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Author Topic: Gods of Creation 2020 IC  (Read 7871 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #75 on: July 16, 2020, 11:32:59 pm »

To the words of Agai, Argonbagh simply bows in assent; ponderous in the aether.

"Now... it is time I was ma-king gifts for the mor-tals!"

Upon receiving Jyll's Act, Argonbagh will expend two Acts to create two heroes: one human, one stoneling. These heroes are to be like in appearance to any other of their race, but for one thing: a white crystal, set above their brow. A mark of divine influence, and a repository for something more.

Having created, Argonbagh will speak, thus: "I should like to in-clude you in this ma-king, friend Ac-ter. You are an-cient, and have learned much in your e-ons-- will you give wis-dom, then, to these pro-phets, be-fore I set them u-pon the world in our name?"
« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 01:23:56 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #76 on: July 18, 2020, 01:30:05 pm »

But of course.

With his two Acts, Acter will grant each prophet not simply heightened intelligence and wisdom, but rather, greater capacity and speed of learning. Should they work at it, they will learn new topics at far greater a pace than their fellows, and not only in mental pursuits - their bodies, too, will respond more quickly to training, developing muscle and muscle memory more swiftly than others may.

Upon these prophets, I bestow the gift of Improvement. May it serve them well, as they may serve us well.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #77 on: July 18, 2020, 05:04:52 pm »

"Hum hm!" utters the delighted Argonbagh. "A fine gift! Yes in-deed."

To the stoneling prophet, Argonbagh will grant this knowledge: that the mushrooms-that-walk are thinking creatures (albeit somewhat dim), and that all thinking life is sacred in the reckoning of Argonbagh. The mushrooms-that-walk are to be treated with patience and with kindness (when possible): they are to be slaughtered and consumed only in defense, or in time of great need.

To the human prophet, Argonbagh will grant this knowledge: that he is Argonbagh, god of mountains and of all stone. That he is in accordance with the elder-god Acter, who exults in the progression and proliferation of mortal folk. That by the worship of this blessed Diarchy, the human race will achieve heights beyond their reckoning. That a new age is come.

To both prophets, Argonbagh will grant the knowledge of their respective peoples. Having done so, Argonbagh will send each prophet to its proper flock.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 09:59:25 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #78 on: July 24, 2020, 12:36:55 pm »

And so the second turn of the celestial clock did reach it's conclusion. The gods had been busy with this cycle, though their power did not compare to their strength at birth, the gods did come to be more in tune with the world and set many plots in motion.

First, the slime rains began. Across the world, the primordial slime rained down and collected in the nooks and crannies of the world. While most slimes perished before they could evolve to survive in their environment, their moisture adding much needed water to the oceans of the world, many did come to survive. Upon the first land, without much surprise, tar slimes came to survive in the central areas of the continent. The inner tar bogs, a swamp of asphalt and death, came to support populations of these slimes which feed on the unlucky creatures which become trapped in the sludge. Some occasionally wonder out into the less sticky areas of the tar bogs, dwelling in ponds as ambush predators. Though they stood little chance against the larger creatures which called this place home. Surprisingly, no other slimes took up residence here. In the black forests, long limbed green tree slimes can be seen swinging from the trees. A small nucleus with two pseudotentacles not more than a quarter of an inch thick, gives these small statured slimes the ability to swing from limb to limb and feed among the forest canopy. Other slimes here have taken to living in burrows during the day and grazing upon decomposing material on the forest floor at night. Though it is perhaps the tiger slime which one must pay the most attention to. A devastatingly quick slime over short distances, it's stripes bring terror to man and deer alike. Lastly, the mushroom forests have two kinds of slimes appear. The first is the slime shroom, a slime which has adopted a sessile lifestyle and uses mimicry to copy the shapes of nearby mushrooms. The second is grand fungal lord, the first of his kind. This massive slime grows large and old in a pond of spirit water, and has attracted the stereotypical worship practices of the mushfolk, which mostly comprises of leaving gifts of food and shiny rocks within it's reach. Occasionally the Synith can be seen conversing with the fungal lord on the metaphorical implications of rebirth through fungus.

Up on the mountains, both on the Black Land and the mountainous continent of Argonbaugh's make, hard shelled mountain slimes photosynthesize among the boulders, their sunward facing sides growing greenish as the slime builds chloroplasts there. Each slime is shelled by hexagonal shell sections, which many have drawn a comparison to the look of a turtle shell. Other slimes here are small and quick predators, feeding on whatever insects and small animals they can. While they come in a variety of colors, the most common are a dull brown, or slate grey, but occasionally a recessive trait will cause one to be a beautiful ruby red.

Down in the caverns of the world, slimes do become more prevalent than on the surface. The giant cave slime is a particular danger, not due to their speed, which is lacking, or their strength, which is similarly weak, but due to their girth. Whole passages may be blocked as these large creatures wander the caverns, searching for other slimes to eat. This occasionally interferes with the migratory patterns of the stonelings who often wait for the beast to make it's way through the passage, rather than diverge from the safety of their route. Bat slimes come to flit between different mushroom forests, not more than three of four inches across, including their wings. Their bodies have tiny sensitive hairs for detecting air currents, allowing them to navigate the tunnels. These hairs also tend to pick up spores from the mushrooms they feed on, spreading them throughout the tunnels to new locations. Deeper down, near the hot core of the world heart, slimes tend to feed on the massive amounts of heat, clustering near magma pools. Some slimes even burrow into the rocks in these high heat and pressure environments, eventually crystallizing into living gems.

Upon the Archipelago of Ytlia, slimes also take root here. On a few islands, tree slimes similar to their cousins upon the First Land evolve, though they are bulkier somewhat, and more inclined to climb up and down the sparser trees, rather than live in them. They also tend to climb up rock faces in search of food on the stoney islands. In the waters, sea slimes wander the shallow sea. While not inherently dangerous, they are quite hard to distinguish from the surrounding water, though can occasionally be spotted by their increased shimmer compared to the water around them. They tend to crawl along the sea floor, but are capable of swimming over short distances. Other slimes have developed clamlike shells which provide them with safety from predators as they photosynthesize. Precious pearls have been discovered in these slimes occasionally, and become quite popular among the merfolk. Yet, there is a most dangerous slime which hunts these waters, the Red Tide. It is a massive collection of red slimes which float across the water's surface. They can cover miles at a time when conditions are right and release a mild toxin which suffocates the water beneath them. Though these events tend to be short lived, mostly occurring during the height of summer, lasting but two or three days a couple times a year.

The next major act upon the world was to allow the eldritch being Agai to place upon the world a most wonderous garden. There was indeed much fighting between the gods, with Master Bargaineer Multidues eventually winning the bidding war. As such, a new continent was founded. The land was composed of 8 small islands, surrounding a larger central island where the garden will be placed. Each one of the small islands served as a location where the other gods may place down their works, and each is connected to  their adjacent islands with a land bridge that barely emerges during low tide and is swallowed by the sea when the tides rise. A more permanent land bridge connects the most northern and the most southern islands to the Garden. This creates two deep pools between the islands, similarly usable for marine life, as the gods desire. Deep beneath the most western and the most eastern islands large caverns and tunnels can be found, some flooded, but most remain dry. The central island is ringed by a large wall, marking the border of the Garden. A large pillar stands in the center of the Garden, allowing one to stand atop it and gaze out not only over the Garden of Agai, but the other islands as well. The Garden itself was organized in concentric rings. The outermost ring is devoted to trees which grow a wide variety of fruits; sapphire oranges, chocolate durians, floating figs, peppered cherries, and glowing mooseberries were the most prevalent among them. The second ring was then devoted to ground crops; moocumbers, sickle wheat, hypermelons, giant pink onions, and snapper shrubs compose most of this ring. The third innermost ring was devoted to more magical plants. Wise Wasabi, large wisabi plants that grow scrolls of wisdom within them, to be read by their harvester. Helpful Horseraddish, which contain within them item their harvester may need. Sustenances, strange plants which grow delectable dishes from around the world once a week. Peaples, strange creatures, are large constructs entirely eldritch in nature. They look exactly as if an apple, or perhaps a pear, had been grown into a large hulking humanoid near twenty feet tall. The peaples wander the roads between the rings, tending the garden as they sing the songs of Agai. The innermost ring was filled with eldritch plants of strange shape and nature. They were hard to look upon, as their physical existence doesn't seem to match up with the reality around them, what you can assume is the equivalents of fruits, vegetables, and meats grow among this row, though some do seem to have within them strange magics.

As such, the focus shifted away from the lands themselves, and towards the people living upon them.

The Archipelago of Ytill did see further separation of the two developing cultures. The merfolk which came to dominate this area did indeed continue to squabble and aquire wealth of all kinds. The newly discovered slime pearls quickly led many to take up pearl hunting as a profession, and slime meat became a staple of the diet of this region. And so to did the merfolk come to live more closely with the lands of this place. While their ancestors may have occasionally ventured onto the lands, the merfolk of today have begun constructing villages which are partially submerged, bridging the gap between land and sea. When the red tides strike during high summer, the merfolk move up onto the lands to avoid the poisonous waters, waiting a few days until the red tides dissipate. This also brought them closer to the new denizens of the area, the blue constructs. These large blue humanoids stood nearly twenty feet high upon long stilt-like legs. They stand high above the waters, wading from island to island, picking fruit from the trees with ease. Their bodies are covered in a smooth yet flexible blue exoskelton of sorts, which gives the creatures unnatural resilience and strength, allowing them to walk through the large waves kicked up during storms with ease. Their lives are mostly nomadic, wandering from island to island, where they gain good relationships with the merfolk there. The constructs are not particularly intelligent, but they are friendly, and pick up a few words of the merfolk, speaking in broken merish. They often give gifts when they arrive, things discovered on their travels and the arrival of one of them in a merfolk village quickly becomes an exciting event. Occasionally a merfolk tribe will try and fight or capture one of the constructs, but this goes quite poorly for them as the unnatural strength of the construct allows them to escape with ease. As such, the two races come to live in harmony.

That is with the exception of the Pyranesis. Their industrious nature and tendency towards slavery led to much conflict between the races. When the constructs wondered near the maelstom surrounding Py, they stopped. They would not draw closer, feeling the swirling nature of Idmova's creation start to pull upon their souls. This did not go unnoticed by the Pyranesis, who tried to buckle the legs of the strange humanoids and set them to work. Yet the unnamed constructs stood resolute, staring at Py, as if analyzing it's nature. Their legs standing resolute as waters bashed against them and spears glanced off them. In time, they would nod, turn, and continue on their journey, much to the chagrin of the Pyranesis. This brough much bewilderment to the defacto leader of the tribe, a merfolk by the name of Cobaol. He had been dubbed the Architect and had not only a deep connection to Idmova, but also a perfect understanding of Py. Despite this, Cobaol could not understand the constructs, which weathered not only the physical element of Py, but the spiritual element as well. Though he could see it did have some effect on them, it seemed as though while the creatures bodies had stopped moving, their minds had not. Though he had a perfect understanding of Py, he could not fathom what thoughts moved through the heads of these creatures. Yet, this was only his musings of the latest hour and during the day, Cobaol had much greater tasks at hand. The Pyranesis tribe grows ever more powerful under his leadership, developing better weapons, and begin to gain an understanding of masonry. While the other merfolk lived in huts and sea caves, the Pyranesis tribe began to construct triangular stone buildings to live in which did not stop the motion of the tempestuous waters, but instead allowed the water to flow around them and continue it's motion. While still small compared to the whole of the merfolk, their tribe has quickly grown to become among one of the largest.

Yet elsewhere did the other races also change and grow. Upon the mountains of the First Land a human prophet by the name of Kide was born. Possessing an innate knowledge of Argonbagh and Acter, Kide was also quick to learn new tasks and develop a reverence for the two gods. He did explain to his people the nature of this place, but many did not believe him. His words fell on dead ears among his people, many of which worshiped a being known as Ming, who is often depicted as a long draconic creature which flies between the mountains. Though, none have seen Ming since the stars grew dark generations ago, nor have they seen Ming since the recent rebirth of the stars, but many have taken that as a sign of Ming's return. Only Kide did know the true nature of their situation. Stolen from their lands by a malicious being and sold to a new set of powers far beyond what any mortal could fully comprehend. Plagued with this knowledge, Kide fell into a depression, despite him being the most loved member of his mountain. Many would come to him daily for his help, calling him the Man Who Could Do Any Task, and in these small moments Kide found solace, forgetting the secret plight of his people and instead seeing only the smiles on their face as he helped them.

The second prophet, named Qaya, did take a very different path. They grew quickly, becoming a large and imposing stoneling woman. By the time she was an adult, she had killed more trilobite dogs than the rest of her tribe combined, wearing a hard armor of their exoskeletons tanned in the heat near the lava pools. Some even said she once moved a giant cave slime with her strength alone, but this is mostly a rumor. Qaya was one who believed deeply in the ways of her tribe. Of the Stone Mother Argonbgh and of the Sculptor Acter who brought them forth from them. Her connection to the gods only strengthened this conviction and she quickly became a spiritual leader, not only of her tribes, but many would seek her out during the annual meeting of the tribes. Oddly enough to most other tribes, her tribe had quite the following of mushfolk. She had been blessed with knowledge of their true nature and had come to respect the strange creatures, and they too had come to depend on Qaya's tribe. In time, they adapted to live among the stonelings, feeding on their scraps and wandering among them. They grew smaller and paler, developing bioluminescent spots across their caps which the stonelings used for light in the darker regions of the caves. This improved their usefulness and brought the two races closer together, the mushfolk, while incapable of speech, began to communicate with a series of hand movements to convey simple ideas, even to the stonelings. As such, Qaya was heralded as a sage for taming, what appeared to be, a race of wild animals, as well as teach them language! Truly a stoneling among stronelings, Qaya's name soon came to be known throughout the entire cavern. Yet there was one thing that few did notice, when Qaya drank from the Hardening Pool, the crystal on her forehead turned a deep blue, and her eyes did glaze over as she peered into the spirit world.

Elsewhere on the First Land, the snakemen did come to adapt to their harsh environment. The weak were weeded out quickly by this god-forsaken bog which surrounded them on all sides. Quickly they grow strong, and their skill in combat the only thing that stood between them and death by elphantoad or carpgator. They were never a particularly religious species, even before they were abducted and sold to you, but among the snake people, they call the mountain they live upon, "Kawg Vaj Huam Sib Luag Thim Txiv Neej". There is no good direct translation, but it generally means 'The Last Stair of Purgatory."

South of them, across the bogs and into the mushroom forest, Aiei did reach out to the fungaloids. Many gathered around the Synith and listened to the strange salamushroom as it spoke of Ualk. Aiei guides them through the steps as he teaches them the spell, but somewhere the spell went awry. Perhaps it was a translation issue, as the mushfolk had no concept of garbage. To them, the world is a collection of treasures and the concept that something would be considered waste by one had not occurred to them. As such, they learned a most sinister variation, as the Synith tried to explain the concept to them. The closest translation which made any sense was "what is left behind when one leaves." Though this concept did cover the intended garbage, but the mushfolk took this much more literally, coming to interpret the meaning of the spell to indicate consumption of the dead bodies. And quickly after learning this, many did descend on the Synith and tear their torso into pieces to devour. This of course did not kill the Synith, who as a fungaloid, would grow back his lost torso over the next few weeks. Yet this did little to diminish the scene of surprisingly socially acceptable cannibalism and carnage. The surrounding mushfolk did indeed grow to be more like the Synith over those next few days, and quickly a religion did grow around the practice. Once a month the fungaloids would gather around the Synith as they tore themselves into little chunks, passing them out to the surrounding crowd. With each iteration, they grew to be less and less like the only marginally intelligent fungaloids and did grow to be slightly more clever, and did come to possess the Synith's innate affiliation for necromancy to some degree. These mushroom folk grew to call themselves the Saprophytic Order.

Yet still, greater workings began not only upon the mortal world, but upon the plane spiritual. The spirit world had grown much and quickly, coming to occupy about an eighth of the world. Though this hardly mattered within the spirit realm, for most places did not exist in one place. They were small places in between places which mattered. The liminal spaces of the world which no one thought about, abandoned, empty or unremarkable places which one would never. Between these twisting labyrinths of places which held no home in the minds of this world, lay islands of the places which did matter. Wide perfectly circular pools of spirit water were common here, holding the land around them in place. It is said that when the waters of these pools lays undisturbed, one may travel from it's corresponding pool in the physical realm, and enter the spirit realm. And indeed, several stonelings did indeed find this to be the case. These were the lucky stonelings which fell into the waters of the Hardening Pool and did not drown, but instead, found themselves in a strange new place. They would stand near the pool, pulling themselves up onto the shore of the spirit realm and see before them vast expanding caverns. The tunnels would look familiar, but only because you've seen one like it in the past. And perhaps you passed through that last cavern in a dream. Soon they would be lost in these places, the unremembered but familiar places of the world stacked together in a shifting maze that one can't recall. Over time their forms would change and warp until they became something else entirely, their bodies drawn out of an eroded shell of the material world until their spirits are all that remained. These were how the Wanderlings are born, spirits of short legs and long grasping arms which wander the liminal labyrinth looking for something they've forgotten. Occasionally one would become food for something bigger. And for a time, this was all there was.

Yet later lands did grow here and the Wanderling's fate was not the only fate of those who came here. The mountains of the First Land did grow here, holding a ring around them within the shifting realm. They became the homes of any lucky enough to stumble upon them within the liminal sea. Quickly they became home to a spatterings of spirits. For not all spirits are the souls of the lost. Here the Six Dragons come to be born, each one a different color and wrapped upon their mountain. Among them grass did come to grow and even tree spirits manifested within particularly old trees. Yet even here, the entrapping tar bogs and fetid swamps manifest, a deep ocean of ooze. And so in time, the first land's spirit came to reflect it's physical form.

The same was true of the Stone Lands. Here the mountains grew witty and wise, and held conversations upon the wintery breeze. Their laughing would shake off the snow and avalanche down their sides, and their bellows would boom as thunder in the sky. If one yelled loudly enough, these booming giants may hear you. Deep below their feet sumberged in magma surrounded by mushroom filled passages and crystal caverns which stretched out a ways before being lost in the liminal sea. Though they do come quite close to the spirit of the World Heart, which beats a drum within the core of the world. Though now its beat quickens as a darkness wraps itself around it.

Elsewhere the archipelago did come to drift upon a sea of infinite water, each horizon indistinguishable from the one you just passed. These islands will occasionally drift past eachother, and spirits may risky the swim, but ultimately it is a lonely empty place.

Last the Garden did grow here, coming to resemble itself. The many islands circled around the center counter clockwise. The rings of the center island spin each in the opposite direction of the one above it, so that one never grew familiar with the ever changing scenery. Here the Cincoire are born, a race of childlike peoples born of the spirit realm. They quickly populated the Garden here and many tribes developed, one upon each ring and island. It was within these places they would discover the spirit pools, and be able to swim into the physical realm, so long as they held their breath. There they would pull their pranks on the other mortals, often drawing them into the spirit realm. For some, they returned, but for many, they would never return. Though occasionally a ceanncoire would make a bad deal with a mortal and end up trapped in the physical realm, the cinncoire a mostly lonely race. As the only other spirits here lay within the center of the garden, with a few wandering the rings. Strange black things whos forms did not match up with the space their body was in. The meandered busily through the rings, performing tasks on objects which weren't there, paying no mind to the fae. Still worse was the hole in the center of the Garden which was a ring of shifting things which did not fit there, shadows cast by their eldritch physical counterparts. The life of a Cinncoire is one of casual protection of a sacred land, inter-spaced with avoiding shadows of things cast across the spirit world and tricking mortals.   
« Last Edit: July 24, 2020, 09:16:03 pm by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #79 on: July 24, 2020, 09:16:18 pm »

And so new guests did arrive upon the light river in boats of platinum and opulent wood. Others walked upon the bank and arrived on foot.

The first among them was a wizened old beast, an ancient tiger's head with saber teeth upon the body of a man wearing purple. My name is Haunjur, I have come to buy a mortal race. There is a distinct lack of free range mortals in the worlds in my region, and I would very much like to purchase some. I will take two thirds of any already established race and in return, pay you 4 acts. Though of course, you can only offer a race you have either purchased, or created yourself, and not the race of another.

The next was a low white shadow drifting in the vague pantomime of a man. "Fellow gods of a foreign world, I would offer you a series of landmarks. I have a set of two canyons, each one filled with winds which always blow in the opposite direction of the other canyon. A river which dyes its waters red. A forest which grows with unnatural speed. A mountain which slowly spins. A set of three floating islands. Two deserts of unusual color. Any of these could be available for 2 acts."

Next was a being of disaster. A god of Apocalypse and tragedy. They looked like the end of the world wrapped into the shape of a man. "Your world knows not the fear of the end. The ultimate conclusion that is born into the minds of mortals, the end of the world as they know it. A flood wiping out a village, a plague sweeping a population, a war upon your doorstep. Yet your world has yet to know these things. I offer you three acts in exchange for allowing a disaster upon your people which will inspire this fear."

Lastly was a strange human, a mage of no small power if they were to have made it here upon the light river. "Dear Gods of this realm, my name is Pimious, and I am a wandering mage. I offer to instill knowledge of magic by going among them and teaching them of different ways of drawing forth magic from the world. Each race will learn differently, based upon their culture. In exchange for this service, I charge 3 acts."

And so the time for the gods to act was once again upon them.

Spoiler: Acter (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Aiei (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Argonbagh (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Patriarch (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Idmova (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Multitudes (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kos(m)aritencku (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ytlia (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 05:52:22 pm by Roboson »


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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #80 on: July 24, 2020, 10:07:23 pm »

Kos(m)aritencku gingerly agrees to take the Apocalyptic one's offer, for whilst it painted it, Kos(m)aritencku knew that a child must know harshness as well as love to become greater than what they are....she also wondered as to how this would affect the spirit world.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #81 on: July 24, 2020, 10:10:10 pm »

"Hrummm," rumbles the growl of Argonbagh. "The pact is made-- but let there be no dis-as-ter u-pon my stone-lings."
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #82 on: July 25, 2020, 04:44:30 pm »

The first among them was a wizened old beast, an ancient tiger's head with saber teeth upon the body of a man wearing purple. My name is Haunjur, I have come to buy a mortal race. There is a distinct lack of free range mortals in the worlds in my region, and I would very much like to purchase some. I will take two thirds of any already established race and in return, pay you 4 acts. Though of course, you can only offer a race you have either purchased, or created yourself, and not the race of another.
Greetings and Well Met!, Haunjur. I have dispersed a sapient mortal race of blue constructs among my islands, they are a race with much potential and can even act as bruisers for you, and am willing to accept the offer for your generous 4 acts of power.

Next was a being of disaster. A god of Apocalypse and tragedy. They looked like the end of the world wrapped into the shape of a man. "Your world knows not the fear of the end. The ultimate conclusion that is born into the minds of mortals, the end of the world as they know it. A flood wiping out a village, a plague sweeping a population, a war upon your doorstep. Yet your world has yet to know these things. I offer you three acts in exchange for allowing a disaster upon your people which will inspire this fear.

”Why Salutation, god that goes with no name but certainly has a motif already in place. I am willing to allow you to test and cause strain and adversities to these constructs to make them be able to handle the chaos of life more effectively, and am agreeable to accept your offer, but will your curses only affect one of the mortal’s species and not have side effect to the others?.[/quote]

”Lastly was a strange human, a mage of no small power if they were to have made it here upon the light river. "Dear Gods of this realm, my name is Pimious, and I am a wandering mage. I offer to instill knowledge of magic by going among them and teaching them of different ways of drawing forth magic from the world. Each race will learn differently, based upon their culture. In exchange for this service, I charge 3 acts."

”The offer of providing a magic source and instructions is a wonderful offer indeed, Pimious!, may I ask how your magic would affect the merfolk maybe they would gain lightning, ocean, and weather manipulation sorcery?, and may a different sub-species be outed from this deal as well?, to say to not let the Pyranesis gain access to this art. To not say I don’t what that, but I know how dangerous it can if this expansive group were to gain access to this power.


Demonic Spoon

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #83 on: July 28, 2020, 01:19:28 am »

And so new guests did arrive upon the light river in boats of platinum and opulent wood. Others walked upon the bank and arrived on foot.

The first among them was a wizened old beast, an ancient tiger's head with saber teeth upon the body of a man wearing purple. My name is Haunjur, I have come to buy a mortal race. There is a distinct lack of free range mortals in the worlds in my region, and I would very much like to purchase some. I will take two thirds of any already established race and in return, pay you 4 acts. Though of course, you can only offer a race you have either purchased, or created yourself, and not the race of another.
"Worry not, Multitudes is master bargainerer, we know how this works! You suggest something, and then we say yes! Hooray, four acts for my precious fungalians! I'm sure the fungaloids will be happy to have new places to explore!"

Next was a being of disaster. A god of Apocalypse and tragedy. They looked like the end of the world wrapped into the shape of a man. "Your world knows not the fear of the end. The ultimate conclusion that is born into the minds of mortals, the end of the world as they know it. A flood wiping out a village, a plague sweeping a population, a war upon your doorstep. Yet your world has yet to know these things. I offer you three acts in exchange for allowing a disaster upon your people which will inspire this fear."
"Ooh! Ooh! Multitudes have a question! Does tiger head grab my mortals first or do you teach them first? Also, yes please! Adversity is sometimes the kick life needs to grow! Gogo apocalypse mode!"



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #84 on: July 29, 2020, 07:46:50 pm »

Patriarch looks down upon his peculiar serpent-men with some disdain. Primitive and savage, pressed to the edge of survival, understanding little of the finer things in life.

Still, from small seeds do grand trees grow. The first such sprout begins now, as he finds a particularly talented, wicked, and indulgent individual to bring his light more fully to his possessions.

"Hear, mortal. I grant you the Mind Seed, that you might corrupt the thoughts of lesser beasts and bind them to your will. Take care not to use this rashly on your fellows, lest they become angry or complacent at your yoke."

Spend 2 Acts raising a snakeman prophet with the ability to gradually bend minds to his will, aiding in domestication among other things.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #85 on: July 30, 2020, 10:13:04 pm »

but will your curses only affect one of the mortal’s species and not have side effect to the others?.

It may well bring sorrow upon those near to those who's hearts will sink and swell with fear. The disaster which strikes each race is most devastating to them. The vain, covered in pustules and warts. The greedy, destitute. The faithful, forsaken and lost. The wanders trapped and the hidden revealed. The odd beasts of blue may incite a disaster most strange.

”and may a different sub-species be outed from this deal as well?

The mage thinks for a moment before responding, a calculating look upon his face. That is certainly a possibility. Magic is a wild thing, it spreads out in one place, but may collect in another. The tribe of which you speak is different enough, so perhaps it will not come as easily. But knowledge learned is easily plundered, stolen or twisted. So I cannot say for certain how the future's course will run, but I can say if they are truly different in heart and mind, then they will have difficulty learning the ways of your people.

"Ooh! Ooh! Multitudes have a question! Does tiger head grab my mortals first or do you teach them first? Also, yes please! Adversity is sometimes the kick life needs to grow! Gogo apocalypse mode!"

There is a moment when the two beings look at eachother, and the tiger headed being opens their mouth as though to speak, before thinking better of whatever they had to say. They allow the other to decide. Disaster first. I care not for the flavor of their flesh, only the content of their souls. The tiger looked distraught at this answer, but held his tongue firm. Whatever the relationship between these individuals is, it is clear that the tiger would rather not quarrel with the creature before him.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #86 on: July 31, 2020, 09:55:52 pm »

Micro Update: On the Four Beasts

The sky wyrm Langit has taken up residence upon the peak of the highest mountain of the Mountainlands. It has wrapped itself around the mountain and edged backwards, slowly and with regal purpose, it's sharp scales plowing the stone like a glacier, slowly grinding it away until at last the mountain gains a distinct spiral just as deep as the beast is wide. When it wraps itself around the mountain, it's body fills this spiral gash and returns it akin to it's former shape. This has wreaked havoc in the spirit world, as the spirit of the mountain there does protest greatly to the constant grinding migraine Langit causes during this process. Still, it's jokes are quite humorous, albeit given through grated teeth and watering eyes. While this occasionally causes what the Stonelings refer to as "Ikanskoi" or better conveyed as "A quake not from below, but above", this new resident has not garnered much attention from any mortal civilization. That is with the exception of a few humans upon the Firstland which have spotted the beast in the distant sky, claiming it to be the dragon of the fourth mountain. This is normally written off as a rumor. Langit can occasionally be seen circling over the Garden, but never draws near. It does occasionally wander close to the Archipelago of Ytill, but is often chased off by Ophios.

The giant brittle star Ophios never wanders far from it's hunting grounds in the Archipelago of Ytill, except on the rare occasion it stumbles upon the Garden, though it seems to despise the taste of peaple, and thus finds little of worth there before it is swarmed by the sour monsters which guard this place, throwing themselves into the many arms of the beast until it's body writhes with a stomach turned against it. As a result, it preys mostly upon the creatures of the Archipelago, mainly the islands and reefs of the place, but whole villages can occasionally be consumed as the beast wanders across the seabed. Oddly enough, it seems rather pacified by the presence of Py and will occasionally take hold of the artifact and drag it away from it's village, much to the frustration of the residents whos homes lay between the beast and it's treasure. Though soon enough the beast will seemingly lose interest and Ophios will drop Py, only for it to be returned to it's shrine in the Pyreanian village. It's poisonous nature makes it a rather difficult beast to fend off, however, its slow movement across the seabed makes it near impossible to not see coming and easily avoidable. The pyrenians tend to refer to it as "That Which Moves That Which Moves" relating to how it is seemingly the only creature strong enough to move the artifact alone.

Heartworm as the Stonelings call it, is perhaps the most stationary of the four beasts. It spends near all of it's time warming itself around the beating searing splendor of the World Heart. The sounds of the Rhythm are muted by it's monstrous hold, and the lower caverns grow cold and dark, strangled by its grip. This has no real effect upon the stonelings, at least during the periods when Heartworm remains attatched to the World Heart. However, when it does venture beyond the Ribcage, the Heart beats free once more and lava churns within the world, spilling out of volcanoes and cracks as the built up pressure from the Heart is released. This also causes a similar effect in the spirit world, sending a quake through liminal sea, rearranging it rather violently and suddenly. This often kills any who may be wandering away from the safety of any stable locations, not immediately of course, but could very well send whereever they are to an entirely different section of the spirit world. Stonelings will occasionally see the Heartworm during it's brief journeys beyond the ribcage if they have wandered deeper beyond their traditional migration patterns.

The fourth beast remains mysterious. No god has yet to glimpse its presence in the spirit world, or upon the mortal plane for that matter, but reports of it's behavior trickle in from the fae and mortals who find themselves lost in the spirit realm. Allegedly, its body is a large white fleshy sphere which grows legs which do not walk, but instead remain stationary until they fade away and the weight of the thing shifts onto the next leg, giving it an odd rolling gaint. A series of glowing lines float ahead of it, and is suspected to function as an eye. Alledgedly, it eats Wanderlings, but this is merely a rumor and none have actually observed this behavior. Though, those who do claim to have seen it, report being led through the liminal sea by the beast, delivered to safety.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #87 on: July 31, 2020, 11:57:04 pm »

Kos(m)aritencku makes a proposal for the following course of action:

Make all mortals have small innate quantities of magic within them. This magic remains in their body even after they die. Magic is found in trace amounts throughout the body but the greatest concentration is found in a mortal's spine or other structural components in mortals lacking spines. This magic persists after death.

Kos(m)aritencku contributes 1 Act to the above project.
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Demonic Spoon

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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #88 on: August 01, 2020, 12:09:27 am »

Kos(m)aritencku makes a proposal for the following course of action:

Make all mortals have small innate quantities of magic within them. This magic remains in their body even after they die. Magic is found in trace amounts throughout the body but the greatest concentration is found in a mortal's spine or other structural components in mortals lacking spines. This magic persists after death.

Kos(m)aritencku contributes 2 Acts to the above project.
The cheerfully gossipy honking of seals is joined by the keen screeching of hawks, "Magical Spines sound most delicious! We shall donate of our masterfully traded acts to this noble cause! Let spines be ever savoured by the learned and gluttonous!"

1 act to mortally magicky spines and other bits

The second is grand fungal lord, the first of his kind. This massive slime grows large and old in a pond of spirit water, and has attracted the stereotypical worship practices of the mushfolk, which mostly comprises of leaving gifts of food and shiny rocks within it's reach. Occasionally the Synith can be seen conversing with the fungal lord on the metaphorical implications of rebirth through fungus.
Hummingbirds twitter and monkeys howl in recognition and confusion, "Ooh! Most plentiful! We, Let There Be Multitudes, dub thee as our most sacred prophet, the Fun Guy! May you spread life everywhere! We shall gift you with the flowers of wisdom, so that you may plant them in the distributed brains of the Fungians! Um, if any of them survive and remain that is! You can plant the flowers into the brainflesh of any other living thing you want as well of course! Sapient termite queens or megasloths, sagely and overflowing with wisdom, sound most apropos!"

"And lo, thou should teach the disciples that to be fecund is a great devotion to the Multitudes, and so the greater the number of their wisdom-lotuses, the greater their status within the hierarchy of life!"

Multitudes empowers the Fungal Lord with 2 acts into their most wondrous prophet, Fun Guy!

Prophet Fun Guy can sense all life within a certain radius of itself, will produce offspring rapidly and uncontrollably, has powers of great healing and of minor lifeshaping, and is ever shrouded in an aura of fecundity, which increases the fertility of life near Fun Guy, causing reproduction to occur more frequently and faster and with less difficulties or complications. This could be useful for breeding livestock! And of course their greatest gift of all, being able to talk to Let There Be Multitudes! So wonderful!

With 1 Act Multitudes creates the Wisdom-Mother Lotuses, planting the first of their kind into Fun Guy, Synith, a few fungus people, and some particularly sexy blue constructs, and gifting Fun Guy with a conch full of the seeds of this wondrous plant.

Wisdom-Mother Lotuses:
These symbiotic plants root themselves within the brain or other thinking organs of the host. The action of producing offspring produces positive life energies, which the Wisdom-Mothers absorb, allowing to grow more lotuses, and as a result of the floral blessing, increasing the intelligence of their hosts. Generally, a Wisdom Mother will bloom with one lotus per child, the first lotus being the largest and every succeeding one slightly smaller, matching with the diminishing increases in intelligence from the floral blessing as more offspring are produced.

Though of course the Wisdom-Mother and its flowers will slowly increase in size and potency after the siring of many many offspring, and long decades of implantation in their host, potentially immobilizing particularly long-lived and prolific hosts within their weighty wisdom and also roots and giant lotus flowers.

The lotuses are somehow mystically linked to the host's offspring, and if some of the offspring die, some of the lotus blooms will also wither away.

Upon the death of the host, the Wisdom Mother will die with them, leaving behind their seedheads, whose seeds which can be planted into the brains of new hosts through a cut, which the seed will naturally heal as they rapidly sprout and grow.

Wisdom-Lotuses are perfectly capable of thriving when rooted in the flesh of aquatic of amphibious life.

Generally, one with many blooming Wisdommothers will probably be respected as wise, and their death seen as a gift to the community as the seeds can be gifted the next generation.

Fun Guy instructed to spread and teach of the Wisdom-Mothers to the fungulasans and other life they think looks cute. And by teach we mean surgically implanting lotus seeds Multitudes gifted to Fun Guy into his disciples.

Lastly was a strange human, a mage of no small power if they were to have made it here upon the light river. "Dear Gods of this realm, my name is Pimious, and I am a wandering mage. I offer to instill knowledge of magic by going among them and teaching them of different ways of drawing forth magic from the world. Each race will learn differently, based upon their culture. In exchange for this service, I charge 3 acts."
"OooOooh! We hope the fungushas learn how to make cool fireworks to scare off predators! Don't worry, Multitudes is very experienced merchants by now! You offer something, and then we say yes! Yes! Teach us! We mean the fungalions! Teach the fungalions!"

Pay 3 Acts for overpriced magic tutoring for my soon to be critically endangered race.

Multitudes investigates what their wild oats seeds grew into! Weren't those supposed to be interesting? Multitudes did pay good acts for them after all. Was Multitudes cheated?!
« Last Edit: August 06, 2020, 07:50:05 am by Demonic Spoon »

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #89 on: August 01, 2020, 12:52:07 am »

And my Act(s)

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b
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