The guard captain, at last, gave an exhausted sigh.
"...I suppose we have a willing reinforcement. How long do you think the key should last?" "Perhaps ten minutes wouldn't be too big of a risk? It would give you plenty of time to recover your delinquent from the chamber or whatever, before you throw the new prisoner in there. Should worst come to worst, it wouldn't be enough time for the prisoners to make too much trouble." "It can't be any shorter? ...Fine. Do your thing." It was clear to the guard captain that this enchanter had long lost the patience for negotiation.
With the key created, the guards, the prisoner, Claus, and Viverna left the Office of Keys and descended through the cold, dark dungeons, through the cacophonous first level, and the under-renovations second level, where they stopped near a dumbwaiter to receive the prisoner-fit food (soldiers and scholars were forbidden from providing mess hall food to the prisoners, for some peculiar security measure), before approaching Chamber 53. The prisoners could hear the marching of armor approaching their cell.
"This is where you'll be providing food, until the insurgents are relocated to a safer chamber."One of the guards banged against the door with the end of his lance (to try and silence the frantic ruckus being made by one of the prisoners), took the key and 'unlocked' the door, whereupon the soft ticking noise returned.
"You first," the guard said as they gestured toward Claus.