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Author Topic: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread - M2 Deployment  (Read 9888 times)

Powder Miner

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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #60 on: August 18, 2020, 08:06:09 pm »

Preliminary Phase Four - Blueprint

As a Kingdom, the Kingdom of Unrivalled Archaeologists shares many of the troubles and absurdities experienced by monarchies all over the galaxy, even with its absurd nature. One of these issues is that family members of ruling monarchs are claimants to the throne, and have this nasty tendency to press that claim from time to time, which has cursed the Kingdom with a few coups and civil wars over its history. As the Kingdom's lifespan went on and its Unrivalled monarchs started to actually develop a meaningful monarchic tradition (after all, a totally batshit dino-making archaeologist is not going to be the most adroit founder of a sociopolitical system), it started to find solutions to these issues -- solutions which became rather less direct after the murder that got rid of Unrivalled XXI led various branches of the Unrivalled House to pool power behind the judiciary with a clear message: we will not tolerate further murders of members of the royal family.

Unrivalled XVI has dealt with his siblings in such indirect ways, in what he'd thought to be a master stroke. His barely-younger brother had been goaded into taking a rebellion that was dealt with very handily, making taking him out of the picture easily justified, and his sister Rivalla was sent off to go play soldier in the deadliest conflicts of the Kingdom, where she would surely die... and then she didn't. The people around her in that company sure, did, officers and Titan pilots falling left and right to both unfortunate accidents and vicious direct combat, but Rivalla never quite did, even at age 10. Now, Princess Rivalla's Grand Biomechanical Retinue has been harrowed by conflict, winnowed down to a core of just a few officers, two active Pilots, and one Titan as a result of brutal conflict against an Arehan religious order, and it may be being practically banished out of the sector... but Rivalla's Retinue is very much not dead and gone, with the command frigate Unceasing Progress and its small formation of shuttles now inhabiting the Sommet Sector.

Notable personnel of Rivalla's Retinue:

Captain Lanre Adebayo: Executive Officer (but really Commander)
Lanre Adebayo is not the first man in Rivalla's Retinue to hold the rank of Captain and official position of Executive Officer, informal position of Commander -- he is in fact the third, the other two having met rather untimely demises. But he's the one to have held the position longest, for 35 months as compared to the 5 months and 14 months held by the first and second Executive Officers respectively. Lanre's success mostly comes from his willingness to put his foot down and take real authority of Rivalla's Retinue in ways that his predecessors struggled with; he's willing to directly countermand Rivalla when necessary, an arrangement she has since come to accept but which was a lot harder when she was a 12-year-old theoretically with the power of life and death. He's a tough but calm individual; while he frequently simply refuses to budge, he's rarely found exploding in anger or meting out harsh punishments. He simply lets his actions speak, and does what he needs to do without apologizing or blustering.

Lieutenant Marcellino Costa: Third-in-Command (but really Executive Officer)
Marcellino Costa is one of a very small number of personnel to have been with Rivalla's Retinue for the entirety of its existence, and the reasons he has survived this long are both a blessing and a curse. Marcellino Costa is a risk-averse individual (something that has helped him avoid some of the frankly ridiculous deaths of his compatriots), preferring to operate within clear bounds and within a context where he knows exactly what he's doing and why. This is something that makes him unsuitable for long-term command, which is why he's never been the one in charge for more than a month. But Marcellino operates very well within his bounds of comfort, and acting as the de facto second in command is a position that works well within those bounds, and he's excellent at making sure delegated tasks get done. When in overall command, he has however highly prioritized being out of overall command.

Lieutenant 2nd Class Batari Dewa: Chief Biogineer
Batari Dewa is pretty much exactly the kind of Biogineer you would expect from a mercenary force of the Kingdom of the Unrivalled Archaeologist -- brilliant, unhinged, and possessed of something of a god complex. She figures she can do just about anything, and she does indeed have a profound talent for biogineering, which has catapulted her to the top after the death of the previous Chief Biogineer (which... was under some rather suspicious circumstances). She doesn't seem entirely satisfied with her position (as happy as she is to be the one leading the organic work in Rivalla's Retinue), as she has to compete with the Chief Engineer, but the active efforts of almost everybody else on the ship have kept her largely confined in the lab and workshop shuttles rather than the command frigate.

Lieutenant 2nd Class Peers Hobbes: Chief Engineer
Whereas Batari is the Chief Biogineer, the leader of the organic portions of the Titan work for Rivalla's Retinue, Peers Hobbes is the Chief Engineer, leader of the mechanical portions of the retinue's Titan work. In contrast to Batari, he is extremely egotistical and extremely talented, his ambition kept in check by the diligent actions of much of the rest of the crew and tolerated only because of his expertise and experimentality. ...Peers is extremely similar to Batari, and serves as a counterbalance to her because of their similarity. The tension between the two is almost comical due to their similarity as people, but the end result is that their jockeying keeps each other in check, and keeps the both of them competing enough to keep the situation stable in the Titan department when they're played off of each other.

Corporal Mihail Andonov: Pilot
While Mihail hasn't been part of Rivalla's Retinue through its whole span, having been with it for two and a half of its around five years, he has become one of the most vital members of the retinue, on account of almost everyone dying around him. He's a fairly understated type, quiet and not prone to complaining about heavy workloads or difficult tasks -- he is something of a workhorse, willing to be what he needs to be and do what he needs to do in order to make sure things go right. This flexibility is part of what has kept him alive all this time as the only veteran pilot still able in Princess Rivalla's Grand Biomechanical Retinue, and is what allows him to work with the Princess directly without stepping on toes, but it's an attitude that has also been very much detrimental to his self-expression piloting his Titan -- something very important in the Kingdom. For his part, he is aware of this, and views the Sommet Sector and Rivalla's more active piloting role as an opportunity to finally pilot on his own terms, but he is willing to do whatever is needed of him.

Princess Rivalla Pterodactyl Ichtyosaur Bastilodon the Unrivalled: Commander (but really Pilot)
The official commander of her retinue, Princess Rivalla is a girl who has been forced to become pragmatic since her very, very young youth, and now that she is 15 years old, she is smart enough to consistently allow her talented officers to do their thing without her interference. But that is not to say that Rivalla is entirely free of the foibles of the Unrivalled family, because she is... not. Much like most members of her family, her estimation of her talent is quite high, and she can be found poking around in the Titan Operations shuttles, sometimes assisting in biogineering and engineering (where it's not likely to explode on her, at least), and recently demanding that she be allowed to pilot a Titan, as is the natural right of an Unrivalled -- a task she seems likely to take on with great enthusiasm and energy. She is a unique mixture of frustrating and endearing to the retinue -- while much more lenient than many of the more ruthless of her family, and while often energetic and adorable, she's still a princess of a very megalomaniacal family, and once she gets her mind set on something, at this point really only Lanre has the capacity to get in her way, and that's something he's only willing to do on his own terms.

Space is a premium on the Rapid-Pair Ship Sojourner, with only so much storage space and only so many docking points for ships. Princess Rivalla's Grand Biomechanical Retinue was forced only to bring the Unceasing Progress and a pair of landing craft/shuttles -- one for crew and storage primarily, the other holding a Titan. This Titan is a small and light one, an old Titan that has seen relatively few battles for the Retinue's standards, but which has had to be repaired a few times. Thankfully, the skills of Batari and Peers have it in ship-shape, but it's not even a dinosaur, it's kind of just a shitty cyborg humanoid-shaped Titan! A shameful state of affairs.

Spoiler: Starting Titan (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Parts and Equipment (click to show/hide)

Thankfully, you were at least able to bring a more unique piece of equipment from the retinue's history of service along... just what was that unique piece of equipment?

Design a single Blueprint (reference the rules for what a Blueprint is). The Equipment or Part you create will be the first Blueprint you have access to, and it will be present on your Titan from the start, replacing something on the Titan. (Designing an arm would replace both arms with the new arm, designing a medium shielding device or weapon would replace the railgun, etc.) Designing a Large piece of equipment will actually alter the mech, as it will remove one Small mount and change the Medium mount on the Torso to a Large one. Designing Carryable Equipment will remove the Medium weapon but keep its Mount. You can't design a Torso this phase. Utter Failures will be rerolled just this one time.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #61 on: August 18, 2020, 09:35:07 pm »

Shell smasher Titan rifle -Carryable

The shell smasher is not a carryable piec of equipment meant to smash the enemys shell.
 Instead, it is a gun that smashes a shell, INTO the enemy! Through a combination of rapidly expanding air and high power magnetic coils, the hard, Metallic-calcium shell projectile, Called a Slammonite due to the ammonite DNA it was created from, is launched towards the target.  Mid-Flight, The secondary thrusters activate, Increasing the already menacing speed of the Disc-shaped shell and adding a rotation to its flight path to ensure stability over longer distances.

Upon collision with the target, the projectile's impact is comparable to railguns similar in size, despite the lost energy from the strange shape of it ammunition.

What makes the Shell smasher an interesting weapon is that should the goeoy center of the shell survive impact, and the occupant of the shell with its impact resistant body survives. The ammonite like creature begins its gruesome work, using a mixture of sticky and incredible acidic tentacles to burrow itself under the armour of the impacted titan, During which the Living bomb activates the detonation charges placed within its rudimentary brain. This burrowing behavoir is not born out of malice and is merely the natral reaction to the anciet creature loosing it home, Attempting to dig itself a new one out of the nearest metal hull.

If it had died on impact, the detonation charge would have gone off right then, adding an explosive punch to the railgun-like impact, but the true purpose of that charge is much more dangerous.
When the timer in its brain runs out, the Explosive charge detonates, going off directly under the titan's armour and damaging its more vulnerable internals, even as the blood, brains, guts and most importantly the Acid of the Slammonite is splattered around the new inner compartment it had carved, creating further compounding damage.

One could call the shell smasher a triple punch, Consisting of the railgun-like impact of the Slammonite, The acid borrowing creature itself and the acidic detonation intended to bypass heavy armour, like those typically mounted by heavy Cybersaurs.

_______ according to Powder in the discord, The design counts as HARD. Dropping the acid or the crawling exploding Ammonite would drop it down to normal, But because its what we have +2 functions we are at hard on it as of now.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2020, 10:48:02 pm by frostgiant »


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #62 on: August 19, 2020, 09:51:06 am »

But how's a T-Rex supposed to fire a rifle with such tiny arms?


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #63 on: August 19, 2020, 10:27:00 am »

It’s a humanoid, not a Therapoid


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #64 on: August 19, 2020, 10:35:07 am »

EDIT: I literally can't read.

Thyreophora Torso

Inspired by its namesake family of dinosaurs, the Thyreophora was an avian-like bipedal light titan, visually characterized by its long slender neck and tail.  Historically, Thyreophora light titans usually served in "Roadrunner Detachments," fielded in QRF and reconnaissance roles.  Able to sprint crouched, Thyreophora could rapidly cross terrain while providing a low target silhouette.  Once stationary, the long neck could serve as a periscope, peering the head sensor arrays over terrain while keeping the rest of the body behind cover.

Per it's Greek root, the torso is armored to some extent.  Longitudinal aramid plates along it back protect the exposed angles of the torso.  As a compromise to weight, it does have something of a soft underbelly as a result.  Good pilots exploit this morphology by keeping their Thyreophora in a crouched posture in combat conditions.  (Like most things in nature, under no circumstances should a Thyreophora ever be flipped on its back.)

Although some maverick pilots insist on proving otherwise, the tail is engineered primarily a counterbalance for the neck and non-prehensile.  Attempting to weaponize it as a melee weapon is not recommended.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2020, 10:38:00 am by ConscriptFive »


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #65 on: August 19, 2020, 11:21:18 am »

Megaraptor Legs:
The Megaraptor was at one point the pinnacle of light-Titan design in the Kingdom. That point was roughly a century ago, but it remains decent stuff. Rivalla's Retinue managed to salvage legs from a decommissioned Megaraptor before departing for the Sommet Sector, in order to provide the Barely-Rivalled mech with superior mobility.
The basic construction of Megaraptor Legs is fairly standard. High-strength cultivated musculature augmented with pistons and motors in key locations, metal-reinforced skeletal structure, light armour plating on top of flexible reptilian scales. The technology is out of date, but it is reliable and relatively ease to fix.
Structurally, Megaraptor Legs appear to have two knees, the second of which bends backwards- though in fact the lowest sections of 'legs' are actually elongated 'feet' (with the toes/talons being quite large in order to provide stable ground contact). By providing an additional point of major articulation, this gives the Megaraptor Legs a greater range of motion, allowing for increased acceleration, speed, and agility.
In lighter Titans, the Megaraptor Legs also enable considerable vertical movement. By injecting a chemical stimulant that temporarily supercharges the muscles, they become powerful enough to let the Titan jump- across large gaps, or up steep slopes, or whatever.
Finally, and probably least relevantly, the Megaraptor Legs culminate in vicious, steel-shod talons, the largest of which can- in principle- pierce through Titan armour and shred internal components. However, you'd have to be pretty crazy to try and pull that off, as it requires either kicking the target- risking being knocked over-, or jumping on them- an even riskier action.

Difficulty check, please.

Quote from: Discord
Powder Miner Today at 8:08 PM
@NUKE9.13 I’m going to have to give those Very Hard, because they’re asking for quite a few different capabilities; faster, tougher, jump... er..., sharper
Dropping one would reduce it to Hard

In light of this, I have written a much less ambitious version:
Megaraptor Legs (v2):
The Megaraptor was at one point the pinnacle of light-Titan design in the Kingdom. That point was roughly a century ago, but it remains decent stuff. Rivalla's Retinue managed to salvage legs from a decommissioned Megaraptor before departing for the Sommet Sector, in order to provide the Barely-Rivalled mech with superior mobility.
The basic construction of Megaraptor Legs is fairly standard. High-strength cultivated musculature augmented with pistons and motors in key locations, metal-reinforced skeletal structure, light armour plating on top of flexible reptilian scales. The technology is out of date, but it is reliable and relatively ease to fix.
Structurally, Megaraptor Legs appear to have two knees, the second of which bends backwards- though in fact the lowest sections of 'legs' are actually elongated 'feet' (with the toes/talons being quite large in order to provide stable ground contact). By providing an additional point of major articulation, this gives the Megaraptor Legs a greater range of motion, allowing for increased acceleration, speed, and agility.
The Megaraptor Legs have talons on the end, which look scary, but are not viable weapons versus other titans. They could probably impale puny humans or smaller vehicles, but that's it.

E2: Am currently thinking of going for the original version of Megaraptor Legs, Very Hard difficulty be damned. However, we each get two difficulty checks, and it would be foolish to waste the opportunity.

To that end, I am looking for a difficulty check for this:
Antagonistic Chemthrower of Inconceivable Devastation:
It was during the reign of King Unrivalled XIV that archaeologists managed to revive a Lesser Gigantic Bile-Spewing Chasm Snake. The terrifying monster proved too much to handle, however, melting the lab where it was born before slithering across the land to a nearby canyon. Attempts to recapture it were initially unsuccessful, as the serpent literally melted several Titans to slag. In the end, it required the King's personal attention. He started by importing twenty-thousand tons of baking soda to the planet the LGBSCS inhabited, and dumping it into the canyon the beast called home. The subsequent eruption of foam provided cover for the King to approach the snake in his personal Titan and smack the serpentine goliath upside the head, knocking it out cold. With a mind-control collar installed, the LGBSCS was subsequently relocated to the KUA's primary bio-tech research facility, where researchers were able to extract samples of the beast's incredibly durable stomach lining, and the glands responsible for the production of its caustic expulsions. These samples would go on to form the basis of the Kingdom's acidic weaponry for many years to come.

Anyway. Princess Rivalla's Retinue managed to acquire blueprints for a (highly outdated) acid-thrower, which was touched up and christened the "Antagonistic Chemthrower of Inconceivable Devastation". A medium Titan weapon, the ACID features a standalone stomach (descended from the LGBSCS's stomach) contained within sturdy metal casing, the necessary glands necessary to fill said stomach with ludicrously caustic bile, and cultivated musculature capable of ejecting the contents of the stomach at high velocity out of the weapon's gullet/barrel.
The ACID is only usable at very short ranges. Anything doused in the bile (that isn't made of LGBSCS tissue) will suffer heavy damage, though said damage is dealt out over time, gradually eating away at armour. You know how it is.
The Lesser Gigantic Bile-Spewing Chasm Snake had a very large stomach, but the ACID has a much smaller capacity- only enough for a few seconds of spraying. However, the production of bile is extremely rapid- a minute or two is enough to fill it to the brim.
Due to the need for a steady supply of nutrients, the ACID can only be installed in Titans that are (part) Organic. Aside from the casing and some minor components, it is primarily an Organic weapon.
Powder Miner Today at 6:05 AM
@NUKE9.13 for when you’re online: The ACID would honestly be Easy
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 07:47:13 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #66 on: August 22, 2020, 12:23:52 am »

Quote from: We're so imperialist even our immune systems have colonial ambitions!
Aggresively Expansionist Generalized Immune System
The KUA has often been accused of harboring imperialist ambitions. The typical KUA response is that of course they harbor imperialist ambitions. They're Unrivalled. It is only natural that they spread their greatness and turn all of today's enemies into tomorrow's archeological finds. Humility? Coexistence? Pathetic ideas born of pathetic empires content to wallow in their own mediocrity. Make no mistake, KUA will never debase itself with such foolish notions. It will expand and conquer the stars for that, is what it means to be Unrivalled.

The KUA expects this, not only of itself but of its constituent forces, for they too must be Unrivalled and they too must be willing to seize their destiny. The KUA's ferocious assortment of cyborg Titans are a testament to this ideal, and yet for the longest time inadequacy still festered in their hearts.

The problem lay in their immune systems. While a vital part for any self-respecting weaponized megafauna, the immune systems of the KUA Titans demonstrated an appalling lack of ambition, content to simply exist within the confines of the body. Unacceptable. A truly Unrivalled immune system should be proactive, expansionist, crushing threats before they are realized, conquering not only the veins and the arteries but the world.

And so the KUA was worked to rectify this failing, to replace these base and decrepit systems with something more aggressive, more expansionist, more imperialist.  Thus was born the AEGIS, a cybernetic organ module that replaces the Titan's natural immune system with a swarm of aggressive nanomachines programmed to eliminate anything that refuses to acknowledge the authority of the KUA.

The AEGIS manifests as a silvery haze shrouding its Titan. Incoming physical attacks are eroded in its presence weakening kinetic weapons and potentially damaging the electronics of missiles and the like. Energy attacks experience increased thermal bloom, mitigating their damage. Energy and explosive damage does actually destroy some of the nanomachines, eroding the shield its effectiveness until the AEGIS can deploy more. The haze will actually attack enemy units caught, focusing on more delicate parts such as sensor arrays and joints. This damaging effect is presently confined to melee range as the nanomachines cannot be efficiently powered beyond those range, stifling their ability to act as a colonial power in their own right.

Medium mount. Omnidirectional shielding unit that dampens kinetic and energy attacks. Not very effective against explosives unless the nanomachines can destroy enough of their electronics in time. Eroded by energy and explosive attacks, reducing effectiveness. Continuously damages more delicate parts of hostile in melee range.
Powder has assigned this a difficulty of Hard.

Aggressive Aerial Assault Arachnid Administrator
The Giant Burrowing Spider was first discovered when KUA forces stationed on its native planet reported a string of mysterious failures in some of its Megaraptor Titans. As the Megaraptors were Unrivalled and thus should never report such failures peculiar or otherwise, the KUA immediately suspected sabotage and launched an immediately investigation, quickly isolating the problem to Megaraptors stored in a particular garrison.

As the investigators would find, the Megarators were suffering parasitic infestations from giant spiders that had burrowed through the walls of the garrison and into the flesh of the dormant Titans. Sensing the potential military application of these spiders, the investigators immediately sent their specimens off to the weapon labs for experimentation.

The AAAAA was the result of this tinkering. While genetically similar to the GBS, its munitions have undergone radical modifications; their metabolic rate is frankly absurd, mandating that they be powered by nuclear isomers and radiotropic processes, the naturally long lives of these arachnids condensed down to a scant few hours of apocalyptic frenzy. A frenzy that is only calmed by death or their new hibernation function, built in to ensure they "burn out" in battle rather than in storage. Their bodies have also undergone extensive cybernetic modification, used to ensure they can survive the rapid acceleration and deceleration associated with being fired at enemy Titans, as well as cutting down on any unnecessary physiological features in light of their now far-shorter lifespans.

The AAAAA is a large medium-short range weapon with a fully automatic rate of fire peppering its foes with a deluge of these modified spiders. Upon impact, the spiders burrow into the enemy Titan using their highly corrosive secretions, damaging whatever runes, electronics, or organs lie on their unpredictable paths. The AAAAA inflicts no initial damage, but if left unchecked its projectiles will inflict greater and more deeper penetrating damage than typical machineguns of its size class.

Combat data from previous deployments of the AAAAA indicate that most pilot fatalities caused by the AAAAA are actually due to cardiac arrest or self-inflicted gunshot wounds.
I don't actually have any difficulty checks remaining, but since this is basically a Reliquar Draggonade that trades initial and final damage for rate of fire and a slightly lower weight class (in addition to being close-mid rather than long), I'd expect this to be Hard.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 07:04:24 am by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #67 on: August 22, 2020, 07:53:18 am »

Right. Well. Votebox time, unless anyone else has more suggestions.

Quote from: Votebox
Shell Smasher Titan Rifle:
Megaraptor Legs: (1) NUKE9.13
Megaraptor Legs (v2):
Antagonistic Chemthrower of Inconceivable Devastation:
Aggresively Expansionist Generalized Immune System:
Aggressive Aerial Assault Arachnid Administrator:
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #68 on: August 22, 2020, 09:56:26 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Shell Smasher Titan Rifle:(1) NG
Megaraptor Legs: (1) NUKE9.13
Megaraptor Legs (v2):
Antagonistic Chemthrower of Inconceivable Devastation:
Aggresively Expansionist Generalized Immune System:
Aggressive Aerial Assault Arachnid Administrator:


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #69 on: August 22, 2020, 07:23:39 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Shell Smasher Titan Rifle:(1) NG
Megaraptor Legs: (2) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant
Megaraptor Legs (v2):
Antagonistic Chemthrower of Inconceivable Devastation:
Aggresively Expansionist Generalized Immune System:
Aggressive Aerial Assault Arachnid Administrator:

I love the shell smasher, being the creator of it, but I feel like the megaraptor legs will be good for any design we go for. Jump, speed and melee holdoff is good both for melee, generalist, and long range.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #70 on: August 23, 2020, 10:43:10 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Shell Smasher Titan Rifle:
Megaraptor Legs: (2) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant
Megaraptor Legs (v2): (1) NG
Antagonistic Chemthrower of Inconceivable Devastation:
Aggresively Expansionist Generalized Immune System:
Aggressive Aerial Assault Arachnid Administrator:

From what I gather, v2 has a greater range of motion than v1


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #71 on: August 23, 2020, 11:13:27 am »

From what I gather, v2 has a greater range of motion than v1
You gather wrong. v2 has less features, making it easier. But the mobility remains the same. Well, except for the vertical mobility, which is worse.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #72 on: August 23, 2020, 11:28:52 am »

From what I gather, v2 has a greater range of motion than v1
You gather wrong. v2 has less features, making it easier. But the mobility remains the same. Well, except for the vertical mobility, which is worse.
thank you for the correction. I will change my vote accordingly
Quote from: Votebox
Shell Smasher Titan Rifle:
Megaraptor Legs: (3) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, NG
Megaraptor Legs (v2):
Antagonistic Chemthrower of Inconceivable Devastation:
Aggresively Expansionist Generalized Immune System:
Aggressive Aerial Assault Arachnid Administrator:


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #73 on: August 23, 2020, 01:18:34 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Shell Smasher Titan Rifle:
Megaraptor Legs: (4) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, NG, Rockeater
Megaraptor Legs (v2):
Antagonistic Chemthrower of Inconceivable Devastation:
Aggresively Expansionist Generalized Immune System:
Aggressive Aerial Assault Arachnid Administrator:
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Rivalla's Retinue Thread
« Reply #74 on: August 24, 2020, 04:39:05 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Shell Smasher Titan Rifle:
Megaraptor Legs: (5) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, NG, Rockeater, Chaotick21
Megaraptor Legs (v2):
Antagonistic Chemthrower of Inconceivable Devastation:
Aggresively Expansionist Generalized Immune System:
Aggressive Aerial Assault Arachnid Administrator:
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