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Author Topic: The Fall of Goldsilver Succession Fort – Democracy Suspended  (Read 60870 times)


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Re: [Seeking Players] Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2020, 07:52:38 am »

Are you still accepting political party submissions (aka overseers)?

Travis Bickle

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Re: [Seeking Players] Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2020, 09:55:55 pm »

Are you still accepting political party submissions (aka overseers)?
We're always accepting new dorfings, as the more votes there are the more interesting voting is going to be. You can make your own party or join someone else's if any of the current ones strike your fancy.

Journal of Nephilim, Provisional Overseer of Goldsilver
1st Felsite, 250—A month and a half have passed since the earth was first struck here. If our current pace is kept up, it will be quite a while until we have anything even resembling a proper Dwarven fortress. Our first tunnel goes westward into the mountains, south-southwest of where we stopped the wagon. Our miner seems skilled enough at her task, and Maximum Spin was eager to help despite his utter lack of skill with a pick. Right now only a few chambers within the rock have been dug, most of which are being used to store items once held in the wagon until more permanent storage can be arranged.

The earth here seems to be rich with jelly opals. You can see a few exposed on the side of the mountain, and plenty were mined as the tunnel into the earth was dug. BoujeeTheAlan insisted on being allowed to begin cutting the gems immediately, and as there was no other work for him to do that would be much help at this early stage I gave him my approval. Meanwhile, fatcat got to work training a couple of our dogs, and they already look ready for a fight.

As I myself haven’t had much work to do other than lug goods from the wagon, I had the opportunity to get acquainted with our mason, Quantum Drop. She seems less than amused with Boujee and his love for gems, saying he displays “utter impiety.” I can respect her simplicity, especially since her dedication to stone is what’s giving us the much-needed chairs and tables for our dining room. I’m less amused, however, with her suggestions to sacrifice what little livestock we have. I’ll need to keep an eye on her.

I must also make note of a particular difficulty we face. Given the lack of trees in the area and that we didn’t bring any wood with us, we have no wood with which to make beds. We can tear apart the wagon for its wood, but there is nowhere near enough for all of us to have beds, especially when we can expect migrants to begin settling here soon. Most of us will have to get used to sleeping on the hard, stone floor.

Whether we have wood or not, migrants will start showing up soon, and once that happens I will need to start advocating for the cause. I am still not certain of my companions’ intentions; some of them may be allies yet, while others definitely have goals contrary to mine. If this fortress is to become a holdout for the party I will need to be extra careful to not let my guard down.

For the memory of King Stukos the Martyr and for the honor of Her Majesty Queen Vutok, I shall not fail.

The Stukist Party
Since the founding of The Confining Clasps, the dwarves of The Ageless Plane have been ruled by the direct descendants of Queen Kol Somberarch. In the year 223, however, the fourth king, Stukos Spottedpaints, was overthrown in a coup led by Iden Chanceshot with the support of the Dwarven general and several members of the nobility. Thus, Iden became king and his descendants have ruled The Confining Clasps since, while King Stukos spent the rest of his days in prison.

The Stukist Party views the deposition of King Stukos Spottedpaints as an illegitimate and criminal act, and rejects the authority of all the kings since the Coup of 223. As they act in rebellion against the current leadership of the Dwarven capital, they are considered a criminal organization, though they manage to operate more openly in fortresses further from the capital. In the early years following the coup, Stukists advocated for the restoration of King Stukos to the throne. With Stukos’ death in 240, supporters declared their support for his sister, Baroness Vutok Oilytoe, proclaiming her the true queen of the dwarves.

Economic Policy:
– Viewing the current leadership of the capital as illegitimate, Stukists advocate maintaining distance and limiting trade until the true king can be restored.
– Trade with the capital is allowed, however should be limited to essentials to prevent making the capital rich.
– Offerings to the usurper king are absolutely forbidden.
– Being traditionalists, Stukists hold elves and their ways in contempt. While they will tolerate trade with elves, they will not tolerate elves being made residents of a fortress and will feel no obligation to fulfill diplomatic agreements made with elves.
– Humans are viewed as neutral parties by Stukists, who permit trade and amicable relations with them.

Military Policy:
– Stukists anticipate an armed revolution against the leadership of The Confining Clasps, and will raise up squads of paramilitaries in preparation.
– These paramilitaries act as enforcers for Stukist Party policies in fortresses controlled by Stukists.

Art Policy:
– Stukists sponsor art that depicts Stukist claimants to the throne.
– The current kings of The Confining Clasps and the participants in the Coup of 223 are always to be depicted negatively.

Symbol of the Stukist Party, depicting a crown behind prison bars.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2020, 07:13:34 am »

Alright, I'll throw my hat into the political ring.



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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2020, 10:07:53 pm »

United Soapmaking Advocates

Economic Policy:
- Obtaining animals at any cost to keep fat rendering operations rolling, meaning strengthening of trade relations with the elves (for animals) and the trapping and slaughter of all accessible fauna.
- Applying the marvels of soap to all facets of dwarven living, from washing to construction, including facilities for bathing; an active well will be made available at any cost, and soap is to be used as construction material where applicable.
- Maximizing production of soap in order to stay clean

Military Policy:
- Combat is dirty work, therefore only a minimal active force is allowed and only for deployment against foes that have collectible fat.
- Invaders are to be trapped and kept in a "cleaning" facility. Their possessions are contaminated with germs and cannot be appropriated.

Art Policy:
- Soap constructions shall be erected to house and venerate our treasures. Then they will be clean. They must be clean. If it can't be cleaned it must be destroyed.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2020, 10:11:36 pm by Radipon »


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2020, 05:56:32 am »

Untitled Soapmaking Advocates

I have never felt so fully represented in my life. I shall join the party!

Though I may disagree on some aspects of policy (invader's clothes should be cleaned, potentially with magma, we should spread cleanliness throughout the world and be a beacon to cleanliness), theses are minor scruples compared the rest of these unwashed masses.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2020, 08:26:16 am »

Clean things sparkle and retain their lustre. I sense the potential for a coalition voting bloc that will lead this settlement into a bright and glimmering future.

Quantum Drop

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2020, 01:51:02 pm »

Journal of Quantum Drop, Goldsilver 250.

Barely a few weeks since we left the Mountainhomes, and we're already beginning to lose sight of His will.

This new group in particular - if He had intended for us to live in buildings of soap, He would not have granted us the gifts of Masonry and Stoneworking! Their Elf-like refusal to get their beards dirty in combat would be barely tolerable in itself, but their willingness to put artefacts given to us by His grace at such risk? Their willingness to treat with the faithless walking logs?

(Several words scribbled out), one and all.

But... Perhaps I am too harsh. Their dogged determination to see clean water flow and the 'unwashed masses' bathed may yet serve Him, especially in the prevention of foul miasmas and the diseases that riddle the bodies of the faithless. Their willingness to trap or otherwise acquire animals, too, may prove of use, both for food and for offerings to Him.

Nothing in this world happens without Him willing it; perhaps they have some greater role in His design, yet to be revealed. For now, so long as their antics do not endanger the fortress, they must be tolerated - perhaps even supported, should one of the less pious or more foolish factions make a play for power.

And then there's our 'Overseer'. There is something in his looks that sets me on edge - perhaps some secret heresy he indulges, perhaps some affiliation with the Jester-King of the Mountainhomes. I must keep an eye on him, if only to salve my paranoia and ensure there is no ulterior motive in the looks he keeps sending me.

I must end this entry here. I need to think, to meditate - and if necessary, to make allies in the event that my worst fears are confirmed.

Quantum Drop, in His service.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2020, 03:28:07 am »

Fitting on the day you requested this it was also Huey Long's birthday.

Added both your parties and dorfed you both.

I have never felt so fully represented in my life. I shall join the party!
I'll dorf you once the first migrant wave arrives. Funny that out of all the parties that have been made so far, the first one to attract a follower was one dedicated to soap.

Journal of Nephilim, Provisional Overseer of Goldsilver
4th Malachite, 250—Spring is far gone and we are almost halfway through summer. Our fortress, nevertheless, remains in a similar state as it was in months ago. We fortunately now have a farm plot set up so we no longer have to worry that we’ll just eat the last of our food one day.

Planting seeds and harvesting crops now takes up most of our farmer’s time. I have learned that her name is Radipon since my last journal entry. She seems like a hard worker, yet strangely enough even when she’s planting seeds she’s talking about soap; whether it’s about making soap, importing soap, or even building structures out of soap, soap is all she’s interested in. Quantum Drop seems to be less than amused with her soap obsession, so I suppose a potential alliance between the two is one that I don’t have to worry about.

Q.D. seems to be eyeing me with suspicion lately. I don’t quite know her well enough to tell whether she’s just upset that I’ve refused to sacrifice all our livestock and what few birds of prey that have flown past this area or if she views me as a threat to some goal of hers. Her distaste towards the aristocracy could make her a valuable ally against the false king, though when it comes time for the true queen to sit on the throne of the Mountainhome I doubt she’ll be pleased. Of course, that day is still in the future as of now.

Life in the fortress lately has consisted largely of chipping away at the mountain, catching the occasion break to discuss politics, and (occasionally) get some quality rest. As far as the rest goes, the wood from the wagon was only sufficient to construct three beds, leaving four of us with only the ground. Maximum Spin, despite his professed hatred of carpenters, built the beds well, although he refused to work when anyone was watching. Our actual miner, Zalthor, talks about how there are enough precious materials in the earth that, soon enough, every dwarf who lives in Goldsilver will be able to live in luxury. Her attitude strikes me as too optimistic and perhaps even hedonistic, yet she is right that this mountain has plenty of precious materials, such as chrysoprases which were dug up from the west side of the mountain. Also, while it isn’t exactly a luxury accommodation, at least the small dining room is now finished.

What’s bothering me most right now is how indefensible our current position is. We’ve hardly dug our way into the earth and we are wide open to any attack. I’m working on a basic system whereby we can seal the entrance to the fortress with a drawbridge right now. This has required me to take up mechanics due to our lack of a real mechanic and everyone else being preoccupied with their own work. Walls will also need to be constructed on the surface to limit the enemy’s movements.

I don’t imagine that we’ll be under attack this early in the expedition, but when the day comes that we are I don’t have any intention of being killed.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2020, 04:16:04 am »

I have never felt so fully represented in my life. I shall join the party!
I'll dorf you once the first migrant wave arrives. Funny that out of all the parties that have been made so far, the first one to attract a follower was one dedicated to soap.
Of course. What else do you think the migrant wave is going to be composed of? :P


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2020, 08:27:42 pm »

Planthomes-Minefarms Sunlit Action Coalition
Official Party Platform:

* Economic Policy *
   1. Surface Foods: The fortress must supply as large of a portion of its food needs as possible from the surface. This includes harvesting whatever occasional plant might grow wild, and trading for every bag of surface plant seed that is brought, and planting them.
   2. Surface Wood: Since the fortress is built on the edge of the mountains in a wasteland, there is no wood available outside of the caves. Rather than brave the hazards of the darkness, wood should only be bought from caravans.
   3. Wood Avoidance: Wood is to only be used for beds or other construction purposes when absolutely necessary. Otherwise, it is to be stored, and only used for artifacts, and burning.
   4. Surface Livestock: Although the mountains are not home for any edible plants for dwarves, they are rich in ground cover suitable for grazing livestock. They and the wasteland are also home to a variety of wild creatures, which may be captured and tamed to be of use to dwarvenkind. Because of these facts, grazers can be kept on the mountainsides except in times of great danger, and trap-lines should be employed heavily to add the livestock numbers.
   5. Livestock Proliferation: A number of breeding pairs of all tamed creatures should be maintained at all times to provide a steady supply of meat, leather, and fat. All butcherable creatures are to treated this way if they can be tamed.
   6. Free Trade: Trade is the lifeblood of civilization, and should be fostered in every possible way. Humans and dwarves are always welcome, and anything is fair game for purchase. Even subterranean products are welcome, because they decrease the mining needed in the fortress. Elves would be welcome, if they would only stop fighting the dwarves.
   7. Material Substitution: Everything that can be made of surface materials is to be, but products of the underground are acceptable if there is no surface alternative.
   8. Quarrying: Underground materials are to be acquired through open pit excavations rather than shaft mining, to retain the access to sunlight. Veins and deposits intersecting the quarry may be mined out, but any other side cuttings are strongly discouraged.
   9. Pottery Production: Pottery is to be used heavily, due to clay being a quickly accessible material found in abundance on the surface. If practical, pots should be glazed to provide an alternative means of storing brewed drinks, to avoid the use of unburned wood, or the fortress’s sparse supply of metals.
* Foreign Policy *
   1. Open Borders: Visiting elves, humans, and dwarves from the outside world are always welcome. Visiting goblins are to be tolerated, but treated with extreme suspicion.
   2. Unyielding Defense: All demands from outside forces are to be bluntly refused, and all assaults are to be crushed to the last man, with no mercy.
   3. Tit for Tat: Any hostile action or attack is to be returned to the perpetrators to the greatest of the fortress’s abilities.
* Military Policy *
   1. Stable Force: Any standing army existing at the beginning of an overseer term should be neither reduced or increased, except in emergencies. Instead, it should be maintained at a constant strength, including replacing combat losses in the ranks.
   2. Practical Uniforms: All uniform choices should be selected out of pragmatism, not out of personal preference or for appearances. (e.g. If the choice for helmet is between a beautiful copper piece, and a grungy but solid iron piece, the iron piece would win.)
* Religious Policy *
   1. Equality: No dwarven god is greater than any other. Each deity and religion is to be provided with a suitable space for worship when there are no more pressing matters.
   2. Lost Foreigners: Only dwarven gods are real gods. All other races are deluded or ignorant. The adherents to these false faiths are not to be punished, but pitied, and perhaps persuaded to leave their benighted beliefs. However, their gods are to be in no way honored or commemorated in the fortress.
* Art Policy *
   1. Practicality over Beauty: Art is only to be created to meet official demands and requirements. At any other time, it is a waste of time that could be better spent on other projects.
   2. Free Expression: When art must be created, it will be done with no restraint outside of religious concerns in what it depicts, and may be created from any materials.
* Construction Policy *
   1. Ready Materials: Workshops and structures are to be made of the most readily available stone or wood. Metals are usually more useful for other purposes, but they may be used if there is no other place where they are needed.
   2. Secure Living Space: Bedrooms and food storage are the only things the fortress should specifically design underground. They are to be built separate from the majority of the fortress, and in such a way to be secure from any disaster that comes. Dwarves deserve to be safe from outside threats.
   3. Sunlit Spaces: Taverns, libraries, and other public meeting areas are to be built solely above ground. Even important internal locations such as dining rooms should be built outside in the glorious fresh air whenever possible.
* Artifact Policy *
   1. Protection: Artifacts are to be placed in a location where no thief or miscreant has any chance of making off with them.
   2. Practicality: If an artifact can be of practical use, whether as part of the fortress structure, or in the military, it may be used.
* Necromancer Policy *
   1. No Undying Nobles: Necromancers may settle in the fortress, but may not hold any office, not even a minor one such as bookkeeper. If a dwarf already holding a petty position is cursed, they may keep their position, but may not be assigned any new office. Higher nobles that are cursed are to be removed from their position if possible.
   2. Pity the Creature: Necromancer experiments are not as they are by choice, and are not evil. They are to be welcomed like any other race, although their connections suggest that they be scrutinized for their motives, and any connections to plots.
* Criminal Policy *
   1. Extended Leniency: Almost any criminal can be reformed when given enough time and care. Convicted criminals are to chained or imprisoned for all but the most heinous crimes. Killing or maiming dwarves who could once again have become productive citizens is needlessly wasteful.
* Health Policy *
   1. Full Restoration: Every injured dwarf is to be treated to the best of the fortress’s ability, to return them to their fullest usefulness as a citizen.
   2. Cleanliness for Health: Personal hygiene, waste removal, and surface cleaning are to be undertaken to the extent necessary to avoid miasma and infections. Further actions are permissible if nothing else is more urgently needing workers.
* General Attitude *
   Overseers are to be devoted first to the use of surface resources, and after this, to pragmatism in all things that do not conflict with their use of the surface.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2020, 01:37:05 pm by fatcat__25 »
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2020, 08:39:09 pm »

@Travis Bickle, Could you update my party's front page overview to use my full platform?
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2020, 12:29:28 pm »

I want in. Dorf me as "The Maggot." Find the most abrasive, militaristic dwarf you can and put him on a perpetual training schedule as a speardwarf (Although any weapon will suffice).

For the moment, he will be joining The Communal Party of Defense, Decadence, and Splendor since they seem to most align with his beliefs and starting his own party would be a needless distraction from military training.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2020, 06:59:59 pm »

I want in. Dorf me as "The Maggot." Find the most abrasive, militaristic dwarf you can and put him on a perpetual training schedule as a speardwarf (Although any weapon will suffice).

For the moment, he will be joining The Communal Party of Defense, Decadence, and Splendor since they seem to most align with his beliefs and starting his own party would be a needless distraction from military training.
Will do.

Journal of Nephilim, Provisional Overseer of Goldsilver
28th Galena, 250—Sleeping on the hard, cold ground grew tiresome for us all, so we couldn’t put off finding some solution to our problem any longer. I told Maximum Spin to take the pick and start tunneling down into the earth until he breached a cavern. It didn’t take long until he found one, and he conveniently managed to dig right next to some sources of underground wood.

Unfortunately, it seems as if the creatures living in this cavern don’t take kindly to visitors. M.S. wasn’t even finished digging when he was attacked by a giant bat. Fortunately, he got out with only some light bruises, but without a militia to take care of the nastier animals living beneath the earth, we will have make trips to the caverns a rare occurrence.

More beds, however, make the fortress much more livable. I also feel somewhat safer now that the wall is complete and we have two drawbridges connected to levers located near the dining room. There are still some improvements to be made—for example, there is no real safeguard against someone attacking from the mountain yet—but any progress is good progress.

Autumn begins tomorrow. The plan is that a supply caravan from the capital will arrive sometime during the first month with a liaison. I will need to plan accordingly and be careful not to give the liaison any reason to suspect me of treason to the “king.”
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2020, 08:29:58 pm »

Gruesome wounds! Ahhhhhhh! No!
The United Action Leader has officially added 'armed escorts to protect miners from HELLBATS OF THE DEEP' to the party platform.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2020, 09:06:03 pm »

Clearly the only solution here is to send the gruesomely wounded into the caverns with an axe to finish the job. The SUP demands immediate action. We cannot allow our democracy to be sullied by the filthy troglodyte bat menace.
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