Everyone, please add a line for the durability stat to your sheet. I have updated the OP to include it below strength.
Also, if I overlook some trait or value that you think a material would give, please make a suggestion. I'm not trying to shortchange anyone on stats or stuff. I am fairly tired today, so I am lagging a bit as I type all this up.Core: Prepared Ant Brain
Head: Cat Meat
Eye: Native Gold
Mouth: Cat Meat
Torso: Cat Meat
Front-Left Lower Limb: Goblin Blood
Front-Right Lower Limb: Elf Blood
Back-Left Lower Limb: Dwarf Blood
Back-Right Lower Limb: Human Blood
Tail: Rope Reed Fabric
(Removed 1 eye, 2 ears, 2 upper limbs, +8 points
Added 2 lower limbs, 1 tail, -8 points)
native gold is 30 value,
ant has no value, so your core is valueless. This will make adding or swapping parts double the cost. Feel free to swap to something like damselfly or dragonfly (check the vermin page for pet values. as a side note, that page lists ants as not a food source. I don't recall if prepped ant brain is something you can get in vanilla DF) Finally, since your core is a food item, you will be more likely seen as prey to carnivores and sapients that eat meat. Every core does evoke a desire in living creatures so this isn't a direct malus, but you'll probably be encountering wild animals more than sapients, so other core materials might have weaknesses that are less obvious.
blood is value 1, as is cat meat, I believe (a gross oversight on the game dev's part).
rope reed is value 2.
so as stands, total value is ...
stats: blood gives 1 energy each, so +4 total, and you'll need it, as changing or repairing any body part with a 0 value core will cost double. other negatives may apply.
native gold eye grants See Ore ability. stronger at closer distances, but some detection over a dozen tiles or so.
hmm. all other stats are at 1, I think. Nothing particularly durable, strong, or mobile in there.
Blood does give you the ability 'contagion/contaminate' and the "hunted by vampires" trait. So, valueless as your core is, you still get hunted for your bits.
Core: Shell
Parts (below are the generic starting parts. if you swap them out, label accordingly.)
Head: Garnierite
eye (2): Creeping Eye meat 360 degrees, Milk Quartz 360 degrees
earholes (3): Badger skin, Fox skin, mole skin
mouth: Bone Opal
Torso: Chert
Left Upper Limb: Chain
Right Upper Limb: Chain
Left Upper Limb: Cave Spider Silk
Right Lower Limb: Armadillo meat
Stats (I can't give starting stats for these, as they will depend on the materials you make your creature out of)
Energy: current/max (generic stating values are 5/5.)
Point values fixed, character sheet should be ready now
chain isn't a material, but a tool constructed of a material.
shell, silk, and chert are value 1 as are badger, mole, armadillo, and fox, apparently. garnierite and milk quartz are 2, bone opal is value 10, creeping eye has pet value of 50.
total of ... 71 value (plus whatever material you replace your chain arms with).
stats. chert gives the same durability as superdino's stone torso. Hmm double it because I said torso would provide extra durability, so 4. I'll have Dino double his as well. garnierite also gives 1 durability. Creeping eye grants night vision, but -1 to concealment. It also grants the ability to generate energy from Evil at a higher rate than normal. For example, zombie flesh would give better return for you than for other players. Milk quartz and bone opal each grant 1 energy, and cave spider silk grants +1 dex. all other stats are currently at 1, pending your arm values.
Core: Lead
Head: Dog Meat
eye (2): Green Glass with binocular vision
earholes (2): Raccoon Skin
mouth: Clay
Torso: Bronze
Left Upper Limb: Horse Meat
Right Upper Limb: Horse Meat
Left Lower Limb: Pitchblende
Right Lower Limb: Pitchblende
Energy: current/max (generic stating values are 5/5.)
values: raccoon, horse, dog, and clay 1, lead and green glass 2 each, bronze 5. remarkably, pitcheblende also has mat value of 1. Strange. so your total value is ... 19. Very low.
stats: pitcehblende gives durability of 3 each, as does lead. Pitcheblende gives the trait Heavy, and unfortunately, since these are your legs, your mobility is 0. horse meat gives strength of 1 each. Pitcheblende gives +1 energy each. unfortunately, lead gives -1 energy. green glass eyes give telescopic vision.
I feel like I finished writing your stuff up quickly. I wonder if I overlooked something. please let me know if you think I did.
((Ugh. I had a feeling wood wasn’t going to turn out great))
feel free to change to a different material, but don't worry too much, it's a fine material. I might make some adjustments as we go.
((Eh, I’ll make it work somehow. For the arms you said each so does that mean an individual gorilla arm provides the stats you listed?))
Core: Copper
Head: Cave Crocodile skin
eye (2): Cave Crocodile eyes (binocular)
earholes (2): Copper
mouth: Copper
Torso: Stone
Left Upper Limb: Gorilla meat
Right Upper Limb: Gorilla meat
Left Lower Limb: Wood
Right Lower Limb: Wood
Mobility: 1
Strength: 6
Dexterity: 2
Value: 23
Energy: 6/6
You should have 4 durability instead of what I said earlier, because the torso gives double durability. Also, yes, each individual arm provides the stat I mentioned.