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Author Topic: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Deployment  (Read 9696 times)


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M1 Deployment
« Reply #105 on: December 06, 2020, 03:59:48 pm »

Quote from: A Man, a Plan, a Sortie
Pilot: Jalen Elliott
Tactics: Primary Target is mostly stationary. Remain at long range, moving positions when necessary to avoid counterfire. Other than that, pepper them at range with the Dragonnade at every opportunity.

Titan: Arquebusier-class Light Titan (you can give it a name, if you want)
Titan Parts: Arquebusier Torso
-Mounted Equipment: Medium: Empty Slot
Arquebusier Native Head
Arquebusier Native Left Arm
-Mounted Equipment: Magimechanical Small Laser
Arquebusier Native Right Arm
-Mounted Equipment: Magimechanical Small Laser
"Arcanebusier" Left Leg
"Arquetwosier" Right Leg
Carried: Dragonnade Railgun

With PM thinking about updating, lazy +1 I suppose.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Powder Miner

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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M1 Combat Report
« Reply #106 on: February 15, 2021, 12:45:48 am »

Today was the day of Jalen Elliott's big debut, so to speak, his first ever combat mission in a Titan, his chance to finally prove himself as a Knight Reliquar, as an equal to all of the good women and men of Le Bouclier. And... Jalen was feeling awkward. He was feeling very, very awkward, shifting this way and that in his cockpit seat. It had been awkward to shove his way around people and objects in a winding path to just get into the Arquebusier, it had felt awkward to familiarize himself with the controls of the Titan for the first time, and it felt awkward right now to just wait around in the Arquebusier for minutes and minutes as it underwent its first startup in the theater. He was realizing very abruptly that whatever he faced down there was going to be different from his training - it was a point that Žaneta had made a point of hammering into him, and which Moos had actually reinforced through talking about stories of war on his homeworld, but was suddenly a lot realer. Still, Jalen forced himself to take a deep breath in and then one out - they'd brought two pilots along, and they'd told him his natural talent was enough to make the cut. Jalen couldn't disappoint.

The feeling didn't abate upon actual landing on Chopta. Once he disembarked the shuttle (which involved a bay opening underneath his Titan and a very short hop to the ground), he saw terrain that was... well, Jalen wasn't sure whether or not he could fairly call it ugly. The yellow nature of the grass clinging in patches to dirt that was mostly bare pointed to such, but it did at least have trees dotted along the flat, mostly featureless expanse, cut only by a stream, to give it something. Still, it wasn't any of the romantic kinds of battlegrounds he imagined... but maybe that was just reality, huh. Sighing, Jalen put a more critical eye to his surroundings as he approached the rendezvous point. The base was a complex of a few buildings out in the distance - more than just some security checkpoint, but not the sprawling masses one might expect from a more central military hub, and it was situated on a slight raise in the course of the stream where it hadn't yet eroded a hill down to nothing. Pretty much everything from here to that was the same flat, tree-dotted ground.

Eventually, he got to the meeting area - and he saw the vehicle, which was... interesting. The vehicle itself appeared to be well-made, a large sixteen-wheeler of a vehicle with a surprisingly tapering profile for a cargo freighter. This appeared to be in the service of survivability, as Jalen could look at the vehicle and see that a moderate amount of armor was actually native to the vehicle, with extra armor clearly slapped on afterwards. The weapons on the other hand were quite ramshackle - the three medium railguns dotting the vehicle weren't literally bolted on, but they were somewhat close, the mountings for the weapons clearly having been put on by slightly cutting into the hull and leaving almost all of the weapon external, just with enough room for the power supply to be left inside. Jalen cleared his throat and: "Uh... reporting, Captain Cano. Why was the point all the way out here.

This was met with a sigh from Vicente Cano, speaking from his vehicle. "Oh, you sound like a newbie. That's not exactly what I'd have preferred, but Hell with it, we'll press on. We and the Gacela people are both coming from land - from the west side of the stream, for that matter, though they're well to the north of our position. We need to get moving so they don't beat us to the base. We'll gun them down coming out of it if we have to, but we want to avoid getting the merchandise blown up. Come on." Not having much more in the way of input, Jalen elected to do so.

Jalen made first contact with the enemy two and a half hours later. He had been ranging out ahead of the slow, lumbering vehicle he had been assigned to escort, acting as a scout and preparing to make the hit and run attacks that the orders he'd been given called for. It wasn't like the Arquebusier was a total speed demon, as its legs were never designed for speed and had only received some pretty basic work - but it wasn't slow, either, moving at a competent clip, and that meant it could do this job just fine. In the unerringly flat terrain of most of the Middle Belt, in Titans larger than most of the trees, the Gacela vehicle and Titan first emerged into Jalen's site as a pair of indistinct specks, not different from the trees or occasional light terrain feature Jalen spotted in the distance. But then they resolved into something that, though small, Jalen could actually recognize - a Titan. "Captain Cano, Commander Vasiliauskas, I've spotted them. Uh," he winced at that sound escaping his lips, "I'm engaging in hit and run maneuvers." Jalen had the Arquebusier unlimber the Dragonnade from its back, and he got moving.

A brief glance to his side caused Jalen to grimace a little - he wished that he had found the enemy a little sooner, as they had come a bit closer than he probably should have let them, about five kilometers out from the base. That still gave him some time, since these convoys weren't exactly the fastest in the world, but not as much as he'd have liked. As his Titan moved towards the foes, Jalen watched as the thickly-armored Titan (he could make out details now - the thing was a thick, blocky Titan with a massive grenade launcher mounted on an arm half-fused to its torso, with the other arm lacking a hand) moved between him and the vehicle, and though he sighed, he hadn't really expected not to get noticed. Well, fighting time, then. The Arquebusier approached closer, and finally Jalen had the Arquebusier move the Dragonnade into position, leaned the Titan's weight onto its more stable leg, let the magical lines across his HUD confirm his aim, and...

...missed, the spike fired from the large railgun digging a hole into the ground where the enemy Titan had been just a second ago, as even the slow enemy Titan was capable of dodging a shot or two at such a long distance with a weapon with projectiles as slow as the Dragonnade. And that's about when pure, utter chaos broke out. Jalen clenched his teeth as a loud voice started bellowing in a language he didn't understand behind him, all fire and fury and bluster - outside the enemy mech swept the large weapon on its fused arm, and a wave of grenades popped out, explosion after explosion churning dirt into the sky in a line that approached him - he stepped forwards with the agile left leg to let these grenades explode harmlessly and to his right - the Russian shouting was matched and countered by the increasing irritation of two voices in Spanish as the ghosts behind his targeting system got in a fight with the ghost behind his gun - he leaned back on his stable leg and took multiple shots this time, only to have to step away again as grenades fell - two spikes hit this time, lodging in the heavily armored enemy Titan's torso and giving it brief pause, but at the same time moving out of firing position wasn't quite fast enough and his Titan was buffeted by a nearby grenade, sending a wave of force through his torso armor and lightly damaging it - the titanic sounds of metal ringing heralded the arrival of invisible shells brought by the Dragonnade's curse, which bounced off of the enemy Titan's armor and for now simply left small dents, while Jalen was forced to finally back off from yet more grenades.

Clenching his teeth, Jalen pressed the button that made Zinovy Rozhestvensky shut the hell up, and he recapped mentally what had happened during that burst of chaos. He'd come in for a hit and run with the Dragonnade, and even with all the investment into accuracy, the muzzle velocity inhibited his fire at long range - but it was okay, because the other Titan suffered the same issue. Using the accuracy of the Titan's head and the augments to its legs, he'd managed an odd dance that had seen him take only mild damage from a series of grenades. This... could be sustainable. The other Titan had taken serious armor damage before its pilot had finally figured out he should remove the offending projectiles, so all he had to do was repeat this right?

A voice crackled on his radio - Cano. "Kid, I'm four kilometers away from the base. Looks like the Gacela forces are too." Jalen looked and a curse fell from his lips - the other Titan had managed to keep him distant from the vehicle, and was now moving to rejoin as best as it could, while still ensuring that any efficient path to the vehicle would end in another confrontation. Jalen could reach the other vehicle, but it would take multiple goes - and it would take time. He darted in, remaining mostly at long range as per orders - but slightly closer this time, of his own volition, to ensure some accuracy. A grenade detonated against the Arquebusier's right leg, and stripped the armor around the shin, drawing a grimace from Jalen, but causing no deeper damage. A spike embedded in the right leg of the enemy Titan, causing it to stop firing for a moment and struggle to knock it out, but not succeeding without the armor around the legs being half blown to shit. But Jalen didn't dare get closer, counter to orders and into that launcher's range, and backed off.

"Three kilometers out, now. Getting closer to them. You need to get that Titan taken care of quicker!" Jalen looked again - oh, damn, of course the vehicles were converging, they were going to the same place. Jalen went in again, and came out with more armor damage, this time a blast to the torso which got the armor there to a state just short of concerning, but this time the enemy Titan saw the armor on its Torso brought thin, as far as Jalen could tell. "Two kilometers! We're running out of time!" The next brief engagement went very well for Jalen, as this time a spike slammed into the free arm of the enemy Titan, the tool it had been using to bluntly snap the spikes of the Dragonnade, and there was a wisp of smoke as internal damage to the torso caused by the Dragonnade briefly ignites a fire before suppression systems put it out. This was a death sentence for the other Titan - without a way to remove it, the only way to stop the rain of shells now coming down and slamming at the armor of that arm was to bring down the Arquebusier... and the other Titan wasn't fast enough to catch Jalen. Jalen even managed to finally get in reach of the other vehicle and lodge a spike into it, with a resounding clank and thud of metal. But it was too late. "ONE KILOMETER! Get something figured out NOW!" The electric cracks of a pair of railguns, and the hissing of missiles, announced the start of combat between the vehicles.

Jalen had a realization, and he let out a sound that tore at his throat, a strangled gasp of sudden horror. The arguing of the ghosts behind him faded away into the background, and his senses narrowed to a fine point - the enemy titan, the two vehicles and nothing else. There was only one way to prevent Captain Cano's vehicle from getting shot at by both the enemy Titan and enemy vehicle, even as the Gacela vehicle's armor began to buckle, even as it lost one of its launchers to a well-placed ghost shell, even as that cannon fire spread from the enemy Titan's arm to its torso, blasting away the remaining armor in slabs on one side and revealing a significantly damaged torso. He had to present a barrier the same way the other Titan had to him. ...he had to get into the middle of the combat, and this time he couldn't run away. Hit and no run. And feeling a little bit like a man on the way to the gallows, he ran the Arquebusier into position - position that turned into medium range with the other Titan.

Events, once again, burst into chaos and weapon fire. But this time, despite the panic clawing at his throat and gripping his heart, or perhaps even because of it, Jalen caught all the details of it. Rockets began to thin on the enemy vehicle as the Dragonnade did its work, but not enough to prevent the Gacela vehicle from redirecting its fire at the Arquebusier, peppering it all over. A rocket slammed into the torso structure of his Titan, and blew an internal bulkhead, and another pair reduced the thin armor on the agile but fragile "Arcanebusier" leg to practically nothing. Jalen began firing the Arquebusier's arms' lasers and the Dragonnade into the damaged torso of the enemy Titan, simultaneous to the enemy Titan firing off a barrage of grenades, and simultaneous to Captain Cano's vehicle sending a barrage of railgun fire to help execute that Titan. Jalen screamed at the top of his lungs as several grenades impacted. Two hit the Arquebusier in its core, tearing steel and blowing apart arcane components and power sources - the weapon mounting therein was completely shredded. Another grenade impacted directly against the more fragile of the Arquebusier's legs, buckling it and forcing Jalen to lean entirely on the "Arquetwosier" lest it suddenly totally fail. But at the same time, the Dragonnade punched hard enough into the enemy Titan that the spike came out the back, the lasers detonated something in the enemy mech even as invisible shells began to tear it entirely apart, and then the railgun fire came to finish the job, two thunderous impacts that tore straight through the enemy Titan. The combined effect was to essentially hollow out the enemy Titan, the titanic sound of metal tearing ringing out as it collapsed in on itself, nearly disparate parts connected by a hulk of scant, twisted wreckage.

From there, it was easy - the world began to restore itself to Jalen as the majority of the danger disappeared, and the shouting of the ancient ghost in his cockpit (a calmer part of Jalen in the back of his head noted that it probably wasn't actually that intelligible even in his own language) heralded the neutering of the Gacela vehicle, as shells aimed at the exposed rocket launchers stripped the freighter of all its weaponry. From there, it wasn't long before the hostile vehicle was disabled completely and then thoroughly destroyed - the two remaining railguns of Cano's vehicle, as well as the ever-escalating cannonballs of the Dragonnade, ensured that. Jalen let out a long sigh, and forced himself to radio back to Le Bouclier. "Mission's... mission's success. Mission success. Ah..." Without a word to him, Cano's vehicle entered the abandoned base and began the process of scavenging it.

As for Jalen... he was still shaken. On some level, he'd of course known he'd been risking it. But experiencing it... he didn't think that feeling of terror was ever going to completely subside.

Mission Success!
Damage Incurred: Chest heavily damaged, Medium weapon mounting destroyed (requires 1 Mech and 1 Magic Scrap). Left leg moderately damaged, structural failure likely under stress (Requires 1 Magic Scrap).
Battlefield Scrap: Mech Head Scrap, Mech Scrap with Rapid Rotary System
Jalen Elliott has gained a Trait: Panicky (Having no choice but to put himself into the line of fire has marked Jalen deeply, and he's much more nervous now, a deep pit of panic welling to the surface. On the bright side, this actually means that Jalen is unlikely to become complacent, better at identifying what presents the most threat and how to deal with it in how he directs his fire - but he is unlikely to want to take on much risk, and will try quite strenuously to avoid getting caught in slugouts between Titans.)

The communication that Le Bouclier received from Cano showed him with his mouth twisted into a grimace - the man wasn't quite furious, but it was clear that he wasn't quite happy. "So, listen, here's the deal. We did successfully recover the materiel left in the Fif base, including the weapon we'd heard about that we promised you, so you'll be getting full payment as promised in the contract. As for how I personally feel about your performance..." He sighed, much of his flamboyance from earlier in the month replaced by serious contemplation. "I suppose I'm ambivalent. The damage to the vehicle could have been much worse, since you'd brought the other Titan to the breaking point by the time it actually got close enough to be a threat. But it could have been avoided if you hadn't fully committed to a hit and run strategy on a damned escort mission - I shouldn't have had to get into a slugout with the other vehicle in quite that way. I'm not strictly averse to working with you again in the future, but I would like to see the next mission go more smoothly."

Mission Rewards: 1 Mech Left Arm Scrap, 1 Mech Right Leg Scrap, 1 Mech Scrap with High-Power Battery, Mark 3 "Crown Amethyst" Plasma Beam (specs will be shown in the later Navigation Phase post.)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 05:40:49 pm by Powder Miner »

Powder Miner

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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Navigation
« Reply #107 on: February 15, 2021, 05:42:18 pm »

Month Two -- Navigation Phase

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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Navigation
« Reply #108 on: February 15, 2021, 06:17:25 pm »

Jury-Rig: 'Royal Geode' Small Laser Pistols

By fusing the generic laser pistols we have with parts taken from the 'Crown Amethyst' these magimechanical lasers gain a lot more oomph and range, able to comfortable engage an enemy. The plasma containment works well with lightning spirits to blast away most enemies ability to function, whether through electrocution for the biological or disabling electromagnetism for the mechanical. Magical mechs have a better time of it and only have to deal with the concentrated lightning/plasma instead.

I'm voting to stay in system.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Navigation
« Reply #109 on: February 15, 2021, 06:25:32 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Yes (1): Twinwolf

Remain in Chopta (1): Tric
Coeur-Maudit (1): Twinwolf

Taking the trade gets us enough magic scrap for a full repair (or, to use later if we want to replace the head or leg instead of repairing). I vote going to Coeur-Maudit primarily because we have a derth of magic scrap and a lot of mechanical scrap.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 06:45:34 pm by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Navigation
« Reply #110 on: February 16, 2021, 11:07:01 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Yes (2): Twinwolf, Strider

Remain in Chopta (2): Tric, Strider
Coeur-Maudit (1): Twinwolf
Agree with twin on the trade. Voting remain in Chopta for the time being because we have a better sense of the situation here, and can more effectively judge our opportunities and jobs, at least for now. I could easily be swayed though.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2021, 11:19:44 am by Strider03 »
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Navigation
« Reply #111 on: February 17, 2021, 11:50:30 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Yes (3): Twinwolf, Strider, Madman

Remain in Chopta (2): Tric, Strider
Coeur-Maudit (1): Twinwolf

I'm undecided on moving versus not moving. Moving would likely help us invest more into magical means but not moving might help us become a little more...notorious, before leaving. Moving may be more likely to separate us from our rivals, which may be a good or bad things depending on what they've got.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Powder Miner

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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Mission Choice
« Reply #112 on: March 03, 2021, 07:58:58 pm »

Month Two -- Mission Choice Phase

Žaneta Viliauskas was... perhaps the correct word was "dissatisfied". To view the last month from an objective lens, it was hardly as if it was a total failure - it had been a net positive in terms of resources, and even though she now had a pilot that was rather more prone to cowardice than she'd prefer, she had fair confidence that she could whip him into being made of sterner stuff by the end of this campaign. And to view things from the lens of her long career, she had absolutely had to deal with beginnings far worse than this one - the war, and certain missions outside of it, had waged a cost in blood that she'd been present to see and bear firsthand. But despite that, she felt that it was on her to... obtain more favorable results, in the future. She'd received a base with which to work, now, and so she did intend to see things through - qualified successes were to be expected, of course, but they would be best occasionally.

Rather than the all-hands meeting of last month, Žaneta had narrowed her choosing of the mission down to just her and Christel this month. To be sure, she didn't intend to permanently get rid of those all-hands meetings - she planned to call one later this month, in order to oversee the coordination of all departments on Le Bouclier, and situationally the pomp and circumstance and the input from the rest of the expeditionary force could both be very useful. But this month... this month Žaneta was going to try to direct things from a more top-down angle. She would see what their options were, and then she'd have her officers work to advance them. Speaking of those options, however:

"What are we looking at this month, Christel?" Žaneta turned towards her junior officer - she was thankful that Christel had been patient enough to wait out her train of thought, but it was now about time to get into business.

"O-oh! Ah..." There was a rustling of papers here - with only her immediate superior here, there hadn't been quite the need for the full presentation she'd brought out last time, and Christel... had kind of ended up spacing out while thinking about the various actors of Chopta, and what their goals could mean for the realization of a moral So- ah, no, wait, it almost happened again. "Commandeur, I picked another three missions that seemed within our current scope, although I did pick another difficult option if we want to go that route. How do I put this... I know you expressed reluctance at working with Cano again, but... the things he's fighting for could make a huge difference!"

Žaneta crossed her arms here and bored into Christel with a stare - Cano gave her every impression of being a fop. And while she did value formality and prestige, style had to have substance she wasn't yet convinced Cano had. "Strictly speaking, Christel, anything we fight for here could."

Christel cleared her throat, and tried not to be awkward, given that this was a theoretically very professional briefing. "He's also got the only option we have this month for any magic scrap. The other options do have their upsides as well, however. Ah... let me explain them in more detail, though." Christel straightened up her papers, and began to read her notes:

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« Last Edit: March 06, 2021, 01:49:00 pm by Powder Miner »


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Mission Choice
« Reply #113 on: March 06, 2021, 04:20:00 am »


I'm not sold on the Fifhurst job. It looks like the hardest of the three, the special bonus component is going to be Organic and thus useless to us, and if the Retinue go as well we'll be risking damage so that they can get a good component.

Cano's job never actually says we get to loot the opposing Titan, although Christel seems to think so it might just be an oversight in the listing.

I am worried though. We need two magic scrap we don't have to repair our titan, plus something to replace the Destroyed Torso Weapon. We are very likely to take more damage this mission and I don't know if we'll have enough scrap to keep on top of it.

Powder Miner

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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Mission Choice
« Reply #114 on: March 06, 2021, 04:53:09 am »

A couple of pieces of battlefield scrap can be expected on all jobs and can be affected by your gear choices.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Mission Choice
« Reply #115 on: March 08, 2021, 02:34:28 pm »

Client: Major Chidike Ihejireka (Nchoputa Kingdom)
Target: The Diildeshgüi Society
Reward: 1 Mech Right Leg Scrap, 1 Mech Torso Scrap, 1 Mech Scrap with Advanced Electronics
Description: The Nchoputa Kingdom, the largest and most prominent polity on the planet before the arrival of the Empire of the Fifhurst Crown decades ago (as they are evidently quick to brag in their public contract offers) has very recently launched an offensive on a potential rival in the area - the Diildeshgüi Society, a group of officers formerly in the Fifs' local forces seeking to reform a major military republic. As both sides have found themselves suddenly putting themselves together after being dropped back into being in any sort of real power, though, they have not been able to muster enough forces for a breakthrough. The major of one Nchoputa garrison has requested help from mercenaries in dealing with a strategically located outpost which is not guarded by a Titan but is guarded by a moderately armored weapons turret and two or so light vehicles, all Mech. This outpost is located within sparsely forested terrain.

This mission offers us the leg scrap to repair the legs next turn, and some torso scrap. So I say do a blueprint for an upgraded torso, whatever we decide, which will help us decide a mission next turn.

Since we are facing Mechancial defenses, the Crown Amethyst is the best weapon option this month. And reduced mobility isn't a killer.(lwe can jury-rig some repairs to the left leg in revision.) And Panicky will be useful in the mission too, since he's likely to pick out the biggest threat and blast it dead. Plasma trumps basic mechanical defenses.

Quote from: Lightly Armored Votebox
Major Chidike Ihejireka: (1) TricMagic
« Last Edit: March 08, 2021, 02:40:24 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Mission Choice
« Reply #116 on: March 08, 2021, 02:56:23 pm »

Blueprint: Blue Diamond[Mech/Magic Medium Plasma Railgun]

Making use of a mechanical plasma railgun(Like the Crown Amethyst), it's possible to upgrade it with conjuration components and fire-type magic scrap to form a more powerful weapon, with faster recharging and a bloom effect on hits. The flames of the plasma are also a neon-blue filled with magical fire and liquid plasma contained within a field while in transit to the target. This does require the addition of some form of battery and capacitors, as well as computing and coolants in the main weapon to maintain operation of the fields. The result is a weapon that melts anything it hits, often punching straight through targets with the bloom extending the heat to other areas, cooking and liquifying the afflicted target from in and out.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Mission Choice
« Reply #117 on: March 08, 2021, 03:04:12 pm »

This job gives us Incendiary Scrap,  which should combine with our Conjuration Scrap and Destroyed Fireball Weapon to make a mean fire Weapon. In addition, we'll get some magic stuff, which is very necessary.

I do agree about using the Crown Amethyst though. Mostly Intact, light, and fragile should go down nicely to a devastatingly powerful medium Weapon.

Quote from: Lightly Armored Votebox
Major Chidike Ihejireka: (1) TricMagic
Major Vicente Cano: (1) Kashyyk


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Mission Choice
« Reply #118 on: March 08, 2021, 03:50:57 pm »

The contract by Ihejireka seems both useful and like it might be easier/lower risk than the contract for Cano. I don't know if I like the prospect of facing high-firepower foes, since there might be more of them than there are of us and, well, we have to put up with the battle damage we sustain.

Quote from: Lightly Armored Votebox
Major Chidike Ihejireka: (2) TricMagic, AzyWng
Major Vicente Cano: (1) Kashyyk


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Mission Choice
« Reply #119 on: March 09, 2021, 02:28:39 am »

Simply put, we need the Magic Scrap. For this, we can yeet the Aura components and one of our mech components to fix our torso; and for our leg... Well, it was mostly the armor that was destroyed, yes? Jury Rig our spare leg into it for repair. Should be the best fit for repairing it while maintaining something close to original functionality.

The enemy titan is mostly Mech, so the Crown Amethyst should still do wonders.

Quote from: Lightly Armored Votebox
Major Chidike Ihejireka: (2) TricMagic, AzyWng
Major Vicente Cano: (2) Kashyyk, Nemonole

Glory to United Forenia!

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