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Author Topic: The Fall of Goldsilver Succession Fort – Democracy Suspended  (Read 60880 times)


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #60 on: September 14, 2020, 10:27:20 pm »

Journal of Fatcat, overseer of Goldsilver
Malachite 27th, 251
What a crazy summer. First the humans arrived to trade, and almost as soon as they set up at the depot, a flock of gigantic vultures flew in, probably hoping to steal out of their packs. We caught and killed one of them, but the rest hardly left for a moment for the next couple weeks. Whenever anyone went near the fortress entrance the giant birds would swoop at them, and chase them either back into the tunnels, or up the mountainside. The avian interference set back our construction projects quite a bit, but we were able to makes some small trades with the humans. The great wall around the fortress is slowly progressing, as well as the mountainside removal efforts. Much more progress is being made on the farmers' guildhall, which has nearly complete walls, and much of the floor is also in place. Only the roof remains to be built.
A draw bridge has been built closing off the entrance to the caverns, and I have ordered a row of cage traps built in front of it, for when we are finally capable of retrieving items left in the depths, to stop creatures from entering the fortress with the gates down.
Dan and one of the other miners were working together on a project, and I don't know what happened, but somehow both of them managed to get one of their hands broken. Dan of course sent off for his industrial accident insurance payment, and has been talking up how great his company's policies are with even greater energy than normal. They have been both off of work since then, and I have been trying to find time to properly patch up their hands, but haven't had any time, so I asked one of the peasants to do that work instead. She seems to be quiet and studious, and to be better suited to some occupation other than simple construction work.
Yesterday, one of the other poorly skilled dwarves rushed into the craftsdwarf's shop and started shouting for wood, bone, and metal. We should have some of all of those, so he ought to be successful in whatever he is doing.
I have been spending what little free time this fortress affords me with Maximum Spin. He is not the most talkative dwarf in the fortress, but he is very clever, and we share a lot of the same ideas. We get along quite well, despite his lack of social skills. It seems that Nephilim and Quantum Drop have been spending time together, as well. Not that there is much time for anything but construction.
Now I had best get back to work, if I am to complete anything this year.
Galina 11th, 251
Zasit finished his masterwork today. It is a wooden crown decorated with bone and metal. Maximum Spin isn't impressed.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2020, 11:44:05 pm by fatcat__25 »
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #61 on: September 17, 2020, 01:06:42 am »

Journal of Fatcat, overseer of Goldsilver
Limestone 15th, 251
A caravan from the Mountainhome has arrived today. The outpost liaison also returned, with a great body of new information about the world. He showed me a map of the known world with our own civilization, and out enemies and allies marked in various colors.
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Apparently one of the goblin civilizations, The Scaly Monsters, declared war on dwarvenkind in the last year, and has been attacking our borders since then. Perhaps they are the perpetrators of the raid this summer. By the time my term is over, they shouldn't be able to repeat the performance, but it is alarming to know that it may have been more than a simple gang of criminals seeking trouble.
The caravan leader and Ilral, the liaison also hammered out a deal for the next year of trading. I requested a little bit of wood, to negate the need to ever cut any more in the caverns if we need fuel, or anything else. I also requested animals of nearly every kind, and a selection of clothes, because we have very little means of making our own. I also requested a large supply of seed, so that we can actually grow some of the plants we need for clothing and drinks. The traders in turn supplied a list of the things that they would trade most generously for.
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What a selection. We are certainly not in a position to produce most of those items. In fact, we have not had a lot of production of anything for the last couple of months, because so much of the work force is rushing to complete the wall and the last bit of the farmer's hall. With large swaths of the roof and floor still uncompleted, the guild already dedicated their new home, calling it "The Ape of Mists." I cannot say that I understand their choice of name, but that is their problem. I am not a farmer.
The dwarf I tasked with patching up the damaged miners proved to be reasonably competent at the job, having both of them back on the job within a week or two, with no visible damage left.
I really wish there was more time to rest, and spend time with others here, but there will be time for that once there is no way for the next random marauder to simply walk in and upset all our endeavors.
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #62 on: September 17, 2020, 10:43:14 pm »

@Travis Bickle, if you didn't notice, I redwarfed Boujee. You can update the parties as far as he is concerned now. I'm still trying to figure out how to handle Luckyowl's request, since there aren't any dwarves that exactly match his specifications. I sent him a possibility yesterday, but haven't heard back whether the dwarf is suitable.

Also, is my administration somehow noncontroversial, so that nobody is talking politics right now? Also, I hope my updates aren't too boring or businesslike. My natural writing style is unfortunately a little bit like that.

And another update:

Journal of Fatcat, overseer of Goldsilver
Sandstone 17th, 251
It has been a very productive month since I wrote in my journal last. The traders left about a week ago, after Nephilim grudgingly negotiated a decent trade deal with them. I do not understand his reluctance to do business with our fellow dwarves. He seemed more happy to work with the humans than with our own brethren. I purchased a wide collection of items, including literature, animals, wood, metal, and a large supply of seeds. This required the majority of our trade goods, but we should be fully capable of replenishing our supplies by next year's trading season.
The next layer of the mountain removal is about half done, and is providing a steady supply of dolomite for our construction projects. The wall continues to progress, but even with three masons working, we still are running short on cut stone blocks. I will have to order yet another workshop for the masons set up. I would prefer to not only have the fortress fully encircled by a wall by the end of the year, but to have proper fortifications to keep acrobatic marauders from climbing over the wall.
The largest development of the last month was the latest band of migrants brought word that our home is no longer considered a simple outpost, but a full town, deserving a mayor.
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Dumed, the bowyer, promptly talked his way into that position. I don't know what he hopes to gain, since I am the one actually making the decisions here, while I can have anyone who gets stressed go pester him, but I suppose congratulations are still due him.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 12:15:22 am by fatcat__25 »
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #63 on: September 18, 2020, 07:31:00 am »

Also, is my administration somehow noncontroversial, so that nobody is talking politics right now?
I was going to say a thing about the bird attack but lacked the energy.

Rest assured that new anti-bird provisions will nevertheless be part of the United Action Party's platform from now on.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 07:36:59 am by Maximum Spin »

Quantum Drop

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #64 on: September 18, 2020, 08:36:39 am »

TBH, I've been distracted with a mix of IRL stuff (yay for University prep) and Dawnthundered. Will try to write something when I have the time.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #65 on: September 18, 2020, 04:10:33 pm »

 My name is Lucky(Merseth) Most of my life I have been a scholar back at the mountainhome, and did your typical scholarly duty like: writing books, and discussing abstract ideas and such. Granted none of the books I have written never garnered any fame in the scholarly community. Nor did I ever independently discover anything, but I'm fine with that, I don't really enjoy getting attention anyways. I enjoyed the slow pace life and was at ease at my medoricy fate.

 But then one stormy night in my 6x6 bedroom I was working on my 5th  edition book about pipes, but I was unsure on how to proceed any further and felt down trotted when I was experiencing writers block. So I decided to take a stroll throughout the fortress trying to come up with ideas on how pipes can be further be used for. The stroll was rather peaceful, it was a lovely break from the whole bustling halls that I was never really fond of. I stroll my way into the library and began to comb through the bookshelves seeing if there was any books that can give me inspiration. My search would end up at the further end of the library where most of the old books resides. I never really went this far since I have  always thought of them being out of date,  but in my desperation I decide to dismantle my ignorance belief and began to search  through the old bookshelves. I'm quite surprise on how well they have held, granted ale stains and a bit of wear and tear in the corners but for 200 years that's pretty impressive. Then  I notice something that caught my eyes red codex encrusted with a bloodstone gem in the middle of the codex. Underneath the encrusted gem were pictograms of dwarves raising there hands in worship -or in fear?- to the bloodstone
The book caught my attention and  I was at awe by it's present almost as if I am being pulled towards the book. I held it in my hands and I open the book as If I was in a trance. When I opened the book the words began to flow out from it. From those words a story about Armok creating our world. He cut open  his arm and from the oozing blood seeping from his wounds, oceans and mountains began to raise. Forest and dessert was birth. Animals of all sorts were born. Dwarves, humans(and elves) were formed. Armok then created lesser gods to watch over two(three) races, but Armok was no benevolent creator who wishes well for his creation, but was a unrelentess tyrant who abused his subject and made each race pay tribute to him by sacrificing one of their members to armok by slitting  their throat and let their blood soaked the ground. For many millennia  all life were nothing but Armok's toys. Until one day the lesser gods who were task to watchover the Dwarves had enough and started civil war. Dwarves, humans, and there lesser gods fought against Armok who had an enemy of Forgotten Beast, elves,  and elves lesser gods. The fight would go on for many centuries until Armok was finally defeated the elves lesser gods were executed for treasons by the humans and Dwarven gods. The elves were exile to the forest where they vow vengeance against the humans and dwarves.  The Forgotten beast were retreated deep with caverns where they still roam to this day . Armok however, was too powerful to be killed so he was  entombed in a mountain where Nökar who was the god of life and death created an Eagle god called Doren.

Doren wasn't a well worship god like the other 5. Most of Doren scriptures have been lost.  Maybe it was just carelessness... Or was intentional. Doren may be   a young god, but from what I read from this text this god is vital for the protection of all kinds(maybe elves). The King (who some have whispered calling him " the acting king") recently expelled a bunch of dwarves who were secretly worshipping Armok and were killing unsolicited life stocks to pay homage to the evil creator. Maybe the missing Scriptures of Doren were destroyed by these cultist so that no one may know of this god.

The next morning I learned that the mountainhome are electing  a few of us dwarves to settle in a newly made fortress called Goldsliver. I was elected to go. I packed my bags and left the mountainhome in a caravan of 7 other dwarves of wide range of occupation. I was at the back of the  line back eyeing the other 7 wondering if anyone among them can aid me on making sure that Armok is never awaken from his mountainous tomb.

I was also informed that this fort is actually an experiment ordered by the king. Who wonder if dwarves can become a more democratic state, but I feel like the king has alternatives motives for doing this "experiment." I honestly don't care what's the King's plan is, I have my own goal as well, and I don't care about politics my only goal is to spread awareness of Doren and to stop Armok cultists from completing their goal
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 06:12:07 pm by Luckyowl »

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #66 on: September 18, 2020, 10:07:27 pm »

Also, is my administration somehow noncontroversial, so that nobody is talking politics right now? Also, I hope my updates aren't too boring or businesslike. My natural writing style is unfortunately a little bit like that.
Could be the lack of screenshots. I know I’d like to see how the defensive wall and the mountain removal projects are progressing.

I’ll presume Yung Boujee has resurrected The Sparkly Unicorn Party and update the OP accordingly. @Luckyowl Unless you want to be marked as a member of PSCC, I’ll add The Mountain Creed to the OP in its own section for “Other Groups & Entities”.

Journal of Nephilim, Stukist Party Leader
17th Sandstone, 251—The year is already over halfway over and so far no disaster has struck the fort. Other than a giant vulture attack life in Goldsilver has been rather peaceful. Getting a functional political party fully established and run is a hard job that takes time to fulfill, but I am confident that I will be able to see it through. Recently, however, I had the unpleasant duty to trade with the caravan from the Mountainhome. I would have bought little more than food and wood had it been up to me, but Fatcat seemed eager to purchase a wide variety of their wares. It’s clear that she has no qualms about the usurper king getting rich off of the goods produced here. The presence of the trade caravan also means the watchful eyes of the liaison have returned, which means I shall once again have to be extra careful to avoid arousing the suspicion of the capital.

Fortunately, this year may be the last where I have to do business with the liaison. Soon after finishing the trade deal, Goldsilver held its first election for mayor. A bowyer named Dumed has thus become the first mayor of this fort. Perhaps one day the party will have grown to the point where there will be a Stukist mayor of Goldsilver, but for now at least I am confident that Dumed is independent of any of the other rival parties.

I have lately been spending a lot of time with Quantum Drop to the point where I think the others are beginning to take notice. I confess that although I still find her insistence that we kill most of our livestock very misguided and she frequently calls me a heretic, I nonetheless have come to admire her devotion. We also share a mutual dislike of the usurper king (or “jester-king” as she prefers), though I doubt she would approve much more of the true queen. Perhaps that difference can be smoothed over at a later date.

What I am saying? I can’t allow my project to be sidetracked by such thoughts. I have a party to run and the election is only a few months away. I must think carefully over what my strategy shall be.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #67 on: September 19, 2020, 12:10:04 am »

I'm fine being put on "Other groups & entities." but who knows circumstance might change that.

Edit: also it would pretty neat if you could use this new Utility called Dwarpher so we could get a 3d model of this world.  It's not on here yet,  though you gotta google it. Hopefully one day Dwarpher could creat 3d models of our forts

Edit edit: I have made an error. Dwarpher is already on the modding section. 
« Last Edit: September 19, 2020, 12:30:46 am by Luckyowl »

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #68 on: September 19, 2020, 02:50:17 am »

I'm fine being put on "Other groups & entities." but who knows circumstance might change that.
Fortunately for you the Goldsilver ballot access laws are incredibly lenient and you can easily convert your religious group to a political unit or simply start another party to act as a political front any time you want.

Edit: also it would pretty neat if you could use this new Utility called Dwarpher so we could get a 3d model of this world.  It's not on here yet,  though you gotta google it. Hopefully one day Dwarpher could creat 3d models of our forts
Seems like a pretty cool tool. I loaded it with some maps from the world and got it to generate a model. I wish it gave you a bit more control over the camera, but I at least have a shot that shows the mountain range where most of the Dwarven civilization is located (circled in blue) with us in the distance (circled in red).

If only it could render a model of the fortress. I know there were some tools that could do that back in the day but I don’t know how many are still around and compatible with new versions of the game.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #69 on: September 19, 2020, 03:00:46 am »

If only it could render a model of the fortress. I know there were some tools that could do that back in the day but I don’t know how many are still around and compatible with new versions of the game.
As I understand it, Armok Vision still works.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #70 on: September 19, 2020, 12:33:07 pm »

Well I  finally arrived at Goldsliver and I must say…

These are some welly-crafted bridges! Who ever made these should really get an award for their hard work…however…

They should really do something about this partial remains…looks rather unpleasant. I ask the residences of this establishment about the decomposing body and they told me that the fort was  under siege by a  flock of  giant vultures who came just as the human merchants unloaded their goods. They were only able to kill one of them, but the rest of the vultures camped outside the entrance of the fort waiting for a dwarf to harass. Luckily no death occurred so at least there is some good news, however the current political party  the PSCC are a bit stress over the whole ordeal since the giant vultures harassment stunted their construction so now the dwarves are being to told to work faster to recuperate the progress that was lost.

Ever since my arivival I have been hard at work constructing PSCC's  projects

And I can't lie it's rather fulfilling  than  being cooped up writing books for no one. At least here, I am doing something productive.

 I've seen the leader of the PSCC a rather busy yet cheerful dwarf, of course her cheerfulness  comes out  when she has the time to unwind that is, which were rare, since the whole giant vulture siege she has been a bit stressed out. I honestly hope she can take a break, she really needs it. I wanted to request her to build me a temple glorifying Doren but I have been a bit shy asking since I didn’t want to stress her out even more. For now I will halt my plan and wait for a perfect time to ask her.

When I was at the canteen taking a break after a day constructing. I notice QD and Nephillim were quietly whispering at the far end of the diner. I wonder what they are talking about? The gossip I picked up from other dwarves that they are together. I  also learned that QD has political party where animal live stocks are to be slaughter…a sign of an armok cultist…this must be fate…one thing I forgot to  mention was where Armok's prison is. In the codex there was a map detailing  ageless plane. on the map a  circled mountain, that mountain in question is where Goldsliver now resides. QD  must've came here to revive the evil creator just as I was chosen to stop her. There is no coincidence, we were bound by fate, and one of us will die I can feel it, it turns  my stomach just thinking about it, but I can not let her complete her goal. Luckily  she does not know of my intention so I have the element of surprise, I need to make a crucial strike if I fail and if my  foe learns of my intention all of ageless plane will be lost.

The outpost laison came into the canteen and there whispered seized as they take a furtive glance at the outpost laison…could it be that both of them are  armok cultist? No, Nepllim is being seduced on helping her out on her scheme. Poor dwarf I hope he can see through her lies and deception.

Election is soon, and I already put my vote on the PSCC, hopefully They get elected then I can move forward with my plan. If not, I at least pray that QD doesn't get into power...
« Last Edit: September 19, 2020, 12:56:25 pm by Luckyowl »

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #71 on: September 19, 2020, 01:01:30 pm »

Maximum Spin sits contemplatively, cross-legged, with his pick at one side and his trusty ROCK-chopping axe at the other. Are scribes artisans?, he wonders to himself. They write on paper, which is made of plants. Trees are plants. Therefore, paper is a kind of wood. Therefore, scribes are TERRIBLE and CANNOT BE TRUSTED. I will have to keep an eye on this new tree-writer...

Quantum Drop

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #72 on: September 19, 2020, 03:22:30 pm »

Journal of Quantum Drop, Sandstone 251

I find myself increasingly… troubled. There is something in the air, a tension I have not felt in years. A feeling, of eyes upon my back and daggers glared at me from dark corners. And these thoughts that trouble me – these desires I feel the need to indulge -

(several lines scribbled out, often tearing through the page)

-nnot afford more distractions. My conversations with Nephilim are consuming my attention enough as it is, at a time when there are a million and one other tasks to focus on. His thirst must be slaked, opinions need to be swayed, my rhetoric still needs to become more palatable-

Yet… these insights I am gaining from the Overseer, this knowledge such a relationship has given – perhaps…

Damnation on my soul! I cannot afford to let my guard down, not now, at least; not until what I fear to be true is confirmed or denied. Something have arrived in this fort with ill-will in its heart, and I cannot sleep soundly until I know what it is.

It cannot be those heretics – even in this den of political vipers and obfuscating fools, they would stick out like a sore thumb in the same manner as I. Perhaps an agent of the Jester-King, sent into this pit of vipers to see if any threat arises to the Throne? Or something else, something with a far wider agenda on its mind?

I must keep my guard up. Changes must be made to my ‘party’s’ policies, if only for the sake of survival. But where to start?

I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #73 on: September 19, 2020, 09:03:48 pm »

I was task on cleaning duty for the day. A daunting task, but it's necessary if Goldsilver is to prosper. I head down to the wood furnace, and started scrubbing the wood furnace insides. As I was cleaning I notice something familiar a heap of burnt paper. I held the burnt paper in my hands and wonder...
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I sigh and put the heap of burnt paper aside to dump it later after I am done cleaning the wood furnace.  Hmph! The nerves of these dwarves!


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #74 on: September 19, 2020, 09:10:39 pm »

I know I’d like to see how the defensive wall and the mountain removal projects are progressing.
The people request screenshots! Very well, they will have them. These are the current state of the megaprojects. I'll try to have a full update sometime later.
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The main limiting factor for the wall is how fast I can make stone blocks.
I didn't have image hosting set up until part of the way through the year, so I didn't have screenshots 'till then.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2020, 09:12:51 pm by fatcat__25 »
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.
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