What? It's Haspen's
Battleships game.
IN SPACE. Why? Because I have problems.
Because of the huge distances (and thus times) involved, all actions are resolved simultaneously.
# Distance
Battles in SPACE span across great distances, and the efficiency of your weapons is dependent on the range to your target. There are seven range bands, each one substantially larger than the next:
Extreme, Very Long, Long, Medium, Short, Close, Melee
At any given moment, a ship will be at one of these ranges to every other ship in the Combat. For simplicity, ships will be grouped together if their relative ranges permit.
- An example:
Red Squadron consists of Red-1 and Red-2 at melee range
The Brawl consists of Red-3 and Blue-1 at melee range
Blue Squadron consists of The Brawl and Blue-2 at Short Range
Red Squadron, Blue Squadron and Blue-3 are at Medium Range from one another
From this we know that Red-1 and Red-2 are at Medium range from all Blue ships. Red-3 is at Melee range with Blue-1, Short Range with Blue-2 and Medium Range with Blue-3.
This could also be described in graph form:
The Field (Medium Range)
|- Red Squadron (Melee Range)
| |- Red-1
| > Red-2
|- Blue Squadron (Short Range)
| |- The Brawl (Melee Range)
| | |- Red-3
| | > Blue-1
| > Blue-2
> Blue-3
To find the range between two ships, simply find the closest ancestor they both share.
# Movement
Due to the substantial ranges, standard impulse thrusters are only good for evasive maneuvering and attitude control. To make tactical manoeuvres, ships need to use their Jump Drive. They take a full turn to charge up however, so be careful about getting caught in a dangerous situation.
When charging a jump, you will have to declare how you are moving relative to something else, typically another ship. Thanks to transdimensional interference from other Jump Drives, you can't just rock straight up next to an enemy ship, nor can you skip straight to extreme range after delivering a point blank strike. Instead, you can jump up to two steps closer or further from an enemy ship each time. Thanks to careful drive calibration, allied ships do not cause Jump Interference, and instead can be used to home straight in, assuming there are no hostile ships nearby to make things difficult.
Going back to our graph, if Red-3 wanted to close with Blue-3, (whilst all other ships stayed stationary) the graph would first look like the following:
The Field (Medium Range)
|- Red Squadron (Melee Range)
| |- Red-1
| > Red-2
|- Blue Squadron (Short Range)
| |- Blue-1
| |- Blue-2
| > Red-3
> Blue-3
As Red-3 must disengage from Blue-1 first, it moves out to Short Range, before then starting to close with Blue-3 next jump:
The Field (Medium Range)
|- Red Squadron (Melee Range)
| |- Red-1
| > Red-2
|- Blue Squadron (Short Range)
| |- Blue-1
| |- Blue-2
> The Duel (Short Range)
|- Blue-3
> Red-3
If Red-3 had instead decided to move into formation with the other Red ships, it could've moved straight to Melee Range with them if so desired, as no hostile ships were around to interfere.
# Shooting
Each attack with a weapon rolls 2d6, and compared it to the target value in the following wrapping range table. If that number or higher is rolled, the weapon hits.
To Hit Target (2d6)
| Mel | Cls | Sht | Med | Lng | VLg | Ext
Missile | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 7 | -
Laser | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 10 | - | -
Kinetic | 4 | 7 | 10 | 12 | - | - | -
Missiles reach anything at Medium range the same turn they are launched, but take 1 turn to hit at Long range, and 2 turns to hit at Very Long range. Each hit deals one damage.
Lasers deal one damage per hit, and strike instantly.
Kinetics deal one damage per hit, and produces an additional hit per two rolled over the minimum. Thus a roll of 12 at Melee range is actually five hits.
# Defence
Defence effectiveness vs Offence
| Lasers | Kinetics | Missiles
Point Defence | 0% | 50% | 100%
Shields | 100% | 0% | 50%
Armour | 50% | 100% | 0%
Each Point Defence rolls 2d6 against incoming Missiles/Kinetics. On a 3+ it hits. Missiles are destroyed in one hit, Kinetics are destroyed in two hits. Every time a Point Defence successfully hits, it may immediately roll for another interception with a cumulative -2 penalty. If a Point Defence fails to hit the target, the Missile/Kinetic has successfuly struck the ship. Multiple Point Defence act in a Round Robin, thus each Point Defence will attempt their first interception before any attempt their second.
Chance of Num Hits per PD
0) 2.78% 1) 16.20% 3) 33.76% 4) 34.14% 5) 12.03% 6) 1.09%
Each Shield Generator can support two Shield Strength. Each laser hit will reduce Shield Strength by one, and each missile hit will remove two. If there's only one Shield Strength, a missile will remove it then hit the ship. Each turn, every Shield Generator increases Shield Strength by one.
Each Armour layer prevents two Kinetic hits or one Laser hit per turn. Multiple hits in the same location on a turn will be able to break through and deal damage, but thanks to advanced self-healing materials, the Armour will reform and be ready to block additional hits next turn. Armour will only protect the section it is placed on.
First, attacks roll to hit. Defences will then prioritise the attacks they are strong against. Point Defence will trigger first, then Shields. Any remaining hits will then strike a random section of ship. If it is armoured, some hits may be negated.
# Damage and DamCon
Damage is applied first to an external component if present, then the internal component. Components have three states, Intact, Damaged, Jury Rigged and Destroyed. If more than 70% of a ship's Internal Components are destroyed, the ship will also be destroyed.
Every ship has a number of DamCon Teams (one per five Internal Components, rounding up). A DamCon team can repair a Component from Damaged to Intact in three turns. They can also spend three turns to Jury Rig destroyed Components, bringing them up to an equivalent of Damaged, however it is not possible to restore them to Intact levels.
If a Component being repaired suffers more damage, the DamCon progress is reset. If all Components in a section are Destroyed, additional hits do nothing (except for resetting any DamCon).
# Power
Every ship component needs power to function. If there is not enough power to go around, you must disable some Components until you are within budget. Whilst disabled, Components will not contribute. Mass Drivers will not fire, Shield Generators will not maintain a shield, and the Jump Drive will not charge.
Thanks to a lack of gravity to contend with, ship size is only limited by cost. A ship is made up of a row of Sections, each consisting of exactly one Internal Component, plus an optional External Component and any number of Augmentations (although never more than one of each). To be viable, a ship must have at least one Jump Drive, one Impulse Thruster, and one Reactor. It should probably have at least one weapon as well.
## Internal Components
Reactor: Critical to the ship, provides power so all the other components can function.
Cost: 5 MCreds.
*Intact: Produces 12 Power
*Damaged: Produces 6 Power
*Destroyed: Produces 0 Power
Jump Drive: Required to move the ship in any reasonable time frame during combat.
Cost: 5 MCreds, 4 Power
*Intact: Requires one turn of charging to jump, changing distance by up to two steps
*Damaged: Requires two turns of charging to jump, changing distance by up to two steps
*Destroyed: Cannot jump
**Special: Additional Intact Jump Drives increase the distance you can Jump. The first additional step requires one more Jump Drive. The second additional step requires two more Jump Drives. Etc. Damaged Jump Drives do not provide this bonus, but can still receive it.
Impulse Thruster: Responsible for moving the ship in realspace, and thus maximising evasive maneuvering.
Cost: 3 MCreds, 1 Power
*Intact: -
*Damaged: Enemies get +1 To Hit this ship
*Destroyed: Enemies get +2 To Hit this ship
**Special: Additional Impulse Thrusters act as backups, allowing you to use the least damaged Impulse Thruster
Shield Generator: Produces a bubble of charged energy that can deflect lasers and trigger missiles impact sensors
Cost: 4 MCreds, 4 Power
*Intact: Can support a Strength 2 Shield, and regenerates 1 Strength per turn
*Damaged: Can support a Strength 1 Shield, and regenerates 1 Strength per turn
*Destroyed: Cannot support or Regenerate a Shield
**Special: Multiple Shield Generators combine their Strength cap and regen rates
## External Components
Laser Array: High Powered beams of light, dealing 1 damage per hit.
Cost: 2 MCreds, 3 Power
*Intact: May attack twice per turn
*Damaged: May attack once per turn, -1 to hit
*Destroyed: Cannot attack
Mass Driver: Fires bursts of high density slugs, dealing one damage per hit. Each attack deals one hit on successful roll, plus one additional hit per two over the To Hit target
Cost: 3 MCreds, 2 Power
*Intact: Attack once per turn
*Damaged: Attack once per turn, -2 to hit
*Destroyed: Cannot attack
Missile Launcher: Self-guided munitions that detonate on impact, dealing one damage per hit.
Cost: 4 MCreds, 1 Power
*Intact: Attack once per turn
*Damaged: Attack once per turn, -2 to hit
*Destroyed: Cannot attack
Point Defence: A variety of small, rapid fire weapons, can intercept hostile munitions
Cost: 3 MCreds, 3 Power
*Intact: Can intercept munitions
*Damaged: Can intercept munitions, -2 to hit
*Destroyed: Cannot intercept munitions
## Augmentations
Armour: A layer of hardened material with self-sealing properties. Ignores the first two kinetic hits or the first one laser hit each turn
Cost: 1 MCreds
Shield Capacitors: Increases the Max Shield Strength by one. Must be placed on a Shield Generator. Lost permanently when base Component is Destroyed.
Cost: 3 MCreds
Experimental Reactor: Uses cutting-edge, volatile reagents to double Reactor output. Must be placed on a Reactor. 1 in 4 chance of permanently destroying base Sector and damaging adjacent Sectors when damaged.
Cost: 5 MCreds
Overclocker: Enhanced targeting computers and precision motors increase the effectiveness of Point Defence by +2. Must be placed on a Point Defence.
Cost: 4 MCreds
# Example Ship
Name: 'Indictor' (Kashyyk) - Ship name, (Player name)
Class: Patrol Boat - For fluff, and to help others understand the purpose of your ship
Cost: 28 MCreds (Sum of all components and Augmentations)
Shields: 2/2 (+1) - Current Strength/Max Strength (+Regen)
Power Balance: 0 (Net power, from all active components, disregarding Disabled/Destroyed)
1: Armour / Laser Array / Shield Generator
2: Armour / Point Defence / Reactor
3: Armour / Mass Driver [Disabled] / Jump Drive [Disabled]
4: Armour / Missile Launcher / Impulse Thruster
# To Play
We will be forming two fleets with a maximum combined budget of 200 MCreds. Each team will start at Short range from other team members and Extreme Range from the opposite team.
BLU Fleet - 200/200 MCreds
Name: 'Mandator' (Madman)
Class: Dreadnought
Cost: 136 MCreds
Shields: 15/15 (+5)
Power Balance: +1
1: Armor / Point Defense / Reactor
2: Armor / Point Defense / Jump Drive
3: Armor / Point Defense / Impulse Thruster
4: Armor / Missile Launcher / Reactor
5: Armor / Missile Launcher / Reactor
6: Armor / Laser Array / Shield Generator (Shield Capacitor)
7: Armor / Laser Array / Shield Generator (Shield Capacitor)
8: Armor / Laser Array / Reactor
9: Armor / Laser Array / Shield Generator (Shield Capacitor)
10: Armor / Laser Array / Shield Generator (Shield Capacitor)
11: Armor / Laser Array / Reactor
12: Armor / Laser Array / Reactor
13: Armor / Point Defense / Jump Drive
14: Armor / Point Defense / Shield Generator (Shield Capacitor)
15: Armor / Point Defense / Impulse Thruster
Class: Escort Frigate
Cost: 64 MCreds
Shields: 6/6 (+2)
Power Balance: +8
1. Armour / Missile Launcher / Reactor +11
2. - / Point Defence (Overclocker) / Jump Drive -7
3. Armour/ Mass Driver / Impulse Thruster -3
4. Armour / - / Shield Generator (Shield Capacitor) -4
5. - / Mass Driver / Reactor +10
6. - / Mass Driver / Shield Generator (Shield Capacitor) -6
7. - / Point Defence / Reactor +9
RED Fleet - 200/200 MCreds
Class: Laser Frigate
Cost: 44 MCreds
Shields: 2/2 (+1)
Power Balance: 0
1: Armour / Laser Array / Shield Generator
2: Armour / Laser Array / Reactor
3: Armour / Laser Array / Jump Drive
4: Armour / Laser Array / Impulse Thruster
5: Armour / Point Defense/ Reactor
6: Armour / Laser Array (disabled)/Impulse Thruster(disabled)
Class: Axe-Type Battleship
Cost: 94 MCred
Shields: 0
Power Balance: (Max/Current/Reactor) 44/36/36
1: Armor/Mass Driver/Reactor
2: Armor/Mass Driver/Jump Drive
3: Armor/Mass Driver/Impulse Thruster
4: Armor/Mass Driver/Jump Drive
5: Armor/Mass Driver/Jump Drive
6: Armor/Point Defense(Overclocker)/Reactor
7: Armor/Point Defense(Overclocker)/Impulse Thruster
8: Armor/Mass Driver/Jump Drive
9: Armor/Mass Driver(Disabled)/Jump Drive(Disabled)
10:Armor/Mass Driver(Disabled)/Reactor
Class: Missile Frigate
Cost: 62 MCred
Shields: 4/4 (+2)
Power Balance: (Max/Current/Reactor) 25/24/24
1: Armour / Point Defence / Shield Generator
2: Armour / Point Defence / Impulse Drive
3: Armour / Missile Launcher / Reactor
4: Armour / Missile Launcher / Reactor
5: Armour / Missile Launcher / Shield Generator
6: Armour / Missile Launcher / Impulse Drive (Disabled)
7: Armour / Missile Launcher / Jump Drive