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Author Topic: Gods of Creation 2020 IC  (Read 7880 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #45 on: July 12, 2020, 07:12:30 am »

And so the gods began to act! Several of their guests looked on with interest, as for it is not every century you see the birth of a new world and the first workings placed upon it. Especially not when the path to such an event is so long, and the time before the molding begins so short. Yet others looked on with greedy eyes, assessing the value of what they see, wondering if they should make a return trip. And for some, they lend their hand in its formation.

All great works are preceded by a foundation. The sculptor his marble, a painter her canvas, and actors, their stage. And so the gods of Mysticism, Life and Decadence did lay a most divine foundation, the base on which more wondrous acts are sure to come. At the center of the world was a massive heart of strange composition. Swirled together, the four different types of acts each laid their touch upon the heart. The golden heart studded with gems of crystallized mystic energy shuddered to life and from it rang four separate beats for each palpitation. The first was a high sound, piercing and violent, but ultimately short. It's ring short and powerful, any who walk these lands will know it's rhythm and come to mimic to mimic it's pace. From its artery, it pumps heat and energy, and begins to warm the underside of the lands of this world, starting in motion the process that would ultimately lead to large cavernous caves for life to populate in some areas. The second beat was that of a singing violin, it's sounds rich and whole, long and lavish. It's sound brought forth a richness that hung heavily upon the ears like golden syrup upon the tongue. Those who catch whispers of this far off tune may find themselves wanting more and more until finally, they are without need. And as it pumps, rich metals of silver, platinum, and gold rise up towards the continents, filling them with rich greedy veins of precious metals and gems. The final sound was one most odd. It was familiar, and comforting, but you could not place it. The instrument is one you've heard once before, but you cannot remember what it is or where you heard it, perhaps in dream. Still, its quiet tune dances at the edge of your mind, and one may even miss it if the other sounds drown it out. Yet those who hear this sweet song, tend to forget the noise of the other two, drinking deeply its silky melody. Up into the worlds this pumped strange lines of energy, which spread out into capillary rivers and deep pools. From these waters, many will find peace, protection, and energy. Lastly was the deep percussion, the song of stone. With it the earth moved and the rocks marched, the gems danced and the caverns sang. Those who drew close would feel this beat in their bones and move as one with the earth. And pump it did, molten rock and stone upwards and outwards, providing spaces for the continents to rest upon as they solidified, becoming part of this world. And so the World Heart began to beat, and it's many veins spread over the continents as they arrived.

Which brings us to our first of the guests to place their sale upon the world, the land vendor of most spuddly parentage. From his ship's hold, he produced a most large dark continent of tar, dotted with mountains.  Before the sun shone upon it, it simply appeared as a still spot in the swirling aether winds, held up by the veins and arteries of the World Heart. Yet when the sun did alight the continent, the gods could see what lay underneath. A sprawling continent with six mountain outcrops evenly spaced around it's mostly circular shape, arranged so that they formed a ring. Around them, thin bands of green life could be observed in the foothills before the incline gave way to bare rock, but beneath the foothills and beyond out on the majority of the continent lay an ancient realm. Once dark and dense forests, but have since turned sickly or dead across the blackened continent. Tar bogs of pitch black covered another large swath, mostly in the south. With the exception of the strips of green land near the bases of the mountains, and a few isolated areas throughout the continent, the land had rotted. And while there was land upon it, the Life god Multitudes, did indeed cast so much life upon it, that what remained by the end of their exploit, was indistinguishable from what came before. Not only did they spread the wild seeds upon the land, but also imbued the land with life such to the point that thousands of species arose and only existed for a, admittedly cosmic level, blink of an eye. As life took hold, much of the forest was devoured and eaten by the new species, as such, the black forests of this land shrank considerably, opening up more boglands. Still did it thrive. Though most anything green did not survive, some dark green did make its way into the black forest as wide limbed trees with durable branches did take root in groves among the darker sparser trees. Here one may find the six legged tree bear, which walks upon the canopy like we walk along the ground. As there were many a bird and quite a few snakes, so did the nest snake come to be. A large headed snake which twists itself into the shape of a nest for a strange species of white and teal bird. Their eggs shared their coloration, and did indeed attract many predators. For those laid in a nest snake, they are safe from those lured in by their bright glaring colors, for the nest snake snaps out, devouring any drawn in, as well as eating any unhatched eggs when they rot. And of course flowers began to bloom here, in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes allowing the bird population to diversify, some eating seeds, while others drank nectar or the fruit. Striped Crown Moose and fleet deer spiders roam the forest floor, as well as termites of large size, most feeding on trees, but some parasitic. As the seasons changed, it became clear that this had become a temperate rainforest of sorts. Yet deep within, old life held on, twisted creatures of poison pustule which killed the trees and land, slathering it with the photosynthetic slime they spew, only to be retracted and razed of any sustenance. So to did spiders and flies, of which there used to be plentiful, as well as larger predators.

So too did the bogs of tar and muck truly thrive. Amphibians of elephantine sizes, as well as elderly carp alligators, lurked beneath the wide dark lakes, which were also populated with slitherfish, spiderbeetle larva, jellyfish, and a wide variety of smaller unremarkable fish. These large beings served as excellent hosts for parasites, and many were eaten from the inside as a result of these infestations. Still, some species of crayfish capitalize on this, and form mutualistic relationships, eating parasites from off the creatures. One species is even indigestible to the elphantoads, and take up residence inside their bodies, consuming parasites that may feat within. Further out from the lakes, the swamps too hold much life. Many smaller jellyfish are found here, where the water and tar mingle. They prey on frogs. A red and a black variety of herons have taken up residence here, eating the small swimming creatures. Juvenile carpgators are born here, finding ponds to feast in before migrating to larger ponds as they grow. Hardy reeds and mosses grow where they can find purchase here, and giant lilies form paths across the dreary bogs. Yet among them, some of the old life did survive too, twisted raptors of wide foot and hooked jaws. They stood atop the food chain, prying carpgators from the water with unrivaled strength and malice. And yet smaller old life remained too, strange crabs and long black flatworms

Next were the lands so stricken with rot, that only the fungus could grow. Tall branching fungus, among wide capped traditional ones, make up the newfound mushroom forests. Two grow in separate parts of the continent, one in the southeast, and the other in the west. Here a variety of fungi grow from the land, held together with mycelium as one might expect the roots of a forest to clench the soil. Here many bioluminescent flying jellyfish flew through the air, gently stirring up the spores lingering in the air. For many, the spore dense forest would be death, as many of the spores are poisonous or parasitic. Yet many species have adapted to live here. Salamanders as long as a tree is tall, and just as thick, roam the lands, chewing upon mushroom stalks. Across their backs two rows of blue lights. Fungolps survive here, mobile litchen which lawnmower the soil of fallen spores. Lampets and slugs are also common here. So too do tusked cats of about an arms length, which have developed mucus filters on their lungs, which filter their air and are then regurgitated and replaced.

Oddly enough, little new grew upon the mountains. Two species of mountain goat, one bearing twisting horns, and the other flat and wide like platters. A few rock nesting birds took root here, though they don't fare well. Beyond that, the only thing of note is a species of large spider beetle which is born as a larva in the bog only to pupate and finally metamorphosize into their final flying form. High among the mountaintops, they fly inwards to hunt, returning their prey to their nests upon the mountains.

Next was the magnificent seascape, placed upon the world by the god of beauty, Ytlili. The majority of the region consisted of a shallow sea, interspaced with rocky archipelagos and equally stoney islands. Yet lurking beneath the shallow waves, hotspots of volcanic activity bubbled, shifting the water aside for new lands, or forming bubbling areas within the waters.

Here in the wider sections, grouper-whales and huge turtles, islands unto themselves, roamed. They fed on dense schools of fish which huddled together, finding safety in numbers, and giant photosynthetic jellyfish, perhaps a distant relative of those found in the bogs of the first land. There are a few deep pits as well, which host their own ecosystems of lurker sharks and mantis shrimps.

Perhaps more impressive were the reefs which clung to the rocky footholds provided by the islands and undersea volcanoes. Fields of anemones would lazily wave their tentacles in the undersea waves, catching plankton as it drifts by. Other reefs are dominated by corals as stony as the rocks they were built upon, forming huge undersea forests and plateaus. And among them swam species after species of fish, crab, shrimp and cephalopod. Of note were the armor snails, which produced shells strong enough to resist most any predators, giant reef crab, and frogsharks.

Upon the islands the vegetation was at times sparse. On more volcanic islands, rich soil creates tropical jungles in miniature, filled with bugs and birds of all kinds. Truly flying creatures have the advantage here, and thus, are more plentiful. Still mammals exist here. Armadillos are common, drifting upon the waves like coconuts, they travel from island to island. And small mice with wide tails and webbed feet for swimming can be found in small numbers. Though the most intriguing are the ottermonkies. These long armed otter-like creatures have dexterous hands and feet, as well as an affinity for swimming, being able to hold their breath for long periods. They eat both of the shellfish of the sea, and of the fruit trees. Yet dangers lurked here for these land dwelling creatures, daggerfish, swalloweels, and leaping anemones hunted these pristine waters.

Lastly there is the stonelands created by Argonbagh. Composed mostly of the beating magma blood of the World Heart, this land was incredibly mountainous. Though in size, it was smaller than the other two, one purchase and the other spread wide, instead this continent was stacked tall with mountains and peaks. Yet beneath the mountainous exterior, spacious caverns and winding tunnels hollowed out much of the continent, creating a natural labyrinth dotted with all sorts of geological features like rivers, pools, and pits, but also grew nearest to the world heart, which further increased the number of caverns and resources available so that life might take root here. Deep within these caverns, the world heart can be heard most clearly by those attuned to it's slow slow beat. And as a result, it's boons are strongest here.

And life did take root in those dark dank caverns. By Argonbaugh's hand, much life was drawn forth from the rocks. First came the mushrooms, of which there were many species and varieties growing dense and tall in the wetter caverns. Fields of hairlike mushrooms stand eerily still in some areas, forming plains for larger beasts to hide within. Trilobite dogs roamed the caverns in packs, eating what mushrooms and meat they may find. Cave birds also take nest here, flying in and out of the caves as their hearts desire. Some larger species take up full residence, the cave kiwi, which nibbles whatever subsistence it can find. Poisonous moss, as well as several species of slimes, are the favored food of these birds, which makes them absolutely poisonous to predators. There are several species of bat which also dwell here, one which eats insects, the other grazes on fungi. Several hearty species grow near the magma pools. The rock potato, the deep banana, and the ubiquitous lava eel.

The gods looked on proud at their world as it began to come together. The three continents are connected only by the world heart, which draws them comfortably together so that the second's land sea may spread between the three, finalizing the locations of the continents. The aether begins to recede and the world hardens, yet remains pliable so that more may be added in the future.

Next the mortals were placed upon the world. To the surprise of all in attendance, with the exception of a pair of vendors, some mortals already existed upon the world. In the green foothills of the purchased continent, a race of creatures eked out simple lives among the hills, which shielded them from tar bogs and their more dangerous denizens. These people were gold of skin and either red or blonde of hair. They wore simple garb of mountain cotton and lived agricultural village lives. Though it appears each mountain once had its own village, in the ages since it was uprooted, only two have survived on the largest of the mountains in the north of the continent. They lived in clay houses with thatch roofs, and seemed satisfied and quiet in their simple lives. They were soon surprised to see smoke among the nearest mountaintop, for suddenly they were not alone.

The mysterious snake people were placed down upon the continent, but it quickly became clear they were unsuited for the bogs or fungal forests. Instead, they took up residence around one of the mountains, the one in the northeast which was surrounded by bogs, like the majority of the mountains. They were odd creatures, but did indeed match up with the description somewhat. They were almost elven in body, but instead of arms, each had a pair of snakes growing from their torso. They quickly set about working their environment, having a merciless approach, felling soggy trees with stone tools and hunting beasts with rock tipped spears. They rarely ventured deep into the bogs, mostly trimming the edges for what they needed. Those who did head deeper, rarely returned. They built wooden stake lined encampments, with tents of animal skin suspended with branches. They did not live the agricultural lifestyle of their neighbors across the bog upon the mountains, and were entirely carnivores in nature. Life was difficult for them, as they quickly found the meats of this place would fight tooth and nail to keep from becoming prey of the snake people. As such, their numbers quickly dwindled.

Next was the fungaloids. Stout mushmen of various colorations and shapes. They were far from the most clever of mortals, lacking any proper mind, but instead have many smaller minds scattered throughout their bodies. This made information processing rather difficult. Yet what they lacked in intelligence, they made up with sheer tenacity. One may be torn asunder, only to grow into several smaller mushpeople. As such, they often survived being preyed upon by the predators of this area. They lived very simple lives, only slightly above that of the animals around them. They spoke a simple language and lived in hovels of mushrooms that they've scooped out with their hands. Beyond that, their only culture they could be said to have is that they love frivolity. Dances and song are common. Thanks to the workings of Aiei, a second group of the mushroom folk did find themselves upon the mountainous continent, and did thrive there deep within the caverns. A single one is carried off by Synith to learn the secrets of necromancy. The Synith, a mushfolk of powerful abilities to instill rot and decay, as well as growth of fungi and raising of the bones. They grow shriveled and wise, for a mushfolk, but do not appear as though they can die of old age, living on to practice their craft long after their kin have passed. While many ventured to learn the secrets of necromancy, few returned and only the Synith carried away great knowledge. Still, both tribes of mushfolk still learned some minor elements of necromancy, and their descendants were ever changed by it. In the mushroom forests of the first land, the Synith quickly rose to power and gained a following of acolytes which viewed them as a powerful wizard. Though in reality, this mostly amounted to gifts of food and pretty stones to appease the necromancer, for the normal mushfolk were more primitive than most mortals.

The next of new races is that of the stonelings. They are short creatures, stout of body and mind, and covered in crystals across their head and occasionally down their back. Upon their body is a stone shell, forming an armor around them from minerals they digest. Of course, they gain no sustenance from their rocky meals and eat well the meats and mushrooms of the deep. They have two sets of arms and are rather sensitive to the vibrations around them. They are an industrious people, quick to learn and having ply minds. They were natural problem solvers, tending towards straightforward solutions to complex problems, which was both a blessing and a curse, for they tended towards simplicity and utility over intricacy and the ornate. They were mostly migratory, moving through the caverns and tunnels in search of food, staying still only long enough to gather what bounty they might.

The final race is one of merpeople, who live among the rocky outcroppings of Ytila's land. These fishy humanoids either had a fishtail, or biped legs with webbed feet. They are beautiful to look upon, and are covetous of nature. Appearances quickly become incredibly important to these mortals, and shortly after, so does possessions. Quickly they are upon eachother, forming tribalistic societies, each one hostile to the next. They oft raid and pillage each other stealing whatever of value they can find, and killing the members of the other tribes to get it. Beautiful queens quickly come to rule these tribes, their beauty a commodity and their princesses, beings of high value to would be courtesans. Yet one tribe did come to grow larger than the rest. Shortly after being placed upon this world, a meteor stuck the sea and sent massive waves across the ocean. This tribe, being the closest, was nearly devastated and those who survived sought out the object. They found a twisting whirlpool around the orb filled with vibrant life as filter feeders grew around in its swirling waters, feeding upon the plankton drawn in. It was an area that had quickly grown rich in life as the ever industrious waters affected the area around Py. Soon this tribe had rebuilt itself, and has come to dominate the other nearby tribes. The area here becomes strange as the reef and islands tend to rearrange themselves, and often fog covers the choppy waters.

The final element of this world was that of a grafted spirit realm. The gaseous giant very carefully grafted a small seed, comparatively, onto the world. Quickly it ballooned outwards, then twisted inwards until it occupied the same space as the physical world. Here the world looked similar but different, the land of the spirits prone to shifting and reforming itself, by its own accord and through the actions of those on the material plane. Spirits of all natures began to evolve from this primordial soup, though this area was much obscured from the gods, like cloudcover which only provided glimpses into the realms beneath. Though many remained simplistic, the spiritual equivalent of amoebas and thoughtless insects, quickly some areas came to develop their own spiritual counterparts. The quickest of which were the six mountains of the first lands, a pool filled with mystical energy deep within the mountainous continent, and of course, the world heart. These each developed their own powerful spirit which came to rule these lands of the spirit realms. Still other spirits arose. Spirits of wild places were the most common, especially old trees, for example may gain a spiritual foothold. And in the tar bogs, spirits of the ancient dead who's bones have long sunk do rise again, and even the earth gains spirits, mountains and hills, and even the occasional cavern does begin to develop more robust spirits of a variety of types. One mortal even manages to visit the spirit realm, despite its infancy, and bring back what once was physical, but no longer, into the mushroom forests of the first continent. As time progresses, the spirit world will become as rich and vibrant as the physical, if albeit somewhat lesser a place to do divine works.

While the world seemed to be coming together nicely, it was now time for the final act of this new world. A hunter had been promised monsters, and thus monsters born of this world they shall receive. Four aether eggs are placed upon the world, to soak up it's energies and become part of it, if only for a time. The first is the egg of the sky, wrapped in a dense cloud, it hatches into a flying wyrm, who's wings ridge the length of its body and who rides the winds like waves upon the ocean. It's blue scales are sharp and rear facing, while it's mouth is long and full of wicked teeth. It's undulating body takes it far across the continents and even close to the gods on occasion. The second is the egg of the earth. From it is born a massive worm, whos skin is tough as iron and whos ever gnashing maw chews the earth. It digs among the deepest reaches of the world, driving the stonelings upwards. Often it can be found wrapped around the World Heart, constricting it's beating and diminishing it's rhythm. The third is the egg of the sea. A massive brittle star, which walks across the shallow sea. It's ravenous hunger strips both sea and island bare of life and whose body releases a paralytic toxin into the waters all around it. It's color is purple and it has many writhing legs. The last egg falls not in the sea, nor the land, nor the air, but instead plummets into the spirit realm. Little can be seen as whatever hatches darts deep into the depths of the realm, hiding from prying eyes.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 07:24:58 am by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #46 on: July 12, 2020, 07:12:46 am »

As quickly as they were placed upon the world, the various races of mortals did begin to mold the earth and look for meaning in the heavens.

The most advanced culture is that of the rather mundane humanoids living on upon the Firstland. And this is not to say that their culture was rich, for they lived rather simple lives. However, they posessed some modicum of technology which did set them apart from the other mortals. They possessed looms, typically one per household, which allowed this race to spin cotton from a local species. They were no artisans of course, with each family spinning their own loom, the quality of the cloth varied from family to family, though most were at least decent in their trade. In similar fashion, they did tend to fields and had at their disposal stone hoes for tilling the soil and knowledge enough in agriculture to have decent harvests of lumpkins, prickle fruit, and variegated beans. Some larger families tended apiaries, raising bees so that they may collect the honey to sweeten their meals. Other families even had herds of large chubby marmots, which whistle to eachother as they graze the pastures. They are raised for milk and meat. With such a variety of foods, most families are entirely self sustaining, and trade with eachother for whatever they lack that season. Most commonly traded is prickle fruit wine, which seems a delicacy among the young. They seem to have some sort of religion based upon the six mountains, with each of the villages having a church devoted mainly to their mountain, but with smaller holy maps depicting the others. Of course, the sudden appearance of smoke upon a thought to be dead mountain has rather shaken their society and few know what course of action to take. It has been many generations since any have attempted to reach the mountain the snake people inhabit, and the journey is one unlikely to succeed. Yet still, many young mortals do argue they must go and extend their hand to their brothers and sisters across the bog.

Unknown to them, it is not their kind who find themselves upon that mount, but the snakemen of Patriarch. Compared to the humans, who've had ages to establish themselves and acclimate to their lands, the snakemen are experiencing a kind of environmental shock. Many are not accustomed to the cold winds of the mountains, especially in the winters, and find their arms to become sluggish in the cold. Moreover, they could not partake in the mostly vegetarian lifestyle of the humans. As such, they much venture into the bogs in search of meat, and often become meals themselves. Quickly the weak are weeded out, and their fellows seem to have no qualm with posthumous cannibalism. The tribe of snakemen establish a warrior society, with a strong chieftain ruling over the others and leading hunting trips. The snakemen seem adept at working the leather of their prey, and use it in many applications from clothesmaking, to tent construction, and even make some into chewing sticks to gnaw on when food is sparse. Each individual actually seems to be composed of three separate minds, working in tandem. As such they tend to wield two weapons, with each snake aiming their own and the human part of the body managing movement and positioning. In the more talented fighters, this becomes a weaving dance of bone daggers and wooden spears which is rather beautiful to observe. And they are not entirely without culture, some cling to the faith of their creator god, who is far too distant to hear their prayers. Others have found a new faith. They believe they have been sent to a purgatory of sorts and believe the elephantoads are powerful godborn beasts. Twice a year they make a journey to a nearby lake and call forth the beast, which does indeed surface. They make offerings of meat and carcass, which the frog accepts, and then descends, though it has been known to take a snakeman or two as well. This is then interpreted as a sacrifice by the snakemen. If they frog took no snakemen, it meant it was pleased by the sacrifice and has given its blessing to the hunters, and if one is taken, then the sacrifice was insufficient and hunts will be poor until the next sacrifice. Yet others believe they were stolen by a greedy god, who took them from their homeland. They offer up prayers and carved bones upon alters to the heavenly thief so that they will not have their souls stolen by their captor.

Next are the fungaloids of the forest. At first, they did not have much in the way of religion and culture. And in most ways, this has not changed. They still live in the simplest of hovels, and their language is so rudimentary that most complex topics cannot be conveyed, though this is rarely a problem to these simple beings. Yet, two new words have recently become part of their language. Ualk, which means death, and Klau, which means life. The fungaloids did not seem to previously have any sort of religion, but after being purchased by two separate gods, the idea of powers beyond the giant salamanders has entered their collective consciousness. To those of the forest, Klau is often described as a force in all things. When a particularly large mushroom tree is found, it is typically decorated by the mushfolk, who adorn it with pretty shells and rocks, as well as tasty mushrooms. The thinking is, because its so big, it must have more Klau. Yet, Klau is not entirely distinct from Ualk. Ualk is the energy of the dead, the matter which Klau is made of. This is best, and really only, described in a passing phrase among the mushroom folk, which loosely translates to "The Ualk log grows the Klau mushrooms." As such, death and life are not entirely distinct ideas for these beings, though many struggle to comprehend them in a meaningful way in the first place. Of course, this is a different story for the Synith. The Synith and a collection of other mushfolk did follow the god Aiei into the wilds, venturing through the mushroom forests, the bogs, and the forests. Here they learned more of death and rot and became more attuned to it. While mushroomfolk typically aren't poisonous, some members of this expedition did become so, and grew closer to death, often literally. When they returned from the lectures of Aiei, they truly learned little, but did discover they could intentionally poison predators by sacrificing part of their body. And thus, they quickly came closer to death, attempting to be partially eaten by beasts so that the beasts may die. When they did so, they offered some of the beast's corpse, it's Ualk, to Aeie. Yet among them, the Synith was the most intelligent. It's mind had accepted and understood much more of the god's lecture and gained a modicum of power over Ualk. It often raised the dead, using the corpse of its prey as a walking larder until it was too rotten to consume, or otherwise decayed by the mushrooms which rapidly grow from the carcass. It lived a simple life, as all mushfolk do, in a hovel and in most ways, was not too changed from it's fellows who revered Klau.

The other set of mushfolk did not gain such lofty insights. They lived in similar colonies within the depths of the mountain continent. Here their mushroom hovels were replaced with nooks and crannies of the caves. When startled or pursued by predators, these mushroom men would let out a loud echoing yelp, and dozens of them would flee for cover in a chaotic sprint. Here in the caves they mostly lived as scavengers, eating what others left behind, whether that be dung or carcasses.  Here they had little connection to Aiei, and only in their mythos is he mentioned. Aiei is described as "The smell of food" and "Stillness of sleep", which as these mushfolk do not sleep, the idea to them is indistinguishable from death. This often leads to very dangerous situations, as when they disturb a sleeping creature, to them, it has raised from the dead. It is in this scenario they lament Aiei, who has played a trick on them. Yet, when they do find food that is not merely sleeping, they thank Aiei, in their crude language.

And they do not find themselves alone in the caverns. The stonelings and mushfolk often run into eachother, as the stonelings migrate through the caves in search of food. When the two races meet, typically the stonelings will rejoice, for they have found easy prey, and the mushfolk are hunted. Many are slain, but the mushfolk are numerous compared to the stoneling tribes, and so there is no incredible danger of extinction by their hand. Even so, as dangerous as it is, many mushfolk will follow the stonelings at a distance, tailing them through the caverns to eat upon the remains the stonelings leave behind.

As for the stonelings, they are perhaps the most advanced of the races as of yet, with the exception of the mountain folk. They quickly became a nomadic people, the caverns, while plentiful, grew life slowly and deliberately. As such, permanent encampments were nearly impossible for a large population, and instead, the various tribes migrate through the caverns. Over time, each tribe gains a route, pioneered by their ancestors, that they walk in circles over their lifetime. Each stoneling's age is actually measured by the number of times they have passed the point of their birth, which upon birth, is marked by their mother. The stonelings actually do this for a variety of events. As such, the ancestral paths of these tribes are marked with their stories. Records of births, of deaths, of acts of heroism, as well as warnings of nearby danger. The exact method of marking varies from tribe to tribe, some using hard crystals to etch upon the walls, while others use paints of ground mushrooms or blood. Their diet consists mainly of meat of the various cave creatures, as well as deep bananas and rock potatoes. Though, all tribes pass by a single location, a deep still pool of mineral water in a large cavern. This deep deep cavern is where the various tribes meet and trade, sharing stories and information with eachother, typically all arriving about the same time every year. The waters here are rich in minerals, and drinking from them hardens the shells of the stonelings. This location holds a spiritual significance to the stonelings. They believe that were once simply rocks, parts of the caves they now live in. Yet long ago, two gods used the waters which run through the caves to carve them from the stone and imbue them with life. Argonbagh, who's name is equivalent with stone, but somewhat distinct, Stone, as opposed to stone, or occasionally "The Stone" is viewed as a maternal figure. Argonbagh is the quarry from which they were mined. While Acter is viewed as paternal. They are the sculptor and the sharper who reached into Stone and carved them out. The exact amount of romanticism involved in this act is debated among the tribes. Yet in any case, it is a widely held belief that this pool is the resting place of the waters used by Acter to mold Argonbagh into the stonelings, and thus by drinking from it, it enriches both their stoney exteriors and their souls.

Finally, there are mefolk of the shallow ocean. Here most tribes live hunter gather lifestyles upon the waves. Using long spears of bone or wood, they mainly hunt fish, crabs, shellfish, and giant sea slugs for sustenance. Though bubble reed, sea tomatoes, and a variety of edible anemones round out their diets. For these people, beauty and wealth determine the standing of a tribe, and what belongs to another is incredibly coveted. Pretty shells, shiny rocks, well made spears, and the like are all used to determine the value of a tribe, but most importantly of all, the beauty of their queen. Even small weak tribes may find themselves respected by others, if their queen is beautiful enough that marriage of one of children may be in the cards for the members of the stronger tribes. It is in this way that many smaller tribes are incorporated into others, and as princesses that are not wed grow past wedding age, they become queens and start new tribes of their own. They are followed by the ambitious, who have much to gain in social status by becoming the first of a new tribe. And thus the cycle continues, tribes growing, trading, warring, and splitting, the geopolitics of the area in constant flux. And it is in this they praise Ytlili, the first queen. Ytlili is, according to the fishfolk, the mother of their race. It is from her eggs that the fishfolk were first born, and it is her blood that makes them beautiful. It is in her name that most wealth is collected, and the treasuries of each tribe are marked with her symbol, signifying that this wealth is held in reverence to the goddess.

Yet one tribe of fishfolk has undergone a transformation of sorts. While they remain physically the same, they do not rest and they do not laze about as the others of their kind might. They have come to inhabit the eternal whirlpool around Py, which rests at the center of their village. The constant movement of the ocean around it makes the waters choppy and difficult to see through, and the sky is often stormy. Here the islands move themselves and the sea comes alive. And the inhabitants of this tribe grow industrious, they come to learn skills more quickly and have begun using nets and lures in hunting. So too they have come to raid their fellows, though they seek not riches. Unlike the other tribes which will steal the coffers and leave the lives of their fellows intact, unless they attempt to defend their hordes, the Tribe of Py take slaves of all they can, putting them to work in the twisting seas of their home. Some of these tribes even capitalize on this, making slaves of their most ugly members and selling them to the Py Tribe for strange and exotic shells which shimmer with a constant motion. They have come to worship Idmova, who's name is whispered by Py. They see the world like the ocean, ever moving and shifting. This is Idmova, it is the motion of the waves of the sun, and the body. It is said that the world was still before Idmova threw Py down upon it. As it flew to the earth, it bumped the sun so that it may roll across the sky, and the still ocean rocked so profoundly by it's arrival, that all the waves upon it are simply ripples rebounding across the water from the edges of the waters. They see Py as the child of Idmova, an egg sent here to be tended, so that one day, it will ultimately hatch into another Idmova, which will rise up into the heavens and allow it's mother to move on to another world.

As the first visitors finished up their sales, they departed, leaving the gods alone with their realms for a time. Yet slowly, others replaced them and an audience with the gods was requested.

The first individual which arrived was a familiar face among the heavens, Jyll, goddess of slimes. I am Jyll, queen of all the jiggles, goddess of goo, and the slime in the sky. I come here to make an offer to the fledgling gods of this realm. I know firsthand the difficulty in gaining a foothold in the world, and growing your following can be so taxing when you must also construct land, plants and animals. Indeed, many find themselves quickly to be lacking the power needed to pursue their goals. And so, I offer four acts in exchange for allowing me to seed this world with my children. I need at least two gods to accept this offer, and up to four gods may do so, with the acts split among them.

The next is a diminutive creature, most likely a demigod, or at least its equivalent. It is a small statue, gnomish of shape and size, and composed entirely of solid gold. I am Klizzlestamf Antiguine the Third, peddler of wonders and goods most exotic. I have in my possession several objects which may interest the gods. A race of large blue constructs, though I did recently lose a shipment of them, so there are quite a bit fewer than I'd normally offer. Since there are so few, I offer them for only 2 acts. The second is a special kind of crystal, which continuously grows larger. Plant outdoors for best results. A single infusion costs but one act. Lastly is a powerful artifact, a skywhale. The skywhale is a giant construct which is capable of hosting an entire civilization within and upon it's body. Outfitted with defensive weapondry, agricultural zones, water collection systems, and more, this bonafide wonder is a steal at just 5 acts!

Third is an official looking individual, tall and reptilian, clad in grey robes and a ceremonial hat. I am Retom, a representative of the the Inter-dimensional Order of Agreeable Gods. I heard word of the birth of a new world and come to offer induction into the IOAG. As members of the IOAG, this world will be able to call upon other IOAG members in time of great need, as well as make requests of IOAG merchants, and complimentary gifts every few cycles. Of course, you'd also follow and be protected by our laws. Accepting the induction required unanimous agreement of the gods, and taxes typically run about 1 act per god per turn.

Last is a lavender colored eldritch being. They have many rows of tentacles which rotate across their humanoid body in rows, with each row rotating the opposite direction. This gives them a rather unusual sense of uneasy movement. I am Agai. I come here wishing to establish a garden upon this world. I will populate it with floura and fauna of my world, and occasionally return to prune the garden and collect some of it's fruit. I will pay up to five acts for this, though will accept offers if gods are willing to accept it for less than that.

Spoiler: Acter (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Aiei (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Argonbagh (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Patriarch (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Idmova (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Multitudes (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kos(m)aritencku (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ytlia (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 05:14:00 pm by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #47 on: July 12, 2020, 11:08:08 am »

Acter looks upon the visiting gods, and smiles when he sees Jyll.
Salutations, Jyll. It has been a long time since I have seen you. Know that I accept and approve your children, and regret that I did not expressly do so at my first opportunity.
As well, Agai.
Acter turns to the eldritch being. I have worked with one akin to you before, and found them rather agreeable. As such, I am inclined to accept your offer as well, but if I may, I should first like to see what you intend to plant in this garden.

And, ah, Mr. Antiguine. I believe I may have news of what happened to that shipment of constructs?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 06:38:28 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #48 on: July 12, 2020, 11:19:28 am »

Third is an official looking individual, tall and reptilian, clad in grey robes and a ceremonial hat. I am Retom, a representative of the the Inter-dimensional Order of Agreeable Gods. I heard word of the birth of a new world and come to offer induction into the IOAG. As members of the IOAG, this world will be able to call upon other IOAG members in time of great need, as well as make requests of IOAG merchants, and complimentary gifts every few cycles. Of course, you'd also follow and be protected by our laws. Accepting the induction required unanimous agreement of the gods, and taxes typically run about 1 act per god per turn.
Various spiders chitter, crabs snap their claws and wolves howl

"Ooh, ooh! I have a question! What's a 'law'? Are they tasty?!"

As the first visitors finished up their sales, they departed, leaving the gods alone with their realms for a time. Yet slowly, others replaced them and an audience with the gods was requested.

The first individual which arrived was a familiar face among the heavens, Jyll, goddess of slimes. I am Jyll, queen of all the jiggles, goddess of goo, and the slime in the sky. I come here to make an offer to the fledgling gods of this realm. I know firsthand the difficulty in gaining a foothold in the world, and growing your following can be so taxing when you must also construct land, plants and animals. Indeed, many find themselves quickly to be lacking the power needed to pursue their goals. And so, I offer four acts in exchange for allowing me to seed this world with my children. I need at least two gods to accept this offer, and up to four gods may do so, with the acts split among them.

Various seals honk in excitement as clams chatter happily.

"Ooh! More life! And instead of paying for it, we get paid! Please yes, do it! Can I ask you to come again?!"
Last is a lavender colored eldritch being. They have many rows of tentacles which rotate across their humanoid body in rows, with each row rotating the opposite direction. This gives them a rather unusual sense of uneasy movement. I am Agai. I come here wishing to establish a garden upon this world. I will populate it with floura and fauna of this world, and occasionally return to prune the garden and collect some of it's fruit. I will pay up to five acts for this, though will accept offers if gods are willing to accept it for less than that.
"Let There be Multitudes is a master bargainerer! I will let you in for 3 acts if you can gift the world with a parasite that makes mortals smarter the more offspring they produce!"
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 11:22:49 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #49 on: July 12, 2020, 03:20:46 pm »

The first individual which arrived was a familiar face among the heavens, Jyll, goddess of slimes. I am Jyll, queen of all the jiggles, goddess of goo, and the slime in the sky. I come here to make an offer to the fledgling gods of this realm. I know firsthand the difficulty in gaining a foothold in the world, and growing your following can be so taxing when you must also construct land, plants and animals. Indeed, many find themselves quickly to be lacking the power needed to pursue their goals. And so, I offer four acts in exchange for allowing me to seed this world with my children. I need at least two gods to accept this offer, and up to four gods may do so, with the acts split among them.

Ytlia’s form us currently that of a captivating figure’s possible essence hiding her inner shell, ”As it is currently already set in motion that this will event pass, I will accept this transgression to takes place apart of this world, as a form of acceptance and tithing for your desire to manipulate this world to come.

”Third is an official looking individual, tall and reptilian, clad in grey robes and a ceremonial hat. I am Retom, a representative of the the Inter-dimensional Order of Agreeable Gods. I heard word of the birth of a new world and come to offer induction into the IOAG. As members of the IOAG, this world will be able to call upon other IOAG members in time of great need, as well as make requests of IOAG merchants, and complimentary gifts every few cycles. Of course, you'd also follow and be protected by our laws. Accepting the induction required unanimous agreement of the gods, and taxes typically run about 1 act per god per turn.
Ytlia switched back to her horrifying visage, and displaying her sharp teeth at the idea of taxes. ”This is an offer I will simply not accept and will not benefit from, we do not need the protection of others on the territories that we do claim, this is my clear refusal for this... concept, though unless you can convince me how these merchants fan valuable for the possibility of changing my deific viewpoint on this.

”Last is a lavender colored eldritch being. They have many rows of tentacles which rotate across their humanoid body in rows, with each row rotating the opposite direction. This gives them a rather unusual sense of uneasy movement. I am Agai. I come here wishing to establish a garden upon this world. I will populate it with floura and fauna of this world, and occasionally return to prune the garden and collect some of it's fruit. I will pay up to five acts for this, though will accept offers if gods are willing to accept it for less than that.
If this is to be agreed upon, you will choose the location of this garden without our input and discretion?, may we advise you before on a more agreeable place before you would take initiative on this enterprise?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 05:29:38 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #50 on: July 12, 2020, 05:27:48 pm »

"Ho hm!" Argonbagh rises to greet the newcomers, a little stronger now for the worship of the stonelings: a genial expression stretches once more across his granite visage. "Wel-come, out-lan-ders! I am Argonbagh."

The stone-god proceeds to address each visitor in turn, marking his words with various bows of the head (as is proper) and sweeps of the arm (as is natural).
"I, too, give my word to the off-er of Jyll. The pact has been sealed, and I wish to use its gifts for my stone-lings."
"Your crys-tal, small pedd-ler. How is its growth... stopped?"
re-pre-sen-ta-tive Re-tom, I can-not give my word to yours at this time: the cost is high, and this world is young. Might I ask you to re-turn in some cy-cles' time?"

Argonbagh grins a wry grin as he addresses the last outsider. "Three acts, gar-de-ner A-gai. No con-di-tions."
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 07:57:12 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #51 on: July 12, 2020, 09:00:54 pm »

And, ah, Mr. Antiguine. I believe I may have news of what happened to that shipment of constructs?[/font]

Stolen! Absolutely stolen! Along with my trusty servant, and nephew on my sister's side, Annuum! They took a fair bit of cargo, including several species of mortals, and a few lands which were supposed to be going to long term storage after I made my rounds! I worry so dearly for Annumm, caught by that web weaving demon.

”Last is a lavender colored eldritch being. They have many rows of tentacles which rotate across their humanoid body in rows, with each row rotating the opposite direction. This gives them a rather unusual sense of uneasy movement. I am Agai. I come here wishing to establish a garden upon this world. I will populate it with floura and fauna of this world, and occasionally return to prune the garden and collect some of it's fruit. I will pay up to five acts for this, though will accept offers if gods are willing to accept it for less than that.
If this is to be agreed upon, you will choose the location of this garden without our input and discretion?, may we advise you before on a more agreeable place before you would take initiative on this enterprise?

I would be most open to spots which those among you think would make for suitable locations. It simply need enough space to grow and access to sunlight. Of course, I cannot accept a location which would not permit the garden to grow. 

"Ho hm!" Argonbagh rises to greet the newcomers, a little stronger now for the worship of the stonelings: a genial expression stretches once more across his granite visage. "Wel-come, out-lan-ders! I am Argonbagh."

The stone-god proceeds to address each visitor in turn, marking his words with various bows of the head (as is proper) and sweeps of the arm (as is natural).
"Your crys-tal, small pedd-ler. How is its growth... stopped?"

Ah! You do not! It simply continues growing, so long as it can draw warmth or sunlight or magic into itself. Of course this effect is greatly diminished in smaller crystals, as the effect is proportional to surface area and energy intake. I suppose you could break it into tiny pieces and put it in a very cold dark and magicless cave to stop it. That would do it. Probably.

Argonbagh grins a wry grin as he addresses the last outsider. "Three acts, gar-de-ner A-gai. No con-di-tions."

That is a delightful offer. Though I do believe you will surely win the garden, it is customary to allow all an opportunity to make bids. I thank you once more, and if none can best your generosity, then we shall meet and discuss locations which you would think are suitable.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #52 on: July 12, 2020, 10:41:20 pm »

That is a delightful offer. Though I do believe you will surely win the garden, it is customary to allow all an opportunity to make bids. I thank you once more, and if none can best your generosity, then we shall meet and discuss locations which you would think are suitable.
"Multitudes is Masterest Bargainererer! We will let you in for free! Though that parasite would still be nice."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #53 on: July 12, 2020, 10:44:35 pm »

That is a delightful offer. Though I do believe you will surely win the garden, it is customary to allow all an opportunity to make bids. I thank you once more, and if none can best your generosity, then we shall meet and discuss locations which you would think are suitable.
"Multitudes is Masterest Bargainererer! We will let you in for free! Though that parasite would still be nice."
Acter head-desks on the surface he created earlier.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #54 on: July 13, 2020, 01:34:07 am »

The first individual which arrived was a familiar face among the heavens, Jyll, goddess of slimes. I am Jyll, queen of all the jiggles, goddess of goo, and the slime in the sky. I come here to make an offer to the fledgling gods of this realm. I know firsthand the difficulty in gaining a foothold in the world, and growing your following can be so taxing when you must also construct land, plants and animals. Indeed, many find themselves quickly to be lacking the power needed to pursue their goals. And so, I offer four acts in exchange for allowing me to seed this world with my children. I need at least two gods to accept this offer, and up to four gods may do so, with the acts split among them.

Various seals honk in excitement as clams chatter happily.

"Ooh! More life! And instead of paying for it, we get paid! Please yes, do it! Can I ask you to come again?!"
Last is a lavender colored eldritch being. They have many rows of tentacles which rotate across their humanoid body in rows, with each row rotating the opposite direction. This gives them a rather unusual sense of uneasy movement. I am Agai. I come here wishing to establish a garden upon this world. I will populate it with floura and fauna of this world, and occasionally return to prune the garden and collect some of it's fruit. I will pay up to five acts for this, though will accept offers if gods are willing to accept it for less than that.
"Let There be Multitudes is a master bargainerer! I will let you in for 3 acts if you can gift the world with a parasite that makes mortals smarter the more offspring they produce!"
That is a delightful offer. Though I do believe you will surely win the garden, it is customary to allow all an opportunity to make bids. I thank you once more, and if none can best your generosity, then we shall meet and discuss locations which you would think are suitable.
"Multitudes is Masterest Bargainererer! We will let you in for free! Though that parasite would still be nice."
"Hmph! Not without lands to put them on, you won't.

If either offer is to be accepted, it should be the masters of those lands who are to hold them who should reap the bounty."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #55 on: July 13, 2020, 11:16:33 pm »

If either offer is to be accepted, it should be the masters of those lands who are to hold them who should reap the bounty."[/glow]

Woe is the plight of the Jyll, as her slimes will rain from the sky. I am no weather goddess, and so I can't direct which way the winds blow the storm.

I would be most welcome to do so, if at all possible. It seems this Multitudes has no land to call their own. Would you have a suggested location perhaps?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #56 on: July 13, 2020, 11:32:49 pm »

While I will not claim to speak definitively for Argonbagh, I should believe that we would be open to receiving your garden in the Underdark. We will, of course, require the three Acts previously mentioned.
Mind you, this offer is Argonbagh's to retract or amend. Should mine stony friend decide they do not wish for your garden to be within what is ultimately his domain, I will not begrudge him that.

I will note, however, that we will need either a transport for sunlight to the garden or some substitute for it, I'm afraid.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 11:35:15 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #57 on: July 14, 2020, 02:18:50 pm »

While I will not claim to speak definitively for Argonbagh, I should believe that we would be open to receiving your garden in the Underdark. We will, of course, require the three Acts previously mentioned.
Mind you, this offer is Argonbagh's to retract or amend. Should mine stony friend decide they do not wish for your garden to be within what is ultimately his domain, I will not begrudge him that.

I will note, however, that we will need either a transport for sunlight to the garden or some substitute for it, I'm afraid.

While I do appreciate this offer, I would not be able to ensure proper growing conditions in addition to paying for space and protection. However, if you would host and guard the garden without the fee, I could create enough light for it to be harbored underground.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #58 on: July 14, 2020, 02:25:27 pm »

While I will not claim to speak definitively for Argonbagh, I should believe that we would be open to receiving your garden in the Underdark. We will, of course, require the three Acts previously mentioned.
Mind you, this offer is Argonbagh's to retract or amend. Should mine stony friend decide they do not wish for your garden to be within what is ultimately his domain, I will not begrudge him that.

I will note, however, that we will need either a transport for sunlight to the garden or some substitute for it, I'm afraid.

While I do appreciate this offer, I would not be able to ensure proper growing conditions in addition to paying for space and protection. However, if you would host and guard the garden without the fee, I could create enough light for it to be harbored underground.
Ah, apologies; I did not make myself quite clear. I assure you, we would handle making the location suitable. That last note was merely my thinking out loud. The original offer remains standing.
[OOC note: "Original offer" means "still 3 acts", so we're clear.]
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Soothly we live in mighty years!
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #59 on: July 14, 2020, 02:46:06 pm »

The aether trembles at the chortlings of Argonbagh. "Well played, O mul-ti-tu-dinous All-Holy! You are bold in-deed."

"There is no need for the ma-king of false lights,
gar-de-ner A-gai-- my moun-tains are nu-mer-ous, and set with calm val-leys. Choose a-mong them as you like-- for the price I have named, you will find there light and se-clu-sion both!"
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important
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