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Author Topic: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread - M2 Deployment  (Read 9898 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2020, 12:38:43 am »

I prefer robot dinosaurs to something stolen from MoP's SG
I didn’t actually steal it from MoP’s SG. I never got around to reading it. I was just trying to think of a name for reverse cyborgs. Either way, the name isn’t relevant- it could be changed.
That said, the current version of robot dinosaurs isn’t bad, and I’d be okay with it as well. A bit goofy, but if Powder’s okay with it, that’s fine.
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2020, 06:00:59 am »

I'm definitely on the side of wanting something that isn't fully goofy. Not that the dinobots can't be flavored in a serious way, I like them regardless. I'll revise my idea tonight after work, and post something a little more concrete.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 06:05:11 am by Unraveller »
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2020, 07:17:15 pm »

"We were like you once. . ."

"Fragile, small, weak. Like infants, nascent beings who have only taken their first steps into the world. Fear not, Anthropos, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Many things of great virtue have you still; A beating heart and vibrant soul, a mind, a sapient brain with limitless potential, a will solid as our frame, set to survive."

Cold fingertips, that's what startled him most, caught eternally in some charade of life and death. For all the carefully grafted nerves and muscles wrapping steel bones and silicone cartilage, watching with each little movement of those digits tugging upon exposed tendons, nothing about her screamed that they were, or ever could be the same. Still, they grazed across his unmoving, sedated skin, dancing to the tags around his neck, Alekos. An Anthropos, ushured soon into a new age of humanity.

The convergent one spoke to him yet more, through the voice of a young woman despite her appearance. Artificial gray visage of the Michaní, yet the natural milky, real eyes of an Anthropos gaze back. "You have fought so very hard Alekos." The amalgamated machine coos, "Do you even know for what you die? Propaganda has corrupted your mind dear Alekos. . ." Servos can be heard whirring above, slowly, slowly descending upon the paralyzed man, buzzing endlessly in his head. "It's to be expected of course, the last vestige of a species clinging to life as the rest evolve. The wheat from the chaff to use an archaic phrase."

Haunched over Alekos, the Synklino, twice his mass in bulk and height, interfaces with a console briefly. Her touch sending lagless signals streaking across the frame's network of synapses, right to its brain. And without delay a crimson grid overlays itself upon the Anthropos, consuming him in light. "I can tell you are still so unsure of this, perhaps the truth will set your spirit free. I forget, you see, that the life of your kind is a mere blip to ours." She muses, her tone so naturally aloof, with the smallest hints of malice. 

"I speak of our ancestors, long ago; As society dredged itself up from the bowels of chaos into the first Unity, little thought was given to the ground from which we walked, the planet which should have been held sacred above all else as our mother. Even then under one nation still we squabbled over creed and kin as the world around us decayed. As new generations were left to deal with the sins of the old, the damage had long since been done." She takes a moment of silence, reverently gazing off into the distance. "Even knowing the tragedy unspooling, our kind bred and multiplied, reaching a tipping point at last. Estimates suggest over two generations 96.35% of all life faced near or total extinction. For all our great minds and ascendant technology, still we could not save our planet, nor it seemed, our race. At least, as we knew it then."

Alekos begins to sputter and cough, his breathing rapidly increasing in rate as sedatives begin to wear. Yet it seems the Synklino does nothing to assuage his pain as blades descend upon him. "Two solutions arose simultaneously. Extend our reach at last to the stars. . . And build us new bodies that new neither hunger, nor thirst. Do you see. . ?" She asks gently as horrid screams at last escape the Anthropos' throat, running it raw. "True evolution occurs under strain of death."

"The first of us bore little success, no more than base impulses directly from the brains moving simple Michani. Soon we found that coupled with yet more pieces of the original host, a heart, veins, a spinal cord, the base impulses grew stronger more in sync. Perhaps it speaks to the existence of an ephemeral soul, or perhaps our hubris clinging to life. Primitive still these first Synklino were, and they decayed far quicker than the ancient Anthropos. It was no salvation, but hastened our search through the heavens." At last the hoarse wails came to an end, Alekos' body still twitching ever so slightly.

Her facsimile of a face most mechanical rose upward to the ceiling and beyond, "Then, as we explored our system, a miracle revealed itself. This universe of ours is so incomphrehensibly vast, truly gods must exist beyond our perception. . . A ship of impossible design wandered into our space, immense yet silent as the grave. Upon that ship existed something just one, a nothing more. You know of what I speak, don't you Alekos?" As she turned her crystalline eyes to sterile table before her, she spoke to little more than scattered organs and dissected bits. Yet still she continued, "The Progenitor Flesh." The Synklino spoke in hushed tones and of reverent mind.

"Did it escape cataclysm? Did it come from a place where yet more of its kind await its return? Perhaps it was a prison set adrift the empty vastness of the stars. But to us, it became our salvation, the closest thing to a living God."

Mechanical arms strip the nerves from the skin, and cleanse the deep wounds. "Perhaps it was too late to save the Anthropos of old. . ." She would sigh, but no air expels itself from her false throat of thick wire and pulsating arteries. "Yet, with the Progenitor Flesh, the allure of immortality had shown itself, forever could we sustain, the blood and the bile, the gray matter and our muscles, every last shred of our biology. Approximately 71.08% Of Chamenos' population accepted this step into the unknown and evolved into the Synklino. Yet some resisted, and as you know, do to this day."

A mist of freezing fog envelopes the room briefly, a frame much like her own emerges from a bleak pod. "Still. There is cost, all life comes at cost. . . Perhaps you know this much, The Progenitor Flesh requires biomass in equal shares to create the nectar of our immortality. And with Chamenos dying as it is, we must grip the stars with both hands, as one race, as a unified people, as Synklino. Do you understand Alekos. . ?"

"I. . . Under. . . Stand. . ." A voice croaks from within the newborn, as a face much like its last is plated over those green straining eyes.

Planet Chamenos; Festival of Unity, Day 1,678.

Approximately 11.45% of the world's population remain pure, dying Anthropos, clinging to the small vestiges of life they can. Feeding upon the goods of a time long past, pitiful subsistence farming, and even one another. Still, despite their torturous existence generation after generation they resist a peaceful and harmonic convergence with Michani. It strains the collective consciousness, and sparks division even among the Synklino. Some cannot bear the idea of bringing arms against their kin, others believe them a plague upon an already dried up world, another group believes the overlong Festival only deters their growth into the stars, and more yet still are saddled somewhere between. What is clear; a decision will be made soon.

The Synklino are not a vast population, for even with all the power of The Progenitor Flesh, new souls cannot be constructed. Still, they are undying, in a fashion, yet one day perhaps without the ability to procreate, they still teeter upon extinction. The propagation of their way of life requires two key components, biomass, that has long run dry across the barren world of Chamenos, beyond the remaining Anthropos and what flora and fauna can be sustained in the poisoned soil. And, new nervous systems. Beyond that of their kin, in this way, the species can evolve yet further, something many hold deep in their still beating hearts. And so, to worlds beyond, they send Titans with blessings of The Progenitor Flesh among their small bands.

Centralized and unified are the Synklino, bearing little political stripes or creed. Most thinking little more than how they can advance their species as a whole. Though to be sure, there's a certain individualism that remains from their lives as Anthropos, such beings are oft' the ones sent alongside their Titans of flesh and machine to strike out amidst the stars.

Their living God? Some hold it with such reverance, like a miraculous spirit from the vast beyond that descended upon them in their time of dire need. Others view it merely as a tool to cast bodies of steel and muscle from, to sustain their everlasting life. The entity itself, the Progenitor Flesh as they call it appears as a undulating mass of gray matter. Its immensity finds itself home at the center of their capital, in the only warm recess on Chamenos deep near the core, the Well of the World. The being gives off a constant band of radiation across countless wavelengths yet no technology has been able to divine its will, its thoughts, its feelings, or mental capacity. In truth, little is known save for that which it can create. Torturing its body with electrical impulses the Progenitor Flesh can be made to spawn organic matter as simple as bone and blood, and as complex as the eyes or other organs, in turn diminishing in size, requiring an equal mass of living matter in turn. Yet it cannot birth whole beings or functioning, thinking brains. Hence much of the Synklino's reach into the unknown beyond Chamenos, testing the extent of their evolution.

I've lost control of my life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #33 on: July 29, 2020, 12:00:21 pm »

Quote from: Vote Box
Kingdom of Unrivaled Archaeology (3): NG, m1895, Frostgiant
Grobyci (1): Unraveller.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #34 on: July 29, 2020, 12:03:48 pm »

Quote from: Vote Box
Kingdom of Unrivaled Archaeology (3): NG, m1895, Frostgiant
Grobyci (2): Unraveller, C2M
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #35 on: July 29, 2020, 12:18:58 pm »

So, my order of preference for the three options is Grobyci>Synklino>Archaeologist. I'd be fine with any of them, but since there are two votes for the Grobyci, I'll put my vote down there for now. I could be persuaded to vote differently.

Quote from: Vote Box
Kingdom of Unrivaled Archaeology (3): NG, m1895, Frostgiant
Grobyci (3): Unraveller, C2M, NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #36 on: July 29, 2020, 12:26:43 pm »

This one's hard for me as well, I really like both the Archaeologists and the ideas behind the Grobyci for separate reasons. Looks like Synklino isn't going to be in the running, which is fine, Nuke's race is fairly analogous.

I for sure need to think on this.

As an aside, how do you folks think I could improve upon the idea of the Synklino? Even if it doesn't garner much interest for votes, I'll probably file it away for later use.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 01:28:04 pm by Unraveller »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #37 on: July 29, 2020, 02:57:06 pm »

This one's hard for me as well, I really like both the Archaeologists and the ideas behind the Grobyci for separate reasons. Looks like Synklino isn't going to be in the running, which is fine, Nuke's race is fairly analogous.

I for sure need to think on this.

As an aside, how do you folks think I could improve upon the idea of the Synklino? Even if it doesn't garner much interest for votes, I'll probably file it away for later use.

I think it’s a cool write-up! I think mainly for me and my vote it’s a little too complex to have a clear view of the faction’s identity. The other twos are pretty clear in what they’ll look like (giant cyborg Titan vs dinocyborg Titan) whereas I’m not as clear on what a Synklino would look like.

My advice would be to trim it down, and make a strong hook for your faction. Since this is a game about Titans, show what an ideal Synklino Titan might look like. What weapons might we prefer, or what are the tactics and strategies our faction uses?

Now that’s just my 2 cents, which is not coming from a forum game veteran  :P. I think the lore is cool, but it didn’t hook me enough to prefer it over the Grobyci, who I think are broadly similar but delivers a more visual idea of what we are working with. I also really like the Saturday morning cartoon vibes of the Archeologist! In short, I’d be fine with any of the three winning.
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2020, 06:56:35 pm »

That's a totally fair assessment, I've found that when I'm writing, I often do so in pretty vague terms and fail to be. . . Clear or concrete. Dunno why exactly, it's an issue though for sure.

I'm at about 51% support for Grobyci and 49% for the Archaeologists at the moment. Gonna wait a day or two more to see if we can drum up amy more votes, but if it comes down to a dead heat, I'll probably swing in the way of a tiebreaker because I'm so torn.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2020, 09:03:42 pm »

Spoiler: Prior Synklino Lore (click to show/hide)

Without end the inhabitants of Chamenos toiled, though war had long since left the surface of their planet what they developed now was wholly borne for it. With a haunting reverence, the Synklino brought their plans before the undulating gray matter of the Progenitor Flesh, who in turn granted it graciously upon them without word or thought.

From end to end, the human vascular system laid out stretches approximately 100,000 Kilometers. For the immense creature hewn of metal and flesh from which the Synklino now dedicate their prolonged lives to, it is greater than tenfold. Intricately, painstakingly weaving a cardiovascular system in of itself is a working that dominates the first steps to this beast of their industry. Yet the delicacy and precision by which they band dry veins and arteries together speaks to their drive for the future or their people. Countless amalgamated hearts are conceived through the womb of their writhing diety, each linked together, and each wrapped in thick steel. They fill in sixty-eight compartments within the broad chest of the collossus and a rhythmic, melodious beating begins to play across the land.

Sixteen fine specimens of both Synklino and Anthropos kind endure years long rigor of intellectual training and study, engorging their brains of all manner of information. From combat, to survival skills, to theoretical physics and all manner of complex mathematics. They do so wholly for the sake of their kind, as the people of Chamenos look on with bated breath. Each of their brains are voluntarily transplanted to the framed head of the creature, woven together by their cords and affixes to a great spinal ridge. Bone is then shaped about the coalesced mind, and steel then layered about that. As they begin to think amongst themselves, one ego takes the forefront, to this they consider the master brain, drawing and drinking deep of the memories, experiences, skills, and traumas of the other fifteen. It is as thus, the greatest thinker among the Synklino and Anthropos both.

Lungs like the bellows of a world forge fill it's chest cavity out, supplying the thick crimson blood that's pumped in through cable and wire wrapped veins and capillaries with oxygen and other gases that can be filtered thriugh the trachea, the system in total giving itself multiple hours of potential survival even in the vacuum of space. So then as the skeleton of formed of weighty bones, and the connected minds are fed blood and plasma by the immense cardiovasculars, the grafting muscle upon steel thru stichings and biowelds, the most robust of their moving parts are made. Armor built and riveted, sloping plates of gleaming grey, new weapons exclusively mechanical in nature devised and integrated, and at last a cermonial face hewn carefully of marble is set upon the head, resembling the statues of Anthropos in the most ancient of times.

Thus a hulking new life was born, a broad upper body bearing all the components of their most complex machines, the countless organs, it was somewhat disproportional to the lower half, greater in size and breadth, while either of its massive arms hung low, nearly to the ground.

They were given a name; Laestrygon, first of the Titans.

So, I personally picture Laestrygon similar in style to the Dwemer Centurions of Skyrim, such as here or here. Albiet partly organic in nature and of course futuristic machinery / balistic armaments. My main inspiration for appearance beyond that is Greek mythos, so cram what I've described together with marble statues amd freaky gigantes and you'll get something of what I'm imagining.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #40 on: July 31, 2020, 05:09:13 pm »

Quote from: Vote Box
Kingdom of Unrivaled Archaeology (3): NG, m1895, Frostgiant
Grobyci (3): Unraveller, C2M, NUKE9.13
Synklino (1): Failbird
I like the idea. The idea of dinoborgs is fun, and cyborgized megafauna are neat, but I feel like this hits a sort of position I'm far more interested in.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #41 on: July 31, 2020, 05:20:11 pm »

Quote from: Vote Box
Kingdom of Unrivaled Archaeology (3): NG, m1895, Frostgiant
Grobyci (3): Unraveller, C2M, NUKE9.13
Synklino (1): Failbird
I like the idea. The idea of dinoborgs is fun, and cyborgized megafauna are neat, but I feel like this hits a sort of position I'm far more interested in.

I like the idea of borg'd up megafauna as well, but I prefer my Titans to be grown/birthed of flesh and blood instead of being pre-existing in nature. The archeology faction has the best lore, imo, but I don't want dinobots specifically.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #42 on: July 31, 2020, 05:44:24 pm »

Quote from: Vote Box
Kingdom of Unrivaled Archaeology (3): NG, m1895, Frostgiant
Grobyci (2): C2M, NUKE9.13
Synklino (2): Failbird, Unraveller

Begone shame, I too shall vote for my own creation, thus evening that bias out. Let our decisions be contentious, just as our pick for tech type!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #43 on: August 01, 2020, 11:55:17 am »

I like the idea of borg'd up megafauna as well, but I prefer my Titans to be grown/birthed of flesh and blood instead of being pre-existing in nature. The archeology faction has the best lore, imo, but I don't want dinobots specifically.
Well, there's an option for cyborg megafauna, and an option for purpose-grown biomecha, but I feel like you're going to need to make your own option if you want both.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Mech/Organic Side Thread
« Reply #44 on: August 02, 2020, 05:19:15 pm »

Quote from: Vote Box
Kingdom of Unrivaled Archaeology (4): NG, m1895, Frostgiant, Rockeater
Grobyci (2): C2M, NUKE9.13
Synklino (2): Failbird, Unraveller
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.
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