Akira made a measured approach towards a goblin... before unsheathing and cutting with his heavy blade in a single stroke!
Akira is Defending!
Akira Initiates!
Hit Rate: 84 - 26 = 58
Hit: 20, Hit!
Crit Rate: 3 - 4 = 0, cannot crit.
Damage: 13 - 2 = 11 Damage!
Goblin B Counterattacks!
Hit Rate: 99 - 13 = 86
Hit: 24, Hit!
Crit Rate: 11 - 1 = 10
Critical: 8, Crit!
Damage: (8 - 4)*3 - 2 = 10 Damage!
Goblin B Counterattacks Again!
Hit Rate: 99 - 13 = 86
Hit: 100, Miss!
He drew a great deal of... no blood, but nonetheless dealt a major wound to the goblin's abdomen! However, the fiend, pantomiming Akira's stance, found a gap in his armor and dealt a similar blow back to him, almost the instant that he had slashed the goblin! It then went for a second strike, only to lose balance from its wound and hit naught but the air.
"Worry not, I shall mend your wounds, Gainive!"Healing Power: 8+15+1
Ivoh'to recovers 17 HP!
Djedre gains 13 Limit Points!
Akira gains 33 Limit Points!
Ivoh'to gains 85 Limit Points!Enemy Phase
The slightly more armored goblin gave a cry while rattling its rapier, and the other two joined it in laughter. The wounded goblin retreated into further forest, surrounding the now-healed Ivoh'to, before rushing in with another thrust!
Goblin B Moves to C6, and Attacks Ivoh'to!Goblin B is in a Forest!
Ivoh'to is in a Forest!
Goblin B Initiates!
Hit Rate: 99 - 26 - 15 = 58
Hit: 45, Hit!
Crit Rate: 11 - 4 = 7
Crit: 86, no crit.
Damage: 8 - 2 - 1 = 5 Damage!
Ivoh'to Counterattacks!
Hit Rate: 99 - 26 - 15 = 58
Hit: 6, Hit!
Crit Rate: 11 - 4 = 7
Critical: 79, no crit.
Damage: 10 - 2 - 1 = 7 Damage!
And through the forest and the darkness, the fiend struck true! And yet,
due to the GM rereading an action he previously misread, the cat struck back harder!
All the while, the unharmed goblin rushed further back into the woods to harass the bard.
Goblin A Moves to B6, and Attacks Arnvidar!Goblin A is in a Forest!
Arnvidar is in a Forest!
Weapon Triangle Advantage!
Goblin A Initiates!
Hit Rate: 99 - 24 + 15 - 15 = 75
Hit: 9, Hit!
Crit Rate: 11 - 4 = 7
Critical: 58, no crit.
Damage: 8 - 3 + 1 - 1 = 5 Damage!
Arnvidar Counterattacks!
Hit Rate: 97 - 26 - 15 - 15 = 41
Hit: 71, Miss!
The goblin made a clean, blood-drawing swipe at Arnvidar's arm, catching him by surprise, his sidearm's shot ringing in a nearby tree.
Amidst all this, the seeming leader of the band broke rank to cover the other flank, diving between the trees before delivering a nasty suckerpunch to the kid from Kueseka!
Goblin Guard A Moves to F9, and Attacks Akira!Goblin Guard A is in a Forest!
Goblin Guard A Initiates, and casts Goblin Punch!
Hit Rate: 89 - 13 = 76
Hit: 56, Hit!
Crit Rate: 5 - 1 = 4
Critical: 97, no crit.
Damage: 19 - 4 - 2 = 13 Damage!
Akira Counterattacks!
Hit Rate: 84 - 17 - 15 = 52
Hit: 18, Hit!
Crit Rate: 3 - 1 = 2
Critical: 58, no crit.
Damage: 13 - 6 - 1 = 6 Damage!
Goblin Guard A casts Goblin Punch again!
Hit Rate: 89 - 13 = 76
Hit: 91, Miss!
And yet, Akira still stood, and delivered a strike in retaliation himself. When the goblin guard attempted another knockout blow, he instead stumbled and missed the mark, giving Akira time to breathe!
Ivoh'to gains 25 Limit Points!Arnvidar gains 18 Limit Points!Akira gains 43 Limit Points!~~Turn 2~~
Player Phase Renewal activates! Djedre heals 4 HP!Limit: 217/255 {0}
EXP: 12/100Party:
Arnvidar Storme: 22/27 HP,
1/1 MP (Iron Handgun)
Djedre Argenteolus: 30/30 HP,
1/1 MP (Iron Axe)
Akira Akiyama: 7/30 HP,
2/2 MP (Iron Blade)
Ivoh'to: 15/20 HP,
4/4 MP (Iron Dagger)
Noah Barnet(?): 26/26 HP,
10/12 MP (Oak Staff)
Goblin A: 20/20 HP,
2/2 MP (Iron Dagger)
Goblin B: 2/20 HP,
2/2 MP (Iron Dagger)
Goblin C: 20/20 HP,
2/2 MP (Iron Dagger)
Goblin D: 20/20 HP,
2/2 MP (Iron Dagger)
Goblin E: 20/20 HP,
2/2 MP (Iron Dagger)
Goblin Guard A: 25/31 HP,
0/2 MP (Iron Rapier)
Goblin Guard B: 31/31 HP,
2/2 MP (Iron Rapier)
Goblin Guard C: 31/31 HP,
2/2 MP (Iron Rapier)
Wolf A: 19/19 HP,
3/3 MP (Iron Rapier)
Wolf B: 19/19 HP,
3/3 MP (Iron Rapier)
Wolf C: 19/19 HP,
3/3 MP (Iron Rapier)
Ghost A: 17/17 HP,
14/14 MP (Ash Staff)
Ghost B: 17/17 HP,
14/14 MP (Ash Staff)
Treant A: 30/30 HP,
3/3 MP (Tree Branch)
Treant B: 30/30 HP,
3/3 MP (Tree Branch)
Gigas: 28/28 HP,
2/2 MP (Poison Hand)