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Author Topic: The Fall of Goldsilver Succession Fort – Democracy Suspended  (Read 60891 times)


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #345 on: March 18, 2021, 12:55:53 pm »

"Mmhm, yeah this Maize Beer is really the stuff. You've outdone yourself this time, barkeep!"
*A stranger slips a message to Tonnot*
"Oh? What's this?"

"...What do you mean he's dead?"
Not sure if dying of old age is an honor or a shame for weaponmasters. On the one hand, it means they never got the opportunity to die in glorious battle. On the other hand, it means nothing could beat them in glorious battle.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #346 on: March 18, 2021, 09:46:33 pm »

Had a little setback with a CTD, but everything's fine now. No change to anything already posted.

Life moves on. Migrants and the human traders arrive, reeking of desperation and tallness respectively. Neither are much to speak of, but I make sure to have Onget upsell the humans on a wild cave crocodile, which I’d like to imagine will have some hilarious consequence later. Lucky’s already churned out a solid set of high-quality crafts, although I decided to hold them back for trade with the Mountainhomes instead.

I find the new mayor repulsive, so I elevate Spinnylights, one of the newer electors, to the position. I have no particular reason for choosing her other than solidarity with a fellow miner, I suppose. Mostly, I just think she won’t make too much trouble.

I have been thinking lately… more of my friends are dead, now, than alive. Only four of the founders are left alive; if one more of us should fall, then the living will be in the minority there, too. None of us have any children, either… that, too, is something I’ve been considering deeply. Although we’ve never properly discussed it, fatcat’s desires in that field have not been unobvious to me.

I decide to abuse my authority a little and give us both the rest of the year off from non-administrative duties. I feel too shy to press the issue of marriage directly, but we will have plenty of time to find a way to approach it — provided the worst doesn’t happen again.

Some time later, the bronze colossus Afe Lancecudgels, called by some the Sculpture of Mightiness, has lurched onto our metaphorical doorstep. While it’s distracted by a passing giant tick, the human caravan guards (who have officially departed, but were still largely straggling) engage. I decide to hold our own military in reserve and watch how the humans handle themselves… with amazing folly, one of the guards, an axeman, manages to cede his halberd to the monstrosity, which proceeds to use it to butcher a crossbowman. The now heavily armed colossus more or less tears through the remaining guards like wads of parchment, then resumes its charge in the general direction of our pyramid; obviously I order the levers pulled. I suppose it would be no serious trouble to simply wait around for the raiding squads to return. Its murderous intentions thwarted, the thing takes out its frustrations on some more wildlife, then circles our walls ominously. At first I fear it might be seeking out some still-unnoticed weakness in the curtain wall, but then I realize — it’s just gone to find more wild animals to dismember. This is fine, for now. Goldsilver is besieged, but unbroken. However… I am not at all sure that we possess the capability to overcome such a foe.


Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #347 on: March 19, 2021, 01:35:39 am »

While under lockdown, a weaver struck by divine inspiration crafts a silk coat hung with bands of pewter which she has named “Virginweathers”. I choose to interpret this as a reference to Goldsilver’s weathering sieges with its great wall unpenetrated, rather than something potentially stranger.

It appears that the Stonecounter has written some essays now sitting in our library. Among them are such titles as “The Pursuit of the Diseases of Animals”, “Journey to Negativity”, “Against Animals and the Climate”, and “Against Animal Courtship”. I merely note this as a curiosity.

The former mayor threw another tantrum, so I sent him out to fight the colossus. I feel no remorse for this. Some time later, the voice of a human visitor was heard over the walls, calling out religious verses at first, then screaming. I believe the monstrosity has killed nine at this point. There seems to be no hope that it will go away on its own, and it is occasionally sighted on the hillside, throwing workers into irrational panic. I suppose this is no worse than the month of the keas. There was a dodgy moment when it took a running leap and grabbed hold of the wall, but it fell down – it looks like it can’t support its own weight, mercifully.

Our soldiers have successfully razed whatever hellhole I sent them to, and are making their way back along the hillside. The colossus remains in front of the main gate, while the returnees are nearer the pyramid… I decide to try to bring them in safely by opening the pyramid gate rather than force them to confront the beast. The danger is obvious, but if the colossus makes even the slightest move, I’ll have the pyramid sealed again and let fate decide the outcome. At least, that’s what I planned, but I saw the horrible thing, somehow preternaturally aware of the presence of living flesh, tear toward the hill before anyone had even pulled the lever. I rushed up the stairs and stopped the gate from being opened, then returned to the tower to try to see what would happen – but to my utter perplexity, the monster ran past the warriors and around to the north wall, heading back toward the front gate. I decided to take the gamble again, and this time the beast waits long enough for almost everyone to get back inside. As if motivated by divine vengeance, it dives into the pyramid just after Unib the Founderslayer, grappling with her amid a small knot of stragglers who had been working inside while the last dwarf to make it through the hatch locks them all out.

To what I suppose shouldn’t be my surprise, these dwarves fare better than the humans ever did; but they cannot seem to land a solid blow on the monstrosity, and they are losing the battle of attrition. The first blood comes from a mason who loses an arm, though she doesn’t appear put out about it in the least.

Showing remarkable tactical soundness, the Founderslayer leads the colossus out and up the pyramid’s side, leaving all but one of the civilians enough time to get to safety. While the cinematic but ultimately ineffectual battle rages up and down the building, I decide to open the front gate – the entire fort’s breadth away from where the beast is now occupied – and send the full force of the military out to assist. I don’t know if even this will be effective, but I cannot abandon even a murderer at such a time.

(The one civilian who failed to make it inside, a legendary planter, almost escapes the scene but falls when the colossus leaps from the side of the pyramid onto her and stabs her head off.)

The army begin to arrive and engage. However, even working together, they aren’t able to actually connect with the awful thing. Eventually, the inevitable happens and one falls.

In desperation, I order the last available mechanisms I can find to be used to construct a pair of cage traps near the corner of the curtain wall, where I suspect the colossus will return on its way back to stand outside the gate. I do not expect the soldiers to succeed, but I can nurture some hope that we can end the occupation another way – or in the worst case, wait around behind the closed gate for some invading army to stumble upon the beast. If it had not been for the returning raiders, this would have been my plan anyway, to be honest.

Never mind. The beast is dead. Minkot the axe-wielding swordsdwarf pulled off the impossible and has been given the title of Savior of Goldsilver.

I feel let down somehow. On the bright side, we’re now the proud owner of a masterful bronze statue of forgotten beasts. And a copper halberd.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #348 on: March 19, 2021, 10:51:45 am »

That was rather exciting.
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.

uber pye

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #349 on: March 19, 2021, 05:37:00 pm »

I am intrigued! Count me in, make me the youngest child in the fort and name them "Pyer" with their own political party! the CUP, Children United Party!
Kidz rule Adults Drewl!

Economic Policy:
Other Crafts are boring, MAKE TOYS!
No veggies! Only egggs, meat, fruit, and cheese!

Immigration Policy:
Elves are stinky! No elves!

Defense Policy:
We need kool big weapons to fight off the bad people! like Lava traps or a rain of angry dogs!

Patronage of The Arts:
Why do only grownups get to play with the fancy artifacts? Don't lock it away, leave it out to play! Artifacts are for everyone!
"Immortal" just means that you haven't killed it hard enough

the mad immortal child! xmas themed

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #350 on: March 20, 2021, 03:35:00 am »

Once everyone is back inside, Unib discreetly approaches my office with an affront of a request: to claim Nephilim’s electoral dignity by some kind of ridiculous right of combat. I speak to jecowa, another of the former Legionnaires now serving in the Doors of Humility, and she confirms what I had already feared: that Nephilim was exactly the kind of lunatic to have made just such an arrangement. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but it is apparently what Nephilim would have wanted, and I have to retain some respect for tradition. I allow it, but elevate jecowa, who seems a trustworthy sort and loyal to her former commander, as well to keep an eye on the Founderslayer.

A 3-year-old child also petitions to become an elector. Why not? Maybe this will motivate fatcat and I somehow.

Shortly after, a huge mob of goblins shows up. Of course these two things couldn’t have happened the other way around to make it easy for me. Well, regardless, I send the army back out in full strength. It’s hard to count from up here, but there must be at least twice as many goblins as our 40 dwarves. Each dwarf is easily worth at least three goblins, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right? Attacking in a pincer formation from both gates, the dwarves establish two killing fields, at either end of the southern hill:

A pair of axedwarves overshoot and wind up surrounded and injured, though. Thob even loses hold of his axe – the other, Zutthan, loses his shield instead – but cripples a bowgoblin by biting. Zutthan gets competitive and bites off an ear, but since he’s not an unarmed striker I decide to let it slide. Inter arma enim silent leges!

We eventually take our first casualty, as Zutthan is surrounded and finally battered beyond his ability to defend.

His life has already been paid for, though, with 19 of theirs. Perhaps I underestimated the ratio of dwarf to goblin value earlier. A few swordsdwarves, including Savior Minkot, arrive to relieve Thob’s position, but unfortunately he is killed in much the same way just as they arrive. At this point only perhaps 10 dwarves have actually reached the enemy so far, though several more are nearby.

The melee is turning against us, no question about it. Over 40 goblins and a troll have been killed now, but they seem to keep coming – although most of the replacements are just their awful pets, I believe there are more than one and a half times as many goblins alive as have been killed, and twenty-odd trolls and vicious beakdogs. I’m sure our army will achieve victory, but I worry about the cost. Already, Savior Minkot has perished. Of course his title was always aspirational compared to his actual skills, but I had hoped he would make a name for himself and maybe even become an elector someday. Will we win a pyrrhic victory on the fields, only for our grief to tear us apart?

Almost all the deaths have taken place near the top of the hill, the western zone of confrontation. In the east, Zaneg, whom they call the Trollslayer, a legendary fighter, stands alone after speardwarf Zon’s death; I’ve closed the front gate for safety, and most of the goblins are now only interested in the pyramid entrance, so he’s essentially executing a flanking action, and a lot of enemy soldiers.

Six more deaths already. I knew the military was poorly armed and poorly organized, but I expected better at least from the former Legionnaires. Then again, I think many of the veterans were already wounded – and some, to be honest, may only hope to join their former leader rather than truly possessing the will to fight. As the corpses pile up and several trolls get alarmingly close to the pyramid, and with the majority of the military now outside already, I realize there’s really only one way to end the problem…

There are a few tense moments but the gate closes up without issue. Of the 40 soldiers I sent out, less than half remain alive – and the only ones I know to be outside and fighting are the Trollslayer, a mediocre marksdwarf who will almost certainly die, and Unib the Founderslayer, working off her karmic debt some more. (And by the time I finish writing that, the marksdwarf is dead.) The two legendary heroes – one more of a legendary villain – have so far avoided taking a single hit that I’ve seen, but how long can they last? I could, I suppose, open the front gate now that Zaneg has cleared his way all the way to the west side, but I fear I would only be sending the fifteen or so soldiers inside to their deaths. I certainly have no desire to conscript any poor fools to fill out the ranks either. Besides, before I could have helped anyway, both warriors give in to over-exertion and are ultimately dispatched. I think… I think I prefer to stay inside.

I reorganize the survivors into two squads and one ceremonial squad. The ranged regiment, Artifacts of Paper, remain as they are. Perhaps one day they can be brought back to strength. The other three squads – the Constructive Kingdoms, Armories of Mortality, and my own recently-founded Doors of Humility – I combine into a single melee unit, nominally the Constructive Kingdoms (as the oldest of the three), now renamed the Memorial Kingdoms. Finally, the Armories of Mortality remains on the books as a purely ceremonial squad comprising the two remaining military electors, Lady Brassroast and Jecowa. I would hate to see either harmed – they should retire to civilian life while they still can. (Incidentally, there is another squad on the books, the Glamour Warriors, supposedly consisting of five dwarves - but they do not actually appear to exist, and I have never actually seen or met these dwarves. It's something to dig into with the corruption investigation, surely.)

As for the rest of us, Goldsilver remains once again under siege.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2021, 03:43:29 am by Maximum Spin »

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #351 on: March 20, 2021, 03:50:59 am »

As an aside, the surviving trolls have clambered onto the pyramid and are now vomiting all over it in what I assume to be a bizarre attempt at sacrilege.

(The X is the nauseous troll, accidentally caught while flashing.)

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #352 on: March 20, 2021, 04:52:06 am »

Ouch. Not looking so good for us. Could we get a screenshot of everyone who's currently still alive in the military?

I'll probably try to get some storyposting done tomorrow.

Finally, the Armories of Mortality remains on the books as a purely ceremonial squad comprising the two remaining military electors, Lady Brassroast and Jecowa.
Does this mean that Unib was among those who died?
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #353 on: March 20, 2021, 01:40:36 pm »

Oh the Glamour Warriors were all of the crazies that I put together in one squad and set to capture a fort. I started to populate it with more crazies but then had to go. Also, I don't know if you noticed, but there's a tunnel headed out from Yung Boujee's cell to a forbidden hatch on the surface. He's a weapon waiting to be used, just unforbid the hatch to fire!
Not sure if dying of old age is an honor or a shame for weaponmasters. On the one hand, it means they never got the opportunity to die in glorious battle. On the other hand, it means nothing could beat them in glorious battle.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #354 on: March 20, 2021, 03:31:56 pm »

Oh the Glamour Warriors were all of the crazies that I put together in one squad and set to capture a fort. I started to populate it with more crazies but then had to go. Also, I don't know if you noticed, but there's a tunnel headed out from Yung Boujee's cell to a forbidden hatch on the surface. He's a weapon waiting to be used, just unforbid the hatch to fire!
I did notice, but nobody has ever been kind enough to attack during a full moon yet. Also, I worried about building destroyers attacking the hatch so I ordered it walled up, though it never got finished and nothing seemed to notice the hatch anyway. About the Glamours, I figured, but where did they go? It seems that they just get recorded as "traveling" forever, and I wish I could disband the squad so it's not taking up a slot.

Finally, the Armories of Mortality remains on the books as a purely ceremonial squad comprising the two remaining military electors, Lady Brassroast and Jecowa.
Does this mean that Unib was among those who died?
Besides, before I could have helped anyway, both warriors give in to over-exertion and are ultimately dispatched.

Ouch. Not looking so good for us. Could we get a screenshot of everyone who's currently still alive in the military?
Individual thought pages, or do you just want a list?

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #355 on: March 20, 2021, 09:16:56 pm »

Does this mean that Unib was among those who died?
Besides, before I could have helped anyway, both warriors give in to over-exertion and are ultimately dispatched.
Must have missed that when reading. Whoops.

Ouch. Not looking so good for us. Could we get a screenshot of everyone who's currently still alive in the military?
Individual thought pages, or do you just want a list?
Just a list of names will suffice.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #356 on: March 20, 2021, 11:44:55 pm »

A small note written in Fatcat's journal:
"I do not know what came over MS. He ordered the military out of the Curtain Wall to face the Goblins on their terms. Now almost all of the brave warriors are dead, thanks to one ill-thought choice on his part. This battle will go down as one of the most infamous in Dwarven history. It makes me wonder what the Curtain Wall was built for. I really wish MS would consult me before such weighty choices. Oh well, the lives have been lost, and there is nothing I can do."
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #357 on: March 21, 2021, 10:41:05 am »

Just a list of names will suffice.

The more or less abbreviated ones are Zasit Arbanmeng, Melbil Lolormigrur, Moldath Akruldodóķ Tekkud Ilidtosid, and Urvad Datanrovod in the Kingdoms, Cerol Sarveshkast and Rovod Rigóthtathtat in the Artifacts, and of course LadyBrassroast and jecowa in the Armories.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #358 on: March 21, 2021, 03:05:21 pm »

Please redorf me once again as Urvad Datanrovod with the name "Casca."
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #359 on: March 23, 2021, 04:38:32 pm »

All right. We’re all trapped in here with twenty trolls on the roof and no way to get any supplies when the caravan comes. We can survive this. No reason to get discouraged. I mean, it’s not the worst possible thing that could happen. That would be if the trolls figured out how to jump down into the pyramid through the hole in the roof, or if there’s another gap in the wall we don’t know about, or any other situation where the gates stop being between us and the enemy. So, this is only the second-worst possible thing. The truth is, it’s not just that I’m terrified of spending the rest of my life under lockdown because for some reason we’re still not capable of dealing with basic threats after all these years (and the idea of bringing children into this kind of life is unimaginable); more than that, I’m angry to have come to this point. Angry that — oh, no.

They’re inside the pyramid.

Some genius installed a full second floor going up to the north-facing opening, with only a set of glass windows protecting it from the outside. I remember that, back when I was overseer last, I left a gap there on purpose, but now there’s no gap. One of the trolls just interrupted my monologue by smashing a window and now they can freely enter the building; the hatch is locked, but I’m sure it won’t be long before they wrench it up. I order someone to pull down the staircase and cut off the second floor access; we might need to build a wall there to prevent them from jumping down, too. There’s no other way to close off the pyramid – its basement opens directly into our dorms now.

All right, the stairway is gone and I had a wall put in just in case. Jecowa did the honors. I just hope they can’t get in diagonally from the dangling downward staircase or something stupid like that. All right, crisis over. For now. What was I talking about? I guess it doesn’t matter.

I think the trolls are actually leaving. Most of them seem to be gone, and several injured ones are crawling over the hill. They destroyed everything inside the upper level of the pyramid, but couldn’t get further because of the emergency wall. I’ll have to make sure jecowa gets a nice bedroom for this.

In fact, while I’m assigning jecowa one of our fully furnished rooms, she mentions that her husband, Casca, is also in the military and wishes to apply for electoral status. I had no idea they were married, but this is extremely convenient; I agree to offer him Nephilim’s re-vacant seat. Hopefully he won’t die within a month of getting it. Ha ha. It turns out the two of them also have three kids living elsewhere. Funny that they both went into the same line of work in both farming and killing things. Being married, they naturally expect to share the room.

I’m starting to settle into the routine again, after the shock of the invasion. There’s still a few trolls loitering around. Probably few enough that the military could handle them, but I’m sure as hell not making that gamble twice. Instead, I spent a few hours going through the absolute butchery that was the list of job orders. It’s no wonder it takes forever for anything to get done. I’ve streamlined things considerably, but there’s still more that could be done; I just need to find the patience. I’ve also ordered, though it cannot yet be completed, part of the floor on the second pyramid level pulled down so that a recessed window can be rebuilt behind the gap. We may want to put fortifications in front of the window, but I’m not sure whether that would conflict with the whole natural light aesthetic thing going on there.

Hey, only one goblin straggler left, heavily wounded with only one hand (and a broken knee), trying to wield a two-handed sword with his left hand. This sounds more like our wheelhouse. I have the levers pulled and tell the reorganized squad to take out Strodno Spurted-evils. I’m sure we can handle one crippled goblin.

Okay. Never mind. Cancelled the order, everyone back inside, time to close up again. We lost to one crippled goblin. What the hell is wrong with us.

I am briefly terrified by a bunch of goblins streaming through the front gate while someone is taking his sweet time getting to the lever, but they turn out to be some kind of group of itinerant poets. Welcome to Goldsilver, I guess. You’ll probably be staying forever.
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