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Author Topic: [IC] Remembrance  (Read 52533 times)


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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #480 on: January 09, 2021, 11:48:43 am »


This was a bad idea. A very bad idea. Possibly the worst possible idea. Aroma had always thought she was one of the brave ones. She knew that when the time came to fight and die for her country, she would be at the front leading the charge. But she was wrong. Maybe with a little more practice she could do all of that, but she wasn't ready yet. People were dying. Other people were killing them. She might die. Worse she might kill someone. She wasn't ready for that, she might never be ready for it.

She wasn't going to get a choice.

The shadows dancing at the edges of her vision were her first and last warning that it was time to fight. Regula's shove was the only thing that kept the following gunshot from putting a hole in Aroma's skull.

"Look alive, rookie!" Regula commanded, "Otherwise you might find yourself dead."

Aroma nodded frantically, bug-eyed. She attempted to use her mirror to summon one of her reflections, but her panicked mental state and shaky hands caused her to fumble, placing it at an angle that would be all too easy to see through.

Crack! Regula blocked the second Tyranian meister's baton with her own weapon. The strange, arm-mounted guillotine slammed down in response, creating a shockwave that pulled everyone towards it. The baton-wielder was dragged down, dazed by the sudden gravitational shift destroying her sense of balance. Aroma wasn't very close, so it only caused her to stumble slightly. The gun-toting meister Aroma was facing might have stumbled as well, but the strange optical illusions made by the shadowy orb that circled her made it hard for Aroma to tell. Aroma tried to capitalize either way, summoning another mirror. This time she actually positioned it well, creating an effective illusion of herself to distract her already imbalanced foe. Although she knew she should follow up with her own sidearm and finish off her opponent, Aroma hesitated. She shot a glance at Regula, seeking confirmation from her more experienced compatriot. And that's when she saw it.

Everything slowed to a crawl as something truly horrific unfolded before her. The baton wielder was on her hands and knees, struggling to stand up and free herself, but it was far too late. Regula's guillotine about her neck had already released. Aroma could only stare as the heavy blade sliced downwards into the helpless Tyranian's neck, easily parting skin, flesh, and bone alike. In a moment equal parts serene and distressing, her head fell away, leaving behind a sputtering stump of meaty flesh that Aroma's mind refused to process as part of a human. But that wasn't the most terrifying part. The worst of it was that Aroma's eyes had met the baton-wielder's at the last moment. They hadn't been those of an enemy, filled with defiance and anger. No, Aroma had seen a pair of eyes that mirrored her own, human eyes filled with terror at the events transpiring around them. And in that moment Aroma had realized that she would never be ready. No amount of training or experience could ever free her from the eternal haunting of those eyes. She would see them every time she blinked until the day she died.

And then something cold touched the side of her head.


"I got one, but Hytay is out." Lady Gene radioed, "I'm working on the second, but the old hag isn't easy to shoot. If this gets any worse I'm pulling out."

Bad news that kept getting worse. Astarte's forces were nowhere near finished with their retreat. The Dragon had decimated their tanks, and now she was down a meister with the second on the verge of retreating. If someone didn't do something, it would be a lot more than a few pinned forces that lost their lives today.


The last tank fell easily to Eilyth's assaults. Thanks to the efforts of Aroma and Regula checking the Tyranian meisters, she had been able to make short work of the enemy artillery, and now Vulgara and the Oh-Three were free to advance unhindered.

"Colonel!" Regula shouted over the radio. It sounded like she was still in the middle of a fight, meaning the news was important. "Aroma's dead, couldn't hack it." lived up to the expectation. "I've got the second one on the ropes, but she's fishy. Might not make it outta here myself." a burst of static potentially signaled Regula's prediction coming true, but she continued, "Just wanted you to know about the kid. If I don't see you soon I'll catch you in the next life."
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #481 on: January 09, 2021, 04:40:52 pm »


Thankful for the fact that the guards seemed too relaxed to properly notice their approach, Monika went to open the door in front of them... Nearly stepping into the door itself when it failed to open both inwards and outwards. Taking a moment to remind herself of how obvious it was that a storage area would be locked, Monika took another moment to try and check her pockets, only to stop when she realized that, due to her skirt, she didn't have pockets.

Stupid piece of clothing.

"Hm, well that's awkward. I seem to have forgotten my keys. I don't suppose you have your own, do you?" Monika asked, turning to face Kirari whilst resting her Holy Weapon upon her shoulders. Before her partner could actually respond however, Monika gave off a shrug and started heading off in the direction of the tallest pair of buildings, already knowing what Kirari would respond with, "Ah well, might as well double check the dorms ya know?"


"You've got to be fucking with me right now" Astarte growled in response to the radio's newest report, making sure her crass saying didn't go through. Her artillery support was gone, troop formations in shambles, losing ground far too quickly for her own liking, a Lady down, and now her second planning to retreat soon. The level of failure this operation was on was catastrophic, and thus far Astarte had been unable to do anything other than listen and watch to her own plan go up in flames thanks to a few possibilities she hadn't anticipated.

... Well, if you wanted something done right... You'd simply have to do it yourself.

Breaking from retreat, Astarte began dashing for the field that should have been where the Meisters were engaging. She had spent quite a long time studying the layout of the area in preparation for the battle, so she had a fairly good idea of where it would be. At the same time, she double checked her pistol's ammunition, making sure she had plenty of shots for what she was going to do. She'd need all that she could get.
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
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Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #482 on: January 09, 2021, 05:56:17 pm »

An audible growl emitted from the dragon as she received the news. A disappointing outcome, but not an unexpected one. She'd hoped that having an experienced warrior like Alto take point and placing the girl in a support role for her first battle would've sufficed to change it. Clearly it didn't. Much to her own surprise, Eilyth felt a growing sense of indignation at that fact. Generous as her roster of meister's was, she still had no intention of wasting a single one, even a greenhorn like Gentry. Katria could churn out holy weapons a dime a dozen, true, but her reserves were limited, as well as wanting for certain coverage besides. The girl may not have brought much to the table as she was, but in losing her, Eilyth had lost a potential asset for the future as well. This was, above all, the fact that infuriated her most.
    And now she might well lose yet another asset. This one already time-tested and far more valuable than the last. Even as Amicus flexed insistently around her neck, quite literally trying to coax her back on course like a leashed dog, she already knew what she would do. She rose from the flattened tank she roosted on, scanned the horizon, and soon enough spotted a thinning in the chaos of the battlefield that more than likely would be where the duel was ongoing.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that, Captain." Her response over the radio was punctuated by her leaping off the tank, charging towards the dueling ground. "This battle is already won, and I have lost enough meisters to the likes of this force. I'm approaching now; don't hesitate to fall back if she proves too troublesome."

Killing Gene of Kalasutra herself, as much as she may have wanted to and knew she could, was out of the question of course. But being greedy was in a dragon's nature, and Eilyth would not tolerate the Tyranians further sullying what could've been a perfect victory to her name. If General Donly didn't want her to act as a warrior, then fine, she'd act as a commander instead. She truly had won this fight already. Even if Gene managed to kill Alto, Eilyth herself was still active and virtually invincible against their current forces. The Three-Oh was still relatively unscathed and raring to go. and she had more men besides. What could Gene alone do to change those combined facts? Fuck all, that was what.
    She'd even give them a generous offer: She'd show the ultimate mercy and let them run. Spread the word of how she had single-handedly broken their might and sent their lines into chaos. And if they dared refuse such generosity? Well...

She'd just have to give them a bit more to fear.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2021, 06:04:21 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #483 on: January 09, 2021, 06:48:54 pm »

Eilyth and Astarte

Regula and Gene were locked in a stalemate, both possessing powers to disorient the other and neither being willing to risk making a real move until they were certain it would end in victory.

The Dragon arrived first, her presence actually lending some benefit to Astarte, who didn't have to fear being spotted from afar. Gene was clearly nervous, but hesitated in retreating, if only because it wasn't clear whether or not she could escape. She wasn't quite ready to surrender, but the next sign of danger would likely put her over the edge. Once that happened the battle would be well and truly over.

"Eilyth, what are you doing?" Colonel Vulgara radioed, "Spotters are telling me you moved back to engage the enemy meisters? I thought you had Captain Regula and Lieutenant Aroma on that."

Astarte's radio was alight too, keeping her posted on the location of the enemy tanks--too close for comfort--and the status of her retreating forces.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #484 on: January 09, 2021, 07:44:19 pm »


The bad news was to be expected, in all honesty. Astarte was not surprised at all when she received new reports as she made her way to the Meister battleground, from the status of her retreating troops (not far enough back) and of the enemy tanks (advancing far too quickly). Regardless, taking cover in a small bit of shrubbery, Astarte took in the status of the two Meisters, along with the new arrival of the Dragon that slammed down at the Katrian Meister's side. They and Lady Gene were standing, staring at each other while waiting for the other to make a move. But now with the Dragon, it was clear that the Lady was about to retreat... After all, the battle was already going sideways, why would she not pull back and cut her loses before she was added to them?

But, without a Meister of their own, there would be nothing left of the army. History would remember today as a completely crushing defeat, and Astarte, ever the soldier, wouldn't allow Katria to win without a few scars of their own.

"Lady Gene, I'm going to give you the distraction you need. Be ready" she informed into the radio, not even waiting for a affirmation of her message before she jumped out of her cover, raising her pistol and firing several rounds in the Katrian Meister's direction. It wasn't the best aim, admittedly, but she wasn't expecting to actually hit the Meister. She was just doing what she said, giving Gene the distraction she needed to make her move.
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
FEF: Marks of Royalty links:

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #485 on: January 09, 2021, 08:08:48 pm »

"Lieutenant Gentry is dead," Eilyth radioed back, "there's a good chance I'll lose Alto too if I don't intervene now. I'm not about to let these Tyranian dogs take both my meisters, not after I've already destroyed their artillery and left them running scared."

Upon her arrival, Eilyth had broken the stalemate by inserting herself between Regula and Gene with a great leap, her bodily mass effectively shielding Regula from immediate further assault. It was unclear what the dragon was thinking, but as the twin slits of fire that constituted her eyes bored into Gene with a special type of disdain, it was quite obvious it was less than pleasant.
    Until it spoke, that was.
    "Gene of Kalasutra," the voice that emanated from the dragon's head was far removed from the one Regula or any of Eilyth's subordinates would've heard over the radio; this one boomed with a deep, authoritative presence that seemed to resonate in the very bones of those hearing it. "I don't have the patience for preamble, so I'll make this simple. Your men have scattered, your artillery support is destroyed, and even if you were to dispatch my other subordinate here, there is nothing you or any of your surviving forces can do to me. Recognize that this battle is lost and surrender, and I'll see you and your men treated no worse than you deserve. Refuse, and I'm sure you can gue-"

Shots fired. Not from Gene, surprisingly. Immediately the Dragon's wings unfurled to better shield Regula as it roared in utter outrage, scanning for the source of the shots and quite quickly spotting the new combatant. "And just who are you!?"
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #486 on: January 09, 2021, 08:17:06 pm »


"No one important" Astarte replied bluntly, barely registering the Dragon's demand for her identity, casting a quick glance back at Lady Gene, "Milady, now!"
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #487 on: January 09, 2021, 08:22:53 pm »

Eilyth and Astarte

"Thank you." Gene said with an apologetic nod. Utilizing the opening given to her by Astarte and a touch of illusory power, she turned and fled.

Regula stepped out past Eilyth. "You don't have the look of a meister, Nobody." she called out, "You shouldn't be out here still, it's not the way of things."
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #488 on: January 09, 2021, 08:36:57 pm »


Monika's assistant nodded. "My apologies. I should have kept better track of that for you." She briefly considered dropping Monika's rank, but decided that giving out as little information as possible to the casual listener was best - especially if that information could be "wrong." Kirari turned to head in the direction of the building indicated, hanging back in that way that indicated she knew where she was going but was deferring to a leader regardless (even though she was fairly certain neither of them actually knew.)
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #489 on: January 09, 2021, 08:37:47 pm »


For a moment, Astarte merely watched the Lady vanish and flee, an expression of shock and disappointment on her face before she turned back to the Meisters, face set in stone, accepting the fate that was about to befall her, "I'm not a Meister, no" she replied, ejecting the clip from her pistol and reloading it. Though, thankfully for both sides, she didn't lift it back up immediately... It wouldn't have mattered, she would die either way, "but I don't care. I have a duty to uphold, and that is to prevent either of you from taking another step onto Tyrian land."
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #490 on: January 09, 2021, 08:56:34 pm »

Eilyth and Astarte

Regula nodded solemnly. "Very well then." She triggered her weapon, the shockwave knocking Astarte from her feet. Even Eilyth within her great draconic armor found herself disoriented for a moment. By the time Astarte recovered, Regula was already upon her. She got a pretty good look at the weapon that would be her doom as Regula swung it towards her. A shield-like metal structure with a crystalline blade embedded in the shaft that replaced the barrier that a shield normally ought to have. The blade was restrained by a spring-loaded mechanism, always waiting for the chance to burst forth and perform its deadly rite. One end of the weapon swung open, allowing Regula to easily encase Astarte's arm.

Her arm, indeed, not her head. Something about Astarte had prompted Regula to show mercy. The guillotine snapped down, slicing the arm free and sending a wave of shock through Astarte.

"Let's go Lt. Colonel." Regula said as she turned her back to the fallen Astarte, "The Oh-Three can handle cleanup, our job's done."
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #491 on: January 09, 2021, 09:10:41 pm »

"Utterly disgusting..." Eilyth had quietly snarled as she watched Gene take the opportunity this random soldier had given her... to vanish and fuck off from the fight. She remembered how she herself had been saved by a certain officer not too long ago, and despite whatever rift was growing between them now, that disgust only intensified. She said nothing as the final affirmations of honor and duty were spoken, and gave even less reaction as she watched Regula spring forward. The disorientation that accompanied the deed being done was unpleasant, but thanks to her mass it was only brief.

She didn't bother asking Regula why she had spared the woman. She didn't need to. On some she level she was fairly certain she understood. Something half between pity and grudging respect were all she felt as she turned and silently followed her subordinate off the field.
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #492 on: January 10, 2021, 01:00:36 pm »


In an instant, Astarte found herself flung forward, tumbling along the ground as the contraption on the Katrian's arm snapped shut. The act caused Astarte to lose her grip on her pistol, the weapon clattering away from her, and disorienting the soldier long enough that she barely registered Regula's approach. Despite this however, Astarte began to rise, prepared to fight until her last breath against the Katrian, even with her bare fists. Unfortunately, her defiance was quickly shot down as Regula enclosed her arm... And then promptly separated it from her body.

For a brief moment, Astarte couldn't feel anything as she watched her arm fly off of her, eyes trailing the blood bursting from the severed limb. And then the shock wore off, the pain finally registering in her brain, causing the Tyrian to stumble back, clutching her new stump and letting out a scream as she fell to her knees once more. The pain was blinding, overriding every thought that she could comprehend. Yet as it went on, a new focus started to build, one that allowed her to put her mind on something aside from the agonizing pain that she was now forced to endure.

... Namely, the fact that the Katrian wasn't finishing her off, and was instead leaving.

"Wait, you..!" Astarte growled, cutting herself short as another wave of agony weaved through her body, breaking her focus once again.
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #493 on: January 10, 2021, 08:50:29 pm »


"Listen, kiddo." Jessie's eyes narrowed. She was getting tired of this. "I've been asked to get you. I don't know why, I don't know who wants you. I'm not going to hurt you. I hate to hurt kids. But there's other people with the same job that I've got to do, and I can't vouch for how they'd go about it. Please, for the love of the Goddesses, just come with me, because if I don't come back with you, somebody else less averse to force will finish the job."


Silvia sighed, and sagged a bit.

"She told us a name, and to run if someone with it approached us, but if they're approaching us, isn't it too late? I wanted to know what they looked like, or-" She stops speaking for a moment, before knocking herself on the forehead. "In the name of Eden, not with. Damnit. I just possibly offended the head of Lanica for no reason whatsoever."
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #494 on: January 11, 2021, 01:35:57 pm »


The Shadow meister resisted the urge to snort. If both of the Katrian diplomats were that incautious, then Ishma might have been right after all. Someone not even capable of listening properly in open conversation was unlikely to uncover anything of value... unless "anything" decided to reveal itself, of course. Of course, she knew better than most that appearances could be deceptive; this single remark wasn't going to make her relax.

There was one tidbit in there of real interest, though. Eden, eh? The cult's doings were of interest as well. She didn't know what, exactly, they would do with a Katrian meister or two, but if they felt anything like she did about Katria... well, Ishma warning them to flee started to become understandable. Perhaps her observation would prove doubly useful.

Lunete waited where she was, doing her best to look bored while she kept an ear out for the Katrians starting to move again. She wasn't going to let them out of her sight until she was done with them... and nobody escaped it unless she let them.
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