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Author Topic: Dharma: A Karmic Godgame - Definitely Won't Die at Turn 4 Edition- IC - Dashing!  (Read 4002 times)

Kilojoule Proton

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A shadow puppet of a dust devil appears, flips left and right a few times, and gesticulates wildly with his arms. Observant viewers may see rigid sticks connecting the dust devil's arms to the ground.

Celestial Act 1: "HoooooOOooooo! Sooo early in the cycle, and yet sooo muuuch sin already! Angin Buuuk, herald ooof the duuusty winds, applies fooor a Theuuurgic Entity Cancellatiooon Knife, an Abooolishment Stave, and a Proootective Canine Uuunit!"

Celestial Act 2: "Angin Buuuk will thank yooouuu nooot tooo mess with his toooys, Ksitigarbha and Desana. The duuust ooof the desert wind is Angin Buuuk's tooo cooommand! Cooome, Uuuttar, and muuuster Angin Buuuk's children ooof sand, silt, and duuust. There are decadent sinners tooo scooouuurge!" (Angin Buk summons a mighty haboob centered on 21.05 with a radius of up to 2 or so (so as not to punish the ones Angin Buk deems innocent) driven by a north wind to drown out the mystical chanting with coarseness, roughness, irritation, and ubiquity and billow the banners more magnificently)

Celestial Act 3-4: "A Cooouuuncil? Here? Angin Buuuk answers tooo nooo Cooouuuncil, fooor Angin Buuuk is juuudge and execuuutioooner boooth! Angin Buuuk remembers hooow ooobstruuuctive this Cooouuuncil buuusiness can be from previooouuus kalpa. Angin Buuuk shall destroooy this wretched palace ooof weakness and decadence!" (Angin Buk blasts 12.10 with a massive tornado intending to level it and leave no two stones standing on each other, and failing that, aiming to scatter chunks into the chasm opened up by Noc Vulock Knock, and failing that, make the interior so dusty and sandy no self-respecting Great One would want to have to sit there except as penance. If actions can't be stacked, Angin Buk will instead use the second action to cause a raging dust storm centered on 13.10. Anything guilty of getting in Angin Buk's way is promptly executed with the Theurgic Entity Cancellation Knife.)

Celestial Act 5: "Ahhhh, that rampaging hit the spooot. Nooow Angin Buuuk is cuuuriooouuus what thooouuughts this tuuurtle thinks. Doooes it sin? Doooes it have a name? Hellooo wooorld!" (Angin Buk initiates contact with the turtle through a small, tame, and nondestructive dust devil at 19.08)
« Last Edit: July 14, 2020, 05:19:30 pm by Kilojoule Proton »

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


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Korhan did look upon the world of the living and the dead, and smiled. To achieve his wishes, he take the form of an avatar upon Herat and began his work.

(Cthonic Act 1): Korhan awakes and wanders the world, spreading his teaching on death as he walks; Funerary rites, grieving and how best to treat the dead with some respect. Like himself, his chosen methods are more jovial in tone than anything else; death is either a release from the cycle, or else a chance to try something new. To grieve and mourn without celebration disrespects the dead. To deal with the body, Korhan shows his students how best to enact their preferred rites in a hygienic and sanitary way to protect both the living and the dead.

(Cthonic Act 2): As he wanders, Korhan establishes sites dedicated to rite for the dead as his temples and shrines. Whilst the structures are presumed to be simple given the technology available to mortals, he cares not about them; it is the grounds themselves that he teaches that are sacred; the temples themselves will die and be born anew themselves in time, but the site itself will remain sacred to him.

(Cthonic Act 3): Finally, Korhan spreads word that the bearers of the dead are under his protection; no harm shall be appointed to those who transport and prepares the dead for their final rest as they are his servants and priests, and to disrespect the dead is to invite oneself to join them in turning upon the great wheel of reincarnation once more.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Turn 1: Busy Looms

The Wheel turns and the Great Ones act in their myriad ways. But first, they are armed and given aid through the Link to worlds beyond.

The First Turning...

These tools distributed, the gods ascended and descended.

Desana, though some knew her as Dosana, generously served the world. She did water the desert [22.03; 1 hex radius] and provide respite to its residents. At the great oasis [24.01; 1h r] did she quicken the growth of plants, although they were limited by the nutrients and waters available to them.

Along the banks of the great river [14.09; 1h r] did Desana enrich the soil, aiding in the growth of treelife.

In these selfless ways did Desana give of herself to aid the world. Of course, she was too good for Herat, and this did Ksitigarbha know. Offering her final liberation, Ksitigarbha granted Desana abolishment and ended her influence in Herat [Ksitigarbha has gained Negative Karma].

Desana, who some call Dosana, has been struck down! [Ksitigarbha has gained an Ascension Point, Negative Karma]

Ksitigarbha himself, perhaps tinged with a hint of sin, descended into the Hells and did make himself guide to the tortured spirits of those that had come before. In the Hells did Ksitigarbha discover the agonies of the sinful, of writhing apparitions forced to endure pain unimaginable. In his infinite mercy did he trick and parlay the asura of the realm, and let many sinners onto the Great Wheel again [Ksitigarbha has gained Positive Karma].

Whilst the one that was Mercy descended into the Hells,  Noc Vulock Knock did create the Bleeding Reeds, planting the first of their number at the headwaters of the great river [07.03; 1h r]. A creation of addiction, its sweet red essencia bled into the river itself, dying it in its livery. Carrying the seeds of the plant, the river promoted the growth of the plant further downriver and in time did the waters gain a reddish hue. However, this was not enough for the Great One and in its wisdom, the deity ordained the creation of a new river, by way of chasm. With thunder and quake, the earth did shudder and split. into the new space rushed the waters of the great river [10.09; 1h r]. Whilst a great torrent of destruction for some, the river also brought change and growth. Such is the way of life. Miraculously, it does not affect the structure at [12.10].

It was after the dying of the river, and its calamitous splitting, that the Great One Archea reincarnated into the Great Wheel as a loka [11.11]. Auspicious was her birth, though her birth was without note. In the skies high above the stars did re-align and dance, greeting the nascent avatar to the mothering earth and the fathering sky. Yet, the setting of the birth was humble; a simple farmer's hut with but a woman and the local shaman. A simple mother and a simple father, they named their child Gathika, for her cry was a song, a song of beginnings.

As the girl grew, verses flashed in her mind, with memories that were not familiar sometimes haunting her waking thoughts. In her dreams did she walk in the body of someone that was not her but felt of perfection. In time, she matured into a strong youth who scorned the role that her tribe had made for her. Through trial of the jumping sticks and the one-against-many, Gathika's dominance was respected and became order. Realising who she was, she named herself Gathika-Archea, queen of the Uitijah tribe. [Archea has gained Negative Karma]

As a coronation gift from herself to herself, Gathika-Archea forged a blade between the roots of a great tree. With unknown manner and alien likeness, Gathika-Archea forged a blade of steel - from stones unknown to her people - and made it her husband. A goddess of strength, even in the form of loka, cannot take husband from mortals it was said. The sword, child of Gathika-Archea's own hands, was itself divine and thusly given paramount status. Its strength concentrated on its single edge, it came to be known quite simply as Ektejdaanav; Demon-One-Edge.

With this weapon forged, Gathika-Archea gathered from her tribe the strong and many, marching upon the Ziggurat [10.10], which her divine memory knew was coveted by others...

Elsewhere upon Herat, Hanavad had willed itself into the world [09.14]. Its purpose was simple and true, in a manner likewise related to itself. In understanding this did the great birds of the sky bow and swoon as Hanavad's being enter the mortal existence. Gather did they outside the hut of the family in which Hanavad's soul was to be reborn. Perhaps because of this was the girl named Chidiya.

Chidiya would take up the usual ways of her people, helping in the gathering of nature's bounty, by spear, by net and by hand. For much of her childhood, the young girl would have an inexplicable affinity to birds, who indeed, would gather and becalm themselves in her presence. Taking this as a sign, she was highly encouraged to take the dream-filling smoke and expanding drink of the shamans, joining their order.

This was not her fate. It was in her youth that Chidiya remembered in full what she was and what she had come to do. Chidiya drunk not from the shared cup nor sniffed from the brazier of sweet fumes. And yet, she was enlightened. Chidiya-Hanavad's actions were deliberate and quick. Though physically youthful, the wise amongst the people recognised that she spoke with the tongue of ancients and bore a soul magnificent. With their support, Chidiya-Hanavad convinced many of the clans and tribes to enter into a common relationship; united and at peace. They would be equal with one another, posesses liberty amongst their common lands and act fraternally with their brothers and sisters. This would come to be known as the Republic. [Hanavad has gained Positive Karma]

Knowing too well the plights of war and starvation, Chidiya-Hanavad enchanted the whole of the land to be forever giving, forever aiding the people. As long as a Republican drew breath, the land would ensure that there would be rich soil for their crops. [Hanavad has gained Positive Karma]

However, Chidiya-Hanavad did not wish her people to become isolated on her island, for a prison (if self-imposed) is not freedom. As such, she crafted with her own hands an unsinkable ship; Amrita. Wit this, Chidiya-Hanavad retired to a life befitting of her people.

Far to the west in the ancient jungles of Herat, Duhalion's soul entrenched itself in the mortal coil [05.09] Reborn a vanaha, his coming was prophesied by the sages who smoked of the sixty-six herbs of the jungle. In royalty was the child birthed, amongst lineages of high warrior and high sage. Still, they did not know the exact fates, knowing only that this child was destined for greatness. As such, they named him Aadi, both out of an abidance of truth and because the harsh midday sun does much to addle complex thought.

And so Aadi spent much of his life with a full stomach and a full mind, swinging between trees guarded by the trusted of the people, and venerated by his lessers. Even so, it took many years for the divine spark to come alight in Aadi. Indeed, some sages had come to believe that they read the omens wrong. It was only a few years past the age of maturity that Aadi's eyes became like slits - like the dragons of the lower canopies and murky depths - and understood his purpose. Awakening with the draconic eyes, and with the emanation of another, Aadi-Duhalion descended unto the murky depths of the forest floor. With purpose did he dig with the might of a god and did uncover ancient constructions of an earlier time, from an earlier place. [Duhalion has gained Negative Karma]

The complex was a ruin, for that is what it was, but its architecture was immense. What had perhaps once been a palace lurked here, rescued from the embrace of the jungle by Aadi-Duhalion's hand. Pleased with his work, the avatar advertised its discovery amongst the civilised tribes. Recognisng his royalty and sacred-but-dangerous eyes, tree-dweller and ground-walker alike gathered to his ruined palace, despite the dangers. These would be the nucleus of the Serpent Kingdom, for their leader was serpentine itself (not to mention the astonishingly high number of dragons in the local area). [Duhalion has gained Positive Karma]

As a coronation gift to himself, Aadi-Duhalion crafted the Pearl of Protection, a divine ward that would act as royal sigil, as well as protect from others of such power. Pleased, Aadi-Duhalion settled into a life of rule, pleasing his lineage.

Around the same time did the Great One Korhan descend unto the world. Born to uncertain parentage and with no omens heralding his arrival, Korhan was born most modestly. Wherever he grew up did not matter and indeed, upon his awakening, Korhan discarded his given name. Instead, he went by his name true. Walking in the skin of a mortal loka, Korhan taught of death, of the rites accompanying it, and the manner in which the dead ought be treated. As he taught, he established shrines and menhirs where the rites of the dead could be enacted. Many were those who were eager and curious about custom by which they ought be built, and these did Korhan educate. To these loka and vanahah did Korhan grant the first utterances of a divine message: all pallbearers perform sacred arts and are under the protection of the God of Death himself. With this did Korhan disappear from the world, content with the students he had taught and the shrines he had established. [Korhan has gained Positive Karma]

As one avatar vanished, another one appeared. Kwaab, in their wisdom, descended unto the world. Greeted by visages in her birthing dreams, Kwaab was born to a nomadic band of vanaha near the Orrerry Eternal. Born in a matter non-strenuous, he was named Nandak. For a score of years did Nandak live amongst his people, unaware of his past save for the glimpse of a thought that was not his. It was after falling off a particularly treacherous and savage ledge that Nandak awoke with a mouth full of clouds. It was with the taste of these did Nandak learn the truth of his being. Nandak-Kwaab left his family and entered the Orrery Eternal, claiming it in his own name. He was unopposed and soon enough, the secrets that the Orrery knew would flow into his Core. To the Orrery did Nandak-Kwaab gather the nearby tribes, convincing some of them of his authority- a claim backed by the now-functioning Orrery. With himself as oracle, he told of the glimpses that now came through him, and only him, to those who would serve and those who would offer. Though knowledgeable and gifted, Nandak-Kwaab himself did not rule over those gathered. Instead, he advised that one be chosen amongst them to lead for life, and another to be appointed at their death. This advice, truly-given, was taken with open arms. [Kwaab had gained Negative Karma] [Kwaab has gained Positive Karma].

Elsewhere, Zargothrax did scout the lands for a suitable place to establish is holies of holies, choosing a valley betwixt life and death. He did place above it a star embedded in the sky, ever affixed. As long as it is high above, a ritual of fertility can be enacted within its sphere of power, so long as the rite is performed in a stone circle [15.04; 3h r]. [Zargothrax has gained Positive Karma]

Zargothrax would similarly claim the great oasis as his own, blessing it with another star and with a similar ritual that would grant one with the power of fire [24.01; 3h r]. [Zarthoghrax has gained Positive Karma]

The Second Turning...

Sacral places limited, the gods pulled at hairs and unsheathed knives...

The Ziggurat of Oun [10.10] became a matter of debate, both up in the Heavens and upon the mortal plane. Gathika-Archea and Ksitigarbha both desired the ancient structure. Ksitigarbha had planted the seeds of the most sublime tree upon the Ziggurat, attempting to secure his majesty upon it. His noble ideal was to enlighten the souls entrapped. Gathika-Archea however saw power in the old stone and desired it for her own. With Demon-One-Edge, and an army, the bodhi trees were cut and dismembered, allowing her to take ownership of it in royalty. The Ziggurat of Oun has been claimed by Archea. [Archea has gained Negative Karma]

The Tower of Communion[11.13] had stood in peace and alone for many aeons and its spirits had mused themselves into a slumber. Anzerkime and Mein Badel Gaya both declared ownership of the Tower from high above. They wrestle and jostle, with Anzerkime unsheathing his knife. Knifeless and shivless, Mein Badel Gaya is unable to defend himself. Heroically, both of his PCUs takes multiple blows for him. With the canines disabled, Anzerkime went in for the final kill, gathering the energies of abolishment around him. Miraculously, Mein Badel Gaya dodges the blast of Liberation and sucker punches Anzerkime into a temporary sabbatical ((The dice give, the dice take)). Standing triumphant over the metaphysical corpse of his foe, Mein Badel Gaya claims the Tower of Communion. The tower of Communion has been claimed by Mein Badel Gaya. [Mein Badel Gaya has gained Negative Karma] [Anzerkime has gained Negative Karma]

The old remnants of Zigos[13.09] are claimed by Anzerkime, without dissent. Zigos has been claimed by Anzerkime.

The old remnants of Zigan [14.10] are claimed by Anzerkime, without dissent. Zigan has been claimed by Anzerkime.
The two ancient banners at the desert's edge [21.05] stand guard, moving with the wind. The Great One Ksitigarbha desires that they cease their warding so that the people of the world will realise the follies of life. Perhaps opposing the environmental desertification that would result, Angin Buk summons a haboob in order to stop the merciful god. It is hopeless however, as the gust and sand cannot blot out the chants of Ksitigarbha. The banners have been claimed by Ksitigarbha.

Under the great lake[19.08] Ksitigarbha and Angin Buk both vie for the right to contact the ancient turtle deep below. They debate the merit of their Cores and of their essencias. It lasts for a year and a day, but Angin Buk is thoroughly convinced by Ksitigarbha's eloquence and koans. Contact has been established with the turtle by Ksitigarbha. [Ksitigarbha has gained Positive Karma] [Angin Buk has gained Positive Karma].

As this debate occurred, Zargothrax did plant a star, ever fixed above the lake [19.08; 3h r]. Such were its powers that anyone who 'walked in the light of the star' would be able to make contact with the turtle below.

The most royal chambers [12.10] become an arena for three. Mein Badel Gaya, Anzerkime and Angin Buk all vie for it, with Angin Buk successfully shivving his opponents into sabbaticals. With the august structure taken, Angin Buk promptly desecrates the Place of Power, rendering it Void. What consequences this has are as of yet, unforseen... [Mein Badel Gaya has gained Negative Karma] [Anzerkime has gained Negative Karma] [Angin Buk has gained Negative Karma].

The Third Turning...

Other things happened of course, not performed directly by the gods.

Agriculture has advanced further upon the banks of the great river.

Domestication of cattle has taken place in the plains south of [21.05].

Cities are being built throughout Herat, especially in the realms established by the gods.

The ancient jungles are being chipped away by the vanaha and loka for the purposes of civilisation.

Knowledge of metalwork has improved substantially throughout Herat, with many now dabbling in bronze.

Demon-One-Edge has become an object of worship amongst the Uitijah; it is enshrined in the Ziggurat of Oun.

The great river has become known as the Blood River and is considered somewhat holy due to its colouration.

The people of Chidiya-Hanavad have organised as a socially advanced realm known as the Republic of Valajastini. They venerate Chidiya-Hanavad as a deity of diplomacy and relations.

The people of Uitijah, after the departure of their queen, have taken up a militaristic culture. They are divided into squabbling clans.

The Serprent Kingdom is now ruled by the holy lineage of Aadi-Duhalion; its lords seek to preserve the traditional customs and caution against expanding too deeply into the jungle. Some have dabbled in befriending dragons.

The Korhanic rites have permeated throughout the whole of Herat and many have begun to praise Korhan's name.

The Khanut, under the guidance of the Kwaabian oracles, begin to influence the politics and cultures of the north.

The Star Lands at [15.04] and [24.01] are noted as beautiful and perhaps sacral. No rituals are performed.

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« Last Edit: July 24, 2020, 07:16:32 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Discordian Link Communications

Halthier Institute

The Institute approve of the use of the Theurgic Entity Cancellation Knives for murder. Their opinions of Anzerkime and Angin Buk have increased accordingly.

The Institute is DELIGHTED with the successful use of an Abolishment Stave and have awarded Ksitigarbha with 1 Ascension Point and their thanks. This was immediately redeemed at HelperCo! in order to read a selective archive.

As a result of Desana's murder via Abolishment, the Halhier Institute has been able begin research on Core: LIFE. They will share the fruits of their research with those they approve of most.

Code: [Select]
HI Reputation
Ksitigarbha: 1
Anzerkime: 1
Angin Buk: 1


Hi folks, Kyrie here. Looks like you've activated some places of power and found some that have these things called 'Bound Acts'. Pretty nifty, huh? They're basically Acts that can be used as Cthonic or Celestial Acts. There's a catch though: they can only be used for Acts related to their Core, Which is the thing conveniently written between the parentheses.

While I'm here, I'd like to mention that HelperCo! is  currently looking to import some souls. We can open up some import/export gates for anyone interested, but we'll need a Celestial Act to do so. In return for those tasty souls, HelperCo! will like you *this much* more!

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Spoiler: Great ones (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 05:06:25 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando

Demonic Spoon

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क्षितिगर्भ plunges from the celestial heavens, being covered in the endless layers of tempting red dust, yet remain within their innermost core pure and untainted, mercy.

And all things that might charm the eager sense
With princely pomp and proud magnificence.
Yet year by year he felt, as fiercer fire,
 A human heart's unsatisfied desire.
 The world called to him : louder, year by year,
Its still sad music' broke upon his ear,
And touched him with a godlike discontent :
So stood he waiting, like that manhood spent
Under the peaceful blue of Syrian skies,
Waiting Love's conquest and Love's agonies.
But when at last, like all, he came to know
 The treachery of life's deceitful show;

Cthonic Act 1: क्षितिगर्भ is born into wealth and luxury, a Aadi-Duhalion prince of the Serpent-Kingdom. Yet they were not happy, for they had attachment and desire for impermanent things, and did not master their own mind. They went to the shamans and sages to learn from them in hopes of gaining enlightenment. The Sages and Shamans were learned and wise, but they did not know how to end all suffering, they only taught क्षितिगर्भ how to expand the mind, not how to master it.

क्षितिगर्भ walked among the people of the Serpent-Kingdom, and saw their suffering, like his suffering. The next morning, as क्षितिगर्भ pondered what to do, they saw a peaceful old Vanaha, meditating. When their eyes met and their minds linked, क्षितिगर्भ  stopped, mesmerized. In a flash, he realized that the perfection he had been seeking outside must be within the mind itself.

Then a deep boundless pity filled his breast
 For sorrows of a world that knew no rest,
And all his longing was to fling aside
 The joys that left his heart unsatisfied,
And seek in solitudes of wood and fen
 Peace for himself and some good help for men.
 The earth was beautiful, but not for him ;
 Its loveliness came to him veiled and dim,
 Like day-dreams that are colourless ere even,
 Or memories of an ante-natal heaven.
No ‘fancies from the flower-bells' stirred his soul :
 No lotus-bud or flaming iris stole
 One moment of his trouble; all in vain
White and red roses tried to soothe his pain.

He watched no more beneath an angry sky
 The purple lights of sunset flush and die.
No more he heard the leaping rivulets
 That with the laughter of their foamy jets
Once brought a haunting passion to his ears.
Spring passed unheeded with her smiles and tears,
And Winter came, stern, uncontrollable :
But not for him the earth was beautiful,
For he was one to whom on viewless wings
Come far-off visions of diviner things;
Who takes upon him, silent and alone,
 The great world's griefs, and makes them all his own.
 So on a night when only night-winds moved

क्षितिगर्भ  decided he had to leave his royal responsibilities and his family in order to realize full enlightenment. He left the palace secretly, and set off alone into the jungle. He sought out many talented meditation teachers, and mastered what they had to teach, but always they revealed merely the mind's potential, rather than the mind itself, still trapped in the thought-stream, rather than rising beyond it, to escape suffering, to become the master rather than the slave of emotion and desire.

Finally क्षितिगर्भ came upon one of the rare few Bodhi trees that had survived the Archean purge, and began to meditate under it until he knew mind’s true nature and could benefit all beings. After six days and nights of inquiring the self and cutting through mental barriers, did क्षितिगर्भ reach enlightenment at the age of thirty.

At the moment of full realization, all veils of mixed feelings and stiff ideas dissolved and क्षितिगर्भ experienced the all-encompassing here and now. All separation in time and space disappeared. Past, present, and future, near and far, melted into one radiant state of intuitive bliss. He became timeless, all-pervading awareness. Through every cell in his body he knew and was everything.

At this point, they realized they were an avatar of themselves, sent into the red dust to achieve enlightenment step by step, to serve as model and guide for all those who would follow in their footsteps. Now they had to share this enlightenment with the rest of the world, and establish the Sangha, so that the path to liberation could be built, brick by brick.

All this and more the ancient histories
Set forth in tale and legendary song,
Telling of Skandhas, and the cause of wrong,
The Eightfold Path he traced beneath the Tree,
Karma, Nirvana, and the soul set free:
And how, thereafter, wandering year by year
He told his message, and men thronged to hear
The sweet new teaching that so thrilled them through
With sense of something nobler than they knew :
And how time came when once again he stood
Upon the brim of glad Rohini's flood,
And found again the circle of old life,
Bright with child-laughter and a loving wife,
And told his truth to them, and bade them rest
In sinless peace, and gave them of his best,
And stayed awhile, and passed away again
Out to the wide earth and the help of men.
How can one tell the labour of long years,
The peacefulness and toil, the hopes and fears ?
How can one measure out in common rhyme
The golden harvest of a world of time
And sing the onrush of that mighty creed
Which, taught by fire-touched lips to hearts in need,
Swept on with sudden swiftness as a tide

“I can die happily. I have not kept a single teaching hidden in a closed hand. Everything that is useful for you, I have already given. Be your own guiding light.”
– The Buddha, while leaving his body at the age of eighty

Cthonic Act 2: After his enlightenment, क्षितिगर्भ traveled on foot throughout Herat. He taught constantly for four times ten years, educating all on the Path of Liberation, the way to free oneself from all suffering. People of all castes, races and professions, from kings to courtesans, from Loka to Vanaha were drawn to him. He answered their questions, always pointing towards that which is ultimately real, and the principles of Dharma.

क्षितिगर्भ's lessons were encompassing, teaching all that was needed to be known of the Dharma for one to achieve nirvana. A common foundational lesson was that of the noble eightfold path, which form the spokes of the wheel of dharma: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.

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Throughout his life, क्षितिगर्भ encouraged his students to question his teachings and confirm them through their own experience. He took time to establish the fourfold Sangha (monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen) among the common people, and give them the tools and techniques to, eventually, reach enlightenment themselves, and escape the cycle of Saṃsāra.

Celestial Act 2 [09.10] Trees grow wide and the wood hard as stone

Cthonic Act 3 [10.10]: From their enlightenment, क्षितिगर्भ knew of the souls trapped within the Ziggurat of Oun, there doomed to suffering and depredations from unenlightened Archaea. At the end of their life, they went to the Ziggurat of Oun, chanting sutras to free the souls trapped within, and planting bodhi trees by hand, with wood as strong as stone, immune to the cruel bite of axe or sword, to free and enlighten the souls of the Ziggurat over the generations.

These exertions prove too much for the mortal avatar of क्षितिगर्भ, and they are destined to die upon the terraced slopes, whether from overexertion, or the cruel swords of the tribes who live there.

It was at dusk, one evening, that he came
 To a grove desolate and still aflame
 With a red wrath of sunset; and he knelt
 Down by the silent river-brink and felt
Death's finger on his brow. 'Twas very strange
« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 03:03:37 pm by Demonic Spoon »

Happy Demon

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[Archea, Goddess of Strength]
(Celestial Acts: 5, Cthonic  Acts: 0, Karma: -2)

Archea looked upon her Ziggurat, yes, hers. And with current news from HelperCo, it is sure to attract even further attention.
But her people of Uitijah weren't quite up to her expectations. They were fierce, but weak and disorganized, they would beat roaming barbarians and beasts, but a dedicated army would crush them.
And so she sought to empower them.

Celestial Act 1 [10.10]: Archea's Loka.
As the many Loka sleep, a peculiar dream entered their minds. In which they will be confronted by beasts, the mighty beasts will beat them to an inch of their life, but before they can strike the finishing blow a voice will be heard, one which elders may recognize as Gothika-Archea. "Rise, Arch Loka, and become strong as I." Their body will be revitalized, and when they rise, they will wrestle bull and shatter skull, killing beasts with their bare hands before partaking their flesh.
When the many Loka awake, they will find their clothes ripped, their body one and a half times their previous size. They are also very strong, with a vitality to match and skin akin to beast's hide. Though also a heart that yearns for action and an appetite appropriate for twice their size (totaling thrice that of a Loka). They may be worse managers and scholars, but they'll be mighty warriors indeed. They may conceive Demi-Arch Loka with regular Loka, but while an Arch mother will find such birth trivial, a Loka mother is worthy of tremendous respect.

But seeing her Arch Loka strong and hungry, they'd tear through and consume the wilds with ravenous ease, so she sought to empower the wilds as well, to support such mighty folk.

Celestial Act 2 [09.10]: Archea's Land.
In the lands near the Ziggurat, life grows mighty. Trees grow wide and the wood hard as stone, the fruits grow plump and tasty, though their skin is more than even an Arch Loka can easily bite through. Even the fiber within takes time to chew, but ultimately it's so nutritious and tasty that none would say it's not worth it in the end. Similarly, the beasts grow twice their size, with thick hides and razor claws, their bodies bulging with muscle and strength to match. Their meat is delicious beyond compare, though a lot of work to gnaw through.
The Arch Beasts should sustain the Arch Loka yet also hone their strength, maybe even motivate stubbornness, willing to work at a task for hours for a delicious reward.

Similarly the beasts grow large and tough, thick hide and razor claws, bodies thick with muscle that tastes delicious yet is a chore to bite through. However, not everything is grown the same, Arch Elephants may be seen larger than an elephant side-by-side, but to most they just look like elephants, meanwhile Arch Ants grow to the size of dogs and beyond.

This would be enough to feed the Arch Loka, but the giant ants are a problem, one which might see the ecosystem crumble under it's own weight. Archea needs to do something to deal with the bug problem. Before Archea's meddling, the Pangolins were the predator of the ants. Clad in plate and with sturdy claws, they appeal to her as suitable warriors. So Archea sees fit to empower them, making them able to compete with the Arch Ants.

Celestial Act 3 [09.10]: Archea's Workers.
The Arch Pangolins are enhanced, becoming Pango-Lok. They stand upright at half the height of a Loka, and a third an Arch, but they are strong for their size and their claws can carve through stone. Their scales are enhanced, constantly regrowing, the shed scales can be turned into a second layer of armor, which is necessary for their soft belly. They can still curl up in a ball, and may have to, as they are slow, unable to chase or flee, they instead focus on hunkering down. In fact, they have the intellect of a Loka but not the Arch's impatient heart, quite the opposite, Pango-Lok take deliberate action, even working with others to cover their weak spots. This makes their defense an impenetrable bulwark, though their poor eyesight and clumsy hands leave their ranged capabilities lacking. They are also able to dig tunnels, making besieging them difficult, and also enabling them to burrow into ant-nests. They have an impeccable ability to hunt ants.

Archea then feels her people are sufficiently strong and nourished, more may follow, but for now it is sufficient.
But now she considers herself. She did not grab a dagger, a staff or even a hound. How would she fare in a fight with a fellow Great One? A Great One has died and she's now in a position to be attacked. She won't back down from a fight, but she should arm herself first.

Celestial Act 3 4 [10.10]: Archea's Legacy.
Making use of the power of the souls of the Ziggurat, Archea attempts to create an enchantment. Every blade enshrined in the Ziggurat of Oun will enable Archea to summon a ghostly version of it for her celestial form. Though only blades of artifact quality have worth in Celestial Warfare.
If it is successful, that is.

(Celestial Acts: 1, Cthonic Acts: 0, Karma: -2)

Edit: Added a 4th action.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 02:23:40 pm by Happy Demon »
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.


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Noc Vulock Knock
Chtonic Act 1 [2106]: Noc Vulock Knock Establishes a sect of warrior monks devoted to Three goals, Truth, Pleasure, and pain.
   they hold themselves and others to the truth, lying to no one and understanding who they truly are.
   Through truth they understand no one can escape the cycle of life, suffering, and death- thus no one should restrict themselves from what little pleasure they can gain in this life.
   Through pleasure, they understand that all actions bear consequences, and that one must remember every pain inflicted on themselves and others- for the pain left behind will follow them as Karma in the next life, and only through taking this pain upon themselves and empathizing with even the smallest of insects can one be at peace when ones time is up.   
   The sect itself is lead by three levels of government- at the top is the council, the 10 eldest members- or all living members should there be less than 10 at any given time- they are in charge of enforcing rules, and parsing the words of the speaker. each year the speaker is chosen at random from among all members of the sect who can speak- during each solstice they are granted a large quantity of psychedelics and asked for prophecies. Finally there is the guide, the guide is chosen at the death of the last guide from among all the living members of the sect, and makes all major decisions until the day they die.
Chtonic Act 2 [2106]: during a three month binge of strange herbs and concoctions, Noc Vulock Knock convinces some of the locals to marry their cattle, and blesses those that do with fertility.
Chtonic Act 3 [2106]: Noc Vulock Knock constructs a short nine sided pyramid of five layers of blocks one foot tall, and makes it a place of some power upon the world- this place is enchanted to guarantee the fertility of any couple married upon its top, guaranteeing children regardless of biology, sex, and health.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2020, 06:11:41 am by crazyabe »
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Zargothrax acts.
Cthonic act: Incarnate as a massive beast in 1404 and destroy everything I can in that tile, Burn the fields and destroy the cities, let the river run red with blood.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 05:16:19 pm by dgr11897 »
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race

Kilojoule Proton

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Cthonic Act 1: "What a wooonderfuuul wooorld that we have creatuuures suuuch as yooouuurself, titanic tuuurtle! I shall incarnate at ooonce that I may ooobserve it mooore clooosely. These peooople looooook rather prooomising. Perhaps I can make a great natiooon ooof them by teaching them the cooorrect way tooo live." Still somewhat pacified after his murderous rampage, Angin Buk incarnates with his beloved Theurgic Entity Cancellation Knife as a lawgiver in 14.04 seeking to make of them a great nation under an assortment of obstructive useful laws. As part of this campaign, Angin Buk will teach the people a questionable middling path with virtues of social order, brutal honesty, scholarship, and charity through shadow puppet shows crafted from the leather of sinners.

Cthonic Act 2: "I dooo looove things that spin a looot! Let uuus buuuild a thing with a thing that will spin when wind hits the thing sooo we can let a friendly wind take care ooof the thing instead ooof having tooo dooo the thing ooouuurselves." Angin Buk will teach the people how to harness the power of the winds through the use of large wheels to automate various necessary tasks like grinding grain into flour, pumping water, or praying. For the last part, Angin Buk will direct the construction of a somewhat hard to reach monastery with one such windmill powering prayer wheels inscribed with prayers of forgiveness, peace, and stability. So long as the prayer wheels turn, Angin Buk sees no reason to sentence anyone around to anything more severe than a pilgrimage to the monastery. Should they stop, however, anything would be on the table once again...

"Juuust remember: The great wheels ooof prayer ooonly wooork as looong as they spin. If they shooouuuld ever stooop spinning and the prayers stooop, there's nooo telling what the gooods will dooo!"

Cthonic Act 3: "Fooooools! I warned yooouuu bad things wooouuuld happen if the prayers stooopped! I will intercede ooon yooouuur behalf nooow. Perhaps they will stay their hand this time. In the meantime, send the tooown priests and a carpenter tooo the mooonastery and try tooo lessen yooouuur karmic debt." Predictably, a windless day comes or perhaps a mechanical failure happens, and with the prayer wheels stopped, Angin Buk encounters a ferocious beast rampaging in his adopted micronation! Having taken at least some of Ksitigarbha's lecture in the Turtle Cavern to heart, Angin Buk calls up his gang of overzealous disciplinarian disciples to help him slay the evil monster. Angin Buk will instinctively use the Theurgic Entity Cancellation Knife on it. It sure feels familiar somehow...
« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 07:44:06 pm by Kilojoule Proton »

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


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Acquire an Abolishment Stave.
"To allow freedom it need to be allowed to people to move away
Celestial Act 1: Create in [21:02] and around it many small water source, allowing those that venture the desert a place to get their needs.
Celestial Act 2: Create in [18:06] many small tunnels and places to hide, so those that run away aren't defenseless in the open plains.
"No place should be ruled by the descended of a god, as mortal would lose all freedom under a being they see superior"
Celestial Act 3: [05:09] Create fires and drought in the Serpent-Kingdom, in the goal of showing people the weakness of their leaders and get people to remove from themselves the shackles of servitude.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 10:07:52 am by Rockeater »
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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In time did Aadi-Duhalion grew old, and in time did the first ruler's soul leave its mortal shell. Before the old ruler died, it told the people.

And so did a new ruler sit on the Serpent Throne, Jaali-Duhalion, son of Aadi-Duhalion.

"Fear not, for the watchful eye of Duhalion will ward us from danger. So long as we are united in hearts, no harm shall befall us. Our kingdom is Haal, and we are Haalites."

Celestial Act 1 [05:09]: The raising of the Haalites
As Aadi-Duhalion closed his eyes, Duhalion returned to the heavenly throne. As a great parting gift, Duhalion made all Vanaha and Loka his kin, breaking down the barrier of species. All people of Haal have become Haalites, beautiful humanoids with captivating reptilian eyes. They now know of the hissing song, and they are friends to all reptiles and dragons.

Celestial Act 2 & 3:

The jungles surrounding Haal recede and welcome the people of Haal. The lush vegetation becomes a servant of the Haalites, and no longer fight against civilization. Similarly, the Haalites work in tandem with the now subservient nature, hopefully cultivating it to make the Kingdom grow.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 08:52:05 pm by Nakéen »


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How does one be late for an action during an eternity? Never.
Their attention is merely elsewhere.

Mata was appreciably elsewhere as time had passed, and thus being before and after many, likely both missed out on the horrors and catastrophes that had happened in recent time.

Thus they acted, seeing a disparity.
Chtonic Act 1: [09.10] Enlightenment
Seeing through as the Pango-Lok, Mata would focus on balancing their issues before anything else--not removing from what was lacking, but making sure that they had ways to work with their characteristics. Being a Pango-Lok, they would appear as a revered healer, a teacher, a bringer of knowledge, but foremost, a working with their sense of empathy building through experience over time in communal and social infrastructure. Also toolmaking, artistry, the notion of the circle and cultural actions, to work with their characteristics.

Much like the armadillo ball meaning inwards protection, the circle symbol of Mata would begin integrating itself into what cultures already existed, and forwarding their abilities to build upon themselves.

Chtonic Act 2: [09.10] Organization
Being organized amplified anything else--wants, needs, and resources--and for the Pango-Lok this did not end with their food supply, but with their environment. There was the Arch Loka as neighbors, and the ants as their food; Mata would work into diversity, as there will be no end to any issues social in context. They had to work with others and remain mobile to keep alive in the long-run, above or under ground. Mata focused on making sure they were able to work with diversity, touching upon notions such as mutual aid, loving learning, and creativity (under the theme of trade, focusing on non-transactional relations, but actions because of capabilities given deliberate and proactive characteristics). There would hopefully be establishment of societies built not upon transactional value, but impartial agreement, requiring the mastery of understanding many, many abstracted concepts, and remembering them in collective memory through application.

This did not avoid approaching the concept of organized martial practice, but treated knowledge as a tool in itself, for knowledge was amoral, but it depended on those using it to do well.

Chtonic Act 3: [09.10] Subjugation Independence
Mata would then work with the Pango-Lok in forming intrigue--to choose to serve, rather than to be subjugated, for there was the choice to control what one could be and do, thus they led the Pango-Lok to form relationships with others (e.g. becoming administrative/stability advisers of the Arch Loka at 10.10, or occupying crucial roles in serving others' specialized needs) or build upon their empowerment to work better with their environment. Everyone had needs to be fulfilled, and those Mata would influence would be the ones fulfilling them better in cooperation; to not remain stagnant despite their powers of the underground, but to explore, expand, and hopefully ethically use what was around them.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 05:14:21 pm by Tiruin »


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Celestial Act 1: To care for the dead of mortals, Korhan blesses the dead of [15.04] and reanimates their bodies too act as caretakers, guides and and guards of the mortal dead that arrive here, and ensures that they are non-hostile to the living and able to guide them through the necropolis.

Celestial Act 2: Of course, knowing the initiative of the dead, Korhan gets them a head start on constructing a necropolis at [15.04]. A relatively simple, solemn affair made out of solid grey stone, the necropolis is a city of equals, both king and pauper will find themselves here, drawn into the legions of caretakers and given a proper resting place. For the dead, there is no rank of hierarchy, just roles they carry out without thought or worry.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Orrey Eternal Sight
1: Oversee the secrets Mein Badel Gaya unlocks, to learn what they learn.
2: Look far into the past for the Council and their actions, as well as the method of their return and what boon they grant.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2020, 03:07:44 pm by TricMagic »

Orange Juice Goose

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Cthonic Turn

Cthonic Act(s) 1-3: Spend in the Tower Of Communion to divine its secrets.

Bound Act (Magic): Spend as Cthonic act in the Tower Of Communion to divine its secrets.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 08:15:50 am by Orange Juice Goose »
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