It would make sense to share my embark too I guess. It's a variation off ye venerable craftlords & all it's variants. A little more noob friendly than the purer ones, not as good for moodables, designed for getting dug in rapidly.
New activity log: (and I'm just going to keep adding to this like a running checklist/notes)
Set additional labors with DT
Set bookkeeper (and full precision),manager, broker
Adjust autobutcher settings
Set all dogs to be war trained (and not butchered). Designate booze not for cooking.
Designate wagon to disassemble (because it is far from my building spot anyway)
Find spot with surface 4, unset, designate surface 1. Clean up some undesired tiny ponds with tiletypes
Redesignate zones, assign geese, pack animals. Do not assign dogs until they are trained. Place nestbox. Add gather plants & clay, meeting zone(temp because wagon is far) to main pasture zone.
Build mason, smelter, forge
Queue orders for: 10 quartzite blocks, 2 coke, 1 bronze from ore, 4 bronze picks, 3 willow buckets, 9 willow wheelbarrows (obviously I've brought the materials)
2 miners grab the copper picks and get to it
carpenter assigned woodcutter, grabs copper axe and cuts trees
weaponsmith/grower starts building forge
other 3 knuckleheads train the dogs and then I turn on plant gathering, cooking, brewing, milk, cheese, butcher, tanning, forge operator for them
since I've breached the cavern (on purpose), I designate some of the ramps mark only so that I am only vulnerable to flyers, until I can make a secure entrance
run surface2 and industry1 (1/18)
And the game crashed at that point. It is possible I screwed up with the zones though (was trying to be lazy and use the namer), will go back and comment them out.
Reload from embark (fortunately I keep ALL levels of saves and backups enabled)
baG - turn off everything except blocks
run surface2 and industry1 (1/20 was slower this time)
I undesignate the crafter and mechanic since I will not run the orders that need them until industry2 is underway
I also make some changes to the pile more suited to what I brought - this is a highly personalized thing since it depends what one brought, everyone should adjust as needed
*STRONG RECOMENDATION* Do not seperate surface temp food piles, just make 1 big 1, will cut down early game barrel shenanigans. Recommend for everyone.
Are 60 surface plots really necessary?
I'd say designate less initially, ain't nobody got time fo'dat!
I undesignate the crafter and mechanic since I will not run the orders that need them until industry2 is underway. I do leave the 2nd mason so that the stonecrafter can also help make blocks
I also make some changes to the pile more suited to what I brought - this is a highly personalized thing
Designate temp kitchen, still, farmers workshop - brew the plump helmets before my fucktards eat them, milk yak and make cheese, cook some meals
Queue up 4 hatch covers, they will go on surface to provide some minimal protection (I went with dual 2-wide ramps)
I run combine-plants & combine-drinks as needed to keep things tidy (I wish there was a way to automate these to run periodicly)
Now because I've collected all these stupid misc plants I wish I had put my custom booze reactions back in, I want the plumpers brewed first. At least I can turn the others off from the kitchen for the moment.
Bronze picks completed (2/12) as soon as they are finished up with the current orders everyone else but the carpenter/woodcutter will go help mine. Industry1 is half dug at this point.
Status Update 3/1 All digging, maybe 3/5 done with industry1. I had to give the miners a kick in the ass, for some reason they stopped working.
I find changing the priority designation on a few tiles usually gets their asses in gear, but I feel I should have been further along by now. Of course there is so much work to be done and so few dorfs to do it. All wine is brewed and as many lavish meals as we could make. I'll butcher the yaks as soon as we get farming level shops in. Which probably won't be til next season.
Buried in creepy crawler remains (90+) sick of looking at them, autodump into volcano.
Can't figure out how to make orders work from xlsx. I put the csv back into the directory as well, just have to be careful not to mix stuff up and cancel what is no longer needed.
Industry finished digging (3/23) forgot to mention we queued up orders, probably later than we should have, but at least I can cancel the blocks since I have the quartzite blocks.
How come the orders don't take into account what you already have?
Channels are dug already, onto farming dig!
I make my adjustments to the feeders (which is why we made wheelbarrows ahead of time, willow is the lightest wood I have available)
I also cancel all the smelters and forge since I am going right for lava and designate the channels & tunnel to volcano
We get rid of all surface piles except food and all except carpenter and mason are dismantled. As soon as orders are finished they will go. Orders for farm won't get placed until then. I want all future work orders being done inside
*Possible bug* Are my aliases out of date? Stoneworker feeder set to ALL.
*Suggestion* Sandbags in metal QSP closer to glassmaker. I also enable the potash since it's only excluded bar, just have to remember to add a take from for the fertilizer pile near farm.
*To investigate* Putting lye and milk of lime into piles with a single barrel. *Bug* Glad I checked this pile was set to all food. A bunch of piles are wrong. Will undo and reapply to make sure I didnt maybe use the wrong file (habit).
I most certainly ran the right one, about half of the piles got jacked. Might be from WIP industry build?
I downloaded the file again, something is very messed up even though it all looks correct. I'm too tired to troubleshoot it tonight.
Ahhhh! Yup, I need bronze weapons alias.
And I had a crash again, on 3/28. I used the buildplanner again for some magma smelters (because my quartzite blocks somehow disappeared even though I have more than enough of them for ALL the workshops and trackstops). FUUUUUCKKKKK!!! I haven't saved since 1/20. An ironman save system for a buggy alpha is just assinine! Calling it a night.