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Author Topic: The Fall of Goldsilver Succession Fort – Democracy Suspended  (Read 60928 times)

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #150 on: October 15, 2020, 04:40:15 am »

The mayor has forgotten his demand of a tin bed in his dining room, which I always thought as absurd. If you put a bed in your dining room, it's no longer a dining room! And besides, who wants to sleep on a tin bed? And how do you expect us to get a tin bed?

Anyways, instead now he's demanding that we make anvils. Over my dead body. Any scrap of iron that we get is slated for steel, and any steel we have is going straight to the military. We have no bars for anvils. I will gladly beat up an innocent dwarf to prevent these metals from going to waste.
You can always annul the results of the most recent mayoral election by executive overseer order and appoint loyal servant of the people Nephilim as acting-mayor of Goldsilver.  :D
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #151 on: October 15, 2020, 05:32:34 am »

Personal Journal of Eniteris Coppermirrors

Hematite 14, 253

The humans have arrived, with things to trade. Our population currently stands at 133, and constantly running low on alcohol, because someone decided to build the stills on the far end of the fortress, away from our food stockpiles. I order the dwarves to bring all the trade goods we have, along with all the garbage littering the countryside.
Spoiler: A quick census (click to show/hide)
Scratch that, 132. A week back we found the body of a peasant by the river. No signs of drowning, and none of that mysterious frost. I think that these are dwarves succumbing to infection after being treated without soap. Cleanliness saves lives. Thankfully, my efforts at soap production ensure that injuries will never be infected again.
Spoiler: Finding the body (click to show/hide)

We've also finally taken action against the corpse pile and the elven treachery. We have forged our first bronze spears. Dwarves will never more fall due to substandard weaponry.
Spoiler: No more (click to show/hide)

Malachite 3, 253

More migrants! and along with them, the plague of kea-people have returned. The lack of roofs in our carved human town makes work difficult as dwarves carrying goods to the depot are constantly interrupted by their airborne screams of terror.
Spoiler: The horror (click to show/hide)
Trading is slow, but we've managed to buy a number of bars, books and booze from the humans. Despite having multiple shifts of cooks making prepared meals, we barely have enough to trade for what we want, and had to leave a number of iron weapons behind. I resume bone and shell craft production. Hopefully we will have enough by the time the autumn caravan comes around.

Luckily, with the migrant wave came a legendary weaponsmith. We will make wonders!

Malachite 22, 253

I've gotten absolutely fed up with the kea-people interrupting our work. I order the production of bone crossbows to outfit our ranged militia, and one of our legendary boywers kindly obliges.
However, it turns out the kea people have decided to pursue the human caravan on its way out, and have left the fortress. But they'll be back. And next time, we'll be ready for them.
Spoiler: Goodbye, kea people (click to show/hide)

But the morale situation has not improved. Many dwarves felt vengeful watching the kea people fly up above, and now even the mayor is throwing a tantrum, throwing punches at poor M.S., who only came to the office for a simple meeting.

You can always annul the results of the most recent mayoral election by executive overseer order and appoint loyal servant of the people Nephilim as acting-mayor of Goldsilver.  :D

Thoughts plague me. I could solve the mayor's mandate and tantrums easily (especially since we now have magma). Oh Armok, is this what being drunk with power feels like?

Galena 15, 253

We've had a birth in the fortress, Cerol gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The morale has not yet improved. At least one Woodcutter has lost her mind entirely, running around the fortress speaking in tongues, and another planter has withdrawn, refusing all work. At least these are the quiet ones.

But the commission is complete, and one evening, I announce the official opening of our justice system by unveiling a new statue in the dining room.
Those present at dinner gasp at subject matter presented on the statue, voices clamoring over each other asking whether the rumors were true. I said with a heavy heart that the accusations were true, and we will inaugurate our new justice system with the arrest and punishment of the former political leader, Maximum Spin, for the abuse of office.

Maximum Spin was charged with disorderly conduct, and sentenced to 29 days in the Tower.

And then I filed charges on the backlog of disorderly conduct and vandalism that had occurred in the past six months, so at least he wasn't alone.

I designate the tower a hospital, so that the criminals can get proper medical treatment for their beatings. I'm not a monster. But justice must be done.

Quantum Drop

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #152 on: October 15, 2020, 07:25:45 am »

Journal of Quantum Drop, 253

Damn that thug of a Fisherdwarf. My injuries are not severe, but the fact that morale has continued spiralling enough to lead to this...

Maximum is fairing little better - that soap-obsessed madman of an Overseer has it out for him, I am certain of it! These incarcerations, these 'trials': shambolic at best, an excuse to move against political opponents and old grudge-targets at worst.

I will need to watch my back. Armok help me.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #153 on: October 15, 2020, 02:04:23 pm »

A delicately-incised stone tablet is passed around among the political prisoners atop the tower, eliciting rebellious murmurs:
"let it be known that in coming years there shall be a reckoning for this"


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #154 on: October 15, 2020, 03:19:05 pm »

Personal Journal of Eniteris Coppermirrors

Limestone 8, 253

Kogask, one of the farmers, has claimed the mason's workshop and is running around the fortress collecting various items. I will keep out of their way.
Spoiler: Possessed! (click to show/hide)

Limestone 13, 253

The caravans from the mountainhomes have been spotted on the horizon, and I realize that there were no applications for the noble positions. Absolutely none. And we cannot face the mountainhomes with empty noble positions. I designate one of the hammerdwarves of the guard as the hammerer, and the first dwarf I see as dungeon master, who seems to be leaving pools of blood all over the place. This is perfectly fine.
Spoiler: Perfectly Fine (click to show/hide)
Additionally, the mayor is now punching the dogs. He was just recently released from the Tower, so back up to the Tower it is.

Our trade goods should be enough to trade for them all, we've had our legendary bone carvers working all season.

Limestone 24, 253
Maximum Spin has served his sentence, so I bring him to my office.
I'm going to have more trouble with him in the future, aren't I.

The farmer finally finished their artifact; a slate floodgate, but I didn't have time to look it over before the reports came in.
Spoiler: Vultures. (click to show/hide)
I take what trade goods that had been delivered to the depot already and trade for bolts. We're going to need them.

Oh, and that depressed planter? Died of dehydration. Nothing we could do. But our crypts are filling up, so I order an expansion.

Sandstone 8, 253

We've slowly been whittling down the vulture populations, but apparently our dwarves have discovered a cyclops corpse just outside the gates. Strange.
Spoiler: How did I miss this? (click to show/hide)

A criminal has given birth to a baby in jail. I name him Megamind. Hopefully he'll contribute more to society than his mother.

And now someone killed a dog. Great. Throw them in the tower.

Migrants? WHY! Just more mouths to feed. Let them haul things to the depot and get distracted by vultures, I don't care, nothing matters, we're all going to die.

Sandstone 23, 253
Spoiler: This is fine. (click to show/hide)

So a criminal died after a severe beating, and the mayor's mandate was unfulfilled and someone was beaten, but those two are completely unrelated incidents, and symptoms of a functioning justice system. The fact that the mayor is now banning the export of rings after we may have traded them to the mountainhome is another concern entirely, but we'll cross that aquifer when we get to it.

And I've gotten the Artifacts of Paper to chase after the last freaking vulture.
Let them learn the lesson of futility.

But it turns out that the library that I've built is already being put to good use; a number of books have been written by residents of the fortress.

Timber 13, 253

A fisherdwarf knocked out our legendary weaponsmith. Luckily, the weaponsmith had no lasting injuries.

And apparently we got the missives that someone decided to found a settlement to our east.
Spoiler: Craftlizard (click to show/hide)

Also, it has come to my attention that the main lever to the drawbridge has been broken for quite a while. I trust the Guard to deal with any threat we might face, but I should, at the very least, let others know should they wish to fix this issue.

Timber 25, 253

Long after the caravan leaves, the outpost liason enters my office for a meeting. The mayor is...indisposed, so I speak in his stead.
I greatly await the formal letter, but I fear it will not be enough.

The trade deals run smoothly. We ask for bars of iron and tin (we are drowning in copper), as well as raw iron ore. And drinks. I will have to build a still in the middle of one of our food stockpiles.

But at this point, the Ownership of Avalanches is fully armed and armored in metal. We can move on cladding the Armories of Mortality in metal. And with the bars and ores we got from the mountainhomes, we can begin working on steel.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #155 on: October 15, 2020, 04:55:14 pm »

Journal of Nephilim, Stukist Party Leader
25th Timber, 253—Eniteris' reign as overseer may serve to rehabilitate my public image just in how chaotic and spiteful it has been. Everyone seems to be going mad with stress over the mysterious deaths and bird attacks, and in the meantime the overseer busies himself with sending the mayor and his predecessor to roast in the hot sun chained to the top of the tower. He's also taken to calling himself a baron—obviously illegitimately, as only Queen Vutok herself or through her officials (of which there are none during this interregnum) can raise dwarves to the nobility. There are only a few months left in this year, and I imagine that the United Soapmaking Advocates will fair quite a bit less well in the Obsidian election than they did at the end of last year.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #156 on: October 15, 2020, 11:21:28 pm »

Election poster which appeared in Goldsilver, c. late autumn 253
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #157 on: October 15, 2020, 11:47:11 pm »

curse me..all these deaths and wrongful imprisonments would've never happened If only I had voted for QD..if only...I failed victim to Eniteris' promise for a better future for our children, now I have paid dearly for my poor decision.


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #158 on: October 16, 2020, 05:07:03 am »

Personal Journal of Eniteris Coppermirrors

Moonstone 10, 253

They come in riding war bears and horses and unicorns, ambushing some of our hunters outside the walls. The lever to the bridge is broken, leaving the way to the fortress open. They believe that their treachery has worked, breaking our strength with their wooden weapons, but we have cleansed their offerings with magma, and have forged our own arms with which to repay them for their kindness.

I am praying the Shrine of Graves when I hear the call. I put my hand on the empty pedestal, and ask Rakust to bless us for the battle ahead.

I order our military to array out in front of the trade depot, and it is a a sight that Goldsilver will remember to the end of its days. The Ownership of Avalanches, clad in bronze and freshly-forged copper, glinting in the sunlight. The Artifacts of Paper follow behind, with their masterfully-crafted bone crossbows, ready to rain bolts upon the invaders. And the Armories of Mortality brings up the rear, ready to take care of any fallen foes.

A scouting bobcat comes through the walls, chasing one of our hunters on the way back in. The bobcat is immediately torn to shreds by our military. The elves beyond the wall stop their advance, and beyond the open bridge I can see the fear in their eyes.

We do not hide behind bridges. No more. We will meet you in face-to-face combat. And we will come to you.

The elves break and flee.

The dwarves of Goldsilver whoop and cheer, but I worry. The elves will be back, I am sure of it. But I may not be in charge during the next attack, and I've been hearing rumors of insurrection being whispered in the night, some who would prefer that we have no justice, no order. And although the citizens prefer to have a functioning justice system, those with power would prefer their friends to go unpunished. And I may not be here when the elves stage their next attack.

Moonstone 26, 253

The new hospital has been fully constructed, but the new traction bench came too late for one of injured dwarves.
Our hospital is seeing a good flow of patients, with innocents being injured by injustice and criminals receiving their punishment as well. I order the construction of a well by the river for clean water access. But not all can be saved.

Our library is also beginning to attract visitors, and I accepted a petition to study here. And my work to elevate this realm continues to succeed; Ragdabble has been founded to the east. That's two hillocks that depend on my governance for their survival.

And a farmer has claimed a Craftsdwarf workshop for their own. I hope the fruits of their labor is particularly useful.

Opal 13, 253

I write this entry from the hospital, after being assaulted by one of the insurrectionists. They will be punished, of course, but for the time being I must rest.
Spoiler: A brief repose (click to show/hide)

On the way to the hospital, I was also attacked by one of the pet cats.
Spoiler: It had it out for me. (click to show/hide)
I feel like the pets have become more aggressive to me after receiving Rakust's blessing. Either they avoid me entirely, or attack on sight. Perhaps the insurrectionists are training the animals here in secret.

The farmer has completed their artifact; a giant mole bone floodgate.

Another hillocks has been founded to the east, Minecloistered. Our cleanliness is spreading throughout the world!

And the mayor has decided that at good pastime would be punching cats. Back off to prison for you.

Opal 28, 253

But I have found their leader. A known criminal, a fisherdwarf who had took issue with the beating I administered last month.
But as soon as they learned that I knew, they began to run, interrupting the citizens hard at work. I ordered him to be brought in, but he refused to be taken in alive.

Obsidian 24, 253

Another child has been born in this fortress at the beginning of the month, son of the broker, and Plungeposts has also been founded to the east.

But it is with a heavy heart that I must announce that our dear founder, Nephilim, was caught rabble-rousing. As much as I wish to turn a blind eye, as I did to his outburst back in autumn, there are too many witnesses, and an injured party.
Spoiler: Justice must be served (click to show/hide)

Nephilim was in the library, reading, unaware of the punishment that was awaiting him. But the other patrons of the library feel the change in the air, and quickly file out.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I turn away from the gruesome wounds, and immediately order him to be taken to the hospital. Lucky will take care of him.

Obsidian 28, 253

The end of the year has come, and with it comes election bells. My reign has been a successful one, with my crowning achievement being establishing a military worthy of the name Goldsilver. I've established a well for clean water, soap for cleanliness, and a hospital to care for our injured dwarves. I've expanded the crypts to ensure that all dwarves, regardless of criminal status, can be laid to rest. I've given the guilds their own guildhalls, as opposed to being forced to hold meetings in the rain. I've created temples and a library, making Goldsilver both an economic center and a seat of learning. Four hillocks now depend on Goldsilver for their survival.

I've cleaned the surface so that we no longer must endure the sight of decaying corpses, and no longer need to trip over fallen bolts and clothing. I've established safe passage to the caverns, to allow our monster slayers to practice their craft. I've begun the safe extraction and processing of the legendary metal, and have established our metalworking industry, currently in the process of reclaiming bolts for steel, to protect our great city.

I've cared for our nobles, carving out offices and dining rooms for each of them. I've expanded the number of beds for the citizenry, but I wish I had done more. And I have established justice, to ensure that anarchists and insurrectionists cannot run rampant amongst our law-abiding citizens. And I have exposed the corruption and punished the one Maximum Spin for abuse of office.

I have done much for Goldsilver. I have given it my all.

I just hope the others see it the same way.

But my years is over, and with a heavy heart I must step down. To do otherwise would be unthinkable. I hope our next leader will continue to keep Goldsilver safe.

May Rakust protect us.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 05:59:00 am by Eniteris »


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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #159 on: October 16, 2020, 05:40:11 am »

OOC Break!

*cue end card music*

Where are they now:
and finally,

Spoiler: Nobles of Goldsilver (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: End of Year, 253 (click to show/hide)

Oh! And I almost forgot

Other notes: Eniteris has not yet drunk the blood of another dwarf. I'm not sure why, maybe because he's still active military. Many mythologies say the final transformation only occurs after the first blood meal. Is he a vampire yet? Who knows?
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 06:55:32 am by Eniteris »

Travis Bickle

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Re: Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #160 on: October 16, 2020, 03:26:15 pm »

Good job finishing your turn, Eniteris. Hopefully your successor will be able to deal with the stress problem. :D ELECTION TIME!

Events of 28th Obsidian, 253
At the end of yet another year in Goldsilver, it is time to vote. The electorate gathers together, this time in the new library that was constructed during Eniteris' reign. This location was decided due to its proximity to the new hospital, of which Nephilim had recently been made a long-term resident. The library, furthermore, already had the tables and paper necessary to facilitate an election, requiring none of the extra set-up of the old guildhall. Once the fortress guard had emptied the library of its inhabitants, the eight dwarves entered. Eniteris, looking quite pale and in need of sleep, marched to the tables and took his seat, followed by Maximum Spin, who seemed to make a point of not taking a seat next to Eniteris. The rest soon followed, with Lucky, who had the practically carry the heavily bandaged Nephilim to the tables, taking her seat last. The only dwarf absent was Yung Boujee, who was still transformed on account of the full moon appearing on the 28th.

Nephilim attempted to rise from his seat to address the electorate. He quickly lost his footing and had to be helped back into his seat once again by Lucky. Accepting that he could not stand in this state, he began his address.

"I intend to stand for election as the candidate for the Stukist Party. If elected I will immediately try Eniteris for treason, high crimes, and misdemeanors."
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: [ELECTION IN PROGRESS] Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #161 on: October 16, 2020, 06:35:53 pm »

"I intend to stand for election as the candidate for the Stukist Party. If elected I will immediately try Eniteris for treason, high crimes, and misdemeanors."

Eniteris stands, eyes wide with shock and hurt, but they quickly narrow.

"And on what will those charges be based upon? Or is this just because you regret your little tussle, and wish to be above the law, criminal? I process every case that comes across my desk, independent of who is being charged. Justice is blind, and no one is above the law.

I will submit myself to a tribunal if that is what you wish, but be warned about bending justice to your...political aims. And be wary about the seriousness of your accusations. After all, I was not the one who somehow managed to have an entire political party killed off during their reign."

Spoiler: ENTITY:MOUNTAIN (click to show/hide)

Quantum Drop

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Re: [ELECTION IN PROGRESS] Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #162 on: October 16, 2020, 08:04:50 pm »

"Yet neither is Nephilim the one who has launched this poorly-disguised campaign against political dissenters and 'criminals', either. Nor is he the one whose incompetence has seen a political party leader and a citizen of our great fortress condemned to permanent isolation, for the safety of our fortress as a whole."

(Quantum's eyes narrow to slits; she traces a hand across her chest, grimacing in pain).

"And that is without the effects your supposed 'law and order' has been having on our people's morale. I have walked among the fort's halls; I have given ear to their grievances, their sorrows, their frustrations. You let your ambitions for Goldsilver's future blind yourself to the problems before you, and I cannot, in good conscience, support you in this election."

(A moment of silence, before she sighs aloud and crosses her arms. When she speaks next, it is grudgingly so.)

"Yet, by the same token... I must recommend a degree of leniency for Eniteris, should Nephilim gain another term. The problems of his reign are undeniable, aye, but I question the charge of Treason on practical grounds - though the Jester-King may be an incompetent fool, incapable of running a wagon (let alone a kingdom), should word filter back to the Throne that their 'rightfully appointed' Baron was indicted for treason, I doubt that the Jester's response would be a pleasant one.

For now, I will neither nominate myself nor support any candidate. We shall see if it changes in time."
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.

Maximum Spin

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Re: [ELECTION IN PROGRESS] Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #163 on: October 16, 2020, 09:11:07 pm »

"I," Maximum Spin opens in a rather stentorian fashion, "nominate Fatcat for overseer, if she is willing to take up the mantle a second time. A vote for Fatcat is a vote for a hopeful return to the best years of this fortress thus far, before the recent chaos which, I remind you, happened when our own advice and endorsement went unheeded. It is also," he coughs meaningfully, "a vote for a policy of lenience toward the afflicted, both the werebeasts (including poor unfortunate Boujee, who I hope will still be given an opportunity to place her vote) and any... others who may perhaps be in need of the same. A vote for Fatcat is a vote to make Goldsilver okay again."
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 09:53:28 pm by Maximum Spin »


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Re: [ELECTION IN PROGRESS] Goldsilver – Dwarven Democracy Succession Fort
« Reply #164 on: October 17, 2020, 12:36:56 am »

Fatcat stands up and clears her throat,
"I accept the mantle of candidate for this election. I maintain that I am neither the most competent, nor the wisest leader to be found among our number, but I believe that peace may be restored to our home. My first priority will be the rehabilitation of criminals, followed by the construction of a safe living space for those accursed by the gods, that they may return to usefulness, while not endangering the rest of our lives. Next, housing will be provided to some extent, and any other efforts that are needed will be made to make this place more pleasant.
I hope to see Goldsilver blossom into a beautiful city, fit for any dwarf to to inhabit. Every vote for the Sunlit Action Coalition is a vote for all of our futures. I promise to handle the position of overseer with all respect and humility, and whatever comes, good or bad, I will have done my best to serve you and all of our brethren as befits your trust."
She then turns toward Nephilim, and continues,
"You have much to be angry about. Punishments meted out with utmost violence for minor infractions are apt to arouse the most stolid of hearts to anger, and you certainly have encountered some of the worst in the fortress's justice system. Nonetheless, you are not the only aggrieved party here. You forget that Maximum Spin was imprisoned and publicly shamed, simply for taking the time out of his work to build his small corner of our planned living quarters, and yet he is not opposed to lenience. Realize that to simply return injustice for injustice is to take Goldsilver down a path toward chaos and anarchy. The only thing that will matter will be revenge, and death will find us all one by one. Realize that this is what you are advocating, Nephilim!"
She stops, and breathes for a moment, and continues in a calmer voice,
"I know you have not plainly advocated any of this, but we can see that this is what you are thinking. I also know that part of this distaste of yours is for reasons of your personal beliefs, which I can respect fully. However, my cry is for peace. This is our home! Let us lay aside our differences, and make it a better place to live!"
She wipes her brow, and then sits down abruptly, looking somewhat embarrassed by her tirade.
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.
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