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Author Topic: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library  (Read 90203 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #150 on: January 24, 2021, 09:51:08 pm »

It would make sense to share my embark too I guess. It's a variation off ye venerable craftlords & all it's variants. A little more noob friendly than the purer ones, not as good for moodables, designed for getting dug in rapidly.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
New activity log: (and I'm just going to keep adding to this like a running checklist/notes)
Set additional labors with DT
Set bookkeeper (and full precision),manager, broker
Adjust autobutcher settings
Set all dogs to be war trained (and not butchered). Designate booze not for cooking.
Designate wagon to disassemble (because it is far from my building spot anyway)
Find spot with surface 4, unset, designate surface 1. Clean up some undesired tiny ponds with tiletypes
Redesignate zones, assign geese, pack animals. Do not assign dogs until they are trained. Place nestbox. Add gather plants & clay, meeting zone(temp because wagon is far) to main pasture zone.
Build mason, smelter, forge
Queue orders for: 10 quartzite blocks, 2 coke, 1 bronze from ore, 4 bronze picks, 3 willow buckets, 9 willow wheelbarrows (obviously I've brought the materials)
2 miners grab the copper picks and get to it
carpenter assigned woodcutter, grabs copper axe and cuts trees
weaponsmith/grower starts building forge
other 3 knuckleheads train the dogs and then I turn on plant gathering, cooking, brewing, milk, cheese, butcher, tanning, forge operator for them
since I've breached the cavern (on purpose), I designate some of the ramps mark only so that I am only vulnerable to flyers, until I can make a secure entrance
run surface2 and industry1 (1/18)

And the game crashed at that point. It is possible I screwed up with the zones though (was trying to be lazy and use the namer), will go back and comment them out.

Reload from embark (fortunately I keep ALL levels of saves and backups enabled)

baG - turn off everything except blocks
run surface2 and industry1 (1/20 was slower this time)
I undesignate the crafter and mechanic since I will not run the orders that need them until industry2 is underway
I also make some changes to the pile more suited to what I brought - this is a highly personalized thing since it depends what one brought, everyone should adjust as needed
*STRONG RECOMENDATION* Do not seperate surface temp food piles, just make 1 big 1, will cut down early game barrel shenanigans. Recommend for everyone.
Are 60 surface plots really necessary? :P I'd say designate less initially, ain't nobody got time fo'dat!
I undesignate the crafter and mechanic since I will not run the orders that need them until industry2 is underway. I do leave the 2nd mason so that the stonecrafter can also help make blocks
I also make some changes to the pile more suited to what I brought - this is a highly personalized thing
Designate temp kitchen, still, farmers workshop - brew the plump helmets before my fucktards eat them, milk yak and make cheese,  cook some meals
Queue up 4 hatch covers, they will go on surface to provide some minimal protection (I went with dual 2-wide ramps)
I run combine-plants & combine-drinks as needed to keep things tidy (I wish there was a way to automate these to run periodicly)
Now because I've collected all these stupid misc plants I wish I had put my custom booze reactions back in, I want the plumpers brewed first. At least I can turn the others off from the kitchen for the moment.
Bronze picks completed (2/12) as soon as they are finished up with the current orders everyone else but the carpenter/woodcutter will go help mine. Industry1 is half dug at this point.

   Status Update 3/1 All digging, maybe 3/5 done with industry1. I had to give the miners a kick in the ass, for some reason they stopped working.
I find changing the priority designation on a few tiles usually gets their asses in gear, but I feel I should have been further along by now. Of course there is so much work to be done and so few dorfs to do it. All wine is brewed and as many lavish meals as we could make. I'll butcher the yaks as soon as we get farming level shops in. Which probably won't be til next season.
Buried in creepy crawler remains (90+) sick of looking at them, autodump into volcano.

Can't figure out how to make orders work from xlsx. I put the csv back into the directory as well, just have to be careful not to mix stuff up and cancel what is no longer needed.

Industry finished digging (3/23) forgot to mention we queued up orders, probably later than we should have, but at least I can cancel the blocks since I have the quartzite blocks.
How come the orders don't take into account what you already have?
Channels are dug already, onto farming dig!
I make my adjustments to the feeders (which is why we made wheelbarrows ahead of time, willow is the lightest wood I have available)
I also cancel all the smelters and forge since I am going right for lava and designate the channels & tunnel to volcano
We get rid of all surface piles except food and all except carpenter and mason are dismantled. As soon as orders are finished they will go. Orders for farm won't get placed until then. I want all future work orders being done inside

*Possible bug* Are my aliases out of date? Stoneworker feeder set to ALL.
*Suggestion* Sandbags in metal QSP closer to glassmaker. I also enable the potash since it's only excluded bar, just have to remember to add a take from for the fertilizer pile near farm.
*To investigate* Putting lye and milk of lime into piles with a single barrel. *Bug* Glad I checked this pile was set to all food. A bunch of piles are wrong. Will undo and reapply to make sure I didnt maybe use the wrong file (habit).
I most certainly ran the right one, about half of the piles got jacked. Might be from WIP industry build?
I downloaded the file again, something is very messed up even though it all looks correct. I'm too tired to troubleshoot it tonight.
Ahhhh! Yup, I need bronze weapons alias.

And I had a crash again, on 3/28. I used the buildplanner again for some magma smelters (because my quartzite blocks somehow disappeared even though I have more than enough of them for ALL the workshops and trackstops). FUUUUUCKKKKK!!! I haven't saved since 1/20. An ironman save system for a buggy alpha is just assinine! Calling it a night.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 01:45:32 am by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #151 on: January 25, 2021, 04:00:16 pm »

Continuing from 1/20 I decided to dig out the farm level first, I want to say it was finished around 2/16. The miners shot up 3 levels, which is good since I don't want the other 4 guys going past lvl 5 (moods).
Bronze picks are done too, but for the moment I want everyone crafting since the farm level needs stuff. Letting the doors wait, it's just way too many so early, stone is actually at a premium.

So we made it to summer without incident this time. Industry is about 80% dug out with just the 2 miners mining. Farming is done. So the extra unskilled miners wouldn't have made much difference.
I put another 2 hatches in the lower ramp, and locked them, prior to the crash we had a hungry head infestation. IIRC building destroyers can't destroy stuff about them, and I don't think flying building destroyers are upper cavern monsters anyway.
I worked around the build orders with a combination of creating them by hand/copying the individual spreadsheet contents to the csv. Being particular (AR) about which blocks get used for what, I designated the few surface floors and walls by hand.
So we are more or less secure (from low level threats) and food is underground.
*Bug* Seeds & booze wound up in cookable food. Technicaly they are but wrong pile. Also half the tallow is not forbidden, and it's run of the mill stuff not procedurally generated.
4/10 Industry dug out. Not too shabby. We can concentrate on finishing the farm layer furniture now.
Lay down industry2, adjust my feeder piles, remove forge/smelters, dig out magma tunnels and layout smelters

Got a very decent first migrant wave for a change! 7 adults. Legendary Dr, Glass worker. Someone with steel & axe pref (will be another weaponcrafter). No useless pets. A passable soldier.
Starting dig for services, after due consideration I am skipping the wells in the cells. I just don't think they merit their own wells and the risk of them running out of booze should be slim. As Aahz said, "I said bring me something to drink, not something to bathe in!"
Singletile piles too, I can't see tying up a lot of resources. Also I won't actually build the jail stuff until later. Hospital and tavern are priorities or I would dig this level later.
As I'm going to tap the nearby brook for water I add 3 mechanisms, a floodgate and a grate to build orders

So I'm getting a lot of job cancellations for storing items - dangerous terrain. Seems to be the double ramp somehow. I've never had these issues with the single, or even the triple I used extensively in another design. Possibly because of the way it is crammed in the space, so will stick with the plan (thank god for tiletypes)
I let things settle a bit (building & hauling) it is now 5/12,
Run import automation - create the other jobs I mentioned. Change the lye-making, also make seperate 1 tile piles for lye and milk of lime with a barrel since I want to experiment.
Turn booze cooking back on (now that we have no fear of cooking all our booze)
I have 3 miners now (1 immigrant was lvl 6), while I tend to turn on peasant labors for most dorfs, reading up on guild formation it sounds like a bad idea now - I don't mind a guild for each craft group, but I don't need 10 different farming peasant skill guilds FFS! (anyone made a mod to cut down on this?)
*WARNING* Process plants to barrel is no bueno; getting them to cook with syrup requires so much shenanigans to be not worth it. Better to make sweet pods into booze. I know some people like it as a trade good but at least set the input very high.
Magma is just reaching the forges (5/16)
Make a maximum size zone across farming level for plant gathering (since we've got cave fungus)

Made it to the fall. Things are quiet. Slow going all the masonry. Still making doors for farming2, just barely started on blocks for surface4. Need more masons!

*BUG* Meltables piles taking from cloth QSP (which was original metal QSP location) sorry I didnt notice this earlier.
*SCIENCE!* So about the lye. My order works. The trick is making it stop ;) The lye has to be in a barrel to count as the shutoff for the work order to make lye. For making soap it will count lye in buckets or barrel. So the single tile stockpile with a barrel. I haven't gotten around to paper but I imagine it works more or less the same, will see when I get enough pigtails.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 10:46:59 pm by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #152 on: January 25, 2021, 10:48:24 pm »

I'm following this with interest. Some notes:

Surface has been rewritten for much faster security. I'm looking forward to your opinion on the changes (on your next run, no hurry). I also removed the berry gathering step. Players can do that manually if desired.

baG for disabling wood/boulders, in the next version of DFHack you'll be able to do this in onMapLoad.init with:
  on-new-fortress buildingplan set boulders false; buildingplan set logs false

You recommended combining the surface food piles for cutting down on barrel usage, but the non-booze pile does not have barrels enabled.

Yeah, 60 surface farm plots is a lot. I moved their construction to much later, after the surface is minimally secure. I kept all 60 of them for now - what else would be useful in that space?

Hatch covers on surface - good idea. Will add.

Automated combine-plants and combine-drinks - see DFHack "repeat"

Orders from .xlsx - what is the issue? There is a difference in the -n parameter value (it's sheetname/label instead of just /label), but it works the same. You can avoid the names entirely if you use the list number (e.g. "quickfort list -l dreamfort" to get the number and then something like "quickfort orders 23"). I should implement supporting just /label syntax for xlsx files. I'd have to scan all sheets in the file, but it would be much more user friendly.

Orders don't take into account what you already have since there is no way to tell if you want "up to 10" of something or "10 more" of something. I figured in general if a player is using "quickfort orders" to manufacture items, then they need 10 more, not 10 total. Players who need "up to 10" should use workflow.

I'd like to put sandbags in the metalworker pile, but there is no way to distinguish them from empty bags. I think the solution here is to have a dedicated stockpile take from a glassmaker's workshop that only collects sand. I thought this was too case specific to add to the blueprint, though.

Why enable potash in the bars pile? The manager order keeps the count within what will fit in the potash pile on the farming level.

Note the bronze aliases I posted earlier had a typo originally. You may need to copy the most recent version from the post on the previous page.

Doors on farming level: yeah, there are a lot. At least since they're all in the same order they only enqueue one job at a time (per mason) so they don't block other stuff from getting built. I don't really want to create an extra step just for doors - there are already too many steps. I think advanced players can just pause the order like you did.

Seeds & booze in wrong pile - I'll check this

Also half the tallow is not forbidden - are you running a modded game? The tallow alias is keyed on the number of tallow variants in vanilla. I could use the search plug-in to find all types of tallow, but I didn't want to make quickfort dependent on any other plugins. Even buildingplan is optional.

Fixed meltables piles taking from wrong qsp
« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 10:52:15 pm by myk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #153 on: January 25, 2021, 11:24:11 pm »

I've been following along with your changes on google drive, so have tried out some of the new surface fort, it helps a lot.
I ran surface5 finally just as we are about to go into winter.

The non-booze not having barrels has been a problem for me, it draws more pests, and if you are plant gathering it will get overfull, and then meals will get left in kitchen (I cook a few meals before getting dug in) and rot. I also want all plumps brewed asap, which relies on the barrels from the food used to make the first lavish meal.

Probably a smaller surface fort. I'd cut the plots, nests and hives in half really. The pastures too. Even for a pop of 200+. Could make it concentric, with the later plans expanding it, wrap the trap lines around the outside, make a killzone, etc. The doublewidth walls can go too (even though they look cool with my texture pack).

Good on the other tips. That helps a lot. Repeat won't work because the script needs to be ran on a stockpile directly.

Yes, sandbags are their own item type. Furniture>Types>Sand bags (all the way at the bottom). Been like that long as I can remember.

The potash count is higher actually (which is good, I like to have extra), but it isn't a big deal since it's not like the ashery is going to get full enough to be cluttered in all liklihood.

Stock LNP here. After some thought though, I would put the tallow in that pile anyway. Otherwise, the kitchen will be cluttered with tallow within a couple years if you've got an advanced meat industry.

Oh, do leave space for a QSP near Depot (there is room currently). I like to do an auto-tradetrash dump for low quality crap.

Walls about done (although much of the floor not, 64 blocks to go...and then the hundreds for the roof)  11/10, of course none of the levers are built, mechanic still has 34 mechanisms to go. I have all 3 masons shops being worked too. The 3 miners barely keeping up for stone too. This is just too labor intensive for early game.

So I can't seem to reliably get the make lye to stop, some task decides to grab the barrel (probably to dump bucket in) and then the lye in the barrel becomes unseen and the task triggers. Vicious cycle. It could be because I have labor problems, but I'm starting to think your method is better.

Oh, I think the farming level should be flipped N-S. So piles tend to fill from top left to bottom right, which means it is always a far walk from the kitchen. Also it might help make dorfs prefer to eat meals. I still see too many of them mawing on raw fruits & veggies.

Along with wheelbarrows, making masons/etc take from QSP prevents the jackasses from running down 10 levels and 40 east to lug a piece of stone back by hand.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 01:50:36 am by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #154 on: January 26, 2021, 02:09:21 am »

What do you think of this design for the surface level?
compact enough?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #155 on: January 26, 2021, 02:34:09 am »

What do you think of this design for the surface level?
compact enough?

Yes! Maybe make the trap corridors 1 wide even, since it would force everything through the traps and allow you to start with less of them. Extensions could always be built surrounding the complex later if desired.
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Embark Profile Enthusiast, Kitfox & reddit mod.
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #156 on: January 26, 2021, 06:35:42 am »

It would make sense to share my embark too I guess. It's a variation off ye venerable craftlords & all it's variants.

Oh wow, is Craftlords venerable now? I feel honored! And old!

Have you seen the current "Annotated" version where I explain the design choices?

I'm waiting for the next release to update it.
Team Bug Fix!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #157 on: January 26, 2021, 09:53:24 am »

It would make sense to share my embark too I guess. It's a variation off ye venerable craftlords & all it's variants.

Oh wow, is Craftlords venerable now? I feel honored! And old!

Have you seen the current "Annotated" version where I explain the design choices?

I'm waiting for the next release to update it.

Well hello. I have actually, nice work on it! The equipment loadout I went with is actually based off that one, although disciplined craftlords has been a heavy influence on all my embark profiles over the years. I'm still a huge advocate of discipline for everyone.

Quartzite is my choice over bauxite because I get a distressing amount of fails on bauxite and I like the nice clean white.
I bring a nestbox because I've found it will be Fall before I can be arsed to make them otherwise. The need to get cleared and dug in fast I also brought the axe and picks. Since the crashes gave me the joy of restarting over and over again, I did get to closely observe some things. Even making 6 picks it is still less productive than embarking with 2. I can't seem to get it done in less than a month. Then of course with this fort your 4 basic crafters are tied up forever. Pretty much leaves the farmer doing everything until migrants.

We're into the next year. Levers and links built since we ran out of stone for mechanisms. Outside gate traps set (not sure they are useful, mobs will probably avoid?) Still quite a bit of floor to build. I'm looking forward to the new smaller design for next run.
Work orders - brew needs check for empty containers (5) to reduce cancellation spam, also brew fruit job. 400 drinks is only 16 barrels, I like to keep more.
Armor and weapons, I'm torn between liking more stock on hand (sometimes I will designate an entire squad at once) and the fact that this is quick and easy to get running, also for melting & reforging until we get all good pieces. It does keep the workflows running smooth I guess.
I give up with the lye - 2 orders, 1 tied to tallow soap as original, 1 to oil soap. I also added condition of max 5 lye (in case we somehow do have a barrel full) The 1 barrel stockpile seems fine.
Still no paper, I can't imagine we haven't produced enough pig tail by now, need to check all the relevant orders, might need to tinker them to ensure stock for all jobs happens from time to time.
Should probably set limit on plant cloth for process plants job.
I think too much milling flour instead of making booze going on too. I need to find how I used to handle dye production. At one time I used custom reactions but they got to be a pain (because graphics packs override them, etc) FOUND IT! millable unrotten dye plants (NM, I forgot that won't change the job, it will still mill anything) I think I did it from a specially linked mill & pile, I did a lot of micromanaged shit, unfortunately lost my more recent stuff - dead computer, corrupt/incomplete backups.
Collect sand - empty boxes and bags at least a few (I use10) , sand-bearing items at most 10 (seems like a good amount). I like to keep orders for green glass stuff and things in stock as well, but I guess this might not be for everyone.
Make rock crystal into pearlash.

Actually watching you work on plans in real time. Didn't know the Google had collaboration features.
siegebait! I love it! Yeah, was gonna mention adding 2nd guard dog pasture, when the one by stairs gets crowded it leads to accidents. As soon as the first litter of pups is born I start spliting them.

New farm level looks good too. Realized after I said flip it, that the vents would require a full redesign. Also have to worry about trees growing on top of areas that wouldn't have fit in new fort.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 04:04:11 pm by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #158 on: January 27, 2021, 02:26:33 am »

I tested the new layout and ironed out the obvious bugs, but I got distracted: since you've been seeing crashes, I've been running DF in a debugger while I playtested the new layouts, and I finally got it to crash. With lethosor's help, I think I tracked down the reason. It shouldn't be too hard to fix, but it might take me a few days to write and test the code. Once it's merged, you could pick up a dev build and overwrite your LNP version. Fewer crashes might be better for your psyche : )

I like how compact everything is now - it really makes it easier to get settled.

Btw, the new trade goods quantum needs a new alias: crafts. I'll post the definition when I get back to my computer (on phone).

If you're updating the automation orders in your fort, could you export the json and upload it somewhere (or post it here)? If you are already expanding the orders and updating the conditions, I'd hate to just be duplicating your work.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2021, 03:20:39 am by myk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #159 on: January 27, 2021, 10:01:04 am »

I tested the new layout and ironed out the obvious bugs, but I got distracted: since you've been seeing crashes, I've been running DF in a debugger while I playtested the new layouts, and I finally got it to crash. With lethosor's help, I think I tracked down the reason. It shouldn't be too hard to fix, but it might take me a few days to write and test the code. Once it's merged, you could pick up a dev build and overwrite your LNP version. Fewer crashes might be better for your psyche : )

I like how compact everything is now - it really makes it easier to get settled.

Btw, the new trade goods quantum needs a new alias: crafts. I'll post the definition when I get back to my computer (on phone).

If you're updating the automation orders in your fort, could you export the json and upload it somewhere (or post it here)? If you are already expanding the orders and updating the conditions, I'd hate to just be duplicating your work.

Glad you guys are tracking down and fixing bugs. I've only had the odd crash since we figured out the zone issue.

I tried the new layout out last night, even with some mishaps (dead civ - wound up with the king already, aquifer all over this embark - cancellations make me nuts, and I needed to divert for engraving) making good progress, caravan just leaving and I have drawbridges and levers down, ready to start walls. I went with 2 full masons this time. I got the bright idea to make the masons engravers and the miners architects (flipped from my usual) after reading up on guilds a bit. I regret it and will revert next embark. Mason & engraver are considered the same general guild. I think it isn't as bad as I originally thought with the individual skill guilds since I believe it is not just dorfs with levels of skill, but it being their actual profession (highest skill). As there are a dozen guilds just to cover the basics I really don't want anymore, although I might be making something out of a non-issue. We will see. Most of the new features seem to add nothing but headaches.

I'll be happy to export the orders.

Added make cheese, mill seeds, press oil, make soap from oil, coal & lignite check to charcoal, barrel req to brew drinks, brew drinks from fruit, steel pick/crossbow/breastplate/greaves, smelt orders for all other ores and alloys. I think that's everything. Scaled brew orders in half for more reliable production. I was getting dangerously low on booze waiting for 10 empty pots.

I'm still getting a lot of dangerous terrain cancellations around the ramps, I don't understand. This has never happened before. Are you seeing them as well? It's like they all got butterfingers and drop items on the ramp all the time. Figured this out too, tree root right next to ramp made a hole. Fixed the hole and problem went away.

10/12 - Roof 1/4 done, but I had some issues with the walls not being finished in spots and trying to snag blocks is hard. I think I'd like more hard stops in between some stages. The roof being a good example since it can wait a bit usually. Roof over center and doorways in surface5 (because those evil keas), the rest in surface6. Barracks maybe becomes 7. I do like the idea of barracks in it's own stage so it can be ordered and built sooner if needed. Also getting floors made out of potash and gold even though I have all but blocks disabled. NM, I know what happened, I unsuspended jobs that didnt have materials ready for them.

I don't remember crafting being a higher priority than building construction. Annoying me to no end that of the 3 masons none can find time to build/destroy in months. The quirks of this game seem worse than ever.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2021, 07:59:25 pm by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #160 on: January 27, 2021, 08:48:25 pm »

I finished playtesting the current version (crash free with my in-development fixes. Hopefully I'll be able to get them merged soon), but let me go back and incorporate more of your suggestions. You really have helped to greatly improve dreamfort. I appreciate your feedback!

I found a bug in the stockflow plugin that prevents some stockpiles from being named correctly. I submitted a fix, but until it gets merged, if you get errors on the farming level, try disabling stockflow.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #161 on: January 28, 2021, 11:36:49 am »

Spring of 2nd year and surface mostly done. Getting the traps built takes forever. Did get a 2nd (low-level) mechanic in this wave at least.
Wave after wave of keas have shown up this year, I forgot how truly annoying they are. Much cancellation spam. Militia squad has been killing them at least.
Thought I was going to have goblins, but it turned out to be just a human thief; a couple wardogs ripped her apart.
Realized I missed the 1 tile dump zone in services (was getting crashes again).
Had some oddities and aggravations, partly because I want particular stone used for particular things, partly because trying to work in your own side projects while the quickfort orders & builds are processing just leads to fighting over resources. I had to unbuild quite a bit.

So is it just me or did crafting times get longer (last time I played was when 44 was current)? I feel like my starting 7 used to be able to accomplish more. Granted sieges were also guaranteed to come by 1st winter if not before so there was much more rush to get dug in.

Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #162 on: January 28, 2021, 02:26:26 pm »

Ok, time for a roll-up update from my previous summary of done and upcoming changes.

  • Completely reworked the surface and farming levels (That's 31 blueprints! Thank goodness for meta blueprints so players don't have run them all by hand!) to be much more compact and so everything is more useful sooner. worlds better. solves years of frustration I've had with those levels.
  • Updated the command checklist to reflect the blueprint changes
  • I set the priority for the farming dig higher than the default so the miners will run up and quickly carve out the dirt for farming as soon as possible.
  • Fixed crash related to how I change UI states in query blueprints. PR (this is a script-side change so you can patch it directly into your current installation instead of waiting for the next dfhack release)
  • Added documentation about how to start the lye-soap automation chain
  • Disallowed seeds and booze in the cookables pile; thanks for catching that!
  • Fixed meltables piles taking from cloth QSP
  • Moved farming doors later in the sequence so they don't hold things up
  • Made masons take from "otherstone" QSP
  • Hatch covers on surface
  • Enabled seasonal fertilization for the farm plots (at least the underground ones)
  • Split roof construction into more phases
  • Fixed the tallow alias (see below)
  • Review your automation rules (thanks!) and integrate
  • Add instructions for how to safely turn down the surface workshops (that is, how to make them ineligible for work orders and how to check when none of the items inside of them are assigned to active tasks)
  • Add suggestion to configure buildingplan to only have blocks enabled for constructions after the starting workshops go up
  • Add suggestions for embark configuration, at least for skill distributions. include suggestion for at least two masons so buildings get built even when there are item orders pending

  • Heavy feeder stockpiles for corpses, boulders, and ores. this includes designing and implementing a mechanism for blueprints to specify (at stockpile creation time) how many wheelbarrows a particular stockpile should have
  • quarry level (with impulse-driven minecarts)
  • Look into PeridexisErrant's page for more ideas

  • From your reports, it seems that the current lye-soap order chain is the best we can do (for now). is that right?
  • It wouldn't be too difficult to extend combine-plants and combine-drinks to iterate over all stockpiles and automatically combine stockpiles that have the appropriate item types enabled. I suggest filing a feature request bug
  • Reminder to others reading this: zones will be crashy until the next dfhack release. Please remove and manually re-add quickfort-placed zones (dreamfort only makes zones on the surface and services levels)
  • If you want walls/floors built out of a particular material, you can set the filter in buildingplan and quickfort will use it. for example, to set walls to be made out of quartzite: bCwPM{Right}quartizite{Enter}{Shift}{Enter}. you just have to set the filter before you run the quickfort blueprint.
  • I forbid tallow in the cookables pile since it's enabled in the 'goods' quantum on the industry level (for use in soap). the kitchen will still use it, but with it stored so far away, all the higher-quality cookables will be used first.
  • Right now I only enable crafts in the trade depot QSP. are there any other item types we should add here?
  • I normally dig a quarry below the apartment levels for more stone for the masons. would this be useful to add to the blueprint set?
  • The traps outside the main gate aren't very useful for sieges (since you can't protect them with bridges to reset them during the siege), but they're great capturing wildlife that are pathing past your fort in peacetime. I found they are excellent for harvesting wild meat.
  • Barracks on the surface is in it's own stage, true, but the roof needs to be completed first, otherwise we can't place the beds (need to be "indoors"). When I split the roof construction, though, I can make sure the beds tiles are covered in an early stage
  • Re: I unsuspended jobs that didnt have materials ready for them -- yeah, this is buildingplan's bane. It's on my backlog to see if I can prevent buidlingplan-managed buildings from being manually unsuspended from the jobs list. They're already protected when querying the building itself, but, as you found, there are other ways to unsuspend.
  • Sandbags in metal QSP - I'm having second thoughts about this one. I'm worried splitting furniture across two stockpiles will cause confusion. the current furniture QSP is really not that far away -- just 12 tiles (true, the metalworker QSP is only 4 tiles away, but is the increased efficiency for making glass worth the added complexity?)

New aliases needed in your aliases.txt:
(until the next DFHack release, when they'll be in the standard alias library)
Code: [Select]
crafts: {finishedgoodsprefix}{Right}f{Right}{Down 9}{togglesequence 9}^
forbidcrafts: {finishedgoodsprefix}{Right 2}{Down 9}{togglesequence 9}^
permitcrafts: {forbidcrafts}
bronzeweapons: {metalweapons}{forbidmetalweapons}{permitbronzeweapons}
forbidbronzeweapons:  {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 2}{Right}{Down 6}&^
permitbronzeweapons:  {forbidbronzeweapons}
bronzearmor: {metalarmor}{forbidmetalarmor}{permitbronzearmor}
forbidbronzearmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 6}{Right}{Down 6}&^
permitbronzearmor:  {forbidbronzearmor}
tallow:         {foodprefix}b{Right}{Down 13}{Right}stallow&p^
forbidtallow:         {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 13}{Right}stallow&f^
permittallow:         {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 13}{Right}stallow&p^
« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 01:50:19 am by myk »


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #163 on: January 28, 2021, 03:49:18 pm »

    • Heavy feeder stockpiles for corpses, boulders, and ores. this includes designing and implementing a mechanism for blueprints to specify (at stockpile creation time) how many wheelbarrows a particular stockpile should have
    I think you should go ahead and add the piles, it's easy enough to manually add wheelbarrows until you get the code for them, but would save a lot of trouble. Cut the current feeder to 6 tiles. Make a 12 tile feeder for gems (build a 4x5 around the other piles, works out to 12 useable). Remove gems from stone. Metal just keeps the stones, everything else goes to the light feeder. Split the current trash feeder into 2 2x3. Corpses (both types) go into the lower pile, the refuse stays in the top. Add the 3 new piles to the hauling routes. Done. Even without the wheelbarrows it won't make anything any worse (other than the potential for more concurrent hauling jobs, which situationally can be good or bad).
    • From your reports, it seems that the current lye-soap order chain is the best we can do (for now). is that right?
    Yeah unfortunately. There's a few things in workorders I wish Toady would fix. Milkable animals another condition that doesn't work, I tried adding it to the autogenerated milking order. Material exclusions another thing I wish for (use any wood other than willow, any stone other than jet, specific plants, etc). Still it has come a long way.
    • It wouldn't be too difficult to extend combine-plants and combine-drinks to iterate over all stockpiles and automatically combine stockpiles that have the appropriate item types enabled. I suggest filing a feature request bug
    Oh that would be awesome. Would save me a lot of trouble. I run them frequently.
    • If you want walls/floors built out of a particular material, you can set the filter in buildingplan and quickfort will use it. for example, to set walls to be made out of quartzite: bCwPM{Right}quartizite{Enter}{Shift}{Enter}. you just have to set the filter before you run the quickfort blueprint.
    That's awesome too. Was going to ask if there was any way to do that. Do I leave it open instead of "k-menu"?
    • I forbid tallow in the cookables pile since it's enabled in the 'goods' quantum on the industry level (for use in soap). the kitchen will still use it, but with it stored so far away, all the higher-quality cookables will be used first.
    Yeah, I realized that at some point after I mentioned it. Makes perfect sense.
    • Right now I only enable crafts in the trade depot QSP. are there any other item types we should add here?
    That's a very discretionary item. Eventually I like to trade away EVERYTHING less than masterwork, other than most metal goods (higher than 33% return on melting). Obviously one cannot start out that way. My first caravan trade usually consists of 20-30 spiked wooden balls (which is pretty much enough to buy out the caravan, even giving them insane profit; happy carvan master==larger immigrant waves). As I said on another strategy-crafting thread once, DF trade is not like RL trade. It isn't to make a profit, it is to get rid of unwanted shit.
    • I normally dig a quarry below the apartment levels for more stone for the masons. would this be useful to add to the blueprint set?
    If you've got something elaborate (or even just something cool), maybe with minecart tracks? (I'd love to see someone actually do something with them). I normally use reveal to find a patch of whatever I want and then just designate a large block/the entire vein as needed.
    • The traps outside the main gate aren't very useful for sieges (since you can't protect them with bridges to reset them during the siege), but they're great capturing wildlife that are pathing past your fort in peacetime. I found they are excellent for harvesting wild meat.
    I actually caught a couple keas in them so I am now a big fan.
    #$%@&! keas!
    • Barracks on the surface is in it's own stage, true, but the roof needs to be completed first, otherwise we can't place the beds (need to be "indoors"). When I split the roof construction, though, I can make sure the beds tiles are covered in an early stage
    Found that out the hard way lol.
    • Re: I unsuspended jobs that didnt have materials ready for them -- yeah, this is buildingplan's bane. It's on my backlog to see if I can prevent buidlingplan-managed buildings from being manually unsuspended from the jobs list. They're already protected when querying the building itself, but, as you found, there are other ways to unsuspend.
    I can break anything. I am the reason error-trapping is a thing. ;)
    • Sandbags in metal QSP - I'm having second thoughts about this one. I'm worried splitting furniture across two stockpiles will cause confusion. the current furniture QSP is really not that far away -- just 12 tiles (true, the metalworker QSP is only 4 tiles away, but is the increased efficiency for making glass worth the added complexity?)
    I think you are right. For ease of designation it is fine to leave them. The few extra tiles probably doesn't make much difference (only for heavy things like stone does it really matter). I tend to get all granular with the piles, but even the master himself( only uses 5 piles. I'm not sure the way I do them is worth the extra work, but workflow wasn't a thing back when I originally started using QSP.
    New aliases needed in your aliases.txt:
    (until the next DFHack release, when they'll be in the standard alias library)
    Code: [Select]
    crafts: {finishedgoodsprefix}{Right}f{Right}{Down 9}{togglesequence 9}^
    forbidcrafts: {finishedgoodsprefix}{Right 2}{Down 9}{togglesequence 9}^
    permitcrafts: {forbidcrafts}
    bronzeweapons: {metalweapons}{forbidmetalweapons}{permitbronzeweapons}
    forbidbronzeweapons:  {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 2}{Right}{Down 6}&^
    permitbronzeweapons:  {forbidbronzeweapons}
    bronzearmor: {metalarmor}{forbidmetalarmor}{permitbronzearmor}
    forbidbronzearmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 6}{Right}{Down 6}&^
    permitbronzearmor:  {forbidbronzearmor}
    Ahhh, thanks for that!
    « Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 03:57:02 pm by ldog »
    Quote from: Dirst
    For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

    Quote from: gchristopher
    The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


    • Bay Watcher
      • View Profile
    Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
    « Reply #164 on: January 28, 2021, 06:27:25 pm »

    I went through the automation orders. I saw a few repeats of Lye and soap, I think left over from the experiments. I kept only the original lye and soap from tallow, removing the soap from oil (which I saw had a bad condition -- the one forgotten when a game is reloaded).

    You added steel breastplates and greaves. I had left those out since mail shirts and leggings are superior and cover the same body parts (or so I understand). Do we need breastplates and greaves as well?

    Uploaded integrated/clean/categorized/alphabetized version here
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