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Author Topic: Spookyfort: Inheritance  (Read 27019 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #90 on: October 16, 2020, 08:36:56 am »

As much as i hate to be that guy, i would rather not play. Ever signed in to playing something you don't want and realized that you want to play it even less when you turn comes?  ::)

2 spooky 4 MCreeper. Don't worry about it, I can tell things have gotten pretty spicy at Crystallake.

I take it that means I'm up then! Ain't used to being the one later in the game, so we'll see what happens I guess.

EDIT: I already hate everything about this place.

Oh boy... Well, remember that killing/traumatizing the dwarves is somewhat of a goal. If FPS is a problem (which it might be with 300 or more extra units) I'm totally alright with using DFHack to just disappear most of the enemies or force an end to the siege. This isn't a particularly serious succession game.


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #91 on: October 16, 2020, 08:58:21 am »

Yeah about that, pretty sure the wights are spawning in more shadow beasts via summons, so while I'd probably be able to deal with this issue on my own time, there's no way I can do it in a single turn. I'll save my grumbling for the end of my first update. I basically made a few designations and management orders and left it running for a month.

Might not be able to fend off this bunch of miscreants, but I'm taking steps to hopefully leave us able to do so later down the line.


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #92 on: October 16, 2020, 09:25:20 am »

A letter rests upon the desk of the attorney general. Several, in fact. Many are either caked in blood, or caked in dirt from travel. How they came to be here is anyone's guess, having evaded the best efforts of the home office of the Delphonso Frights and Magic company. The AG opens the first, having dug it out from under the rest, and opens it.

"To whom it may concern,

My name is Splint Orderdyes. I am the acting militia commander of Crystallake, as well as the current camp activities director for the year of [the date appears badly smudged] having assumed command from commander Litast Organpost on grounds of organizational incompetence.

I pen this and several other letters and send them with private couriers to inform you of the gross misconduct on the part of the company - A minimum of two dozen citizens have died due to their negligence and cost-cutting measures, and now thanks to their choice of location, 38 innocent citizens who had come expecting between one and five year furlough from the main settlements full of entertaining frights and year-round spook-filled holiday atmosphere are currently besieged by a horde of bloodthirsty psychopaths and their vile minions who i suspect may have murdered some of our staff and stolen their uniforms, as last I check the company couldn't afford to hire actual greater wights.

As of this writing, I am attempting to rectify the issues concerning military equipment and management. I doubt I will be successful, but currently the militia fails to meet the minimum equipment needs set forth by the merchant's guild to be classified as anything resembling a proper security force. At best, they would be listed under "armed rabble," which in professional terms is completely unacceptable. As such, I am currently taking steps to mitigate this with the production of 20 suits of iron mail armor. While we have capacity to produce steel locally, iron provides a more expedient measure that is to the standard expected of guild-compliant security forces.

According to the stocks I have to hand, the camp has sufficient stores of iron to produce at least that much, so accounting is at least something the company can be said to not be completely useless at. I've ordered larger, better situated training facilities (including one with a firing range,) that befit a security force to be errected, and locked the doors in our open air skull building, in case the yokels try to scale it and get in through the eye sockets.

Let me be clear. This equipment issue is just one of many incidents of gross negligence on the part of Delphonso Frights and Magic Company (hereafter referred to as DFM.) The amount of stress that the acting expedition leader, Ms. Ber Irontongue, is proof enough of that, and she has agreed to assist me in figuring out and reporting to you all of the follies of this wretched place.

There is rampant neglect of the dead, loss of life far above what could be expected from the overzealous method actors working in the caverns (which I can assure you was not caused by fear,) willful neglect of the dead by the Camp's upper management resulting in multiple ghostly spectres haunting the place, the incident with the zombulls, I'm fairly certain Mr. Eric Giltsunken is guilty of actual witchcraft (definitely against guild policy,) and the camp doesn't even resemble a camp.

Further messages will detail events over my tenure as camp overseer.

Splint Orderdyes"

Elsewhere, another letter is opened in a dimly-lit corporate office, festooned with tacky skeleton decorations and cobwebs made of badly dyed yarn.

"This place is a mess and whoever you hired to manage it is an idiot. They've delegated so much responsibility that the company is going to get butchered in the courts no matter what our legal team tries. Hell, at minimum we're looking at getting slapped with a false advertising charge since the camp doesn't look like a camp.

However, to that end, I've begun sending formal letters to the Royal AG detailing attempts to rectify some of the problems, which should at least grant plausible dependability that the camp staff flat out didn't care about the wellbeing or safety of our guests. I've also had someone draft new contracts for the current residents that waives any and all responsibility on the part of the company should they be called upon to defend the property, and I've made enough copies that from now on everyone who shows up will have to fill it out. That'll at least wash our hands of any "service-connected" deaths or injuries.

Also for the love of all that is holy, nix the method actors at the next enterprise. Those idiots killed like six people in ways that we literally can't prove were due to fright because the dipshit CMD has the causes of death written down on stone tablets. There's no way I can get rid of those short of things that would reek of foul play.

Oh, and those greater wights you told to sit and spin because of the price they were trying to gouge us with? Yeah, they're banging on the gods-damned door trying to kill everyone (I'm also pretty sure they killed the guys we got to replace them and made off with their equipment just to spite us.) I threw that Eric guy under the wagon in the official letter, so we might be able to blame these idiots showing up on him.

And don't worry, nobody has made any mention of you-know-what that I know of. The king shouldn't be making a visit to tour the grounds any time soon unless one of the traders last year heard something about it.

- Splint

PS - The Ghosts are working as intended. Even got a couple to sign on for post-mortem employment so long as we cut their next-of-kin a check once a year for a thousand sovereigns.


Hoo boy, where to begin.

I hate this place. Literally everything about it. It's dispersed, entirely subterranean, the militia literally had no armor, there's shadow beasts everywhere, I don't know where anything is besides what I assume to be the current main entrance which is bricked up, everything looks wrong and it's driving me crazy. That being said, it could be a fuck of a lot worse.

I've exhausted our iron supplies at present making basic armor for the militia, which I've assumed command of, locked some doors, and turned off the alert burrow because people were spamming job cancellations about inaccessible lumps of rock. Also going to see about getting a marksdwarf squad set up, or at least have a squad prepared to be filled, if nothing else, since I doubt we can supply the amount of ammo they'd need to be worth anything in a fight.

Not the worst amount of progress for a month of game time though.

As you can see, I'm definitely of a more serious temperament, but I'm erring on the side of "Yeah, here's everything that's wrong, I can prove it! Now here's what we're doing to fix it too!" To essentially wash the company's hands of at least some of the crap its likely to be hammered for (we literally can't get away with some of the deaths being from fright - I've had ghosts scare people to death and those death reports say they're dead from fright. The coronor don't lie. :P,) whether the camp survives to the end of October or not.

And my dwarf may or may not be trying to save his own ass in the process in throwing everyone else under the bus. :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #93 on: October 16, 2020, 09:52:12 am »

I love this so much, Splint. Why is the pinnacle of spookiness "corporate espionage"?

Thob tried to help us hide those slabs. RIP Thob <3


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #94 on: October 16, 2020, 02:51:52 pm »

hahaha nice opening letter here. Your writing has the perfect tone of 'civil servant memo' or 'OSHA Health and Safety auditor' and I love it so far.

Honestly though, Crystallakes is actually pretty well set up for a succession game. Plenty of food, and a secure room to make more. Everyone has bedrooms, and a centrally located dining - temple - bedroom setup means very little walktime, excluding the magma forges. Those have an admittedly winding and circuitous pathway, but hey - it gets the job done. You could collapse the fortress down to the marble layers and not really miss much, if you want to consolidate further.

The castle is, well, useless, but it's scenic. We could build an airbnb there. We need more stuff like that if we ever hope to pay our lawyers back.

I am not opposed to dfhacking away the beasts - my FPS tanked at the end there, and winter took as long as the rest of the year combined. If what you say is true and the wights are summoning more and more, I'm very concerned we might softlock lol. Also, what the hell wights? You only need one shadow beast to kill the whole damn fort. 299 more will not help.

There might be an open bridge in the third cavern layer, BTW, I dunno, its covered in cage traps and I never bothered to close it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #95 on: October 16, 2020, 05:51:21 pm »

hahaha nice opening letter here. Your writing has the perfect tone of 'civil servant memo' or 'OSHA Health and Safety auditor' and I love it so far.

Honestly though, Crystallakes is actually pretty well set up for a succession game. Plenty of food, and a secure room to make more. Everyone has bedrooms, and a centrally located dining - temple - bedroom setup means very little walktime, excluding the magma forges. Those have an admittedly winding and circuitous pathway, but hey - it gets the job done. You could collapse the fortress down to the marble layers and not really miss much, if you want to consolidate further.
Considering the way I usually play my games, that's not too far off. :P

I usually either build on the surface to combat cave adaptation for the most part or keep things to a handful of z-levels, so to me this place looks like a madhouse, even though really, at a glance, there's not really much I can complain about other than not knowing where the levers are (I probably missed it in the previous updates,) and how some of the furniture is arranged.

The castle is, well, useless, but it's scenic. We could build an airbnb there. We need more stuff like that if we ever hope to pay our lawyers back.
And currently useless to the current campers. Also not a camp. UNACCAPTABLE.

I am not opposed to dfhacking away the beasts - my FPS tanked at the end there, and winter took as long as the rest of the year combined. If what you say is true and the wights are summoning more and more, I'm very concerned we might softlock lol. Also, what the hell wights? You only need one shadow beast to kill the whole damn fort. 299 more will not help.

There might be an open bridge in the third cavern layer, BTW, I dunno, its covered in cage traps and I never bothered to close it.
I might have to regardless, to be honest. These assholes are summoning more in which is probably a cooldown issue with the Monsters of Majesty mod. I started my turn with 364 "others" on the map, and it's grown to 396. I know for a fact most of the new additions weren't there when I started.

I'm going to leave the game running for the next month and just see about figuring out where stuff is besides the sider library and residential.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #96 on: October 16, 2020, 06:28:49 pm »

Yeah definitely 'deal' with the baddies, one way or another.

The levers for the two surface bridges are next to the dining rooms and food storage, in the hallway.

Looking forward to your next update!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #97 on: October 16, 2020, 06:51:05 pm »

Slate's been chugging along without incident, so there'll probably be an update tomorrow or Sunday. I wanna include a couple drawings for it.

Definitely gonna have to DFhack this problem away. Currently at 470 things now, the overwhelming majority of them shadow beasts.

Quantum Drop

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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #98 on: October 16, 2020, 07:19:54 pm »

Yep, a DFHack-delivered Exterminatus looks to be in order to defeat the FPS-eating menace.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #99 on: October 17, 2020, 02:47:17 am »

Heretic scum, wipe them out.

(Also I just realized that the premise of Friday the 13th is that Camp Crystal Lake was closed after a kid drowned in the lake. The first death of Crystallake was a drowning. I have failed Halloween by not making this connection earlier.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #100 on: October 18, 2020, 09:32:10 am »

"To whom it may concern,

Efforts are ongoing to remedy the appalling situation this enterprise has found itself in. The couriers have reported large amounts of abandoned stage equipment outside of the property's limits. I suspect the wights to be responsible for this, or those damned shadow beasts they keep summoning. Additionally, the local management has made excessive excavations underground. While properly secured for the time being, guild policy has strict rules against breaching the caverns without written permission for a reason.

As I'm sure you know, the locals below the Fungal Forests in the upper-most caves tend to be... Rather unpleasant.

The miners have also been behaving strangely. I discovered plans for something near a new granite quarry. They claim it's some new room attraction based on "devils," but I suspect the newly-risen Ustuth has something to do with it.

The spring thaw has also come. A rainy locale, while able to help set a spooky tone for one's vacation, is bad for guest mental health. As is the deaths of several dozen family and fellow vacationers, and being besieged by a bunch of petty, whiny necromantic wastes of space. As of mid-Slate, their army has grown considerably by one hundred shadow beasts, with the bastards summoning ever-increasing numbers of the things. I would like to take this time to petition the guild for some form of assistance. Due to the dire circumstances, I'm sure DFM would be more than willing to absorb the costs of any necessary sorcerers, holy men, or other magically-inclined personages to deal with this issue.

I am also pleased to inform that production of armor is complete. While far from ideal, iron mail should proove sufficient to stop the bites of most creatures, so once the aforementioned issues with the wights are resolved, I am confident our security force will be able to handle most other hazards.

Splint Orderdyes."


I told the AG you guys would foot the bill on getting someone to deal with these idiots. Just fuckin' do it. The company won't make any money on further tickets or attractions if this place is under lockdown because some dipshit broker insulted the local undead bumpkins. Oh, and I'm pretty sure the wights have driven off our topside guys. I've included my proof, which one of the couriers I hired brought me before I sent him back out between the roaming herds of shadow beasts.

We're either gonna have to scramble for some supplementary staff or draft new waivers that are ironclad against guests being mauled by shit topside (and underground too for good measure,) and something tells me neither option is gonna be any nicer to the company treasury than having to hire a bunch of mediums or some shit to get rid of the wights.

Oh, and if they ran of Bomrek and his people topside, that means those stupid necromancers have probably let only the gods know what loose topside, so be ready for some treaty-related charge of releasing invasive species into the local area or something.

- Splint"

Meant to have this up earlier today.

So, gonna get DF hack installed to deal with these morons. Will probably just exterminate the shadow beasts. Might make them run, might not. I'll probably still have to clean up some left over zombies, but a gang of axe-wielding security troops in full iron chain armor should be more than sufficient for dealing with that.

You may also be wondering about the new devil attraction. Basically it's going to be set up as our "oh shit" and/or finale button. Some sacrificial simp goes down, cracks the spire, and demons spill forth from a devil's own gob. Assuming I don't accidentally the thing that is.

So yeah! Gonna take today to play some Fallout, then jump back on this Monday. Oh and click the two creatures to enlarge.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #101 on: October 18, 2020, 02:23:02 pm »

Meant to have this up earlier today.

So, gonna get DF hack installed to deal with these morons. Will probably just exterminate the shadow beasts. Might make them run, might not. I'll probably still have to clean up some left over zombies, but a gang of axe-wielding security troops in full iron chain armor should be more than sufficient for dealing with that.

You may also be wondering about the new devil attraction. Basically it's going to be set up as our "oh shit" and/or finale button. Some sacrificial simp goes down, cracks the spire, and demons spill forth from a devil's own gob. Assuming I don't accidentally the thing that is.

So yeah! Gonna take today to play some Fallout, then jump back on this Monday. Oh and click the two creatures to enlarge.

Nice art - that slug has been hanging around for a couple years now. Honestly a very disturbing monster.

And yeah, it's about time to set up a doomsday device - are you planning on digging to adamantine, then somehow capturing or holding the demons back?


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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #102 on: October 18, 2020, 03:21:09 pm »

Ain't no way I can do that in a year. Just gonna dig down and do some roundabouts to avoid open air until the diggers get to the adamantine below the area we got sectioned off near the magma furnaces. In any case, I may have a spare pick stored there, so any idiot can be sent down to open the circus to visitation should the need arise.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #103 on: October 18, 2020, 11:32:06 pm »

Excellent work, Splint - clearly employee of the month.

Yeah, great artwork on the creatures. I love how menacing the slug looks despite just being a slug.

Looking forward to the next update!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crystallake: A Halloween Spookyfort! Overseers welcome!
« Reply #104 on: October 20, 2020, 05:36:20 am »

Apologies. had to take care of a bunch of shit yesterday, so I'm behind. Decided to experiment today.

Slapped the shadowbeasts with exterminate, ended up removing 382 creatures. Gonna wait and see if more pop up to confirm suspicions. If so, I'm gonna drop the Monsters of Majesty guy a line and let him know he needs to tweak that, cause I doubt that's supposed to be happening.

EDIT: Yep, they're definitely conjuring more. We're probably gonna see a lot of garbage about these things bleeding out since they're technically ours due to a quirk of how the game treats summons, but this shit definitely can't be tolerated. It'll kill lower end systems very quickly.
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