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Author Topic: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread - M2 Deployment  (Read 9704 times)

Man of Paper

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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #60 on: August 19, 2020, 11:43:16 am »

Magimechanical Drone Launcher "Gemini"

The Gemini Drone Launcher is a Large "Weapon" in the sense that it launches things to kill other things. A singular set of launching rails, not unlike the railgun, is used to propel the teardrop-shaped Gemini Drones into the air, where the machine spirits take over control of the drones based on the orders of the primary machine spirit (is this how that shit works?). Each drone has a slightly different role to fulfill. Gemini-I acts as a scout and spotter, armed only with small anti-personnel weaponry but utilizing strong detection equipment that is communicated in real-time to the carrier Mech as well as Gemini-II. Gemini-II's role is that of a Sniper, as the drone is built entirely around a high-powered railgun of it's own (would it need to be considered a Small mount mechanically as there are two drones making up the Large mount? I'd prefer medium but I can understand balance). It's slower than it's sibling, but makes up for it with a furious anger and unbridled rage that it absolutely must unleash on distant, possibly unsuspecting, targets.

The drones are stowed in lightly armored casings at the base of the launching rail, and they can be loaded onto it and deployed in any order.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #61 on: August 19, 2020, 01:42:46 pm »

Magimechanical Shield Generator- Avalon-H

Crafted from mostly EM technology meant to create the basic outline, imbued with the hopes of Avalon itself, and backed by divine will, the shield generator creates a hexagonal dome that can generate anywhere a set distance around the titan, either partial or full coverage, as well as overlapping, and will move as the Titan does. It is primarily magic-focused, with tech to serve as a framework for the shields, and should block attacks very well, and being able to defend will reduce damage as a whole, giving our Pilots more safety. The spirit behind it represents solidarity, to endure any attack and march onward. As such, it represents the group as a whole, outside forces shall not deny our rightful crusade against evil. It is usually attached on the back of the torso, being a large piece of equipment shaped like a hexagonal plane, and the casing is tough enough to take some damage even without shielding. There spirit within it can also help react against attacks that are predicted, as well certain programmed defensive formations being coded in, making using it a bit easier for the Pilot with that assistance. Note that energy reserves can be drained through continual use, and take time to recharge off local systems, and the full shield is weaker overall compared to a more focused one, so use it intelligently.

The small one was confirmed Easy difficulty, though could be small or medium. This changed write-up adds full protection if desired, overlapping shield, or partial shielding, along with ease of use as needed. It's Normal difficulty and Large. Overall, shields would be a good overall item to have on a Titan, less repairs needed, more survival for Pilots, and longer operating times on the battlefield due to taking less damage.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2020, 03:37:57 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #62 on: August 19, 2020, 02:54:13 pm »

Nonstandard Munitions Projector Rifle
One of the things we've discovered in many centuries of harboring lost deities is that sometimes individuals attain enough of a mythical status to....become somewhat deitylike. They serve as reservoirs of magical power, have wills and consciousness of their own, and can do things to the physical world despite not being technically "physical" or "alive". We have located many of these spirits throughout time, and some of them are capable of feats on the level of minor gods.

One of them has a particularly useful talent, projecting objects at incredible velocities, matching those of typical railguns. The means by which this happens are unknown, but appear to be powered by pure rage. The device looks like a standard mech-sized rail-rifle, carried in a mech's hands, capable of firing metal slugs to hypervelocity as a deadly weapon at long ranges. It also fires objects at hypervelocity at targets at long ranges, but the projectiles are...not exactly standard.

This is because the spirit's name is Rozhestvensky. Admiral Rozhestvensky, to be exact. And his apparent power revolves around throwing binoculars at ultra-high speeds at anything he perceives as an enemy. He's been a bit...warped, by the long ages between now and whatever long-forgotten war made him a hero, or a villain, or something worth remember. As a result of this warping he's willing to shoot anything we're willing to point him at...and some things we don't point him at. Very, very carefully avoid pointing him at. Perhaps you are beginning to see how he got reassigned to this mission?

Battle Standard of the Knights Reliquar
Deities have been known to smite things on occasion. This is just a fact of Arehan life, though "not smiting nonbelievers" is of course a requirement for any lost deities that gets support from us, since we prefer not to have random flashes of lightning killing or maiming people in the streets. However, in warfare, we make use of deities' powers to occasionally smite our enemies. This takes the form of a "standard", some piece of heraldry or a deity-specific weapon or whatnot that the deity (or part of the deity) inhabits and thus gives the power to call down your typical deific "smiting".

The Knights Reliquar, having a patron deity and also recruiting other, weaker, likeminded deities, have a few such options on call, but for really serious work, we break out our own Battle Standard, inhabited by a portion of our patron and capable of unleashing a devastatingly long-ranged strike of some element or another. This Battle Standard is a mech-sized spear with a banner inscribed with a shield, helm, and raised sword, the insignia, as it were, of our patron. The spear isn't really a spear, it's actually a gigantic laser pointer targeting apparatus with a pair of mech-sized bayonets on the end.

This is necessary, because our patron god is something of a shortsighted type. It's not his fault, he's always had a thing for getting up close and personal, and now that he's several millennia old his vision is admittedly going. He needs some help in order to smite the enemy accurately without accidentally smiting things we don't want smited, like our own mechs and soldiers.

So the standard needs to be pointed at an enemy and held while the correct incantation is recited before our patron will magically smite the targeted enemy. Being a deity-powered weapon, this takes a variable amount of time and doesn't exactly have a set recharge rate or whatever, it basically has to wait until the fragment of the deity wants to smite something again.

Holy Hand Grenade of Areha
Arehan militaries do have some consistent themes, despite their disparate origins, powers, goals, and means. One of those is the "Holy Hand Grenade", objects enchanted with fragments of deities and spirits intended to spend all their power at once. This is sometimes a punishment for vagrant gods that won't play nice with others, sometimes it's the desired end goal for spirits, sometimes it's just a plaything of a god of explosives.

Regardless of the origin and appearance of them (appearances vary wildly), they're all powerful explosives large enough to serve mechs as hand grenades. They're a mix of all sorts of elements and effects, but our grenades are produced by an eccentric deity of "righteous use of explosives", from a peculiar and soon self-annihilated world where gunpowder and other, progressively more dangerous explosives were discovered long before science dispelled religion, and the religious wars fueled by ever-more-dangerous weapons destroyed civilization on the planet. The deities survived, and the "victorious" one (the last one to deploy munitions) ended up drifting to our planet. Other deities from the same planet drifted to us as well, and the resulting conflict forced the Arehan government to ship out several of them to prevent further conflict.

The HHGs we are thus provided with are basically a set of three hand grenades scaled to our mech's hands and throwing ability and filled with a magical shaped-charge that detonates on closest approach to the target, with the shaped-charge effect directed towards the target. It basically allows our mechs to throw shaped-charge warheads larger than those mounted on terrestrial antishipping missiles as hand grenades.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 11:05:03 am by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #63 on: August 20, 2020, 12:06:53 am »

Dragonnade Railgun (Mechanical/Magical)
The Dragonnade is a modular railgun with a rather unconventional design.

It is a reasonably accurate long range weapon. While the damage it inflicts is good, this is actually rather anemic for a carriable railgun, even when considering its semi-automatic rate of fire. Its spike-like rounds inflict an ever-worsening curse with the idea being that it can be used to debilitate foes, progressively degrading their ability to protect themselves or retaliate until they perish under either repeated railgun hits or the effects of the curse itself.

While most Arehan railguns are powered by their own awakened spirit, the Dragonnade instead draws on a particularly vengeful ghost channeled through the railgun making its underlying principles closer to theurgy than animism.

This ghost charges the binocular-shaped cores of the Dragonnade's rounds with curses and accelerates it in tandem with the weapon's rails. Upon striking a target, the barbed spike-like rounds embed within their victim and activate their curse. The curse draws in other ghosts and weaponizes them, haunting its victims.

Damage and disruption from the haunting is initially limited to more delicate or exposed components such as sensors and joints, but as it progresses will deal increasing amounts damage to other systems, the afflicted Titan seemingly being buffeted by an invisible barrage of shellfire.

This is often accompanied by the sounds of furious cursing in a foreign language, seemingly originating from inside the cockpit itself, and the ever-growing suspicion that the Titan is in fact under attack by "a fleet of Japanese torpedo boats".

The ghost channeled by the Dragonnade has identified itself as one Zinovy Rozhestvensky, former admiral of the Imperial Russian Navy on Earth. Given that both Russia and Earth do not appear in any relevant database and given that the associated star system apparently had never been formerly named to Rozhestvensky's knowledge, the Reliquars have been forced to conclude that it is most likely "some backwater system of no significance".

Users of the Dragonade report that Rozhestvensky regularly manifests in their own cockpit, assuming the form of a middle-aged human man in dress uniform. His appearance and counsel is a mixed bag and he has at times threatened pilots with physical violence in response to some perceived incompetence.
I am aiming for a difficulty rating of Hard.

I would like to request that Rozhestvensky be considered part of the weapon system and thus fair game when as signings boons and flaws. Such as being able to advise the pilot, or subjecting pilots to surprise ass-kicking, or coming out unexpectedly anime.

Personally I'd like something as shitposty as possible (i.e. pirate, noir, funky, and/or animu) :P
« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 09:19:02 am by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #64 on: August 22, 2020, 08:12:09 am »

Quote from: Votebox Prototype
[Normal MoP]Arsonist Custom Legs: ()
[Awaiting Rereview TM]Hyperborea ()
[Normal TM]Shield Generator Avalon-H: ()
[Normal MoP]Drone Launcher Gemini: (1) TricMagic
[Hard MM]Battle Standard: ()
[Hard Emp]Dragonnade Railgun: (1) TricMagic
[Unreviewed] SIN: ()
[Unreviewed] Nonstandard Munitions Projector Rifle: ()
[Unreviewed] Holy Hand Grenade: ()
[Unreviewed] Lightning Buster: ()
I like both. I've put the difficulties I know of in the box. Including my Ludicrous -4 design. Flight for Titans is near impossible this game, I suppose? Oh well.

Edits in the rest.

Lightning Buster

A sword with one edge, built within the middle is a lightning gun. The Lightning Buster acts as a combination Lightning Gun and zweihander, capable of tearing through titans from up close and shocking them, or attacking from medium range with lightning bolts. The construction is basic, the middle is made up of conductive metals, with the handle having the spirits involved and equipment for transferring power from the mech to the blade. Spirits serve to generate the effect that causes the bolt to ignore grounding to hit a ranged target, as well as serving as most of the secondary targeting system once the actual titan decides the target and aims. And this can apply the effect to the rest of the blade, which is built for it's weight going through obstacles.  Or you can stab it into a target and just release lightning directly into the now crispy dead enemy.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 09:17:53 am by TricMagic »


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #65 on: August 22, 2020, 10:52:15 am »

Quote from: Votebox Prototype
[Normal MoP]Arsonist Custom Legs: ()
[Awaiting Rereview TM]Hyperborea ()
[Normal TM]Shield Generator Avalon-H: ()
[Normal MoP]Drone Launcher Gemini: (1) TricMagic
[Hard MM]Battle Standard: (1) Empiricist
[Hard Emp]Dragonnade Railgun: (2) TricMagic, Empiricist
[Unreviewed] SIN: ()
[Unreviewed] Nonstandard Munitions Projector Rifle: ()
[Unreviewed] Holy Hand Grenade: ()
[Unreviewed] Lightning Buster: ()
Casting my votes for the Dragonnade Railgun and Reliquar Battle Standard. I've settled on picking sniper weapons just because they work well with our starting Titan and the trade-offs we'd be forced to make with each part type.

The main reason I'm picking these two in particular out of the four sniper weapons we have available basically just comes down to techbase - they give us experience with some fruitful fields. In both cases, they're different kinds of theurgy with underlying principles that can be used for systems other than just "gun".

For the Dragonnade, it's a lockdown sort of weapon that uses theurgical principles to channel ghosts. This kind of channeling could also be applied later for guiding munitions or augmenting the properties of parts by channeling relevant historical entities. Plus we get to add Rozhestvensky to the crew and Powder apparently has fun ideas for potential flaws.

For the Battle Standard, it's a more conventional sniper weapon that uses theurgy to smite foes. This "target designator" style of theurgy could just as easily be made into sensor field that autosmites nearby enemies or an interception system that smites incoming projectiles out of the air. Plus it's stylish as all hell and any flaws in it won't be too bad according to Powder.
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #66 on: August 22, 2020, 12:02:39 pm »

Quote from: Votebox Prototype
[Normal MoP]Arsonist Custom Legs: ()
[Awaiting Rereview TM]Hyperborea ()
[Normal TM]Shield Generator Avalon-H: ()
[Normal MoP]Drone Launcher Gemini: (1) TricMagic
[Hard MM]Battle Standard: (2) Empiricist, Madman
[Hard Emp]Dragonnade Railgun: (2) TricMagic, Empiricist
[Unreviewed] SIN: ()
[Unreviewed] Nonstandard Munitions Projector Rifle: ()
[Unreviewed] Holy Hand Grenade: ()
[Unreviewed] Lightning Buster: ()

Well, I do kind of want to see the debilitation of the Dragonnade, but I also want to literally just smite things.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Man of Paper

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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #67 on: August 22, 2020, 01:31:35 pm »

Quote from: Votebox Prototype
[Normal MoP]Arsonist Custom Legs: ()
[Awaiting Rereview TM]Hyperborea ()
[Normal TM]Shield Generator Avalon-H: ()
[Normal MoP]Drone Launcher Gemini: (2) TricMagic, MoP
[Hard MM]Battle Standard: (2) Empiricist, Madman
[Hard Emp]Dragonnade Railgun: (2) TricMagic, Empiricist
[Unreviewed] SIN: ()
[Unreviewed] Nonstandard Munitions Projector Rifle: ()
[Unreviewed] Holy Hand Grenade: ()
[Unreviewed] Lightning Buster: ()

As an American I require more drones


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #68 on: August 22, 2020, 04:40:39 pm »

Quote from: Votebox Prototype
[Normal MoP]Arsonist Custom Legs: ()
[Awaiting Rereview TM]Hyperborea ()
[Normal TM]Shield Generator Avalon-H: ()
[Normal MoP]Drone Launcher Gemini: (2) TricMagic, MoP
[Hard MM]Battle Standard: (1) Madman
[Hard Emp]Dragonnade Railgun: (1) TricMagic
[Unreviewed] SIN: ()
[Unreviewed] Nonstandard Munitions Projector Rifle: ()
[Unreviewed] Holy Hand Grenade: ()
[Unreviewed] Lightning Buster: ()
Turns out we only get one vote do I'm pulling mine til I get a read on which way the wind is blowing.
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #69 on: August 22, 2020, 06:09:40 pm »

Quote from: Votebox Prototype
[Normal MoP]Arsonist Custom Legs: ()
[Normal TM]Hyperborea (1) TricMagic
[Normal TM]Shield Generator Avalon-H: ()
[Normal MoP]Drone Launcher Gemini: (1) MoP
[Hard MM]Battle Standard: (1) Madman
[Hard Emp]Dragonnade Railgun: ()
[Unreviewed] SIN: ()
[Unreviewed] Nonstandard Munitions Projector Rifle: ()
[Unreviewed] Holy Hand Grenade: ()
[Unreviewed] Lightning Buster: ()

Can't really vote then. Which is a problem?

Hyperborea rewrite is VH for All-Terrain Stability/Speed/Jumps.
Removing Jumps brings it down to Hard. Which I'm going to do. Giving it the obvious weakness of not having any footing to fight using melee weapons brings it to Normal Difficulty. Also doing that. So Mobile all-terrain part that won't remove any of our current weapons, letting the titan keep it's range. Or use the small weapons up close and dance around the slower titans. Speedster-style combat.

Speed/Mobility for any terrain, which will serve us well for most situations, even in new titans.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 06:23:39 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #70 on: August 22, 2020, 07:05:29 pm »

Rifleman-class Head
A simple improvement on the Arquebusier-class titan head, the Rifleman adds reinforced armor plating to the forwards-facing parts of the head and adds a complicated magimechanical assembly intended to aid the mech in targeting weapons. This assembly is primary used to engage targets at long range, because it requires time to engage all its components. It starts with a computer that works the ballistics to hit the target, the solution from which is then improved by a magical premonition rig to literally see where the target will be by the time the weapon is fired.

The system is not restricted to one target; the computer will of course track all targets constantly. However, the magical system can only be used against one target at a time when being used for premonition. However, the magical side of the system can also be used to allow the computer to "see" an identified target even if that target has taken cover. Together, these two abilities give greatly improved long-range fighting power to our mechs but also allow them a degree of surprise when fighting at close quarters or in areas with things capable of impeding a mech's lines of sight.
Probably not something we want to do right now, buuuuuuut why not add more unnecessary designs to the mess?
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #71 on: August 22, 2020, 09:26:47 pm »


Hmm, she does raise a good point. How could we possibly hope to beat her at her own game? Perhaps in that regard the Battle Standard is a better pick than the Dragonnade.
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #72 on: August 23, 2020, 07:58:32 am »

Let us hover, move more quickly than their relics of the past. In this manner, we have the advantage, where they will instead be slowed by terrain. We could sit on a lake and just snipe targets, move above the forests, up mountains without regard for poor footing.


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #73 on: August 23, 2020, 09:01:18 am »

Quote from: Votebox Prototype
[Normal MoP]Arsonist Custom Legs: ()
[Normal TM]Hyperborea (1) TricMagic
[Normal TM]Shield Generator Avalon-H: ()
[Normal MoP]Drone Launcher Gemini: (1) MoP
[Hard MM]Battle Standard: (1) Madman
[Hard Emp]Dragonnade Railgun: (1) Empiricist
[Unreviewed] SIN: ()
[Unreviewed] Nonstandard Munitions Projector Rifle: ()
[Unreviewed] Holy Hand Grenade: ()
[Unreviewed] Lightning Buster: ()
Setting vote to Dragonnade for now. Perfectly happy with the Battle Standard though. Main thing is just personally liking lockdown style tactics and also because we'd potentially get a team "mascot". And because it forces Powder to run Rozhestvensky :P
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Ramshackle Titans - Knights Reliquar Thread
« Reply #74 on: August 24, 2020, 11:03:44 am »

Wielded Equipment: SCRAPS WindMag Scrap Cannon
One of the very first models of mech weapon made by the Sierra Corto Rapid Armament Procurement Specialists, this weapon is a scrap cannon in that it can both launch scrap and that it is made of scrap. The idea behind this bolted-together cannon is simple: Use magnets and a few riled-up wind spirits to launch things as fast as possible. The magnets and spirits are powerful enough to fling almost anything that has some metal in it. Whether that be cannonballs, artillery shells, rubble of buildings with rebar, or even parts of fallen mechs, the WindMag Scrap Cannon will turn it into a deadly high-velocity projectile! Testing suggests that despite the irregularity of these projectiles over standard railgun shells, this weapon will inflict significantly more damage than the standard railgun.
One notable issue the WindMag Scrap Cannon suffers from is accuracy - due to the varied and often improvised nature of its ammunition, the weapon lacks a proper barrel, and the resulting lack of accuracy means that this cannon is most effective at close range. SCRAPS is currently attempting to find a workaround for this issue - perhaps something to focus the wind spirit’s rage - and is also working on a model with more uniform projectiles.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2020, 03:34:33 pm by AzyWng »
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