So far, most of the technical issues surrounding Ettins have already been solved, they have two individually cognitant heads with two cones of sight but the one facet that they're missing is how to use both of their body parts in not total unison but least effectively in combat.
So i propose [MULTIPART_DEXTERITY] , wherein the ettin heads has full control over both its hands for weapon or item slots based on the method that they're two seperate heads, a centre of thought being directly attributed to control of the hand in their own body.
In a active combat situation with your military dwarves or against your adventurer while one Ettin head may be riling up for a attack here, the other ettin head effectively like a soldier upon a mounted horse is thinking about attacking simulatenously around itself using its other dexterous arm, queuing up two attacks at once.
- Killing one of the heads will release the dexterity of the hands causing them to effectively drop what they're holding. Since ettins are already no-stun this is a effective though not pernament way of defusing the threat. A adventurer could do this to quickly reprieve a ettin's grasp of them, or a dangerous or coveted object.
For the rest of the creature beastiary, dexterity can show itself in alternative ways since they aren't so blessed to be [AMBIDEXTEROUS] like a ettin is in its own cheating way, but instead have randomized chances split between handedness, mentioned within the intelligent personal player read biographies of favoring a particular hand preference or neither which will always comprise for military means their weapon-hand which they are most able to use.
[HAND_DEXTERITY: ((chances of lefthandedness)) : ((righthandedness chance)): ((ambidexterious chance))]
* Only accounts for bp left and right hand, a odd number of left arms to right arms and lefthandedness still constitutes being skilled with that side of your body. Seperate tokens can determine irregular BP's as preferences if relevant.
A token like [DEXTERITY_LIMIT:((num range of what is normal 0 to a 100))], with a certain level of math with skill & (agility/concentration) whether a dwarf can use more than one item in each hand effectively & dual wield weapons with equal precision, would be totally overcome by things like weapon mastership (dwarves with legendary skill and physique can twohand swords in combat, weapons both becoming lighter through training and applied more deadily with parry training) and martial trances for clarity of how to grip and stab someone at the same time or instantly shield-block.
Monkeys and creatures with some grasping appendages that aren't their mouths typically have poor but varying natural dexterity, until you reach the level of great apes, yeti's, bigfoot, and other man-like monsters such as troglodytes & giants with a typical baseline. A octopus or giant desert scorpion might not breach a enormous threat on picking up a weapon, but a octopus man has a slim or guranteed chance through weapon mastership of harnessing all grasping points & arms limbs at once.
- Same for creatures if you wanted to show off holding your extra weapon on your tail, teeth or trunk, but this debuffs the advantage multi-armed races not gifted with automatic appendage mastery are usually given in fort & adventure mode.