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Author Topic: Gods of Creation 2020 IC  (Read 7888 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« on: July 07, 2020, 11:31:07 am »

Deep in the cosmic hinterlands, a wild and vibrant place of the multiverse far from the central towers of the most ancient gods, but yet, rather a midway point between several clusters of divine dominions. As the world seed blooms into it's dark swirling form, the gods of this place pull themselves from the aether and watch their planet begin to swell and swirl, awaiting the tempered hands of the deific sculptors to mold it.

It is then the roads began to form, the twisting rivers of light that connect the multitudes of the universe together, unseen by mortal eyes, but to the gods, their splendor signaled that they are not as isolated as the empty void suggests. While some find solace in the fact they are not alone in this dark empty realm, still one must wonder at what evils may attempt to traverse those roads, drawing ever so near your realm. As the rivers of light twisted and settled into their path, the newborn gods found their world served as the foundation of a crossroads, a connection between places yet unconnected. Soon denizens of the higher realms will begin to sail this river, passing deep below your world, just close enough to reach out to the lords of this place.

Even now, several deities have metaphorically docked in your metaphysical harbor beneath the physical plane. Whether they sensed the shifting tides of the light river, or happened to have been in the right place at the right time, it is unclear. Still, whatever their reasons, they seek audience with the gods, as is their holy claim of as travelers upon the light river.

The first to arrive is wide fat being of hearty demeanor. Their body is a dense swirling gas purple and white of color, with a twisting maelstrom where one may expect a belly button their plump stomach. Even by divine standards, they are quite large, and exceedingly fat, though neither seem to diminish the light and airy motions, save for a bit of gaseous jiggling. I, Ulutross come before this new realm, naught but a simple practitioner of my craft. While I do admit, I was drawn naught by any but curiosity, it is because that curiosity was piqued that I do indeed stand before you now. As is the case with many a new realm, yours was born alone. And to some among you, this may be a disappointment, for as you know, some worlds are born as twins, one spirit and one physical. Now, while this is a matter of taste, I find options to be the spice of life, choices which direct the flow are indeed ones which must be chewed and digested before deciding upon action. And thus it is an option I offer you. I, as a world farmer, could graft upon your world a spirit realm. While it may blossom and grow to one day mirror your world, it would always remain wild, as it is not born of the same aether as you. This does not mean it's untameable of course, just that you'd experience lesser control over it than the physical realm. The decision is yours of course, and the price is 10 acts.

The swirling god Ulutross bows before backing away, making room for another to approach. They were an olive skinned god, with eyes of ruby gemstones. They wore clothes most plain and you notice their shoes are worn from many journeys along the bank of the lightriver. Ah welcome to the multiverse, newly crowned kings and queens of this fledgling land. I am Alouk, and I offer what little I can as welcome to existence. I carry little on me at the moment, as I was returning home when I discovered the path that led me near your lands. Still, I carry several plants and seeds foraged from across the worlds. Though I do apologize, as most of my popular selection has been sold out already.  The first of what I offer is the brittle birch tree, a tree which grows quickly, but it's wood is so weak that a mere mortal could fell it with their own hands alone, for but a minor act. The next is the jingle berry bush, which is always a good seller. It's a squat bush which grows in shade and whose berries make a delightful sound as the wind shakes them, they even have medicinal properties in pain and fever relief. They cost naught but an act. The third is one I've yet been able to sell, due to it's more specific conditions. It is an Abololabola, which roughly translates to Tree Which Knows, but could also be translated as Tree of Face. This sentient tree will live as long as it is cared for, growing wise and ancient enough to serve as counsel to god and man alike. However, it must be watered with a minor act every turn, or gain a following of worshipers, lest it shall wither. Since I was unable to sell it, I'll offer it at a discount price of one act. The last thing I have for sale, and for good reason it has not sold, is a bag of wild seeds from across the worlds. I know not what is in it, but there are many kinds of seeds, and I ask 3 acts for it. Alouk bows and steps back.

Another approaches, a demigod of the hunt in armor of a blue blue fur and metal bones.
I know you are busy, so I shall keep this short. I am Hikui, and I am born of the hunt. Newborn worlds can serve as incubation nests for powerful creatures, and I seek permission to place one such monster upon your world so that I may return in five turns of the universe hence and slay it. I offer two hunting acts as payment, one now, and one when I return to slay the beast once it has matured. Thank you.

As stiffly and as coarsely as they approached, they departed to make room for the last two to approach. Unlike the previous gods, these beings gave off an aura of foul magics and an equally pungent scent of decay. The first, a long spindly black thing whose disproportionally long limbs gave the slightest impression of spider legs spoke first. Newborn worlds are so empty, don't you think? So much potential, but so little of substance. I offer you several species of mortals, which were, oh how should I put this, acquired from distant realms. The second one, a lumpy being which seems to be a potato in roughly the shape of a masculine human, but perhaps more closely resembles a golem. Land. The being then nods in your general direction, but perhaps slightly to the left. Yes, and my partner here offers hand picked lands from a variety of worlds. I've taken the liberty of making a menu... a list, yes a list of what we have available.

(1) A race of furry horned mortals standing but a foot tall. Prone to living in small communities isolated from outsiders. (2 acts)
(2) A race of large blue constructs. Dim of mind, slow to reproduce. They grow quite large over time. (2 acts)
(3) You cant quite make it out, but something is scratched out here. Snake people. (2 acts)
(4) A race of fungus people. Reproduce via spores and budding. Highly adaptable. (2 acts)
(5) Land. (1 act)
(6) Land. (3 acts)
(7) Land. (3 acts)
(8) Land. (2 acts)

Upon giving you the list of their wares the two beings left your presence, as the others had before them, so that you may consider their offers. They linger nearby, awaiting your call.

The eight gods of this new world look out upon their canvas, a world of their design. They look at eachother, and at their guests, and then, they begin.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2020, 11:49:12 am »

Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2020, 12:05:32 pm »

Another approaches, a demigod of the hunt in armor of a blue blue fur and metal bones.[/i] I know you are busy, so I shall keep this short. I am Hikui, and I am born of the hunt. Newborn worlds can serve as incubation nests for powerful creatures, and I seek permission to place one such monster upon your world so that I may return in five turns of the universe hence and slay it. I offer two hunting acts as payment, one now, and one when I return to slay the beast once it has matured. Thank you.
A multitude of bird screeches, and snake hisses and fishes flopping around harmonize together to form buzzing multi-layered speech.

"We, Let There Be Multitudes, officially grant permission for this new life to be placed upon our world, as is our divine prerogative"

(4) A race of fungus people. Reproduce via spores and budding. Highly adaptable. (2 acts)
"Oooh! Gimme!"

Multitudes pays 2 acts for the Fungus People.

The writhing mass of creatures that makes up Let There Be Multitudes then turns their shattered attention to their fellow native gods, speaking in sibilant reptilian hisses and insectile buzzing.

"Our siblings! Fellow nestlings! Born of Same Egg, Sprouted from Same Seed! Before us lies our future, our world! As I stare upon the seed of infinite potential, a burning passion grips my many many hearts! We must form for our world a heart of meat, so that it can live and care for its inhabitants! Who would support me in this noble mission? I am told by the instincts of a multitude that such a great heart would take at least 4 acts, with 5 acts being true perfection. I am willing to commit 1 act to the Meat Worldheart!"
« Last Edit: July 09, 2020, 03:47:56 pm by Demonic Spoon »

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2020, 12:34:04 pm »

The third is one I've yet been able to sell, due to it's more specific conditions. It is an Abololabola, which roughly translates to Tree Which Knows, but could also be translated as Tree of Face. This sentient tree will live as long as it is cared for, growing wise and ancient enough to serve as counsel to god and man alike. However, it must be watered with a minor act every turn, or gain a following of worshipers, lest it shall wither. Since I was unable to sell it, I'll offer it at a discount price of one act.
"L  o  n  g     h  a  v  e     I     t  h  o  u  g  h  t     o  n     t  h  i  s     m  a  t  t  e  r  ,     c  o  n  t  e  m  p  l  a  t  i  n  g     t  h  e     j  o  y  o  u  s     w  i  l  d  s     o  f     t  h  e     f  u  t  u  r  e  ,     a  n  d     t  h  o  u  g  h     t  h  i  s     o  n  e     b  e  a  r  s     a     h  i  g  h     u  p  k  e  e  e  p  ,     i  t  s     c  o  u  n  s  e  l     w  i  l  l     b  e     a  p  p  r  e  c  i  a  t  e  d     b  y     g  o  d     a  n  d     m  o  r  t  a  l     a  l  i  k  e  .     S  o     n  o  w  ,     a  f  t  e  r     m  u  c  h     d  e  l  i  b  e  r  a  t  i  o  n  ,     i  t     i  s     m  y     g  r  e  a  t     p  l  e  a  s  u  r  e     t  o     p  u  r  c  h  a  s  e     t  h  e     T  r  e  e     w  h  i  c  h    K  n  o  w  s  ,     w  h  o  m     I     s  h  a  l  l     c  a  r  e     f  o  r     a  n  d     n  u  r  t  u  r  e     u  n  t  i  l     s  u  c  h     a     t  i  m  e     a  s     i  t     h  a  s     d  e  v  e  l  o  p  e  d     a     c  u  l  t     o  f     i  t  s     o  w  n  .     T  h  e     w  o  o  d  s     r  e  j  o  i  c  e     a  t     y  o  u  r     g  i  f  t  ,     g  o  o  d     U  l  u  t  r  o  s  s  ,     a  n  d     I     w  i  s  h     y  o  u     s  a  f  e     t  r  a  v  e  l  s     a  n  d  ,     f  a  t  e     w  i  l  l  i  n  g  ,     a     r  e  u  n  i  o  n     t  h  a  t     y  o  u     m  a  y     s  e  e     t  h  e     f  r  u  i  t  s     a  n  d     b  r  a  n  c  h  e  s     a  n  d     r  o  o  t  s     a  n  d     l  e  a  v  e  s     o  f     y  o  u  r     p  r  e  c  i  o  u  s     g  i  f  t  ."
TL;DL: Purchase the Abololabola seed! (1 Act, max. of 2 Acts)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 01:54:53 pm by Kilojoule Proton »

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2020, 01:10:41 pm »

Acter steps forward, haltingly, but steadily. He lays his book out on an ephemeral surface, open, and pushes the golden pages out across it, leaving a rippling sheet of gold, malleable to form and demonstration.
I must say, I have not enjoyed the opportunities of a spirit realm before. So, often, the mysteries available to mortality must be made ourselves. I should enjoy allowing them something truly unknown to explore. As he says this, he shapes a depiction of a world - solid at its core, but cloaked in something of a mesh or mist, one that twists and turns in unusual - though not incomprehensible - manner.
As for foliage... I believe it is primarily the jingleberries and the assorted seeds that are worth consideration. Abololabola is already accounted for, and I expect that the brittle birch would be too weak for most practical purposes. A gold jingleberry bush rises from the sheet as well.
The monster to be hunted... already accounted for. I would provide my own permission, but I rather doubt the huntsman will pay twice for what they already have. Overall, what I have lain out would cost us fourteen acts. Expensive, albeit primarily for acquiring the spirit realm.
So we come finally to species and land.
Acter beckons over the decay-touched gods. I find your descriptions lacking. What are the details of what you have brought here, the snake people and lands especially?

Separate from the consideration of purchases, Acter takes notice of Multitudes' proposition.
A... world-heart. Hmn.
Don't let it tear everything to pieces and I suppose it should be fine. I think I shall be keeping mine own elsewhere, however.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2020, 01:43:57 pm »

(1) A race of furry horned mortals standing but a foot tall. Prone to living in small communities isolated from outsiders. (2 acts)
(2) A race of large blue constructs. Dim of mind, slow to reproduce. They grow quite large over time. (2 acts)

"I     w  o  u  l  d     l  i  k  e     t  o     k  n  o  w     m  o  r  e     a  b  o  u  t     t  h  e  s  e     o  f  f  e  r  i  n  g  s     i  n     p  a  r  t  i  c  u  l  a  r     i  f     y  o  u     w  o  u  l  d     b  e     s  o     k  i  n  d     a  s     t  o     e  n  u  m  e  r  a  t  e     o  r  ,     i  f     t  h  a  t     p  r  o  v  e  s     t  o  o     d  i  f  f  i  c  u  l  t  ,     c  o  n  f  a  b  u  l  a  t  e     t  h  e  i  r     m  a  k  e  u  p     a  n  d     u  n  i  q  u  e     t  r  a  i  t  s  .     I     a  m     l  o  o  k  i  n  g     f  o  r     b  e  i  n  g  s     t  o     f  i  l  l     t  h  e     f  o  r  e  s  t  s     o  f     t  h  e     w  o  r  l  d     w  i  t  h  o  u  t     n  e  e  d  l  e  s  s  l  y     d  e  s  t  r  o  y  i  n  g     t  h  e  m  .     W  h  i  l  e     t  h  e     f  u  r  r  y     h  o  r  n  e  d     m  o  r  t  a  l  s     l  o  o  k     m  o  r  e     s  u  i  t  a  b  l  e     f  o  r     t  h  i  s     p  u  r  p  o  s  e  ,     t  h  e     l  a  r  g  e     b  l  u  e     c  o  n  s  t  r  u  c  t  s     m  o  v  e     a  t     a     m  o  r  e     s  e  n  s  i  b  l  e     p  a  c  e     a  n  d     a  p  p  e  a  r     t  o     b  e     l  e  s  s     p  r  o  n  e     t  o     b  u  r  n  i  n  g     t  h  e  m  s  e  l  v  e  s     o  u  t     a  s     m  o  r  t  a  l  s     a  r  e     w  o  n  t     t  o     d  o     b  y     t  h  e  i  r     v  e  r  y     n  a  t  u  r  e  .     D  o     y  o  u     h  a  v  e     a  n  y     r  e  c  o  m  m  e  n  d  a  t  i  o  n  s  ?    A  l  s  o  ,     d  o     t  h  e     c  o  n  s  t  r  u  c  t  s     c  o  m  e     i  n     g  r  e  e  n     o  r     b  r  o  w  n  ?"
TL;DL: More details?

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2020, 02:17:13 pm »

First record of "That Which Moved", codenamed Idmova

Date: Unknown, presumably ante-creation
Author: Unknown

The locus of the entity designed as IDMOVA formed three ellipses, pulsating seventy-nine more times than it alterned between etheric silver and apocric mercury.

The entirety of the formation seemingly passed past the three "intervenants", not interacting with any of them. Once past a certain yet to be defined astral point, the IDMOVA formation expanded in a manner that could be described as "furious", or "excited".

The core was recorded to emit reality altering power, a measurement of 2 Acts and 1 Motion Act was detected. The apparent purpose of this action: animate the empty aether with a revolution, a motion of beginning and change. Accelerated aether turns to primal grain, and coalesces around a single point.

If more power were put into this furnace of energy, a World may be created, independently from the offers.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2020, 03:23:42 pm by Nakéen »

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2020, 02:46:53 pm »

The swirling god Ulutross bows before backing away, making room for another to approach. They were an olive skinned god, with eyes of ruby gemstones. They wore clothes most plain and you notice their shoes are worn from many journeys along the bank of the lightriver. Ah welcome to the multiverse, newly crowned kings and queens of this fledgling land. I am Alouk, and I offer what little I can as welcome to existence. I carry little on me at the moment, as I was returning home when I discovered the path that led me near your lands. Still, I carry several plants and seeds foraged from across the worlds. Though I do apologize, as most of my popular selection has been sold out already.  The first of what I offer is the brittle birch tree, a tree which grows quickly, but it's wood is so weak that a mere mortal could fell it with their own hands alone, for but a minor act. The next is the jingle berry bush, which is always a good seller. It's a squat bush which grows in shade and whose berries make a delightful sound as the wind shakes them, they even have medicinal properties in pain and fever relief. They cost naught but an act. The third is one I've yet been able to sell, due to it's more specific conditions. It is an Abololabola, which roughly translates to Tree Which Knows, but could also be translated as Tree of Face. This sentient tree will live as long as it is cared for, growing wise and ancient enough to serve as counsel to god and man alike. However, it must be watered with a minor act every turn, or gain a following of worshipers, lest it shall wither. Since I was unable to sell it, I'll offer it at a discount price of one act. The last thing I have for sale, and for good reason it has not sold, is a bag of wild seeds from across the worlds. I know not what is in it, but there are many kinds of seeds, and I ask 3 acts for it. Alouk bows and steps back.
The flowers growing from the flesh of fieldmice and sparrows bloom joyfully, their perfumes mixing with the pheremones of ants and termites to communicate the will of the Multitudes. Some sort of private understanding grows between the Multitudes, Acter and Aiei.

"Most wondrous, good merchant! We shall take your wild seeds! Gimme!"

Acter, Multitudes and Aiei pools 1 act each to buy the Wild Seeds, which is divided equally among them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2020, 02:53:47 pm »

Acter quietly chuckles.
I would thank you not to presume to have my Acts before I give them to you. That said, I concur with the course of action.
Acter plucks a page from their tome, and it folds itself into a crude gliding form - what mortals may one day call a "paper airplane". He tosses it gently, and it drifts peacefully to the Multitudes, ready to be caught and delivered to Alouk at their leisure.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2020, 02:55:41 pm »

Having contributed 1 Act to the purchase, Aiei takes her share of the Wild Seeds and plants a few of the less interesting looking specimens on her back.

"W  h  a  t     m  a  n  n  e  r     o  f     g  a  r  d  e  n     w  i  l  l     t  h  i  s     p  r  o  d  u  c  e  ?     G  r  o  w  ,     m  y     l  o  v  e  l  i  e  s  !"

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2020, 03:05:50 pm »

Acter will take some time to look over the seeds he has received, in the case he might be able to identify them before planting.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2020, 03:12:27 pm »

Another approaches, a demigod of the hunt in armor of a blue blue fur and metal bones.[/i] I know you are busy, so I shall keep this short. I am Hikui, and I am born of the hunt. Newborn worlds can serve as incubation nests for powerful creatures, and I seek permission to place one such monster upon your world so that I may return in five turns of the universe hence and slay it. I offer two hunting acts as payment, one now, and one when I return to slay the beast once it has matured. Thank you.
"Grist for the mill," Patriarch rumbles. "I too accept your offer."

Accept another copy of Hikui's offer.

The writhing mass of creatures that makes up Let There Be Multitudes then turns their shattered attention to their fellow native gods, speaking in sibilant reptilian hisses and insectile buzzing.

"Our siblings! Fellow nestlings! Born of Same Egg, Sprouted from Same Seed! Before us lies our future, our world! As I stare upon the seed of infinite potential, a burning passion grips my many many hearts! We must form for our world a heart of meat, so that it can live and care for its inhabitants! Who would support me in this noble mission? I am told by the instincts of a multitude that such a great heart would take at least 4 acts, with 5 acts being true perfection. I am willing to commit 1 act to the Meat Worldheart!"
Mmm... a central power to shape the world. I approve, but should each contribution not be of a unique sphere? Thus shall the Heart- and the world it powers- reflect the whims of those who forged it.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2020, 03:25:22 pm »

Mmm... a central power to shape the world. I approve, but should each contribution not be of a unique sphere? Thus shall the Heart- and the world it powers- reflect the whims of those who forged it.
There is some debate among asphyxiating fish and gluttonous hamsters, before a consensus seems to be reached.

"This sounds pleasing to us. We could give our life act instead of a normal act, to make the worldheart truly meaty."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2020, 04:00:28 pm »

There is some debate among asphyxiating fish and gluttonous hamsters, before a consensus seems to be reached.

"This sounds pleasing to us. We could give our life act instead of a normal act, to make the worldheart truly meaty."
"Excellent. As for my own contribution... I believe a Decadent Heart would better serve as steward than a Depraved one."

Quote from: Planned Heart of the World
Multitudes (DS): Life
Patriarch (IO): Decadence
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2020 IC
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2020, 04:28:28 pm »

"Pleased rhetorics, I find your tincture
       "Although doubt full I am with your smooth-bore grins"                                 pleasing and do support this project, "and your deceitful glares that harm our futures grim and new" with delightful hopes of betterment of ourselves and our prospects"

Quote from: Planned Heart of the World
Multitudes (DS): Life
Patriarch (IO): Decadence
Kos(m)aritencku (M): Mysticism

The first to arrive is wide fat being of hearty demeanor. Their body is a dense swirling gas purple and white of color, with a twisting maelstrom where one may expect a belly button their plump stomach. Even by divine standards, they are quite large, and exceedingly fat, though neither seem to diminish the light and airy motions, save for a bit of gaseous jiggling. I, Ulutross come before this new realm, naught but a simple practitioner of my craft. While I do admit, I was drawn naught by any but curiosity, it is because that curiosity was piqued that I do indeed stand before you now. As is the case with many a new realm, yours was born alone. And to some among you, this may be a disappointment, for as you know, some worlds are born as twins, one spirit and one physical. Now, while this is a matter of taste, I find options to be the spice of life, choices which direct the flow are indeed ones which must be chewed and digested before deciding upon action. And thus it is an option I offer you. I, as a world farmer, could graft upon your world a spirit realm. While it may blossom and grow to one day mirror your world, it would always remain wild, as it is not born of the same aether as you. This does not mean it's untameable of course, just that you'd experience lesser control over it than the physical realm. The decision is yours of course, and the price is 10 acts.
"Your price is proof of your products particular merits, "and profits" but much-by-much to supply without tyranny "Curiosity is a sin and virtue both; spirits given are never given" of the divine. One must ask, do you intend to return to sell of your mule?"
                                                                                                                                "Ultutross? Is that my grandchild's sire?"
« Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 04:36:01 pm by micelus »
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Inanna is my husbando
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