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Author Topic: Dharma: A Karmic Godgame - Definitely Won't Die at Turn 4 Edition- IC - Dashing!  (Read 3999 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • If you wait long enough, it moves.
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Flows quickly does the time
that is, was, and will
Like river lotus;
the kalpa blossoms anew

What was the beginning (or was it the end?) for those had been and were? What was the end (or was it the beginning?) for those will be and will?

Such questions concern the philosophers of Herat, who will be and are, for Herat is a land eternal. It is locked into a state of life and death, the endless cycle of reincarnation that applies to all beings of the land. From the churning of the first to the withering of the last, all are subject to the great wheel and its many turns.

It is not the beginning, but it is not the end. In this moment were the Great Ones awoken (born? raised? arrived? delivered?) and their powers come to fruition.

At beginning and end
Ksitigarbha did know
The lie of creation
The adversity's abomination
In Mercy was elucidation
Release, Paradise and an End
Hear his mantra;
"Existence is Suffering"


Onwards and faster
With Progress' zeal,
Crying and cranking
Like the Great Wheel
Did Mein Badel Gaya
spin and go


A hazy rainbow
A maddening mother
A heart of oranges
A black-hearted squatter
Dreams did the clouds mother
And father did Kwaab,
dreams like no other


Oft taken and oft given
It is temporal, nascent, weak and decadent
But in the knowings of Hanavad,
It was sweeter than honey


Shadows far and shadows near
No sin could hide for by demon's ire
And puppet's dance,
Did Angin Buk
Give all
The hurvy durvy dance
By which all were cut
And all were divided
By celestial decree
And hellish Punishment


Pale is the Death
And eternal is its happening
But with a smile
And good grace
Korhan did greet
Those who turned,
Upon the Wheel again


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A foe is found; crush it
Boulder obstructs; crush it
Whale dunks; crush it
Sin is amok; crush it
Heaven is far; crush it
Hell is come; crush it
Strength? Archea


Lotus seed;
Grow high and tall
Lotus seed;
Mantra most holy
Lotus seed;
Blossom like yourself, like Life everlasting
Lotus seed;
Guide us
Lotus seed;
Like Desana of yore


Noc Vulock Knock...
Sun That is, that is Not
Sun Scintillating like Synthetic Silence
Sun Searing Sinful Signs
Sun Seeing Sirrahs and Sirs
Sun Slithering, Smothering, Seeking
Sun, so Sought, Sodden, Smitten
Sun That is, that is Not...
Grant Us Change


In Paradise, composure
In Meditation, silence
In Understanding, excitement
In Da, light


With Scales o' Ivory
And Spheres o'Light
Did Dwell the Aeonic
Most High; Justice itself


ThrDee and Four did he bear
With Ueyes that gleamed
And arHAms that flexed
The gloriLIes of Salvation;
The featheONrs eternal


Many sphered terror
Oh pantomime's end
Anzerkime did spread
the Fears high and low


Stolid; eternity
Withstanding; timeless
Unflinching; steadfast
Solidarity; Gagandil


By these verses were embraced
The Great Ones to their world
Herat be its name.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 04:33:57 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
  • If you wait long enough, it moves.
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The world of Herat is newborn and full of life; it is a time of new things, of new developments.

Spoiler: map (click to show/hide)

Short aeons have passed since the beginning and the end. In that time has the first of life been born. Mountains have been raised, seas filled, and forests grown. In these primeval times did develop the first thinking beings, the Munhi. the Munhi, in their day, were masters of Herat. Intelligent anemones that developed hyperintelligensia networks via enslaved pollinating cells, the Munhi adorned themselves with senses to taste the creatia of the world that had been denied them. In time, they did develop the processing systems of logical nature, that obeyed their whims without realisation and became part of the Munhi themselves. In time however did the end come for them in the form of plague and climate change. Their petals withered, their pollinators extinct. They died screaming within their rootminds, their long-sought senses lost to them, once more alone to die.

Second did come the Prakhta. Beings of the stone and borne of their deep mother's womb, they emerged from the dark to turn it to the worship of their own exaltation. Declaring themselves gods in a time before the aetheric had settled, they dreamed their lords into states unparalleled, creating the framework of the Heavenly Realms. Deep in the fetid dirt, from where they had emerged, their mother yearned for her children oncemore and called them to return. In their hubris, the celestial lords denied their mother's request, sundering her womb as a final insult. Beaten by her own children fair, she cursed them with the mortality of the yielding surface, and slit her own being. From her corpse emerged the Hells, which fall deeper and deeper into the abyss each day.

The curse of the womb wrought destruction and ended the Prakhta, their minds slowly reduced to beast and to the dirt did many return. From the the fragrant dirt of the doomed Prakhta emerged the great jungles, which hid forevermore the workings of Prakhta and Munhi alike. From these jungles were born the monkeys, the Vanaha, and from these monkeys did develop primitive plains-dwelling ape; Loka. Today thus dwell two peoples in Herat. The monkeys of the forest, the Vanaha, and the plaindwelling humans, the Loka.

The Loka and Vanaha are both primitive races, who hunt and gather. They are ignorant of the past of Herat and generally follow the lead of elders or alphas. Their futures are undecided.

Though the aeons have hidden many of them, the remnants of the Munhi and Prakhta still yet dwell in Herat, a remnant of their ancient power.

Claiming any of these would require 1 Celestial Act or 1 Cthonic Act.

In [10.05] stands still in perfection, the Orrery Eternal. It is a Place of Power that yearns to be awakened. Of empathetic spirit, the Orrery watches over the flows of time and provides glimpses into the future and past.

In [10.10] the Ziggurat of Oun shields itself with the souls of the dead Prakhta, a delectable source of Power for any who would devour their souls. Once it rose high into the heavens, but now it is but ruin. Still, Herat's memories are long and only partially broken; to claim it would entice many to it, as it had in ancient times.

In [11.13] lies the Tower of Communion, where the scholars of the Munhi first devised the basis of magicks. Its prestige was never in its brickwork, but of the minds that once argued and collaborated here. To manifest within the Tower would open one's mind to the scholarly spirits.

In [13. 09] and [14.10] stand the remains of Zigos and Zigan, two warring Prakhta of ancient times. Zigos was the greatest of the celestial lords, whilst Zigan fought for their mother dark. Regardless of what battles they fought and the legends of the time, both died on the field of battle, struck dead by their mother's curse. In time, their bodies were weathered, leaving only pillars that had once been legs or perhaps, fingers. Still, holding either of these would provide one with their ancient powers.

In [21.05] stands tall two billowing banners; there are no memories of who or what erected them. And yet, they call to the Great Ones. If claimed, they would grant to their owner gems of power...but may perhaps spread the growth of the desert.

In the depths of [19.08] lies a great pit. At the bottom of this pit is a cave. In the deepest recesses of this cave is a pillar of stone. Bearing this pillar is a turtle of titanic proportions. From the beginning it has lived and carried this burden. It yearns to be contacted.

In [12.10] lies an august and royal structure; gigantic in size. So great is its size, that clouds form within its dome and streams form amongst its grooves. It is spotlessly clean and untouched by mortal hand. The local Vanaha and Loka stay well away from it. If one were to inspect it, any Great One would feel a strong pull to it. If activated, something called 'the Council' would come into play.

Discordian Link Communications

Halthier Institute

Greetings residents of Herat! I, Gyr ta'Van, publicly funded sciencer of the Firth o'Rouk Street Committee, need more observational data for my research. As such, I'll need to see some Great Ones die, preferably several times. Its all for science, I assure you. You'll be in the Halthier Institute's good books. I'll even provide a free Theurgic Entity Cancellation Knife (1d6 godkiller; roll to stab; temporary death) for any willing executors. That said, I'll also need a few cadavers for more lucrative research. I believe you might find Ascension Points valuable? I have a few Abolishment Staves (1d10 godkiller; roll to abolish; permanent death; one-use) ready for those willing to sign-on.

Note: temporary death has no long-term consequences for the victim.
Note: attempting to kill another god is only possible if both the murderer and victim have both declared to perform Celestial actions OR both have declared to perform Cthonic actions. This cost no Acts.

Dakas-Fir Engineering
Daks-Fir Engineering is pleased to announce its new line of personal defence equipment for the careful consumer. We'll be purchasing Celestial Acts for a 1:1 trade of our Protective Canine Units.

Note: Each PCU protects from one successful  godkilling attempt.

Spoiler: Great ones (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 04:53:18 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando

Demonic Spoon

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क्षितिगर्भ drifts like an unmoored ship, lost in the endless golden glory. Again she existed. Again she was doomed to repeat what she had already done so many times. An endless circle of Dukkha. Yet she could not leave, until she had freed all others, for this was at the core, Mercy.

The calm nothingness wells up from deep inside and she considers the plight of all life of Herat, forced to toil in life, and consigned to the hells in death. All this would have to change, in time, and with the Kalpas.

That said, I'll also need a few cadavers for more lucrative research. I believe you might find Ascension Points valuable? I have a few Abolishment Staves (1d10 godkiller; roll to abolish; permanent death; one-use) ready for those willing to sign-on.
"The chance to free someone from the prison of endless reincarnation, is a most sacred one indeed. I wish to apply for this Abolishment Stave."

Apply for an Abolishment Stave

क्षितिगर्भ will attempt to abolish Desana, also known as Dosana. If it fails merely awkwardly sidle away rather than attempting to continue the hostilities.

As such, I'll need to see some Great Ones die, preferably several times. Its all for science, I assure you. You'll be in the Halthier Institute's good books. I'll even provide a free Theurgic Entity Cancellation Knife (1d6 godkiller; roll to stab; temporary death) for any willing executors.
"Some sort of long-term deterrent against ending the mission of liberation seems wise, and the Abolishment Stave can be used but once. Please give me one of these sinister knives as well. It may become well used if there are those who would seek to stop my merciful missions."

Apply for Theurgic Entity Cancellation Knife

Dakas-Fir Engineering
Daks-Fir Engineering is pleased to announce its new line of personal defence equipment for the careful consumer. We'll be purchasing Celestial Acts for a 1:1 trade of our Protective Canine Units.

Note: Each PCU protects from one successful  godkilling attempt.
"To die before I free all those who are trapped within the hells would break my oaths. I wish to purchase one of your fine canine companions."

Celestial Act 1 [n/a]: Purchase 1 Protective Canine Unit

Celestial Act 2 [10.10]: A great golden hand reaches from the Celestial Realm and scatters seeds of the sacred bodhi tree over the Ziggurat of Oun, which soon flourish and turn into a great forest, cementing क्षितिगर्भ's claim upon the place. The bodhi trees shall enlighten the souls trapped within the Ziggurat to the wisdoms of the Noble Eightfold Path, and lead them into reincarnation, in hopes of establishing the Sangha after they are born again into the red dust, and with the possibility of achieving nirvana after several reincarnations.

Celestial Act 3 [21.05]: Only by stripping away the illusions of comfort and the distracting red dust can it become easier for the mortals to understand the true, grotesque horror of existence. क्षितिगर्भ's second hand descends upon the two banners, filling the air around them with mystical chanting, sanctifying them as standards of the Middle Way.

Celestial Act 4 [Hell]: क्षितिगर्भ enters into the Hells to free the souls imprisoned and tortured there

Celestial Act 5 [19.08]: With ineffable mercy, क्षितिगर्भ will attempt to free the turtle from its pillar of burden, and the pit within which is is trapped, क्षितिगर्भ taking its place under the immense weight if needed. Whether this succeeds or fails, क्षितिगर्भ will spend much time speaking and engaging with the turtle, learning of and from them, and teaching to them, giving precious contact with another suffering soul. Surely one such as this Testudines will be closer to understanding the true nature of the world, and will be open to the teachings of the Path to Liberation, and the Four Noble Truths.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2020, 07:40:05 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Noc Vulock Knock
Celestial Act 1[N/A]: Acquire one PCU
Celestial Act 2[0703]: Noc Creates a new species of River plant at the base of the great river- Bleeding Reeds, a plant that grows in water and secretes a slightly addictive Sweet blood Red dye right back into the waters, Changing its color and taste- and this species rapidly spreads down the river for a distance, changing the the river as a whole.
Celestial Act 3[1210]: Noc Carves a Chasm, the base of a new path between [1009] and [1411] changing the path of the river for times to come.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 09:18:50 pm by crazyabe »
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Dosana will do Celestial Acts
Act 1: Cause it to rain on 2203, thus giving much needed water to what lives there
Act 2: Enchant 2401 to increase the growth of the plants there
Act 3: Enchant 1409 to speed up the growth of trees
Act 4: Increase the river flow speed of 1411
Act 5: Claim the structure at 1210
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 08:54:11 am by Naturegirl1999 »

Orange Juice Goose

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Celestial Action: Claim the Tower of Communion at [11.13]. 
"Progress can only be achieved through thought and pondering, the musings of great minds allows us to stand upon the shoulders of giants and go beyond."

Celestial Action: Claim the structure at [12.10].
"No mortal approaches it, so it is my duty to further and progress our understanding of it. Besides, it's free real estate."

"I rather my teeth remain unbashed."

Celestial Action:: Purchase a PCU.

Celestial Action:: Purchase a PCU.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 12:59:25 pm by Orange Juice Goose »

Happy Demon

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[Archea, Goddess of Strength]
(Celestial Acts: 5, Cthonic  Acts: 3, Karma: 0)

Archea is a simple goddess with a simple desire, to be amazing, to wow, to be awesome. The time of her awakening may not be the best, without a web of information to spread her deeds, but she shan't shed tears for times of past, time is now, and now she wants to do something great.
And so Archea casts her gaze upon the world, upon the places of power. Out of them, the Ziggurat draws her eye. It is not the souls or the power that draws her, but that it draws her eye at all, a place all shall watch, where her deeds are seen the most. And so she puts a plan in motion, one that shall see her crowned queen atop the Ziggurat, for Archea is just that amazing.
"Me oh my, such a glorious throne."

Cthonic Act 1 [11.11]: Birth of a Queen.
Among the Loka a girl will be born, she'll look normal but boast amazing vitality. She will not take to wifely arts, instead preferring the hunt, her strength shall terrorize the local wildlife. But as her memory returns she shall assert her dominance, rallying the Loka under her banner, along with reclaiming the Archea name, though her first name remains the same as when she was born.

Cthonic Act 2 [11.11]: Forging the first blade.
The Loka Archea will find weapons unable to withstand her strength, wood shatters in her hand. Only rock and metal survive her might, rock has certain weaknesses so Archea will make a weapon that is fully metal. Even if metal, a blunt weapon would not survive, so it has to be a bladed one instead, a bit like a knife, just bigger. There wont be a second edge, all reinforcement shall be focused on a single edge. With no guard or pommel, it may more resemble a long cleaver than a traditional sword.

Cthonic Act 3 [10.10]: Ascending the Ziggurat.
With a Loka army at her back and a strong blade in hand, Archea shall claim the Ziggurat for herself and herself only, other claims shall be excised, and once atop it, she shall be crowned a Loka Queen and the Ziggurat shall be the base for her domain. The action will mainly be a boost to her power, so she can combat even the mightiest of beasts.

(Celestial Acts: 5, Cthonic  Acts: 0, Karma: 0)
« Last Edit: July 14, 2020, 01:31:13 am by Happy Demon »
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.

Demonic Spoon

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"Amitabha benefactors, if anyone will convince any potential invading armies or wandering avatars wishing to conquer the Ziggurat of Oun that violence is not the answer to life's problems, and that the Ziggurat is already claimed by क्षितिगर्भ, then this one would be most grateful. This gratitude is likely to lead to gifts of Gems of Power."
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 09:34:57 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Naturally, to free another from this curse is great.

Apply for an Abolishment Staff, Apply for Theurgic Entity Cancellation Knife, use as applicable

10:05: And so did Dreams descend beneath the clouds themselves, Kwaab setting athunder, the Orrery Eternal.
Cthonic Action: Claim the Orrery Eternal as my seat of power.

But not did they remember their godhood but as dreams of the distant past. And so they gathered those of other races to make the journey there.
Cthonic Action: Gather the mortals around 10:05, call for them to join in holy journey and kingdom, their dreams to be realized.

And so was Orrery Eternal be awakened, it's power serving as the seat of a burgeoning kingdom.
Cthonic Action: Orrery Eternal be awakened, to grant prophecy and history through dreams, guiding the newborn kingdom.

And yet, not all may have settled, there may have been others who attempted to disrupt the kingdom. From holy helper spirits, did a weapon with which to fight them descend from the storm, and a staff of ruinous power..
Free: Kill any gods that interfere in these actions. Abolishment Staff for those who would claim the Eternal, then moving on to the Theurgic Entity Cancellation Knife afterward or for those who aren't claiming it.

Musing of the Divine

It is only right that dreams overtake the clouds Eternal, to give birth to dreams of prophecy and history. Do you not agree? I will not let others shatter this dream, to lead the people to the holy kingdom. To chase their own dreams and come together under 1 rule. And perhaps to have many children as well.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 02:50:03 pm by TricMagic »


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Anzerkime  does indeed claim one of the knives, and apply for the staff as well. What delightful weapondry you have forged, dearest friends, this science of which you speak is... delightfully terrifying. A good customer you shall find in Anzerkime.

[14.10] Anzerkime claims the remains of Zigan using a Celestial act. The first of two, an ancient death. How he must have feared death at the hand of Zigos? Is that what pushed him to such lengths?

[13. 09] Anzerkime Claims the remains of Zigos using a Celestial Act.The second of the set, a death long past. How he must have feared death at the hand of Zigan. Is that what pushed him to his fate?

[11.13] Anzerkime claims the scholarly tower as a place of power in his name using a Celestial act. Knowledge is the sweetest nectar. It is the context which allows an understanding to be built upon. And from knowing what is, one may come to understand. The greatest fears, come from knowledge.

[12.10] Anzerkime Claims the royal structure here using a Celestial Act. A building as refined as this must hold within it powers most old and ancient. To think what they could tell me of ancient wars, of fear of extinction, of waiting. I revel in the new pains they have to teach me.

Anzerkime purchases 1 PCU

Anzerkime will defend his claims to these places, using the dagger when the enemy has protective canine units, and utilizing the staff once the enemy's defenses are destroyed. If he gains power from the Remains of Zigos and Zigan, he uses that too.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 05:38:17 pm by Roboson »


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Celestial acts. Zargothrax purchases 2 PCUs
then with my remaining three acts I do as follows.
I place a claim upon 15.04, decreeing it to be a holy land, and to mark my claim, a star, visible at the maximum effect range. Any who journey beneath this star gain knowledge of the ritual of fertility. A ritual performed within a stone circle built beneath a star, which blesses the land to be fertile and great.

Upon 19.08 I place a star of communion, connecting the turtle beneath to any who walk in the light of the star (within 3 hexes) Any within this distance can perform a simple ritual, simply drawing a circle in the ground and requesting an audience while sitting within, in order to contact the turtle and discuss with it whatever the turtle wishes. This can be canceled/blocked by the turtle if it so wishes. I also claim the location, if  no one else does.

Finally, I claim 24.01 as a holy land, and place above it a star, which grants knowledge of the ritual of flame to any who walk under its light, which, similar to the ritual of fertility, must be performed within a stone circle built under a star. When it is performed, it grants the ability to create and control magical fire to one person chosen at the start of the ritual.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2020, 11:16:29 am by dgr11897 »
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


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"It is foolish not to have an instrument to discourage others from attacking me"
Apply for a knife
"And now for proper actions"
Cthonic Act 1 [09.14]: The birth of a Republic.
For one of the lesser families on the island a girl will be born, with time she will prove to be a great speaker, and when she learned she was the avatar of הנווד she understood what she had to do, using her speaking ability and the magic of the god the tribes and groups on the island were united to become a Republic, where decisions are are determined by all, and when a leader is needed it too will be determined by all people coming to a place.
Cthonic Act 2: The ever fertile lands.
To feed the people of the new Republic הנווד, through it avatar, make the lands of the area forever fertile, always able to feed the people of the island, no matter how many.
Cthonic Act 3: The unsinkable.
Although enough food exist on the island to feed everyone, more is needed in life then food, for that trade is needed, and for that ships are needed, the first and greatest of which was built by the god itself, A sail ship larger then average, although not too big, with two properties which make it clears it's supernatural origins:
1. It is incredibly fast, no matter the load or the conditions, it is faster then any other ship at existence, some even say faster then the wind that carry it.
2. From which come it name, it cannot be sunk or even harmed by any mundane means, passing through the strongest storms without a scratch.
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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The serpent lamented over the foolishness of the Great Ones.

"When will they learn, that death and violence are not the answers?"

Chtonic Act 1 [05:09]: In the deepest part of the ancient jungle where the Prakhta fell, did Duhalion excavate a great plot of land in order to unveil the Prakhtan ruins of yore. He then did claim them as his own.

Chtonic Act 2 [05:09]: And in time did Duhalion call the scattered Loka and Vanaha tribes of the jungles, gathering them in order to form the Serpent Kingdom.

Chtonic Act 3 [05:09]: And finally did Duhalion craft the Pearl of Protection, an artifact to ward the new Kingdom from the ill actions of other beings of power...
« Last Edit: July 15, 2020, 06:05:57 pm by Nakéen »

Demonic Spoon

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Should anyone desire liberation from the suffering of existence, this one have a highly unreliable artifact that might be able to help. Speak with this one.
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