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Author Topic: The Fall of Goldsilver Succession Fort – Democracy Suspended  (Read 60972 times)

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #240 on: December 14, 2020, 05:06:44 am »

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
12th Hematite, 255—Defense of the fortress was a success. Even with our patchwork remains of a crossbow squad, just a few hits from metal bolts were enough to scare away the entire invading Elven squad. Just goes to show that elves are natural cowards. They only ever try to invade in enormous numbers and as soon as they so much as get hurt they run for the hills. My only regret is that we were only able to injure them; none died this time.

Meanwhile, those who tried to disrupt order in the midst of the lockdown had to be dealt with severely. With the danger of an invading army—even an Elven one—no civilian disturbances can be tolerated. The same bone carver that murdered Domas attempted to cause similar trouble during the attack, and consequently he and his son have been expelled from the fortress. In the spirit of mercy, I hope he wasn’t picked off by the retreating Elven squad. Another dwarf, Domas, didn’t receive such mercy. For far worse disturbances, including picking fist fights with essentially every dwarf in sight, including the still-depressed Lucky, a beating was administered. The mess will take some time to clean up.

Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #241 on: December 17, 2020, 02:42:15 am »

Events of 17th Hematite, 255
Several tables were set up in the middle of the large food stockpile within the mountain dorms. Most of the dwarves of Goldsilver were crowded in this small area, eagerly shouting and chanting in anticipation for what the next few hours would bring. Overhead hung a banner which proudly showed off the nature of the event; in large letters was written: “Fifth Annual Goldsilver Mayoral Election”. Citizens proudly marched to the tables in the center of the stockpiles, casting their ballots into the boxes before returning to either side of the room to rejoin their fellow supporters of either candidate.

On one side of the room sat Imic, the acting-mayor of the fortress. With him were supporters of the Stukist Party, including Nephilim with his squad of fortress guards. Although Imic’s role as acting-mayor had vocal opponents, Nephilim hoped that he would be able to win a term as mayor in his own right. Under Stukist leadership, Goldsilver survived two hostile attacks within a relatively short period of time. If Imic could be propelled to the mayor’s office under the Stukist banner, it would bode well for the popularity of the regime. Thus Nephilim and other Imic supporters stood tall, waving flags emblazoned with Stukist symbols and chanting “Long live Queen Vutok” throughout the voting process.

On the other side of the room sat Dumed, the only dwarf thus far to hold the office of mayor of Goldsilver by a democratic vote. With his muscles flexed and his clothes unbuttoned in such a way to show them off, he looked as if he was preparing for a boxing match more so than the results of an election. Surrounded by supporters of his own, whose shouting often drowned out his opposition’s, he was clearly ready to retake his office by force if the need arose; many even swore they saw him brandish a dagger once or twice. With the results still yet to be announced, however, he bode his time staring intently his opposition and enjoying the encouragement of his supporters.

At last it came time for the votes to be counted. Multiple dwarves were selected to converge in the center and count all of the ballots, one dwarf after the other. It was a time-consuming process with the number of dwarves who cast votes, yet neither candidate would willingly accept the results unless the votes were closely scrutinized. Both sides quieted down as they eagerly watched every ballot get examined, placed aside, and tallied on a separate piece of parchment. When at last the process was completed, one of the scrutineers read out the report.

“With 63 votes, representing the Stukist Party, Imic.”

Immediately a sense of defeat came over Imic and his supporters, although no-one expressed it in words. There was no way turn-out was low enough for that to be a winning number. It seemed that the other side was aware of this fact as well, for Dumed began to grin from ear to ear.

“With 102 votes, the winner of this election, Mayor Dumed!”

Cheers immediately erupted from Dumed’s side of the room. The victor leaped from his seated position to stand triumphantly on his chair. “I win!” he exclaimed. Imic rose to congratulate his opponent, but his concession was hardly noticed or heard by his opponent over the revelry of his supporters. Almost immediately, as if animated by one mind, they rushed to the mayor’s quarters and began to pull out all of Imic’s possessions. With a loud crash a cabinet containing Imic’s clothes hit the ground after it was thrown from the bedroom out into the hallway outside, eliciting laughter from Dumed’s voters inside. Personal papers and documents became a bonfire around which Dumed’s cronies warmed themselves, and when one of them brought a barrel of rum into the room soon all began to drink to their success and sing drunkenly.

Observing this scene from outside, Unib turned to Nephilim and said: “It is in your power to veto these results and reinstall Imic. Just say the word and the fortress guards will remove the thugs from the mayor’s office.”

“No,” Nephilim responded calmly. “There is only so much I am willing to push in this area. Goldsilver has chosen a mayor and it would be unwise to oppose this choice at this time. I have bigger plans than one mayoral election.”

Saying no more, Nephilim turned and walked to his own office alone.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #242 on: December 17, 2020, 09:19:58 pm »

I'm enjoying your writing! I'm looking forward to hearing how the rest of the year has gone.
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #243 on: December 21, 2020, 06:22:54 am »

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
20th Malachite, 255—As the problems external to Goldsilver slowly get fixed, the internal rot of the fortress begins to reveal itself. The curtain wall continues to expand its defensive reach, making enemy attacks less and less feasible. Last month, we traded with the humans for a large supply of essential goods. As the broker was occupied with other tasks, I myself conducted the trade, exchanging old clothing and our fine crafts for piles of wood, picks, crates of leather and cloth, and food of all sorts. Food and wood will hardly be an issue for a year—perhaps two—and the raw material needed to replace our wearing clothing will last us a long time. To an outside observer, things seem to be going very strong.

At the same time, however, crime is rampant. Murders have become a disturbingly frequent occurrence, with multiple murders of children being an unsettling detail. Hardly a day into his new term as mayor Dumed committed various crimes against various citizens, resulting in yet another beating and prison term for his record. He is presently being held together with what was available in the hospital chests for sutures and is biding his time in the cages inside the pyramid. Frankly, it’s baffling to me that he has even survived as long as he has.

I’m almost inclined to appoint another acting-mayor; he can hardly fulfill his mayoral duties in his current circumstances. To do so this soon after the defeat in the most recent elections, however, would give many citizens false impressions about my motivations. Thus Goldsilver remains graced with its murderous criminal-mayor, likely to continue his reign of terror every year until he finally expires or simply falls apart from lack of sutures and plaster powder to hold his body together.

With him incarcerated, there remains the question of whom the individuals responsible for the rest of the murders are. I am aware of at least two murders by the hand of one of the human lords residing in the fortress. Everyone saw him murder two dwarves, one of whom was a child, with his spear.

Even as captain of the guard and as overseer of this fortress, prosecuting the case against the nobility of a foreign nation is a tricky affair. Even with so many witnesses, I have yet to have a dwarf file a report against the monster. Some violent bastard drops trouble on my doorstep while I’m trying to run a fortress and forge friendly ties with the human civilization. One way or another he’s going to pay.

There was another child murder, one right in the middle of the dorms. No witnesses have stepped up yet, but unlike with the lord there are no whispers over a drink about how everyone knows what really happened. All that we know is that a child was murdered, and there does not seem to be a witness. Just how sick is this fortress?
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #244 on: December 23, 2020, 07:56:52 am »

I'm pretty sure Dumed has the wolverine healing factor.

(Can you exile him? Alternatively, an unfortunate accident could be arranged involving a temple, a chained werebeast and a rabbi.)

Just how sick is this fortress?


Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #245 on: December 24, 2020, 03:55:01 am »

Events of 21st Malachite, 255, Late Night
Nine dwarves began their march out from the main drawbridge in the dead of the night. Each was fully-clad in the armor of the fortress guard, with a sword in a scabbard at the side and a torch in hand to light the way in the darkness. Unib led the front of the march with the columns of four behind her, marching north from the exit of the curtain wall and slowing climbing the mountain to the west of the fortress. No-one but the wild animals and the miners miles below them were still awake at this hour, and the cold wind of the night would have been a great discomfort if not for the fire that they carried, yet as they marched in silence each dwarf was grinning in anticipation for what was to come.

When they reached the top of the pyramid, they came in sight of the unfinished dolomite pyramid. It had been a common sight in Goldsilver for several years now, as well as a familiar location to the soldiers who trained within it. Tonight the pyramid looked different. Visible within the exposed interior of the upper floor of the pyramid, a large bonfire was burning, lighting the surrounding areas much better than the dwarves’ individual torches could hope to. Unib halted at the base of the pyramid, silently signaling to the rest of the company to do the same. Emerging from the fire and smoke of the the upper level, their captain stepped out onto the balcony overlooking the dwarves.

Nephilim stood above his squad, draped in his leather cloak. After a few moments, he reached into his cloak and slowly drew his sword. In a sweeping, circular motion he brought out his blade from within his cloak and raised it above his head. It glistened in the light of the fire. Although the light from the bonfire hardly penetrated the darkness of the night, its reflection off of the sword soon bathed the top of the mountain in a glowing blue light. Witnessing this action, Unib gave a signal to the rest of the squad to draw out all of their blades as well. Ten swords, all forged out of the legendary blue metal, adamantine, glowed bright on the top of the mountain that night.

“Death to treason!” shouted Nephilim from the balcony.

“Death to treason!” echoed back his squad.

Events of 22nd Malachite, 255, Early Morning
Dwarves who awoke early and visited the library were greeted with the sight of a new document posted for the public to view. It bore the signature of the overseer, as well as the symbols of the local government and the Stukist Party. The document read as follows:


WHEREAS the crime rate in Goldsilver has continuously worsened, evidenced by numerous murders even of small children.

WHEREAS the militia of Goldsilver has lacked central leadership for the entirety of 255 thus far, rendering it unable to effectively defend against foreign and domestic enemies.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered as follows:

I. It is hereby declared that the inactive squad formerly commanded by the previous militia commander is formally disbanded.

II. It is hereby declared that a new militia squad is formed under the leadership of Commander Zon. The leadership of this squad shall act as the central leadership of all militia squads tasked with defending Goldsilver from external threats.

III. It is hereby declared that the fortress guard squad, The Ownership of Avalanches, is reorganized as the Black Legion of King Stukos the Martyr. This squad, responsible for the internal security of Goldsilver, shall be administered by the leadership of the Stukist Party.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
28th Galena, 255—With summer at its end, I look over the slow progress that has been made for the betterment of this fortress and I cannot help but feel saddened by the lack of speed. A fortress in such a deep pit as Goldsilver cannot be expected to rise out of its sorry state overnight, but I am fearful that my efforts will be in vain. The murders continue, often with no reports to the Black Legion. The mayor is also done with his latest prison term; I have little doubt in my mind that once he’s done with his bed rest at the hospital he’ll immediately find a new murder victim to sate his bloodlust. Perhaps new methods of dealing with criminals shall have to be devised.

My concerns aside, some objective improvements in the fortress design have been made. Traffic in the mountain dorms no longer runs through the offices of several fortress administrators (myself included) nor through Factcat’s house. This will make sleeping soundly in the overseer’s mansion quite a bit easier. Even though this benefits her and Maximum Spin as well, I imagine Fatcat will try to find some way to use this action to criticize my leadership.

On the topic of Fatcat, the unfinished wall at the planned site of the quarry is something of an eyesore. Given that I do not have any plans to build such a quarry in the foreseeable future, I may have the whole thing dismantled for the raw materials.

Something promised long ago but left untouched by my predecessor is the issue of the werebeasts in the fortress. My instincts tell me to put them both to death or at the very least expel them from the fortress, yet these would no doubt be seen as political actions against the practically extinct political party led by Yung Boujee. Thus, I intend to let them out of their cramped solitary confinement to live in a small space of their own. Hardly sort of life a dwarf is meant to live, but transforming into hideous monsters is going to exclude you from such a life anyway. At the very least, this living space will be better than their current condition.

I must remain vigilant as autumn arrives. I have too many plans and too little time to finish them all. Even with the Black Legion under my command, I cannot grow to comfortable and must always watch my back.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
2nd Limestone, 255—Fate is often cruel in its ironies. Mayor Dumed, the wicked murderer whose instability would lead him to murder dwarves resting in hospital beds, now lies dead in the hospital, a victim of another unstable dwarf. The dwarf had apparently sought out the mayor to yell at him, but finding him asleep and non-responsive, decided to take out his anger on a nearby cat, killing the poor animal. Finding this an insufficient release for his anger, he beat the mayor to death. I won’t miss him.

I decided to appoint Kel Castleparch as acting-mayor for now instead of Imic. Kel previously served as acting-mayor on multiple occasions by the appointment of Fatcat. She will be seen as a more nonpartisan pick than Imic—at least, for now.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2021, 04:16:30 am by Travis Bickle »
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #246 on: December 24, 2020, 09:27:32 pm »

RIP Dumed, your reign of terror will not be missed. A dwarfmas miracle!


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #247 on: December 25, 2020, 11:33:50 pm »

I was going to get rid of him if I got elected, but this works too.
hi I hate this account and everything I've ever done with it but I don't feel like going through the process of making a new one right now

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #248 on: December 27, 2020, 05:21:13 am »

I had a sort of soft spot for Dumed because of ability to keep getting elected despite being a repeatedly going to jail for homicide. RIP.

The save will be up tomorrow with a condensed version of pretty much everything that's happened in Autumn and Winter. Not the way I'd like to have it done but it's what needs to be done at this point.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #249 on: December 27, 2020, 02:17:45 pm »

I had a sort of soft spot for Dumed because of ability to keep getting elected despite repeatedly going to jail for homicide. RIP.

That is how I felt about him, as well. I tried to reform him during my term, but to no avail.
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #250 on: December 28, 2020, 01:09:26 am »


Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
7th Limestone, 255—A few days ago we were once again attacked by goblins.

Several workers who were working on the curtain wall spotted them on the cliffs to the south of the fortress. They quickly raised the alarm and the civilian population began evacuating to the mountain dorms. The goblins busied themselves with firing into the fortress, as in their previous siege, however this time the attacks were largely directed against unfortunate farm animals. Most of the civilians were able to evacuate in time.

One human warrior on the top of the guard tower, Kul Ivoryplay, managed to buy the militia a fair bit of time to assemble by the main drawbridge. He managed to deflect most of their shots, and whenever a goblin would try to enter the fortress by jumping over the wall and into the tower, Kul would cut him down. The goblins must have seen that invading the fortress through the south would not be possible, so they continued along the wall of the fortress and marched north to the main drawbridge. Unfortunately for them, the militia of Goldsilver was much better prepared than the last time their kind paid a visit. They were caught completely off guard and the survivors were soon heading for the hills.

On our part, we sustained only minor casualties. Many dwarves were injured in the fighting, including Commander Zon, who was shot in the guts at point blank range by a goblin’s crossbow. He was quite lucky that his armor was strong enough to save him, but he’ll be out for a couple of days. Our militia will heal, however, and will be back to fight another day. A clear message has been sent to the goblins that we are not to be trifled with.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
10th Limestone, 255—The usurper’s spy has arrived in the fortress along with a trade caravan from the capital. The broker was actually present to trade this time, but I was still present to oversee the affair. Trade went smoothly and was over quickly; we don’t need much from the capital other than raw materials and the capital hardly deserves even the scraps of old clothing we gave to them in exchange for wood and glass.

I also had a chance to join in the discussions with the “outpost liaison.” This informant let us know that Goldsilver was going to be elevated in rank for its “industry and loyalty to the king,” which really just means that whatever lackey is claiming the empty baronial throne of Goldsilver in the capital will be allowed to pretend to have an even higher rank than before. What a farce.

I vetoed the acting-mayor’s proposed trade agreement, declaring that there is nothing we need that we cannot make for ourselves or obtain from the humans. That did not seem to please the spy, who will no doubt mention this in a report to the usurper. Nevertheless, we were given trade requests from the capital; I hope that my successor ignores them.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
10th Sandstone, 255—More monstrous cries than are normally expected arise from the caverns below. I hardly want to think about what could be lying beyond the locked door.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
17th Moonstone, 255—The goblins were not the only ones who were not satisfied with being beaten by Goldsilver just once this year, it would seem. Two weeks ago, another Elven assault was launched from the south side of the fortress.

Perhaps we were emboldened by our victory over the goblins. Perhaps it was just having a stable militia leadership that allowed us to effectively work as a unit. Whatever the reason was, we decided—both the militia and the Black Legion—to rush them head on after they marched north of the main drawbridge. I wonder if any of them regretted bringing only wooden weapons and armor or if their twisted ethical principles were firm until the end. All I know is I lost count of how many we killed.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
23rd Moonstone, 255—Although our militia is strong, it is not indestructible. I assigned a small group consisting of Kadol, Kulet, and Reg from Zon’s squad to take care of the new creature that prowls the caverns of the fortress. You can presently see their bodies over the defensive walls in the caverns.

Whatever that creature can do can kill a dwarf without laying a finger on him. Unless we can find a way to kill that creature incredibly fast, the caverns must remain closed.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
3rd Opal, 255—After being furnished for most of the year, The Elder Gold tavern above the mountain dorms has finally opened. With all the crime in this fortress, the citizens need a place to grab a drink and meet with friends. Perhaps they will be able to relax by appreciating the adamantine statue of King Stukos that decorates the dining room.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
15th Obsidian, 255—More shrieks from even deeper beneath the earth; more doors that need to be locked. I will not risk any more militia-dwarves at this time.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
18th Obsidian, 255—The dwarf that killed the mayor finally snapped completely and went into a berserk rage today. Being that he decided to begin his murderous killings in the middle of the training chambers of the militia-dwarves and the Black Legion, he was quickly dispatched. I suppose it ultimately saves me the trouble of dealing with any vengeful supporters of the late mayor who may have wanted to take him out themselves.

I have only a few days left before the next election. I can only hope that it will be another Stukist to continue my reforms of this fortress.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.

Travis Bickle

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Re: [ELECTION IN PROGRESS] Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #251 on: December 28, 2020, 01:38:22 am »

Electorate of Goldsilver c. 255
  • Fatcat (Sunlit Action Coalition)
  • Maximum Spin (Sunlit Action Coalition)
  • Imic (Stukist)
  • Nephilim (Stukist)
  • Quantum Drop (Penitent Coalition)
  • Radipon (United Soapmaking Advocates)
  • ChaosPotato (Diggers' Party)
  • Lucky (Independent / Mountain Creed)
  • Cnidaros (Independent)
  • Eniteris II (Independent)
  • Noagga (Independent)

Ineligible for Overseership
  • Fatcat (1 Year)
  • Nephilim (2 Years)

Events of 28th Obsidian, 254
Nephilim, clad in his armor and leather cloak, leads the procession down the short, dolomite road into the still-unfinished pyramid. Flanking the sides of the road, members of the Black Legion stand at attention carrying Stukist flags. Behind Nephilim follows first Fatcat and then Maximum Spin, the only two other living former overseers. In planning this ceremony, Nephilim thought it fitting that the two of them be given precedence in the parade. Following closely behind these two dwarves, the rest of the electorate walks down past the guards and into the pyramid. All the dwarves of the electorate climb the steps to the second floor of the pyramid, temporarily decorated with chairs and tables as is customary in all elections. The hatch is sealed shut for security purposes and every dwarf finds a seat, the only exception being Nephilim, who remains standing and immediately begins speaking.

"Stukist leadership has brought Goldsilver more security than has been seen in years. This year we were able to fend off a total of four enemy attacks. In order to defeat the crime rate in this fortress and bring lasting prosperity, we must continue the course that I have set. For this reason, I am endorsing Imic for Overseer. I hope that he will accept this nomination and that you will all choose him as your next overseer."
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: [ELECTION IN PROGRESS] Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #252 on: December 29, 2020, 10:23:25 pm »

Fatcat harrumphs at Nephilim's statement about cracking down on crime, and as soon as he finishes, stands up to speak.

"After this year, I doubt that any amount of time under your administration would solve the crime issues plaguing Goldsilver.  This last year was so rife with murders that it surpassed even Eniteris's infamous term.  Comparatively, my most recent term only saw two murders, and even the late Mayor Dumed proved a mostly productive citizen.  Also, while your military restructure and rearmament has proved effective, remember that you built on groundwork laid by other leaders. Eniteris trained a core of the militia, and I advanced the excavation of adamantine, as well as ordering the creation of the first sword made of the stuff."
She then turns more towards the rest of the assembly, and adds,
"I think that this fortress really needs someone outside of the main parties to lead, to break up all of the political fighting I find myself taking part in.  Unless Maximum Spin says otherwise, our party's support and nomination go to Quantum Drop, if she will receive them.  Now, best of luck for the candidates, and may Goldsilver continue to grow."

She then sits down, and waits eagerly for QD's response.
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.


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Re: [ELECTION IN PROGRESS] Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #253 on: January 04, 2021, 02:46:58 am »

After a long period of silence, Eniteris II rises.

"It appears as if the politicians have realized that their efforts are all for naught. I am willing try my best, if no one else is willing to take the mantle of Overseer."

I guess it's the holidays and people are less active (myself included)


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Re: [ELECTION IN PROGRESS] Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #254 on: January 05, 2021, 01:24:33 pm »

It might help to send a message to the people who have been nominated, letting them know that their presence is needed.
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.
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