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Author Topic: The Fall of Goldsilver Succession Fort – Democracy Suspended  (Read 61040 times)


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #225 on: November 26, 2020, 10:07:35 pm »


Also, new policy for the Diggers' Party: No trading with elves. Not being racist doesn't mean we have to like hippies (and also I wanted to make the Diggers' Party even dorfier).
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 01:19:26 am by ChaosPotato »
hi I hate this account and everything I've ever done with it but I don't feel like going through the process of making a new one right now


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #226 on: November 27, 2020, 01:21:12 pm »

Can I be dwarfed? Preferably as a smith of some sort, or a mason if there aren't any free smiths.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #227 on: November 28, 2020, 04:31:03 am »

Events of 1st Granite, 255, Late Night
Unib Bookroad, second-in-command of the Ownership of Avalanches, stepped into the office. At this hour most dwarves were asleep, but as a fortress guard she was trained to be awake and ready at a moment’s notice. Thus, when she received a summons from her captain, now also the overseer of the fortress, she immediately put her plans of calling it a night aside and made her way to the Overseer’s Mansion. The office, fortunately, was such a short walk from the bedrooms that it took mere minutes to reach. In the back of her mind, Unib hoped that this would be a short meeting and that she could get to bed soon enough.

Inside the office, she saw her captain, Nephilim, at his desk. In front of him was a piece of paper, seemingly the most recent subject of his work. Nephilim turned to meet her gaze, giving a simple nod to acknowledge her presence. Unib stood at attention and saluted, at which Nephilim motioned her to be at ease.

“The Ownership of Avalanches,” Nephilim began, skipping any further greetings or pleasantries, “must concern itself with the internal security of Goldsilver. I intend to ensure that our fortress remains secure, both in my capacity as captain of the guard and as overseer of this fortress.”

Nephilim took the paper off of the desk and held it in his hands. “According to the data I have available to me, there is one elf residing within the halls of our fortress. I have in my hand a warrant for the expulsion of this elf. We cannot allow elves to live within the halls of a proper Dwarven fortress. This is especially the case when a state of war exists between our two races, as it presently does. You are to take the other fortress guards to this elf and give her one hour to gather her belongings and take leave of this fortress. Try to resolve this matter peacefully.”

He handed Unib the warrant. She read it carefully and considered briefly whether or not this matter was worth the time and resources of the fortress guard. Nephilim had not been captain of the guard for long and had been overseer for an even shorter period of time, yet he was already taking steps to put his agenda into motion. Unib, however, had no real considerations of mutiny. A good fortress guard follows the orders of her captain, especially when she doesn’t care much for elves herself. With the military in shambles after the previous year, there were vacant high-ranking positions to be filled. Pleasing the overseer could mean becoming a militia captain, or even perhaps a commander.

Saluting her captain once more, Unib turned around and left the office to gather the rest of the guards.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
2nd Granite, 255—After my last entry, I was able to meet with Fatcat and get some more information on the workings of the fortress. It seems as if the gate on the outer wall of the fortress is indeed operational, being controlled by a lever within the mountain dormitories. This will undoubtedly be important when we are inevitably attacked, whether by elves, goblins, or something far worse. Also, the strange building project outside is, according to Fatcat, a quarry. It is true that we will require a large supply of stone for any of our projects, yet I do not feel like continuing this project will be a high priority for me at this time.

Today I was able to meet with Lucky, who is still the chief medical dwarf of the fortress. During our meeting, we went through the medical records of the fortress and discovered that there were, in fact, four hospitals currently on record in the fortress. Yet another example of administrative mismanagement, if you ask me. Two of them we were able to strike from the records without much thought. The first was a corner of the original dormitory—a room that is shockingly still in use—designated for healthcare purposes.

The second was the infamous tower which was used to incarcerate prisoners during Eniteris’ reign. To his credit, this at least let prisoners receive medical treatment, yet it is useless now. Strangely enough, some humans still insist on using the tower to worship. I may need to crack down on this at some point.

The latter two hospitals are actually functional. The Eniteris era hospital, located below the library, is certainly more well-equipped of the remaining two, yet it is small and somewhat confined.

The Fatcat era hospital, located beneath the mountain dormitories, is larger, potentially accommodating more patients, yet at this time it is poorly-equipped. I shall have to resolve this issue at some point during my time as overseer.

Lastly, it seems as if last night’s mission of the fortress guards was a success; the elf is nowhere to be found.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 05:54:29 am by Travis Bickle »
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #228 on: December 01, 2020, 05:54:03 am »

Events of 5th Granite, 255
“It’s been a while since the two of us had time to just relax and walk together,” said Quantum Drop.

“Yes,” replied Nephilim. “These past few years have wounded us both. I’m lucky that I can walk right now without a crutch. Yet Eniteris is dead, and not even by my hand, while I still live. The gods have smiled on us for now, but I cannot be at peace until I leave the position of overseer.”

“Your mood hasn’t improved much in the past months, has it? You should at least try to enjoy the sun and the good weather while you have a moment’s rest between your duties.”

“Access to the sky and the sun is perhaps the only pleasant thing about Fatcat’s grand project. Even so, it makes me uneasy. The wall she constructed would be secure if not for this big hole dug into the mountain. Dwarves were made to live underground for a reason; underground we’re far less vulnerable to attacks.”

The two dwarves’ conversation was suddenly interrupted by an object zipping quickly past the two of them, embedding itself into the ground close by. Nephilim ran over to inspect the mysterious object. Bending down to examine it more closely, he nearly jumped back in shock. In front of him was a crossbow bolt, and not the wooden type often used by archers when training. This was made of metal and clearly intended to kill its target. There were no animals to hunt here within the walls of Goldsilver. Could this have been an accidental discharge by one of the rangers? Was there something much more dangerous going on?

Nephilim’s questions were answered by another bolt zipping by his head. He turned around and looked up at the southern wall near the side of the cliff. Standing there was a brigade of goblins and other races that had been captured and indoctrinated with their foul ways. Several of them were marching down the mountain side towards the main gate at the eastern side of the wall. Meanwhile, several crossbowmen were standing where the cliff and the top of the wall were about even and taking potshots at dwarves running through the exposed interior of the fortress.

“We’re under attack!” screamed Nephilim. He rushed back to Quantum Drop. “Run to to the dorms and shelter there. If the lever to raise the main drawbridge isn’t already pulled when you get there, pull it immediately. Tell everyone that you run into on the way who isn’t a soldier exactly what I just told you. I need to gather what’s left of the militia.”

Nephilim ran as fast as he could through the fortress, yelling to everyone nearby to evacuate the area. The pyramid where the militia and fortress guards were stationed was a long way off from where he started. When he arrived, several of the soldiers were in the middle of drills.

“Get to the main courtyard immediately! We’re under siege!”

He didn’t even wait to see their reactions. He was already running back to where he started as soon as he had delivered the message. When he got back, it seemed as if news of the evacuation had traveled quickly. Most of the population was climbing the stairs and ramps leading into the secure dorms. Nephilim only hoped that what Fatcat had said about it being equipped with sufficient food supplies was true.

Soon the rest of the soldiers arrived. Most of them looked half-equipped at best. Two dwarves stood out as being completely without armor or weapons.

“What unit do you belong to?”

“We’re all that remains of the Worshipful Pattern-Fountains,” one of them responded.

“You’ll be of no use to us as you are now. Retreat back to the dorms. The rest of you can head for the main drawbridge.”

They began their march towards the drawbridge, dodging the occasional enemy bolt on the way. Everything seemed to be going well. Perhaps a little too well. Is this all the enemy had planned? Why bring such a large force if the only plan was to take cheap shots and march around a gate that the defenders would surely close?

A crashing sound was heard to the south. The soldiers looked over to see that, with a thud, an enemy elf had landed in the fortress.

Following their comrade, several other goblins and trolls began leaping from the cliff into the fortress. A few citizens who were slower in making it to the ramps quickly became targets for their attacks.

“New plan! We need to fend off the intruders before we launch any sort of counter-attack,” shouted Nephilim to the soldiers. “Kill any enemies you can! I need to warn them to seal off the dorms.”

Most of the citizens had already ascended the ramps. Quantum Drop, who had spent much of the time warning others of the attack, was one of the last to climb her way up. Nephilim came up behind her right as she was entering the dorms.

“I need you to pull the lever that seals of the dorms.”

“Why don’t you pull it yourself when you come in?”

“I’m the captain of the guard. I need to do my part in defending the fortress.”

“You’re also the overseer of this fortress. The citizen population needs you alive.”

“They can elect a new overseer. If the dwarves fighting down there are short by even one fighter, they all die. That’s why I need to be there.”

Quantum Drop sighed sadly. Nephilim turned around and began to rushed down the ramp. Quantum rushed to the door and cried out to him: “Just come back alive!”

Nephilim smiled for the first time that day. “I always do.”

At the bottom of the ramp, Nephilim looked around to see where the rest of the soldiers had gone and where any enemies might be. To the north, he saw a dwarf near the farms. He walked slowly up to it, not sure if it was a straggler or an enemy. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Lucky, sobbing to herself in a depressive state.

“What are you doing, Lucky! You need to get to the dorms!”

“It’s so awful,” she sobbed. “Clover. Where is she?”

“She’s in the dorms and you’re going there soon,” Nephilim responded, grabbing the sobbing dwarf to drag her to the dorms himself if need be. Looking up, however, he saw that they had already been sealed off by Quantum Drop.


Looking for a place to hide Lucky from the dangers, he rushed her into the old guild hall.

“I want you to stay here until I come back,” he said, drawing his sword.

“Where are you going?,” she asked.

“To clean up a little mess a previous overseer has left us.”
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #229 on: December 01, 2020, 12:19:49 pm »

Goody. I knew that part of the wall was a potential source of !fun!, but it is a rather hard to fix location. At least I don't think they can climb down the cliff by the farms anymore. That is where several trolls got in on my turn. There are a few such gaps in the wall that I tried to seal, but the one where they got in this time is the most difficult. It can only have one piece of wall built at a time, and there are like 30 pieces to build for just the current level of the wall. Ideally, that side would all be built up to the level of the cliff top, but that may take years.

Great writing, by they way.  :)
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #230 on: December 04, 2020, 05:41:50 pm »

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
16th Granite—We were able to lift the siege yesterday after ten days of sporadic, bloody fighting. The goblins kept jumping in through the gap in the wall and hiding themselves in different areas of the fortress, so there was no way for us to deal with them in an organized fashion. We were largely split up, wandering from one area to the next waiting for a goblin to jump out from behind cover and swing a sword at our throats. At the same time we were almost constantly under crossbow fire from the cliffs to the south of the fortress. It was a siege with none of the glamour of a real battle.

I myself managed to kill one of their numbers: a single troll. He fell quickly to my sword. I don’t feel any pity for the beast, the creature who would have happily torn every dwarf sheltered in the dorms to shred if given a chance. At the same time, to watch the mangled body of something you slayed by your own hand lying their, its life draining away before your eyes—that is something that affects you in an irreversible way. That is the experience that turns a normal dwarf into a soldier. I’m not sure I’ll ever be quite the same.

After several days of combat of the sort I have just described, it seemed to us that most of the goblins had regrouped near the east side of the outer wall, away from the cliff from which they could jump into the fortress. Their crossbowmen, similarly, had largely run out of ammunition with which they could harass us. Thus, their direct attack of Goldsilver had ended. I gathered the remaining soldiers and fortress guards, as well as any civilian stragglers who had somehow missed the evacuation order and avoided the goblin invaders, into the old guild hall where Lucky was hiding.

The militia’s central command had completely collapsed under Fatcat’s leadership. It will be necessary in the future to appoint a new militia commander and new captains, but that was not to happen at that moment. In order to plan the counter-strike, I organized an Emergency Executive Self-Defense Committee chaired by myself to act as the central leadership until the siege is lifted. Various plans and proposals were suggested. Waiting out the siege was a relatively popular one which I had to veto several times. With several dwarves injured, it was necessary to get Goldsilver functioning as normal as quickly as possible. Ultimately, it was decided that the main drawbridge would be lowered and the Ownership of Avalanches would lead the counter-attack, pushing the goblins south and back up the cliff.

The plan worked quite well. In fact, there weren’t that many goblins left by that point, and those that did remain were caught off-guard by a sudden swarm of dwarves coming out of the fortress. Thus things are returning to normal, but they will need to be better than normal quickly. The wall will need to be improved to prevent similar invasions, and roofs will need to be installed where Fatcat thoughtlessly carved out a glassless skylight. We also need more cages.

As for myself, I’m feeling pretty good right now.

Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #231 on: December 04, 2020, 10:48:11 pm »

When do I get dorfed?
hi I hate this account and everything I've ever done with it but I don't feel like going through the process of making a new one right now

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #232 on: December 05, 2020, 12:56:11 am »

When do I get dorfed?
Sorry for the wait. I dorfed you and Cnidaros, but neglected to mention it. orz

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
15th Slate, 255—Much of the past month has been spent slowly cleaning up the mess that the siege has left us. Bodies still need to be hauled and the difficult and slow construction of the wall continues. Meanwhile, patients in the hospitals still await treatment. It will take time for the wounds of this fortress to heal. They shall leave scars, but they will still heal nonetheless.

A new artifact was constructed shortly after the siege was defeated. The amulet is very impressive as far as normal crafts go, but it is sadly nothing to write home about in the world of artifcats.

It seems as if a new political party has formed, led by a miner by the name of ChaosPotato. I suppose Maximum Spin’s party isn’t actually that appealing to miners, especially after its merger with Fatcat’s party. Reliance on the surface doesn’t really suit miners, and the new party’s platform definitely indicates as such. ChaosPotato came to my office personally to insist we begin digging deep into the earth and stop basking in the sun like elves. I think I can count on his support for covering up a good portion of the surface areas.

There was a new tragedy recently involving the mayor. I do not believe I have devoted sufficient time in my writings to this dwarf; I will do so here. Dumed Secretworks is a fairly experienced soldier and a masterful bowyer whose popularity amongst the citizens of Goldsilver has allowed him to win every mayoral election in the fortress. He is also a mentally-unstable murderer who can hardly go a day without committing some sort of crime. He has killed no fewer than three dwarves in this fortress as of this writing, the most recent case being when he ran into the hospital and beat Cog the hunter to death on the hospital bed. I had one of the fortress guards deliver a beating, and the bastard is now on the hospital bed.

Since he is clearly unable to perform his tasks as mayor in his current state, I appointed Imic as acting-mayor. Hopefully the citizens of Goldsilver will be able to appreciate Stukist leadership and he’ll be able to win the office again come the next election.

On the topic of crimes, the problem of not enough cages has been given a temporary solution. Several cages have been set up in the pyramid, wherein prisoners can be kept under guard by the training militias. If I remember correctly, the pyramid was originally intended for religious purposes. That said, Lucky herself said that completion of the pyramid was unnecessary, so it can’t be considered that sacrilegious to hold prisoners there. If I manage to complete the pyramid, perhaps I’ll decide to use the whole building for entirely different purposes anyway.

I shall make one final note in this entry. I recently became acquainted with a new member of the electorate, a blacksmith by the name of Cnidaros. Time will tell if she is friend or foe.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 11:18:50 pm by Travis Bickle »
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #233 on: December 05, 2020, 09:43:58 pm »

Dumed Secretworks is a fairly experienced soldier and a masterful bowyer whose popularity amongst the citizens of Goldsilver has allowed him to win every mayoral election in the fortress. He is also a mentally-unstable murderer who can hardly go a day without committing some sort of crime. He has killed no fewer than three dwarves in this fortress as of this writing, the most recent case being when he ran into the hospital and beat Cog the hunter to death on the hospital bed. I had one of the fortress guards deliver a beating, and the bastard is now on the hospital bed.

Since he is clearly unable to perform his tasks as mayor in his current state, I appointed Imic as acting-mayor. Hopefully the citizens of Goldsilver will be able to appreciate Stukist leadership and he’ll be able to win the office again come the next election.

Journal of Eniteris II, Slate 17

The accursed Nephilim! I have never liked the rule of overseers; the management of the fortress changes like the wind, capricious and unpredictable, and not only do they have full control during their reign, the common dwarf has no say in their appointment. Only the elite class of "politicians" get a vote, and despite being recently elevated to that class myself, deigned suffrage for providing a location for their uncivil clashes and the final vote, this two-tier system of governance disgusts me. At least with monarchy there's no mockery of choice, of power. The politicians pat themselves on the back and say that they give every dwarf a voice, but only those who they deign to be called dwarves.

But at the very least I could be satisfied that the position of mayor was properly voted in by the people. Sure, Dumed may have had some issues, a serial killer who was constantly in and out of prison, but that is an issue for the justice system. The citizens of Goldsilver voted for Dumed as mayor, and by vox populi Dumed should be mayor.

Except now Nephilim has unilaterally decided to remove Dumed from his position, and not only that, but appoint one of his politician friends as the so-called "acting mayor". What mockery! Why not crown yourself while you're at it? Obviously this fortress is can only be ruled by its overseer and their personal friends, while pretending to be democratic and working for the benefit of all. Hah. As if.

And now they're building cages in the pyramid, no doubt to throw dissidents into in order to consolidate their grip on power, to be guarded at all hours by the so-called Fortress Guard. The only thing they guard is the luxury residences on the cliff.

I will not be the first to die of thirst in those cages. I must bide my time, organize the people. We will be free.

ooc: How did Imic get to mayorship? You say appointed, but that can only happen if the previous mayor is removed or loses the election.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #234 on: December 06, 2020, 07:47:30 pm »

Journal of Fatcat, Mason
Slate 18th, 255

Nephilim replaced Dumed as mayor a few days ago. In itself, I have no problem with that. I removed him from office several times during my term, when he was in prison for one reason or another. I do, however, have a problem with Nephilim's choice for a replacement. He chose Imic, another member of his party, and a miner, to serve as mayor. There are multiple problems with that. First of all, Imic has never received a single vote in mayoral elections before, and in no way represents the inhabitants of Goldsilver. When I replaced Dumed, it was always with the dwarf who came in second in the elections. Second, Imic has next to no skill at handling his new duties as mayor. He will not be very helpful to the citizens who come to present their problems to him. Last of all, he is a miner, and as mayor, will be unable to serve the fortress in his normal profession. He will be constantly interrupted by one problem or another needing his attention. Miners are one of the most vital portions of the workforce here in Goldsilver, and his reassignment will cause a noticeable drop in our overall productivity.
It has also come to my ears that everything that has gone wrong in the fortress, or displeases Nephilim, is being blamed specifically on me and my administration. While it may be true that I left a few loose ends that I should have cleaned up, my overseership has always seen more problems solved than created. Perhaps I should write a list of things I have done for the fortress, and request Nephilim to respond to it with what I have missed that have caused trouble, and with what he has done to actually improve this place.

A few days later, a poster is placed in the library:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #235 on: December 06, 2020, 11:18:23 pm »

ooc: How did Imic get to mayorship? You say appointed, but that can only happen if the previous mayor is removed or loses the election.
I just went to [n]obles and [r]eplaced the mayor.

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
24th Slate, 255—Like the buzzing of insects in my ears, once again enemies and half-wits raise their voices against me. This is hardly unexpected; such behavior is natural for pseudo-intellectuals and the duplicitous and I have often found myself on the receiving end of their lies. My decision to remove that bed-ridden murderer from his office is my most recent action targeted by them. I received a report from Unib that the library—a small corner of the fortress hardly used by most of the population—is the center of this seditious behavior. Eniteris II is one of the pseudo-intellectuals I have just mentioned. It seems as if dwarves bearing his name are alike in that they bring me problems. I am not sure whether he has any relation to the late “baron,” but he is given the title “II” nonetheless by the citizens to distinguish him. In any case, he has not made any attempt to claim the title of baron like Eniteris I, instead posing as a lover of the common dwarf. If he was a dwarf of greater importance or popularity, I would find his dissent threatening; instead, I find it laughable.

Unib also provided me with a poster she tore off the library wall. It seems that with Fatcat, one hand is always extended with a peace offering while the other holds a dagger behind her back. I had hoped that the year would be able to proceed within an environment of public—at the very least—cordiality between the two of us, but it is clear that this is impossible. It should have, in hindsight, have been clear to me from the first day of my overseership given the events of the election at the end of Eniteris I’s year.

Events of 28th Slate, 255, Noon
The overseer climbed the steps to the platform on the inside of the curtain wall. The platform was intended to serve as a space where marksdwarves could stand guard and fire at outside targets, but at the same time it was one of the few locations where a dwarf could stand before a large crowd, as was assembled below him. Earlier that day, word had gone out that all citizens should gather in the courtyard outside near the well to hear the overseer’s address. Upon arriving, the citizens of Goldsilver beheld the overseer standing above them, dressed in the armor of the captain of the guard with his shining blue sword at his side. He tall, yet at the same time he appeared to many to be very unhappy and even tired. Nevertheless, when he began to speak, his voice was clear and strong.

“Citizens of Goldsilver, it has now been two months since I first took office as the fifth overseer of this fortress. For every day of these two months, I have been hard at work in fixing the problems I see plaguing our home. Everywhere around me I can see half-finished projects and dilapidated sections of the fortress that should have been abandoned years ago. These are the weaknesses of Goldsilver, and these weaknesses were so wickedly exploited early last month. Those of you who lost friends and family to this attack remember very well how the enemy was able to infiltrate our fortress through a gap in what was supposed to be a protective wall.

“In light of these weaknesses, it will take time and effort to raise Goldsilver to the out of its lows. At the same time, there are those within this fortress who, now that they are out of a position of responsibility, only seek to cast doubt on our current leadership and to point their finger in scorn. Perhaps you have heard their accusations yourself. Concerned only with their own legacy rather than the success of the fortress, they point only to their perceived successes and demand that we provide them with a list of all that we have done ourselves. Myself, I pay no attention to the demands of such dwarves concerned only with their political legacies, who have never taken up sword against invading goblin foes in defense of this fortress. The dwarves who fight and suffer greatly, those dwarves are the ones whose opinions I am interested in.

“Virtuous citizens of Goldsilver, you know very well that a dwarf is properly judged by his actions, not by his boasts. If you do not stand before me today convinced of your overseer, I ask that you stand by me at the very least for these next ten months. In the course of these months, you shall see the fortress transform for the better—this I promise you. The joys of the citizens shall be elevated to new heights by the end of the year, and we shall become the envy of all dwarves and the terror of all workers of iniquity!”

His speech concluded, the overseer walked from the platform back onto the fields below. He walked away in the direction of his office, ready to get back to work.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 11:20:18 pm by Travis Bickle »
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #236 on: December 07, 2020, 02:35:15 am »

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
28th Felsite, 255—Spring is over and the slow progress of the fortress continues. A fresh wave of migrants arrived recently, providing Goldsilver with a refreshed work force. I am fearful, however, that amongst the new faces of the migrants is a spy for the usurper king. In the interest of not falling victim to an assassin’s dagger, I added two new cages to the pyramid. The cages are frankly more to send a message and to provide me with peace of mind than to actually keep prisoners secure; beatings tend to work well enough as a punishment. In any case, I’m beginning to feel almost numb to the crime problem in this fortress. When a bone carver threw a tantrum and killed Domas the armorer and then proceeded to beat a dog and turkey to death, I can’t say I was even shocked. I was still willing to deal out the beatings myself, though.

Our stonecounter, meanwhile, finally has a real office next to the stockpiles. With that out of the way, most of the legacy arrangements in the oldest rooms of the fortress have been done away with. Soon enough, I will be able to retire them altogether.

I have been too long away from training. Starting tomorrow, the fortress guards will resume their regular training schedules.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #237 on: December 11, 2020, 04:34:40 am »

Notes for multiple write-ups lined up. Work's been a bitch.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #238 on: December 11, 2020, 01:48:54 pm »

I'm looking forward to hearing how things have gone.  :)
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #239 on: December 12, 2020, 04:24:04 am »

Journal of Nephilim, Overseer of Goldsilver
3rd Hematite, 255—Once again our fortress is under lockdown. While on patrol, the fortress guards noticed in the distance the approach of a solitary elf scout heading towards the entrance.

Soon enough, her comrades came within our sight as well. It seemed as if this would a skirmish that would take careful action on our part, yet still one that we would be able to face on the ground level.

But they kept on coming. More and more elves came within our sight. When we began to realize they were mounted atop unicorns and accompanied by trained war bears and bobcats, it was clear that this was no mere scouting expedition. The elves had every intention of cutting us to ribbons. When their full numbers were within our sight, we knew we couldn’t take them head on.

The drawbridge is raised and all the civilians are inside. Right now the elves are outside of the northern section of the curtain wall. We are at a full stalemate until a way to face them can be decided upon.

Given that there is still no commander for the militia, I have once again assumed direct command of the soldiers of this fortress. I must be careful and come up with a solution to the elf problem, or the narrow threads my leadership is hanging by will quickly snap.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.
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