldath’s story and ran off to “retrieve the body.” Whatever, I’ll send another search party down once she gets herself lost… Oh wait, here she comes now, and… What the hell is that!?

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Ha, ha, guys, very funny. That’s some impressive taxidermy! (I’m going to die in here) How long have you been hiding that thing? (These people are actually insane) You really had me going there! (Where did they even find an octopus for the lower half?)

Momuz says one of the cages caught something. Good, I need to start filling in the exhibits right away. If these dwarves keep embracing their delusions, who knows what they’ll do?

Another one!? How… how is it moving? Did you sick bastards sew an animal in there!? I can see the seams! Why are you looking at me like I’m the crazy one!?
Do I still want it in the library? Sure, whatever, just get it out of my sight!

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Okay, I’ve calmed down a bit. Someone’s got to keep their head on in this place. Just sit down, relax, and enjoy some delicious scrambled eggs.

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Whatever those alchemists cooked up may not be magic, but it makes a great seasoning!

Spring 670

The library is finally ready. It’s filled with skeletons on display to help get the visitors to revaluate their relationship with death. Also, that bloated monster thing they stitched together to… reveal the absurdity of clinging to superstition. Yes, that’s it.

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I can only hope that my efforts here will restore some measure of rationality to this place. Someday they’ll see the light and thank me for dispelling the fog of primitive thought. Until then I think I’d better lie low. They’ve been pretty riled up about the whole cavern incident and have reacted increasingly negatively to my attempts to talk sense into them. Best to let them cool down and digest my teachings.

Spoiler: Stats (click to show/hide)


Life is, in a word, volcanoes.
                        - Random human lord


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #58 on: October 10, 2020, 05:19:24 am »

Hooooly Jesus that Sightless illustration. Great work!
The thought of it moving like the puppets from older horror movies in Crystallake's case somehow makes it worse.


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #59 on: October 10, 2020, 06:20:51 am »

Segment from a recording inside delphonso's office,
October the 10th, 7:24 PM.

Adamantine? Under that hell-hole?

Get rid of the reports. No one can know about this - make sure this secret stays with us.
We bought Crystallake for a steal. It was a bank foreclosure, just a fishing hut. To think...this whole time, it was sitting on blue gold...
This might just solve our financial woes.

No joke, when you volunteered for a turn, I quietly prayed to The Great Pumpkin that you'd draw something. Incredible work as always, nogoodnames. I'm updating and fixing the front page right now. I believe either Eric Blank or Salmeuk are up next - how's the computer, Eric?
« Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 06:26:42 am by delphonso »
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