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Author Topic: [IC] Remembrance  (Read 52474 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2020, 05:45:02 pm »


With a running start, Lily's attack was easily able to smash through some of Eilyth's armor again. Yet when Lily discharged her electricity, Eilyth only found herself momentarily stunned. A glimpse of what Lily held in her palm revealed why. A taser. Lily couldn't generate her own electricity, only channel it from somewhere else. The shock still hurt, it still disoriented, but it didn't kill.

Eilyth didn't have time to be relieved, Lily was still a major threat even if she couldn't fry Eilyth from the inside out. She'd penetrated Eilyth's armor with her fist, and this time she hadn't let Eilyth go flying. Instead she'd quickly gripped the inside of the scales with her fingers. It didn't take a genius to realize what she planned to do next. Except she didn't rip and tear. At least not through the armor. No, Lily ripped through Eilyth's uniform. And then Eilyth found herself wrapped in a hug beneath her armor, with Lily's cold metallic chest pressed to her stomach.

"How do you know about this meeting?" Lily's demand was made in the most beautiful voice Eilyth had ever heard, "How many more of you are there? Are they already on their way to Feena's Sacrifice?" With each passing moment Eilyth wanted to escape the hug less and less, much longer and she'd probably start wanting it to last longer.

Monika and Kira

{Who the hell do you think she is? theme}

The woman flung her bat into the air and it spun in place a little ways above her head, remaining there just long enough for her to blow another bubble. As it fell she said, "The name's Mack. See you in hell."

It was all misdirection. The bat, gum, and introduction all took attention away from Mack's hands. They were glowing, full of energy. Kira had guessed correctly that Mack's power was Force-based. She took a half step forward and punched, her fist colliding with the base of the bat, sending it flying forwards. In a flash it had collided with Monika's stomach with enough for to send puke soaring up her throat as she doubled over. Mack was only a few seconds behind the bat. She grabbed the bat with her hands while her feet pressed into Monika's knees, threatening to break them as she pushed off. She probably could have finished Monika off if she wanted, but instead she shifted her focus to Kira, charging forwards with the bat held in a two-handed grip at her side. Her facial expression hadn't shifted one bit as she'd effortlessly dispatched Kira's superior. As far as Mack was concerned, this fight was just a quick distraction.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2020, 06:38:09 pm »


Silvia's new assault was quite a strange approach, but perhaps it was just strange enough to work. Flipping the covers revealed their tiny captain, wearing naught but her nightgown, how she typically retired for the night. Or day given certain occasions... regardless it was clear L intended on staying asleep, the fact of which was why this endeavor was so hard. It had occurred to Silvia she'd not know if the captain had any particular weakspots when it came to ticklishness, in fact she couldn't much recall a time when L had even cracked so much as a smile let alone anything more than a giggle. Silvia could feel under her fingers that she was having some effect on the captain, finally, perhaps the more direct nature of contact was the trick? L stirred underneath the barrage of tickling though, perhaps not in any expected manner.

Her eyes opened swiftly revealing the calm blue lakes that swirled there. "Silvia... what the hell are you doing?" her tone made it hard to discern if any anger was present, the fact her arm inched towards her hammer suggested it however. She didn't truly make an effort to grab for it or she'd have had it already but the thought had crossed her hazy mind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2020, 07:03:25 pm »


Silvia, for her part, immediately ceased her assault once communication was established.
"Cay told me to wake you, madam. We need to get the verdict."
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2020, 07:23:35 pm »

The maelstrom of emotions previously gripping her melted away in a tide of intense.... confusion. This was a hug, wasn't it? But it was... so cold. Like she was pressed against a slab of lifeless steel. And all that build up just moments ago... it was really just a Tazer? How...?

What meeting?

"I..." Eilyth tried and failed to remove the arms gripping her. For all the raw might Amicus granted her, right now she was simply too disoriented to muster up any true resistance. Part of her didn't even want to try. And it grew greater by the minute. "I never... heard of any meeting. Our orders were... were..."
    Amicus again tightened around her throat. A warning. She was treading dangerous water. Divulging things that would easily get her charged with treason. Confusion slowly gave way to chagrin, and another feeling she dare not broach at this moment, lest she give it greater strength. She had no one to blame for this but herself. Her own weakness of mind had facilitated this mess. The power of personal shame and self loathing gave her a brief burst of renewed fight, and she tried once more to break free. But whatever this dem-
Whatever Dame Lily was doing, it quickly ebbed the fight back out of her.
    "We didn't know about any meetings," She finally admitted. "We were... told... to cause trouble. 'Fishing', they called it. Wreck a few homesteads, terrorize a town or two, draw out a meister to confront us, rinse and repeat. We've... been wandering for six days...nothing to show for it."
     The tears welling in her eyes from her earlier breakdown finally spilled out and down her cheeks, but whatever tender sentiments that might've drawn them out originally were gone now. All they embodied were frustration. Powerlessness. Shame and self loathing melded into rage, and Eilyth proceeded to bite her own tongue after the short confession. Not hard enough to draw blood, as much as she wanted to. She should bite her tongue off. She knew it. It was the only way to stop this nightmare from spiraling further. But she also wanted to tell Dame Lily even more of what she knew, and that desire alone was enough to stop her short of severing her ability to do so. The longer the embrace lasted, the harder she had to fight the urge to continue, and the less she wanted to try.
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2020, 09:31:54 pm »

Kira cut off a gasp. She had to stay focused on her objective if she wanted Monika to survive. Let that twisted desire in just a bit, let it move her feet instead of the fear of loss. "Hell is already here." Don't think about what would happen if she fell here, or if she suffered another blow to the head. She readied her scarf for Mack's charge, moving forward to meet her. As her enemy approached, Kira feinted forward, trying to draw out the strike prematurely. When it arrived, if it took the form of a physical strike, she'd let the scarf wrap around the weapon slightly, then lock it in place. If that didn't break her grip, Kira wasn't above simply throwing herself forward into her opponent. Once this Mack was separated from her holy weapon, she'd be at Kira's mercy.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2020, 04:45:23 am »


Much to Eilyth's dismay, Lily set her down. A dark shadow was creeping up behind the Dame Supreme, and it took all of Eilyth's willpower not to shout a warning.

"A coincidence?" Lily mused, "Your luck must be awful."

"Not that awful!" Patricia announced, stabbing Lily. Failing to stab Lily, the knife didn't penetrate. That was a big problem, Patricia's power wouldn't be nearly enough to keep Lily down without a total discharge, and she needed a successful stab to pull that off.

Lily whirled around to kick Patricia, but a bubble of water exploded between them, knocking Patricia to safety. Two more smacked into Lily a moment later, although they didn't seem to do much. Eilyth was relieved to see that Lily was unharmed.

Leah was nearby, perhaps hiding in the tall grass. Eilyth couldn't spot her, but Lily had picked up on the trajectory of the bubbles. She launched forwards to tear Captain Leah apart. she was met by a bubble bouncing into existence behind her, a second bubble colliding with it to cause an explosion. With her own momentum fighting against her now, Lily was flung forwards onto her face. Leah stood up and revealed herself.

"Sorry we took so long Lieutenant, I'll handle this." Leah smiled optimistically, she was always optimistic.

Lily got back to her feet and charged again, aiming to punch Leah in the gut. But Leah was prepared, she used the bubbles of water gathered in her hands to absorb and redirect Lily's momentum past her, then detonated them, sending Lily sprawling once again. Lily didn't repeat the charge, instead going for a slower advance. Leah pelted her with a rapid-fire slurry of smaller bubbles, but they didn't do much. Leah either didn't notice or didn't care, she kept pelting. Lily spun the taser in her hand around and activated it, pressing it against the inside of her wrist. The electrical charge crackled across her skin, just like it had right before she'd hugged Eilyth. Leah stopped her barrage and switched her stance, leaving her right hand free of water and resting on her sidearm. Lily charged again, and Leah barely reacted in time. She use the water to deflect the bolt of electricity that arced towards her and relied on her own reflexes to dodge Lily's attempt to drive a shoulder into her ribs. Leah took the hit to her left arm instead and Eilyth was pretty sure she heard the sharp crack of a bone snapping in two. Leah winced in pain but kept going, drawing her gun and jabbing it directly into Lily's mouth. The Captain didn't waste a single moment before firing. Rather than blowing Lily's brains out, the bullet just rattled around loudly in her mouth. It did seem to disorient her, however, and it gave Leah time to charge a pair of bubbles. She tossed them gently into the air in front of Lily, readied two more, and them rammed all four of them into her chest all at once. Lily was flung backwards, right onto Patricia's waiting knife. All at once, Patricia's darkness vanished, channeled through the knife directly into Lily's body.

"How long?" Leah asked between ragged breaths.

Patricia took a look at Lily's shock-stricken facial features and shrugged. "That should have killed her, so I'd guess not very." she answered.


"They won't hold her."

"Right, we fucking run then. Lieutenant?" Leah waved for Eilyth to follow and began sprinting away from Lily as fast as possible.

Lily's touch was slowly wearing off, but the effect was still strong enough to give Eilyth a pang of guilt when she chose to join her fellows in making their escape.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
Defile Circles Discord


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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2020, 09:27:06 am »


"... Guess not" Monika muttered to herself  as she spread her feet apart, keeping her halberd pointed towards the ground as she prepared for battle... And as Mack threw her bat into the air. Monika prided herself on being an experienced and talented fighter, but in that instant she focused in on the wrong target, keeping an eye on the Holy Weapon instead of its wielder. So, when Mack punched the bat towards her, barely giving Monika a second to realize her mistake and activate her own ability, the air in front of her shimmering as she attempted to created a wall of heat to force the bat off course.

Seeing as the bat still smashed directly into her stomach, that plan didn't work, causing the Major to cough up a mixture of blood and bile, taking a step back as she doubled over. Unfortunately for her, Mack didn't give her much time to recover, quickly following up by taking the bat and launching herself into the air and knocking Monika to the ground. This was when Monika was able to recover slightly, coughing up a bit more blood as she swore under her breath. This was meant to be a casual day, now she probably had some internal injuries, and in her stomach no less.

Through the pain, Monika brought one hand up to wipe the edge of her mouth, lifting her weapon into the air so the blade was within the wall of heat she had created, the steel greedily drinking it up, as it normally did. Then she planted the handle into the ground, quickly using it as support to get herself to her feet. Injured as she was, Monika chose to chase after Mack, using her ability to push herself forward by creating blasts of heat near her legs, her weapon trailing behind her to take in a bit more heat as she did so. Just before she got into range, she would spin her weapon around so that the axe and spear pointed forward, allowing her to at least making a beginning thrust from behind.

Assuming things went as she planned, which rarely they did.
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
FEF: Marks of Royalty links:

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2020, 07:37:58 pm »

Her senses slowly returning to her, Eilyth bounded behind her comrades in their hasty retreat. There was no doubt in her mind that running would prove futile here; the moment Lily recovered she would easily find and overrun them. Her armor was gradually mending itself for that exact eventuality, in fact. Amicus' protection had been, of course, the only reason she had survived both the force of Lily's opening blow and the G-forces of being slammed into the earth at such high speed. Her gaze couldn't help but linger on Leah and Patricia shortly ahead of her, knowing full well she could go faster if she tried, still running on all fours like this. As soon as she realized it, she felt urge to correct it, but...
"We're on our way Lieutenant. ETA five minutes, I'll make Patricia run. Stay alive, that's an order."
     But realized trying to pull ahead would remove the only potential obstacle between these two and Lily's inevitable charge. A simple glancing blow from Lily had already clearly snapped Leah's arm. Were either of them to take a direct hit... no. Like it or not, it fell to her to do her best to absorb the Dame's aggression. The lightning, as terrified as it had made her earlier, was clearly the least threatening tool in the Dame's arsenal right now. What she needed to truly worry about was the charges, and that.... touch of hers. If she could just stop her from building up the momentum behind her strikes, that alone would eliminate a great deal of the current danger. Eilyth was fairly certain she currently had the sheer bulk necessary to try and pin her down, but attempting it would run the risk of being enthralled all over again.
    "Not if she doesn't break through. Not again." the effects were just now wearing off enough that she could genuinely shudder in disgust at the mere thought of it. The desire to avoid repeating the experience was enough to steel her as Amicus began adding additional scales to her flanks and back, the two places most likely to be struck by a charge from behind. Her arms and legs worked harder to keep up her current pace despite the added weight, though the fatigue was made lesser thanks to the adrenaline which had begun to pump through every inch of her.

Keeping an eye and ear out for the approach of their assailant, she called out to Leah and Patricia
    "Be ready. There won't be much warning when she finally closes on us. I'll obstruct her as best I can once she does."
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2020, 08:12:50 pm »


L remained motionless the look on her face a mix of visages between annoyance, utter confusion and her usual exhaustion. The silence was palpable for a moment, hanging in the air as a particularly pungent scent would've. L made little effort to speak when she thought words were unfit for a situation.. or was simply too exhausted to, so this wasn't an unheard of situation. It simply meant that perhaps it wasn't nearly as awkward a silence for one of the two. "Hmmm, so Cay sent you then." L wondered why such was the case, Silvia must've done something to get her bad side if this was the current situation... especially given the nature of the day. L was hard to read from a body language perspective for a fair few reasons, chiefly her low energy. Her facial expressions were always faint or minuscule changes and she gestured as little as she could manage to preserve energy. It was clear even in her groggy haze however that she was quite puzzled as to why Silvia was the one here today. In nearly the next instant however that changed.

"Well you've succeeded, run along now." L's face was a light and incredibly forced smile. It lasted only a moment before dropping, her desire to maintain such a wasteful thing evaporating. "I need to get dressed, among other things so be a dear~" a soft lilt in her otherwise flat voice made it all the more intimidating. She ad made no movement yet past this, only laying flat on her back still uncovered. She seemed to be waiting for Silvia to clear out of the space to have some to herself... that and it would be difficult to get up while Silvia was parked right in front of her bed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2020, 11:43:43 pm »

Silvia nods, either not noticing or not caring about the implied threats.
I’ll go get you some coffee.
And she leaves to do just that, closing the door to the captain’s room behind her.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2020, 07:27:31 am »

Emily took a deep breath as she entered the building. It was about the size of a two-story house, although it looked more like a factory. Inside it was just one large room with various machines lining the walls and littering the floor. It looked extremely chaotic, but Emily was sure it would make sense if she understood it. A river of molten metal ran through one corner, apparently being spit out from one machine to be absorbed by another. On the opposite wall from the door, with a maze of machinery in between, a man was hunched over a workbench. He turned to look her way, and Emily's hands shot to her mouth in shock. She had seen men before, even had a boy touch her face once, but this man was old. His dark-skinned face was wrinkled beyond anything she could believe was human, with scraggly white hair dangling from half of its surface. His entire head was bald, like Emily's had been when she'd been sick as a child. He was wearing a headband with a strange mechanical lens attached to it. The lens was flipped up, away from his eye, allowing Emily to see that it was green. His other eye apparently didn't have a pupil or iris, instead having a network of unusual symbols littered across its surface.

"Astarotte?" He asked in a weary tone.

Emily bowed as deep as she could, as if having her head raised higher than his was some great sin. "Yes, Esteemed One." she said, forcing herself to stay calm and keep her voice from wavering.

"You need not pretend, child." the man scoffed, "I know your kind despises me, false respect is meaningless. My name is Terrance, use it."

Emily raised her head. She wanted to protest that her respect was genuine, but doing so would mean revealing the book. "Then please, sir, call me Emily." she offered as a compromise.

Terrance raised an eyebrow, "Alright then, Emily." he tried it on, and almost looked surprised that he had said it, "Did you bring the offering?"

Emily nodded, and held out a small vial of milk. She'd been offered two options, but only one was truly open to her. The sickness had taken the other before she was even old enough to understand it. Unfortunately, the option lost to her was also the easier option. Preparing this offering had been difficult and time consuming.

Terrance pointed towards a table and said, "Sit." He joined her in going over to it, and took the offering once they were both there. "They told you of what must be done?"

"Yes." Another choice, this one not restricted by her sickness.

"And which do you choose?"

Emily blushed, "Mouth." She'd been told the other option would be more powerful, but this was already embarrassing enough.

"Very well, your shirt?"

Emily unbuttoned her shirt, going quickly for fear than if she delayed at all she would lose her nerve. Once her chest was exposed, Terrance reached out and touched it. His hand was surprisingly cold, and Emily recoiled at the touch. Terrance waited for her to acclimate to the situation before her continued. He reached up with his other hand and pushed his fingers into her mouth. She was expecting his hand to taste of sweat and soot, but instead found it tasted of strawberries. She belatedly realized that his hands were cold and strawberry-flavored because the workbench he'd been at was actually sink; he'd just washed them.

The symbols on Terrance's eye glowed, slowly shifting between combinations of red and blue with no apparent pattern. She had been prepared for this when she came to the forge, but experiencing it was still violating. Eventually the patterns settled into one configuration and Terrance released her.

"Ehman." he called out over his shoulder. A young boy, eight at the most, emerged from behind one of the machines. Terrance went over to guide him, bringing him over to Emily. "Ehman, this is Emily."

The boy didn't respond, but he did look at her. Emily started to smile back, but his eyes didn't meet hers. She flushed bright red again as she realized where he was looking, and quickly pulled her shirt over herself. Ehman didn't react.

"Emily, Ehman may be making a great sacrifice for you." Terrance didn't have to explain, Emily understood the process, "I know you think him lowly, but please thank him."

"Thank you, Ehman." Emily said dutifully, this time successfully looking Ehman in the eyes. She thought she saw Terrance raise his eyebrow again, but it was too brief for her to be sure.

Terrance handed Ehman the offering, and the boy drank it. He was left sitting on the floor while Terrance went deeper into the forge, the process would take time and Terrance needed to apply the pattern he'd learned.

"Emily." Ehman's voice startled her.

"Um, yes?" Emily felt a cold bead of sweat on her forehead, she felt uncomfortable talking to the boy without Terrance present to officiate.

"You're pretty."

Emily thought back a few minutes and wasn't sure she wanted the compliment.

Ehman didn't notice her discomfort and continued, "I don't want you to get hurt, I want you to stay pretty, so I'll do my best, okay?"

Terrance returned before Emily could say anything in response. He carried a jar of silvery liquid with a similar consistency to paint. The living metal that would be shaped into Emily's holy weapon. Terrance set it at her feet and Ehman crawled up to it. There was nothing more to be said, so Ehman simply went ahead with the ritual, placing his hand into the jar. The metal stirred violently at his touch, lashing at his arm and drawing blood. Were it not for Emily's offering, it would have killed the boy outright. Only Esteemed Ones could handle living metal safely. Eventually Ehman had bled enough to sate the metal, and it went still. Ehman passed out from the exertion, and Terrance covered him with a blanket.

"Is he..?" Emily ventured.

"No, your offering was adequate. He will be grateful." Terrance smiled softly at her, "Your concern is genuine, isn't it?It has been many decades since last I believed one of you truly cared. Thank you for a glimmer of hope."

Emily felt a hint of elation jump up inside her as she realized she'd successfully spread a virtue. She'd been feeling lost ever since she found the book, and for the first time it seemed the damned thing had helped her achieve her goal instead of making it more difficult. She returned Terrance's smile and nodded almost imperceptibly, fearful that any more response would do something to sour the moment.

"Your weapon is ready, would you like to complete the ritual alone?" Terrance prompted her after she was quiet a little too long.

"No, I can do it here." Emily steeled herself for the final step.

Terrance handed her the jar, and she stuck her hand in just as Ehman had. Instead of attacking her, it leapt forth. It formed a sphere in the air in front of her, and then began to reshape itself. Emily tried to guess as what it would be as it went. It started to shape into a point, and she thought she might have been stuck with a simple dagger. What happened next made a dagger look ideal. The metal launched towards her, piercing her chest before she could react. She felt a sharp pain shoot through her heart as it was penetrated, and further agony prickled through her chest as the weapon spread its influence within. She couldn't feel anything else, least of all the passage of time, but later on Terrance would (much too calmly) inform her that she'd writhed in agony for three hours.

When all was said and done, a nail was resting in her chest, having pierced her heart. It had stopped hurting, but she was still pretty disturbed. She knew that holy weapons sometimes integrated themselves into the body, but she hadn't expected it to happen to her. Terrance told her that she possessed the element of Spirit, and hinted that if she wanted to active her power, she would need to work up the courage to pull the nail out. He sent her on her way with a final word of advice, "Don't let war steal away your kindness. Ehman has seen many beautiful women, it is your heart that he found attractive." Emily hadn't bothered asking how he knew about that brief conversation.

She had to wonder if she'd ever see Terrance or Ehman again, there was no reason to visit a forge twice. She found her goals had changed very suddenly. She still wanted to spread the virtues and share the knowledge of the book, but not merely for the sake of doing those things. She needed to do it because Ehman and Terrance had entrusted their hopes to her. She owed them for the power she now held, and she vowed to use it to pay them back.

Monika and Kira

Mack fell for Kira's feint, swinging her bat up almost like a golf club. She didn't seem bothered, letting go of the bat before Kira had finished solidifying her scarf to prevent it being uncomfortably wrenched from her grip. She stepped in past the bat and scarf, pushing her forward leg between Kira's and twisting it slightly around to prevent Kira from backing away. She caught Kira's scarf hand by the wrist, and snatched the other arm around the elbow. Mack was stronger than she looked, and she looked pretty strong, her grip was too tight for Kira to wrestle free. Mack brought her head forward, threatening to smash Kira's nose with a headbutt.

Rather than a headbutt, Kira was instead assaulted with a kiss. Mack's tongue wormed its way between Kira's lips and she found herself involuntarily gasping in surprise. That's when something caught in her throat. Mack twisted Kira's wrist and she lost her grip on the scarf, causing it to revert back to normal. Mack let go and spun to retrieve her bat before it fell to the ground, tripping the choking Kira with her entwined leg in the process. Kira's scarf floated gently to the ground a few feet away, too far for Kira to just reach out and grab.

Bat held upside down and in a reverse grip, Mack faced Monika, who had just entered halberd range. She didn't have time to adjust her bat before Monika could attack, so whatever response she made would have to be done with her weapon positioned extremely awkwardly.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 05:46:43 pm by Takosher »
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2020, 08:54:22 am »

Kira tried to remain calm. Normally she would have taken a deep breath, but given the circumstance that had led to her difficulty in accomplishing the first task, it wasn't a particularly viable option. It didn't help that she felt more than a bit violated; her first kiss had not only been stolen by a vicious enemy combatant who hadn't allowed retreat, but it was now being used against her. The short girl hacked and spluttered, rolling onto her hands and knees as she tried to dislodge the obstruction. She waited for Monika's attack to begin before lunging for her scarf, breathless as she was; her opponent was clearly smart enough to try amd stop her.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2020, 01:09:39 pm »


Eilyth and her two companions managed to make it all the way back to their camp without Lily giving chase. There wasn't really anything of use there, it was just the closest landmark. Leah didn't even give it a second glance as she continued running past. They couldn't just keep running at random, they needed somewhere to escape to. They weren't that far past the border but the nearest garrisoned town was still several hours to the west. There was a smaller town closer if they went due north, no garrison but it would have a phone they could use to call for backup. Leah seemed to be headed that direction.

There was a problem with that either way. They couldn't make it that far going full bore, they're wear out too quickly. It was at least a two hour march, even if they could sprint the whole way it would be an hour and a half to get there. Their least enduring member, Patricia, could only run for about ten minutes. Considering it had been five minutes to Eilyth and another five back, Patricia was probably already at her limit. Worse, Patricia couldn't run and do knife tricks at the same time, so she'd be doubly useless if they got into a fight.

Slowing down put them at risk, running would wear them out, and stopping would guarantee Lily could catch up to them. It seemed like they were in a no-win scenario. The best they could hope to do was delay long enough for one of them to escape. Just as unlikely as any other outcome, but slightly less unlikely than all three of them making it.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
Defile Circles Discord

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2020, 01:14:29 pm »


"Well... that was much too easy." L was a bit flabbergasted that even worked. She had figured by now such a simple trick wouldn't be adequate but one never knew until they tried evidently. The tiny woman rolled lazily over onto her side to shorten the distance between her and the giant hammer that was perhaps the cause of most of her problems. As soon as her fingertips touched it she could feel the all too familiar power surge through her, like a static shock of power. It always sent ripples throughout her diminutive frame, from the tip of her fingers all the way to the tips of her toes. It did little to improve her state, in fact only making it worse. It took a lot more out of her simply moving now, part of why L had become so efficient at the movement of her body. Any unnecessary motion was a waste, one she couldn't afford as the hammer required a immeasurable amount of focus to keep wielding. It explained a lot about how she was knowing that, however she did not oft share that information. It was a weakness to the strength she had, and she didn't believe it would be intelligent to let anyone know that secret. She already had a rocky reputation with the upper brass, and didn't believe they needed any more weapons to get at her. Knowledge was perhaps the deadliest weapon of all. Perhaps there would be those sympathetic to her ad a greater understanding could be achieved, but L knew of no such person. Of course, this didn't mean they didn't exist, but that this gamble was simply to risky to take without knowing there was someone on her side.

L sighed as she groggily trudged across the room, she probably shouldn't do this. It didn't really win her any graces and while she was sure she was awoken with tie to spare... she wouldn't really get anymore rest. However she felt some obligation to give the young girl a hard time. After all, she was sent here as it was going to be an unpleasant experience. She had clearly failed at her job, she was supposed to bring the captain with her after all. Leaving before that was finished, ah... the greatest mistake. L smirked to herself, the whisper of a smile. It'd been awhile since she'd gotten away with this little gambit... it brought back memories, fond ones before she was such a husk of her former self. She used to have so much more energy... where did it all go?

With a mighty heave she placed the greathammer against the door, the wood groaning in protest at the new unbearable weight placed against it. That would certainly hold for good while... only those with strength like hers could even think about moving her hammer, let alone actually move the damnable thing.  It held such a terrible weight, L had always wondered why. She never was able to find any answers. L trudged over to her chest of drawers, throwing out a few things onto a small chair nearby. It was mostly the bit and pieces of her uniform she'd need later. She was up and would need them later, might as well save the trip. She'd have set a pot of tea brewing, but she didn't want to waste the coffee that would inevitably end up here... even if she hated the devilish beverage. She flopped back down in the bed, only staring at the ceiling... "This is probably the last time I'll ever stare up at you. Might as well enjoy the moment while I can." she said softly under her breath. She pulled the covers back over herself, but didn't shut her eyes. The thoughts of what were to come from her failings weighed too heavily on her mind.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: [IC] Remembrance
« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2020, 04:54:14 pm »

It wasn't terribly long before Silvia returned to L's door, coffee in hand. She knocked. Nothing.
She knocked again.
"Hey, are you dressed yet?"

No response. She tried the knob. It turned just fine; the problem arrived when she tried to push it open.

It took Silvia a moment to process the issue, and a few seconds more to realize what must have happened.
"...I swear, captain..."
She tried pushing harder. Nothing.

She put the coffee to the side, and pushed with both hands.

Not even a crack.

Eyes narrowed, Silvia moved the coffee further out of the way, and walked down to the opposite end of the hall... and charged.

"Ahg, fuck!"

A few seconds pass by. Maybe even a minute. If you were in distorted time, you may have experienced a full five minutes while Silvia recovered from the collision.

"Captain, please exit the room before I'm forced to find an axe to break your door down with."
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.
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