I was thinking more about the ramp -- I wouldn't want the side staircase to break the surface, so I was going to modify to handle that, then I got to thinking, why do we need a ramp at all? wouldn't it be both "fall to death safe" and "miner dig self into hole safe" if we just used a spiral staircase?
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u ` u
` j7 `
` u `
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This would allow miners to dig up or down from their current position. Is there any advantage to using a ramp over this design?
yeah, I haven't had much luck with mass pitting in recent versions. In a previous version of dreamfort, I had an automated goblin flinger where hostiles in the animal stockpile would get loaded into a minecart, pushed down a series of impulse ramps, and shot through a fortification, where they would drop, stunned, into the middle of my barracks. Made for lots of well-trained soldiers : ) I took it out of dreamfort, though, since it made the surface that much more complicated to build. I might put it back in someday as an extra, though, once dreamfort "settles down" a bit.
edit: ok, so I just read the
ramps vs. stairs thread and the
stairs vs. ramps thread (and the
why ramps instead of stairs? thread), but I'm not so sure if ramps have the definitive advantage here.
another suggested approach is a vertical shaft of stairs with hatch covers every few levels, but I don't like the thought of having to produce so many hatch covers.
ramps vs. spiral staircase:
we're paying the complexity cost of a different layout on every level with both approaches, so that's moot.
both prevent dorfs from falling to their deaths, both prevent line of sight issues (enemy on staircase on the surface would be able to see all the way down a central staircase shaft), and both prevent temperature issues from being open to the sky (not sure if this is really a thing, though).
ramps reduce dorf path distance when traversing.
stairs are guaranteed not to get any dorfs stuck in a hole and die.
I'm willing to be convinced one way or another, but at this point I'm leaning towards spiral staircase, since I like the "don't get stuck" quality of stairs and I'm not sure how relevant the "efficiency/FPS gain" from ramps is.