Right panel is overwritten with the blueprint interface and all keyboard input
is intercepted. Panel has 28 columns for text. Format:
Create quickfort blueprints
from a live game map.
Select the first corner.
n: name blueprint
a: Phases Autodetect
f: format Minimal text .csv
File output format
m: meta On
Combine blueprints that
can be replayed together.
s: playback start tile Unset
Set where the cursor
should be positioned when
replaying the blueprints.
t: split files: No
Split blueprints into
multiple files.
ESC: Back
The game cursor is active and can be moved with the cursor keys. When Enter is
hit, the "Select the first corner." line changes to "Select the second corner."
and the ESC line changes to:
ESC: Cancel selection
After the first corner is selected, a green flashing X appears where the cursor
is. As the cursor is moved, the area from the start position to the current
cursor position will flash with green X characters. The selected dimensions and
area will appear on the gui panel, for example:
Select the second corner.
10x15x1 (150 tiles)
When the second corner is selected, the gui sends the configuration to the main
blueprint generation routine (as if the blueprint command were invoked directly
with those options).
- "n" replaces the current name string with an editable field, pre-populated
with the current name (or a blank if the current name was the default "blueprint" string).
Enter commits the new name. ESC dismisses the edit widget
without changing the name. If files with the given basename are detected in the
output directory, a warning is displayed, e.g.:
n: name blueprint
Warning: may overwrite
existing files.
- "a" toggles between Autodetect and Custom, with the following lines shown
if Custom is set. Each phase toggles between On and Off.
a: Phases Custom
d: dig On
B: construct On
b: build On
p: place On
z: zone On
Q: config On
q: rooms On
- "f" cycles across "Minimal text .csv", "Pretty text .csv", and "Binary .xlsx"
- "m" toggles between On and Off
- "s" starts a workflow where the player can select a map tile to use as the
playback start position, and is then prompted to enter a string to use as the comment.
When set, it will look like this:
s: playback start tile Set
Comment: user-entered description, truncated to fit in panel width
Set where the cursor...
Hitting s when the start tile has been set will toggle it back to Unset (though the comment will be saved for when the user selects s again to select a different tile).
- "t" cycles across No, Level, Group, and Phase
Minimal UI workflowAlthough setting of the blueprint name is technically optional, I expect the minimal flow to be:
- hit n, enter a name, hit Enter
- use cursor or mouse to select starting tile
- use cursor or mouse to select opposite corner of target area
- As soon as the second corner is selected, appropriate blueprints will be generated.