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Where Would You Like Embark

Option 1: White Northern Desert (Easy)
- 4 (22.2%)
Option 2: Red Northern Desert (Easiest)
- 1 (5.6%)
Option 3: Central Swamp (Normal)
- 1 (5.6%)
Option 4: Rocky Wasteland (Hardest)
- 8 (44.4%)
Option 5: Yellow Southern Desert (Hard)
- 4 (22.2%)

Total Members Voted: 18

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Author Topic: Modded Hell II: Mini-Update  (Read 14384 times)


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Re: Modded Hell II
« Reply #45 on: June 30, 2020, 09:31:46 am »

Aye, true that!


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Re: Modded Hell II
« Reply #46 on: June 30, 2020, 07:33:50 pm »

Pretty much what it's looking like right now.


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Re: Modded Hell II
« Reply #47 on: June 30, 2020, 07:43:25 pm »

Is that a natural fortress on the shore of the evil lake? Pretty rad. What civilizations do we have?


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Re: Modded Hell II
« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2020, 01:55:08 am »

Is that a natural fortress on the shore of the evil lake? Pretty rad. What civilizations do we have?

Isn't that an evil desert? That's rad too.

Speaking of deserts, we should probably settle in some non-flammable place, given the koopas' track record with fire. On the other hand there's no chance of encountering deez nuts in deserts and glaciers.
What I can say with certainty is that we should avoid evil biomes. Depression at day one from evil rain, turtling away from zombies, reanimating livestock; it's all been done to death, and no matter what's the fort's gimmick it's always the same depression spiral.

By the way, what's the situation with the errorlog? Are you able to consistently generate worlds without crashing? Just how much work do you put into putting mods together? I'm just interested in your technique and under-the-hood details, that's all.

King Zultan

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Re: Modded Hell II
« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2020, 04:22:48 am »

Is that a natural fortress on the shore of the evil lake? Pretty rad. What civilizations do we have?
Lets live there, it'll be a beautiful view for all of a few minutes before it burns down.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Modded Hell II
« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2020, 08:36:48 am »

A spot that borders several biomes gives us the best chance to see the most content.
But yeah, I'd also avoid evil areas... I think there will be enough insanity to deal with without spontaneous zombification.


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Re: Modded Hell II
« Reply #51 on: July 01, 2020, 09:13:55 am »

Let's get a nice, lovely view of the barren wasteland.
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".


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Re: Modded Hell II: Picking The Future Koopa Fortress Site
« Reply #52 on: July 01, 2020, 03:40:03 pm »

So let me lay out the world, and what I'm personally looking for for a spawn. Please refer to the picture in the last post for the world map.

Up in the north amidst the central mountains of that weird peninsula that comes out of the glaciers lies the koopas. Ironically enough, there's a little spot in the middle that temperate, despite being so close to the barren ice wastes. They're surrounded by Neandrethals, Chaotic Beings, Edenians, Jawas, Black Mesa Employees, and Beans. They are on good relations with none of them, but each party is so entrenched with more castles than I've ever seen on one map that not much really seems to be going on.

To the west lies a sprawling, freezing rocky wasteland dominated by the koopa's only arguable ally: An enormous bob-omb empire. In the more temperate parts of that that same region struggle Tulmanians, Pirates, Argenta, and Goblinoids. I don't know the relations between these groups, and the koopa's have no natural land access to this area, but it seems like the bob-ombs are winning.

To the south of the koopa peninsula lies one of the main continents. That 'desert' that everyone's been talking about, is in reality a giant, haunted inland sea. Somehow, there's a fortress right on a rock peninsula overlooking the evil waters at it's narrowest point. I don't know exactly who owns it, but it's likely the Aarakocras who dominate the northwest, have their fingers throughout the middle subcontinent to the south, and have coated their capital region with castles and monasteries. To the northeast, on the coast close to the northern glacier, lies the koopa's second closest ally: A largely rural nation of goombas who have lied uncontested in the cold savannahs (?) north of the mountains that separate them from the rest of the continent. In the northwest part of these mountains lies a cold yellow sand that slowly blends into a temperate white sand desert edged by savannah and grassland. This area will be embark option 1, and is in contact with: Tieflings, Aarokocras, Goombas, Ratooeys, Crobolds, Predators, Bullywugs, Centaurians, and Swinefolk. Of these, Tieflings, Goombas, and Swinefolk are friendly if not allies. To the east is a red sand desert, that if anything is just slightly more convenient in terms of resources with an accessible river, flux stone, and more convenient grasslands. This will be embark option 2, which is the same in terms of neighbors except for the fact that the Aarokocra bastion to the west considers it too far to be of interest.

To the south, the continent is dominated by an enormous mire of marshes and swamps that slowly pool into a much more sinister pot hole in the southeast corner. This region is the uncontested homes of the legions of swinefolk and crobolds who war against the Aarokocra to the northwest and the scattered towns in the middle subcontinent. This area has the same neighbors, except that Aerians and Gnolls start to show up as you approach the middle subcontinent.

The people of the middle subcontinent are in an awkward position. There are a lot of nations that only have a few sites to their name that are trying to eek out their existence between the great powers of the regions around them. To the north are unsuitable swamps, to the south are some even worse conditions that I'll get to. Furthermore, the Aarokocra are trying to take over this region in order to wage war against the Crobolds and Swinefolk to the north on two fronts as well as to stop the northern march of the Itchlarians below them, Crobolds and Swinefolk already considered the region as something of a hunting ground and now have a reason to stake more permanent claims in order to prevent the Aarokocra from getting to involved, and the Itchlarians to the south hope to reach their evil allies to the north in order to push the Aarokocra off the continent so that there aren't any major powers available to contest the Crobold-Swinefolk-Itchlarian triple entente. As we enter this region, the Ratooey phase out, as historically they became a protectorate of the Aarokocra. The Koopas, already being allies to the Itchlarian and the Swinefolk, hope to join the evil alliance of the west on the grounds that after the Aarokocra are removed the alliance can aid the Koopas in turning the northern middle peninsula into their own personal fortress complex. The crobolds, however, resent this idea, and remain coldly dismissive of the idea. Lorewise, it would make sense to try to claim this region for Koopa glory, but geographically it's kind of lame. Regardless, anywhere on the middle subcontinent will be known as embark option 3.

The southern continent is, relatively speaking, a sprawling wasteland. Almost the entirety of the continent is composed of a single Untamed Wilds stretching across a yellow sand desert to the east, an untouched savanna to the west, a shattered rocky wasteland to the southwest, and a tropical savanna squashed between mountains and ocean to the southeast. The Itchlarian bastion lies in a haunted swamp in the middle east, with a second bastion to the middle south, completely controlling the routes around that mountain range. Because of this, the Aerians in the southern savanna have been completely cut off from the rest of the continent, now they prepare to hold off the inevitable war with the Itchlarians for that region. Instead, the Itchlarians have essentially secured an entire continent to themselves, and with a third bastion north of the yellow sand desert, they have gained the means to wage war in the middle subcontinent while claiming the entire space south of them. With a fourth bastion being made to monopolize the passage west of that mountain range as well, almost the entirety of the region is their for the taking unless the Aarokocra can get there to contest them. The west savanna is fertile and uncolonized, but it borders the rocky wasteland that is lorded over by a lich and his black tower over a Terrifying sea and the lands it has polluted. The rocky wastelands will be embark option 4, and the yellow sand desert will be embark option 5. The main difference between the two being that the rocky wasteland is near a tower, but outside of the influence of the crobolds. It would be a noble service to the koopa's ithclarian allies if they could secure either of these hostile regions from Aarokocra influence while they focus on the war to the north.

Relatively speaking, the world outside of the east and the north is relatively unpopulated. In between the east and the west continents is a peaceful collection of fishing towns made and owned by the bottle nosed dolphin men.

South of the two northern peninsulas lies an isolated subcontinent made into a sprawling combine encampment as they prepare for what they hope to be an eventual assault on the Black Mesa Employees and Chaos Beings to the north. For this purpose, they have signed a non-aggression treaty with the koopas, who share the peninsula with their enemies and hope to see them driven out.

The western continent is a rough, unclaimed land. The Mandalorians have managed to build a defensive wall of castles in order to claim the northern peninsula as their own, while sending out founding caravans throughout the continent in the hopes of getting another foothold. So far they have not been successful, but some of these towns have gone unsacked as of so far. South of the mountain range that separates them from the Mandalorians to the north are the orcs. The orcs, similarly to the Mandalorians, have focused more on walling themselves in before spreading out. They have built mighty fortifications along the mountains that enclose the fertile river valley that they were born of. Currently, they're vying for the extreme west coast of the world, as are the Mandalorians. Both empires are doing this, because the zombies of the eastern sinister swamp are unlike their brothers on the other continent. They were able to retain enough of their intelligence to construct warped monuments of obsidian from which they can mount raiding parties against the powers of the continent in order to eat them. To make matters worse, Brigands have set up their main pirate hide out on the equatorial isthmus in order to mount raiding expeditions against the boats of the bottle nosed dolphin people in the central islands. To them, raiding is raiding, and because of their location have effectively blocked any and all expansion to the southern part of the western continent.

This region, just like its eastern counterpart, is a completely untamed wilderness marked by sand dunes and broken crag. The only civilization to speak of on this entire land mass is a single Mandalorian hamlet that even now barely holds itself upright on a plateau amidst the central mountains. For all intents and purposes, the Brigands that have them trapped there consider them a plaything, and enjoy knocking over their town when they feel like it like a kid would knock over sand castles. Due to its lack of big players, I'm going to say no embark options on this continent.

Man, here I was saying I was gonna cut back on the lore, and now I've spent my afternoon making a complete and comprehensive world politics scene. Ah well, I'm gonna put up a poll, tell me if anyone wants to know anymore world information.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 03:44:33 pm by MottledPetrel »


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Re: Modded Hell II: Picking The Future Koopa Fortress Site
« Reply #53 on: July 01, 2020, 05:16:58 pm »

i'll take a koopaing, plz.
Dawnthunder: It menaces with spikes of tetanus
After the fire had burned down all of the wooden next boxes on the surface, Mottled Petrel was reluctant to replace them with more wooden nest boxes. Instead, he placed the remaining store of wooden nest boxes in the dormitory for any aspiring koopa mothers.

The nest boxes were immediately overrun by helmet snakes.


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Re: Modded Hell II: Picking The Future Koopa Fortress Site
« Reply #54 on: July 02, 2020, 03:45:24 am »

Any places in the world containing books of secrets?  Raiding nearby settlements to turn our koopas into sorcerers could be fun.

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Re: Modded Hell II: Picking The Future Koopa Fortress Site
« Reply #55 on: July 02, 2020, 08:26:44 am »

I like Option 1 and it’s big pile of neighbors.
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Darkening Kaos

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Re: Modded Hell II: Picking The Future Koopa Fortress Site
« Reply #56 on: July 02, 2020, 08:40:21 am »

    Becoming a cheeseomancer was one of the challenges yet to be completed from the previous fortress …  volunteering to be the one who learns to sneeze copious streams of eldritch cheese from a venerable koopa's nose, hopefully with much ‼fun‼ involved.
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: Modded Hell II: Picking The Future Koopa Fortress Site
« Reply #57 on: July 02, 2020, 05:51:31 pm »

I'm going to get to the koopaing list and updating the mod list in the near future, so yes nezclaw you can be there.

I actually don't know how to look in legends for artifacts, I just wrote down who lived where before I saved the world after generation (I also have no idea what the actual world politics are, but I like what I came up with for lore). If someone could give me a brief explanation of how I could do that, that would be nice.

In terms of differences in spawn, almost all the civs mentioned in option 1 can reach all the way down to five. If I remember correctly, the only difference is that crobolds and ratooeys don't reach down there.

Also we did get a cheesomancer, two actually, the fort just fissled out a little after. If anything I'd like to think that they're still walled up in that room next to the corpse pit.


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Re: Modded Hell II: Picking The Future Koopa Fortress Site
« Reply #58 on: July 02, 2020, 06:20:51 pm »

The way I usually find secrets is to look through the Artifacts list for slabs.  This lets you see what the secrets are and who learned them, and where the slab was last stored.
You can find details about that location by looking in the Sites list, which should also show you which civilization they are a part of.
You can then find the civilization and the specific site (which will be within the boundaries of that civilization) on the world map.

If you want to know more about the world politics, you can generally find that in the events list, which will show which sites make war on each other and what races are taking part in those wars.

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Re: Modded Hell II: Picking The Future Koopa Fortress Site
« Reply #59 on: July 03, 2020, 01:59:48 pm »

In terms of differences in spawn, almost all the civs mentioned in option 1 can reach all the way down to five. If I remember correctly, the only difference is that crobolds and ratooeys don't reach down there.

I'll switch my vote to Option 4, then.
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