Anirite Akibara
The Anirites have clamored for war far louder than any of the tribes. Their Astrologers and Wisemen say all Heaven's Denizens from The Traveller's Star to The Great Moon Herself give us their blessing, so naturally, it is their sons who will be first to fight and die.
The Akibara are selected from 1/10 of an Anirite village/city/nomadic group's population and a begin their training from childhood, though as children their training tends to be non-combat focused, such as taking care of their equipment and scavenging, or abstracted like Spara, a game best described as dodgeball with a shieldwall. Once they become adults however, the real combat training begins. They are trained to fight with the Sagaris, an axe of bronze or iron with a spike on the back end, in one hand and a wooden crescent shield in the other, with a brace of war darts made of whatever can be scrounged up for light skirmishing.
Their armor is relatively light, a helm of iron or bronze, and quilted linen underneath a scale armor vest and splinted gauntlet, made of bronze or iron if it can be afforded, though the bones of the karakas, leviathan sand swimmers, are quite popular, as one karakas carcass can make a lot of armor, and even if it's not nearly as strong as bronze it's light and can turn a blade. in combat the Akibara are aggressive fighters, advancing with a shieldwall, launching disrupting volleys of darts, and getting inside the reach of enemy weapons where the Sagaris can do it's work. although the relative peace of the past century means they aren't bloodied veterans, they're well-trained and courageous enough.
this design is largely based on the Takabara and Sparabara used by the Achaemenid Empire, with a sprinkling of era appropriate features to make them more unique