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Author Topic: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders  (Read 3808 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2020, 01:55:53 am »

As I am not intensely fussed one way or another, I will swap my vote over to Grenda to expedite things.
Quote from: Botevox
Crossbows: (4) NUKE9.13, Chaoskl21, Frostgiant, Taricus

Kobolds: (4) NUKE9.13, Chaoskl21, Frostgiant, Taricus

Banded Cudgels: (4) NUKE9.13, Chaoskl21, Frostgiant, Taricus

Grenda the Troll face: (4) Frostgiant, Powder Miner, Taricus, NUKE9.13
Willow the Witch-Hunter: (1) Chaoskl21

Borna Coric: (3) NUKE9.13, Chaoskl21, Frostgiant
Camelot: (1) Taricus

Not for this turn, probably not for next turn, quite possibly not for any turn, but I wanted to write something. The story is taken from an attraction in a fairytale-themed amusement park in the Netherlands (with slight alterations).

The Clockwork Knights
The Clockwork Knights were the victim of a wizard's curse, resulting in their transformation from flesh and blood into gears and pistons. Rafal has enlisted their service in hunting down rebellious Tales, taking advantage of their tireless nature and inhuman strength.

The origin of the Clockwork Knights starts with six princes, whose father had bequeathed them vast riches. They were proud patrons of the arts, and one day they commissioned a powerful wizard to build them a magical clock, which was to feature six mechanical knights on horseback who would emerge from the clock whenever the princes played on their golden horns. They promised the wizard all the money in their treasury in exchange, and the wizard eagerly accepted. The wizard worked for many moons building the clock, but when he approached the princes to present them the finished product, they revealed that they had already spent almost all their money on other things- fine clothing, magnificent portraits, and suchlike and so forth. They had only a single sack of gold left.
The wizard, enraged, refused to give them the clock. One of the princes had studied contract law, and pointed out that they had not technically violated their side of the bargain, and the wizard was legally required to sell them the clock. They even offered to sell some of their possessions to bulk the payment up to two sacks of gold, but the wizard refused this generosity. "I am a wizard", said the wizard, "And the law has no control over me. You have tried to cheat me, and now I shall sell your clock to another."
The wizard left, and the princes- though they had the law on their side- could do nothing. However, a few days later, the wizard's apprentice approached them. He explained that he was a firm believer in the rule of law, and now that his master had left on a journey, he would sell them the clock as promised. The princes eagerly paid the apprentice their remaining gold, and together they retrieved the parts of the clock from the wizard's tower, and assembled it in the courtyard of the princes' castle.
However, just as the apprentice was installing the final piece of the clock, the furious wizard showed up. In a fit of rage, he cursed his apprentice, the princes, and all their servants, turning them all into clockwork beings. From that day forth, the princes were forced to play their golden trumpets every hour while the apprentice rang the bell, and the rest of the castle performed equally demeaning choreographed actions.
Until, that is, Rafal uncovered the wizard's illegal actions, and had him undo the curse. Unfortunately, while the wizard was able to free the denizens of the castle from their enslavement to the clock, he was unable to return them to flesh and blood. Nevertheless, the princes and their servants were all very grateful towards Rafal, and pledged their service to him. As the castle was quite large, this meant Rafal had a sizeable supply of clockwork warriors to do his bidding.

The Clockwork Knights appear almost human from a distance, but up close one can tell that their flesh is actually painted wood. They do not bleed, feel pain, or grow tired, nor do they need to eat, drink, or breathe. Their clockwork is sustained by magic, and will continue to operate so long as their spirit is bound to it. They can suffer damage, of course, but it is very hard to permanently kill them- so long as their remains can be recovered, skilled craftsmen can repair them (though this takes time and resources (read: this explains why we wouldn't ever run out of knights to recruit, even though there is a finite source; 'hiring' new knights would be flavoured as repairing those fallen in battle (would still cost Beings))).
Each Clockwork Knight comes with a clockwork horse that shares their untiring and unflinching nature. They can wield a variety of equipment. They are stronger than human knights, but fight with a certain mechanical rigour that may make them less effective against highly skilled opponents.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 06:45:04 am by NUKE9.13 »
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Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders - Design Phase 1
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2020, 11:09:27 pm »

Design Phase 1

Quote from: Design: Crossbows

Rafal's Crossbow is a bit of a mystery. Where did his father get it? How has Rafal kept it maintained? Why is it so effective? Rafal insists that there is no grand story behind it. His father was a hunter, who bought the crossbow from a travelling merchant. Rafal was careful with it, and had parts replaced by skilled craftsmen whenever necessary. The efficacy is totally normal, crossbows are just very powerful and often unexpected, and that's all there is to it.

To prove that there is nothing mystical about his crossbow, Rafal has ordered that we produce more of them. Just between you and me, I'm not expecting them to turn out just as good as his personal model, but even a knockoff is liable to be a very deadly weapon.

As demonstrated by Rafal's exploits against the black knight, the humble crossbow serves as out 'equaliser' against those pesky heroes. The ability to punch through most armour, accurately and without much training necessary makes them particularly ideal for our forces (Especially since most plucky heroes use something like a sword.). By devoting effort into manufacturing and acquiring these weapons, we can level off the playing field for the little guys effectively to give the Tales pause.

Difficulty: Hard

Roll: (5+2)-1=6, Average

The mechanists stood at the table, watching carefully as Rafal maintained his signature weapon. A dwarven trapmaker disassembled his personal crossbow in sync, checking for differences in the two models. Ten minutes later, Rafal restrung his weapon, and carefully set it on the table. "Any questions?"

A moment of silence filled the air, and then the dwarf spoke up, "So, just make a normal crossbow then?"

Rafal blinked behind his helmet. "Yes, like I said. My crossbow is perfectly normal. People just have bad aim."

The dwarf shrugged. "Okay."

Weeks later, the first crossbow came out of the forges, branded with a golden B, and sporting a detachable reloading crank. It handles about as well as normal crossbows do, but the stylized Bookbinders sigil keeps people inspired in battle.

Crossbows: (1 Material/5 Units): Fairly average crossbows made by Camelot's smiths. Comes with a stylish, gilded B to boost morale.

Quote from: Revision: Banded Cudgels

Crude, simple and effective, a club reinforced with a band or two of iron around the head is a weapon that is simple and effective at what it does, and cheap to maintain and create. Given the bands of iron, it's likely these clubs would be particularly effective against fairies. Furthermore, our ogre comrades and shorter folk have cudgels more suitable to their size)

Difficulty: Very Easy

Roll: (4+1)+2=7, Average

Felix the bandit watched the two children walk through the woods in their strange clothing. He hadn't seen people dressed like this before, not even in Wonderland, so he was intrigued. Perhaps they had some money on them. Besides, the crew hideout could use some servants.

"Blimey, what do you think this place is, sis?" The boy asked his sister as the two approached Felix's hiding spot.

"I dunno, but we're not back in Neks For anymore," she replied just as Felix jumped out and cracked her in the gut with his iron-banded club. The brother tried to run, but he wasn't fast enough, and caught a club to the side of the head, just hard enough to put him on the ground. As Felix loaded the two foreigners' tied up forms into the cart in the woods, he chuckled to himself. These clubs worked good.

Iron-Banded Cudgels (1 Material/50 Units): Simple and devilishly effective, these clubs work as good weapons to beat tales into submission. Works for any size unit.

Quote from: Recruit: Kobolds

Kobolds are small, reptilian humanoids. They were frequently 'employed' as servants in large homes/businesses, as kobolds are compelled to obey the orders of a human who performs the proper rituals (eg feeding them at the right time, saying certain cryptic phrases, and notably never giving them clothing). Such kobolds deeply resented their lot, but were powerless to prevent it. Some managed to escape, by tricking their owners into performing a ritual incorrectly. Others managed to avoid being captured in the first place. These 'wild' kobolds made their homes in caves and mines, where they built traps to keep humans at bay.

The enslavement of kobolds was made illegal upon Rafal's ascension. Not because Rafal felt pity for them, but rather because he found the silly rituals involved offensively fantastical. Additionally, Rafal had use for some kobolds as Bookbinders; those with a talent for building traps and setting up ambushes. By providing them with proper clothing, they can no longer be controlled by rituals (unless the clothing is taken away).

They rarely stand more than 90cm, and are typically scrawny in build. They are weak, and not extremely fast or agile either. However, their manual dexterity is considerable, and they are fast workers. They are not especially skilled crafters, but they have a knack for creating traps of all kinds- spike pits, tripwires, caltrops, etc- even if they look a little crude, one cannot argue with results. They are also reasonably skilled at stealth, and well trained in finding suitable places for an ambush, where enough of their small bows and pickaxes ((BYOS)) will kill just as surely as larger weapons.

Difficulty: Easy

Roll: (6+6)+1=13, Cutebold

When Rafal first liberated the Kobolds, there was widespread uproar, and more than one former Kobold owner was put in the stocks for disrespecting the King's men. Once it was over, however, a question arose: where we're all these newly freed Kobolds to go? The mountain clans had come out of hiding with the news (and gifts of clothing), but the stylish dark red Tunics wouldn't give the new citizens food and housing.

So, Rafal kindly and selflessly offered to give the Kobolds a home to stay in, a support for the mountain clans. Employment. Recruitment numbers are way up, and the mountain clans have even donated several spools of twine and bundles of stakes for their comrades joining up. Furthermore, the cute Kobolds just can't stop working. They've fortified our mountain home with more alarm systems than we could have thought possible. Given pickaxes, they're invaluable for expanding the cave network, too!

1 Being/Unit, 50 Kobolds/Unit

Equipment: trapmaking equipment, light pickaxe/light hammer/hunting bow (BYOS)

Quote from: Character: Grenda the Troll face

Grenda is an ancient ogre, even by the standards of the cave living ogres. She is so old that she was the very origin of the tale of Trolls turning to stone in sunlight. Using her magic, she will create an outer armoured shell of stone, gravel and dirt around herself making herself rather difficult to kill as any wound in the armour is repaired within second by the ground she lays her feet on, Combined with her rather prodigious size and strength eve for an ogre, Grenda was a menace for many an ancient village, stealing goats and sheep for her dinner in the dead of night. Any wound dealt to the soft mud of her armour was healed in seconds and strikes upon the stone and gravel did worse than nothing, merely blunting the blades and ruining their edges.

When Grenda was rather slow on her nightly escapades, the farmers would be shocked as her earthy hide is revealed in the coming light instead of the flesh one would expect. Many a farmer would commiserate to their friends while deep in their cups, leading to the legend that trolls turn to stone in the sunlight.

Being old enough to birth such a legend, Rafal found Grenda to be an interesting story, and quickly convinced her to joing his inquisition through a bribe of goats, apprentices, and as many cows as she could ever hope to eat. Even at her advanced age, Grenda is more than capable of Crushing knights underfoot with her powerful stone outer shell and her ability to lob boulders formed straight from the ground.

Difficulty: Normal

Roll: (2+4)+0, Average

"Are you sure about this, Rafal?" Asked the knight, looking at the herd of cattle behind him on the trail.

"I wouldn't buy half the town's livestock if I wasn't." Replied Rafal, tying his horse to a tree. It was a good warhorse, and he had no intention of losing it. The other knights had already tied their horses up, and the herd moved down the trail, Rafal leading by several hundred paces.

As they left the foothills, Rafal heard a whistling in the distance. Smoothly stepping to the other side of the road, Rafal nodded in appreciation as a small boulder crashed into the path where he had been standing. Retrieving the horn from his belt, he spoke loudly into it, "Grenda, we come with food."

A loud thud rang out in the distance, and Rafal motioned the herd forward. Before long, they arrived at Grenda's cave, a well-hidden hole in the mountainside a good ways off the main trail. Grenda stood tall by the cave, imposing in her signature stone skin. "What are you doing in my home, Rafal?" She asked, grumbling in a threatening tone.

"You know my name. I feel honored," Rafal replied, bowing motioning for the others to follow suit.

"Your name has made itself known to me for quite some time now. The others speak of you," she said, moving to the cows and starting to usher them inside. Some tried to back away, but were gently prodded with stones poking up from the earth.

"Then you know the other half of my offer - you will have willing apprentices, to teach your craft to."

Grenda paused at the entrance of her cave. "So long as they find their own caves, I welcome the company."

"It's a deal?"

Grenda grabbed another cow by the neck and laughed, a gravelly, low laugh. "You wouldn't have gotten here if it wasn't."

Character: Grenda the Troll Face
A mighty, ancient ogre with stone skin armor, minor geomancy, and excellent aim. Deployable to combat missions only, unless there's livestock around to snack on.

Spoiler: Design List (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 09:38:13 am by Doomblade187 »
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2020, 08:41:01 am »

Base: Borna Coric

You have chosen a location under the former castle of the Black Knight for the Bookbinder's headquarters. The headquarters is set within a maze of caves that connect to the lower floors of the castle, as well as reaching down trails that can access the mountain foothills. This is where Rafal will stay when not deployed, managing the Bookbinders in the quest to finally get a grip on the fairy tales.

Bonus: Recruiting Bonus
Bonus: Kobold Fortifications

Surveillance Phase 1

Below are the major Bookbinder operations and intelligence from each kingdom. You may pick up to 6 kingdoms to surveil in this phase, sending units from your supply ahead to watch out for trouble. Any units sent ahead will be on-site to assist existing forces in the defense, and early detection will give you an information advantage. Each kingdom that is occupied has ambient Bookbinder guards, but they aren't as good as your teams. In addition, units sent out in advance will yield minor information in Tales activities if they have enough Intel gathering capability (a.k.a. people are willing to talk with them.)

You do not have to send out your troops this turn, only build the squads to send. You will determine which squads to send to defend locations next turn. This is because you can easily use the Vinepath, while the Tales cannot.

You can send out your squads on more than just defense, though - you can also send them on raids to try and disrupt potential Tales operations as you uncover them. You can also simply attack an NPC location in a Raid to advance a cause - for example, hitting the house of a prominent witch in Ravenwood who opposes you to improve Stability. These units will have to move out in the Surveillance phase, as it takes more time to prepare for a Raid.

You are limited to one raid each round, for my sanity.

Intel 1

Camelot: King Arthur's Treasure

The ancient King's treasure is on display in the castle. It's under heavy guard, but is immensely powerful.

Control: Royal Guard
Stability: Stable

Jaunt Jolie - Impound Yard

Rafal had a very simple solution to the pirates that resisted him - just take their ships away. These ships are hidden in a quiet cove along the coast, heavily guarded and with the mouth sealed off by sea chain.

Control: Bookbinders
Stability: Stable (by Jaunt Jolie standards)

Foxwood - Straw and Gold

The natural quiet of Foxwood was not broken by the unrest sweeping the woods, though it's suspected some fighting still took place locally. The mysterious shipments of straw this summer were all intercepted, but the King wants to ensure that the royal currency is untainted by Rumplestiltkin's gold.

Control: Bookbinders
Stability: Foxwood

The Stymph Forest - Quiet

All is quiet in the Stymph forest. The skeletal birds swoop through the trees, screeching in peace.

Control: Nobody
Stability: N/A

Bloodbrook - The Blood Moon

Bookbinders have made it their number one priority in this area to hunt down and eradicate the werewolves that plague the (more) rural areas of Bloodbrook. The bandit king fully supports this, as they have a long-standing grudge against the werewolves due to an old tale involving hideouts and the woods.

Control: Bandit King (Bookbinder ally)
Stability: Stable

Sherwood Forest - Casual Banditry

The concept of "Robbery" is different in Sherwood Forest. Most robberies are non-lethal, purely out of tradition. However, Rafal did not take kindly to the constant theft of the King's war funds, however noble the thieves may be. As such, the thieves have been ordered to "get a real job" under threat of death. Results are mixed so far.

Control: Sheriff of Nottingham (Bookbinder Ally)
Stability: Stable

Malabar Hills - The Old Cathedral

An old cathedral stands tall in the town of Malabar Hills, still active, but forever haunted by the legend of the man with half a mask. It was said he knew the entire building like the back of his hand, but has been unseen for over a century. Local ogres have hired to aid in the restoration to repair damaged caused during the uprising.

Control: Bookbinders
Stability: Stable

The Ruined Estate - Quiet

All is quiet, the Blue Forest standing proud. The sludge moat gurgles on.

Control: Nobody
Stability: N/A

Kingdom Kyrgios - The Golden Spindle

The gnomes who now work in shops once worked the marketplaces of Kingdom Kyrgios. Their jobs now taken by both foreign traders and ambitious humans, these gnomes toil away day after day, making coins for the royal Mint. They're also starting to make jewelry to help fund Kyrgios itself.

Control: Bookbinders
Stability: Moderate (Foreign Traders)

Borna Coric - A King's Legacy

The Black Knight was entombed in his battle gear, a legendary set of armor and weapons that was originally to be passed down to his son. It's under heavy guard, lest the Green Knight attempt to claim his inheritance.

Control: Bookbinders
Stability: Stable

Maidenvale - A Dragon's Hoard

The dragons supported Rafal very firmly, aside from one or two who preferred raiding to hoarding. With the pesky knights no longer bothering them, they were free to curl up on their gold in relative peace, though Rafal insisted they make contact with the banking system to help provide an additional source of loans to financial institutions.

Control: Bookbinders
Stability: Stable

Ravenwood - Old Enemies and Older Grudges

During the initial backlash to the Bookbinders and the king's coronation edict, Ravenwood was mysteriously calm. It turned out that the witches had simply put a sleep spell on the entire quarter of town the witch hunter families lived in. Rafal came in and bullied the witches into breaking the spell, but an uneasy truce remains here, especially with the witch hunters depleted from the earlier fighting.

Control: Witches (Truce with Rafal)
Stability: Stable

Avalon - Murmurs of Discontent

Rumors tell you that all is not well behind the shining walls of Avalon. Your sources aren't exactly *clear* on what's going on, but you have reason to suspect not every knight is happy about the decisions the bookbinders have been making.

Control: Bookbinders
Stability: Tenuous

Spoiler: Current Troops (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 09:39:11 am by Doomblade187 »
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2020, 09:30:14 am »

Right then. Let's see if I understand this correctly.

Quote from: Plan A
Unit Hiring & Equipment Production
Hire 50 Disgruntled Villains (1 Being)
Hire 100 Kobolds (1 Being + 1 Recruitment Bonus (Borna Coric))
Produce 50 Iron-Banded Cudgels (1 Material)
Produce 10 Crossbows (2 Material)

Squad Organisation
Form 6 "Recon Squads":
Quote from: Recon Squad
4 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels
6 Kobolds

Form 5 "Combat Squads":
Quote from: Combat Squad
2 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Crossbows and Cudgels
3 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels
12 Kobolds

Form 1 "Spare Squad":
Quote from: Spare Squad
1 Disgruntled Villain, armed with Cudgel
4 Kobolds

Deploy 1 Recon Squad to each of:
-Jaunt Jolie
-Borna Coric

Deploy an additional Recon Squad to Avalon.

No raid.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 09:51:18 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!

Powder Miner

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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2020, 12:10:50 pm »

If we’re building the squads we’ll deploy for defense right now, shouldn’t Grenda be one? Or would Characters be separate from Squads?


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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2020, 12:19:37 pm »

Characters go in squad organization. The 1 raid limit still applies.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.

Powder Miner

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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #36 on: June 05, 2020, 12:55:25 pm »

Quote from: Plan Beat Ass
Unit Hiring & Equipment Production
Hire 50 Disgruntled Villains (1 Being)
Hire 100 Kobolds (1 Being + 1 Recruitment Bonus (Borna Coric))
Produce 50 Iron-Banded Cudgels (1 Material)
Produce 10 Crossbows (2 Material)

Squad Organisation
Form 5 "Recon Squads":
Quote from: Recon Squad
2 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels
6 Kobolds

Form “Rafal’s Business Venture”
Quote from: Rafal’s Business Venture
5 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels
10 Kobolds

Form 2 "Combat Squads":
Quote from: Combat Squad
7 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels
3 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels and Crossbows
20 Kobolds

Form “Grenda’s Heavy Squad”:
Quote from: Grenda’s Heavy Squad
11 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels
4 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Crossbows and Cudgels
20 Kobolds

Deploy 1 Recon Squad to each of:
-Jaunt Jolie
-Borna Coric

Deploy Rafal’s Business Venture as a “““Raid””” on Kingdom Kyrgios, mixing with gnomes and foreign traders and participating in the marketplace in order to try to sway some of the foreign traders towards our point of view and finding out which ones REALLY don’t like us.
This plan is based on the logic that it might be best to respond overwhelmingly to just around 3 things on defense — if they go for only a few operations, we keep squads that are individually better coordinated than multiple smaller squads would be, and are individually quite strong, letting us hopefully match them. If they spread out a lot, we can at least murder 3 of their squads while losing less manpower than them, since I don’t really feel we would at this point need to go fight every mission. I also bumped down the recon squads in size under similar logic, and to get heavier combat squads. I also only surveilled 5 areas, since we can send squads on the defense just fine anyway, and for information the “Raid” is basically acting as Surveillance+
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 01:19:45 pm by Powder Miner »


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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #37 on: June 05, 2020, 01:22:00 pm »

I have some minor concerns (my inclination would be to increase the number of kobolds in the recon squads a little), but it's probably fine. Nevermind it got changed.
I'm putting up a botevox already, but if someone has an alternative plan, I'm not locked in or anything.

Quote from: Xotebov
Plan Beat Ass: (1) NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2020, 04:24:10 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Plan Beat Ass: (2) NUKE9.13, Taricus
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Powder Miner

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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #39 on: June 07, 2020, 01:27:36 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Plan Beat Ass: (3) NUKE9.13, Taricus, Powder Miner
Right, I should actually vote, huh?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2020, 12:23:57 am »

Movement Phase 1:

Unit Hiring & Equipment Production
Hire 50 Disgruntled Villains (1 Being)
Hire 100 Kobolds (1 Being + 1 Recruitment Bonus (Borna Coric))
Produce 50 Iron-Banded Cudgels (1 Material)
Produce 10 Crossbows (2 Material)

Squad Organisation
Form 5 "Recon Squads":

Quote from: Recon Squad

2 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels
6 Kobolds

Form “Rafal’s Business Venture”

Quote from: Rafal’s Business Venture

5 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels
10 Kobolds

Form 2 "Combat Squads":

Quote from: Combat Squad

7 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels
3 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels and Crossbows
20 Kobolds

Form “Grenda’s Heavy Squad”:

Quote from: Grenda’s Heavy Squad

11 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Cudgels
4 Disgruntled Villains, armed with Crossbows and Cudgels
20 Kobolds

Deploy 1 Recon Squad to each of:
-Jaunt Jolie
-Borna Coric

The team deployed to Camelot is notably different from the other recon squads. While they’re still there to investigate potential unrest, the members of the squad itself were very carefully handpicked to present a certain image. 6 of the most human-socialized kobolds from base are sent, along with two sympathetic knights from Avalon. Each member is wearing special parade armor, custom-fitted for the occasion. The gear bears the insignia of the bookbinders on one pauldron, and the royal coat of arms on the other, and the polished sheen draws eyes from citizens and soldiers alike. A new era has arrived, truly.

Cheering citizens hail the patrol as they walk through town, and even the kobolds are welcome in the most upscale parts of town. A judge meets them outside the royal courts, and they head inside to meet. Some weapons had gone missing over the past few weeks, but any rebel involvement has so far been impossible to discern.

Jaunt Jolie
The bar was a madhouse. Normally, such statements were meant metaphorically, implying a state of chaos or disarray.

No, thought sergeant Dmitri of the bookbinder guard, this was a very literal madhouse as the bartender waved him over, grinning a little too widely.

"Welcome to the Tea Party!"

"Hello, barkeep. We're looking for some miscreants in the area."

"That's an overly broad question, sergeant," the barkeep replied, not looking up from his leaf-covered workplace as he sorted and blended, gesturing to the many shaking people huddled over teacups around the room.

Dmitri asked again "Do you know any who work alongside the-" SLAM SLAM SLAM SLAM

The barkeep had decided it was time to begin blending a new mix, and the mortar and pestle were in full use. Dmitri could do nothing but wait for him to finish.

Ten minutes passed before the barkeeper looked at him, as he slid a fragrant cup of tea in a delicate porcelain cup across the bar.


Trying to take it all in stride, Dmitri took a gentle sip, cradling the porcelain vessel in his rough hands. The liquid was hot, but not burning, and the delicate scent wafted through his mind, bringing to mind images - a small wooden house on a hill of cloud, overlooking the land below. The seas of sky above. Climbing and laughing with other children.

Dmitri, trembling, slammed the teacup down on the counter, almost breaking it. He looked up, and the barkeep was inches from his face, eyes unblinking. The barkeep muttered quietly and pulled away. "Needs more beanstalk."


No response.


No response.


Another cup of tea, seemingly pulled from nowhere.


Dmitri stuttered, and took a breath, faint memories flowing through him with the aroma of the tea. "Sir, I will drink after you tell me where those who support the Green Knight are hiding."


Dmitri tried to speak, but the aroma of the tea wafted through the air.

"A perfect blend, yes? Enjoy."

Dmitri picked up the cup and breathed deep.


The crew of eight moves through Foxwood quickly and quietly, no weapons visible. They were almost there, the woods thick ahead of them along the winding farmhouse roads. So many trees, and so little time. There was a dust cloud on the road behind them into town, but no telling who it was. It was for the hard part - not disturbing the peace.

Borna Coric

They say home is where the heart is, and in this case, it’s also where the traps are. The kobolds are more than enthusiastic to set up the kingdom with cleverly concealed reconnaissance posts, and put them to good use. Two loyal castle guards are leveraged to provide muscle and face-to-face questioning assistance.

Rafal had instructed the kobolds to set up traps in the access tunnels that run throughout the kingdom, and the decision pays off. Alarms (silent, of course) ring across several sectors: someone's here, and they're fast.


The armory is bustling with activity as the Knights comb the area, scholars sweeping the area with fairy lanterns. "Have you found anything yet?" Asks the armorer.

"Not yet, sir," replies the archivist.

"Well, knives don't just grow legs and walk off!"

"They do in Oz."

"For the last time Aren, this isn't Oz."

"Well, maybe that's how they stole them!"

"Just look for any clues of an outsider"

"That's just the thing, I can't find anything."

Silence, for a moment.

"Keep looking."


Deploy Rafal’s Business Venture as a “““Raid””” on Kingdom Kyrgios, mixing with gnomes and foreign traders and participating in the marketplace in order to try to sway some of the foreign traders towards our point of view and finding out which ones REALLY don’t like us.

Rafal's carriage pulls up outside the palace gates, the hooded crystalline streetlights swelling with a magical glow and reflecting off the beautifully polished cobbles of the street, gleaming with lapis and gold. The guards, standing proud in shining armor, approached the carriage, wielding their spears in a stiff, tense grip. The unrest in the typically peaceful Ever kingdom had set the Leader on edge, and the King was being somewhat paranoid. No problem; Rafal liked working on paranoid people.

Soon, he and his retinue were settled within the royal accommodations, though the guards kept shooting the kobolds dirty looks. As Rafal strolls to the dining room,  he takes a minute to enjoy the finery. It had been some time since he had last been here, and the decor hadn't changed much. Lapis lazuli lines the walls in intricate designs, while diamond and gold chandeliers drape from the ceiling every 30 meters or so (the switch to metric was still something he was proud of managing). Above him, the gently arched ceiling, painted a fine white, is interspersed with domes brilliantly lined with designs of precious gems depicting events from the kingdom's  history.

There was no time to enjoy the scenery, though, and they were soon ushered into the audience chamber. The meeting passed quickly, exchanging pleasantries and news from Camelot. Then a list of sympathetic merchants, as well as those who have a history of not paying taxes in the appropriate measures.

Finalize your defense and raid plans please. Thanks for reading.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2020, 12:57:39 am »

Tea? In a pirate Tavern?!

Well boys, we know where we're raiding first.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2020, 01:50:15 am »

Tea? In a pirate Tavern?!

Well boys, we know where we're raiding first.
Well, yes. Kyrgios, since we had to set up our raid last phase.

Anyway, I say we send our combat squads to Borna Coric and Avalon, and Grenda to Jaunt Jolie. JJ got the biggest red flag, which probably means the Tales have a plan there- and we’ve seen that regular thugs can’t overcome the weird tea, but Grenda probably doesn’t give a fuck. As for BC and Av, BC is our home, so we’d like to prevent the Tales from acting freely, and Avalon seems the most troublesome of the remaining regions.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #43 on: November 26, 2020, 01:23:01 pm »

Okay, so, we also have a design, and a bonus revision, it seems. Hopefully there will be a Discord again soon so we can brainstorm more efficiently, but until then- ideas?

Design options off the top of my head:
-Ogres. We have a thematic connection to them, and an Ogre hero, so it shouldn't be too difficult to organise recruitment.
-Witch Hunters. I get the impression that our existing troops aren't the best at gathering information. One would hope that Witch Hunters would be less vulnerable to hallucinogenic tea, and better at uncovering secrets- like, not just asking the first person they come across if they know any traitors.
Witch Hunters
Rafal's oldest and most loyal allies, Witch Hunters are a caste who have struggled against the tyranny of Tales for centuries. They have no place in traditional narratives- defeating witches is the purview of small children and young princes, most of whom live Happily Ever After, and care not for the plight of anyone but themselves. A rare few, however, reject their Happy Ending, and join the Witch Hunters.
Despite the name, Witch Hunters do not solely hunt witches. Witches are merely their primary foes; they will happily hunt and kill anything that threatens the lives of common folk, regardless of their nominal vices or virtues; dragons, unicorns, evil knights, noble knights- it matters not. For this service to the common good, they receive little by way of thanks- indeed, they are often criticised-, yet they soldier on. Like Rafal, they care more about results than sentiment. 
Witch Hunters vary wildly in their method and appearance, but most Witch Hunters who survive a few battles have the following things in common:
-A selection of charms and amulets that ward off dark magic; if you can't withstand a basic hex, you won't last long versus an angry witch.
-Good eyes and honed instincts; you need to be able to detect trickery to outwit witches and their ilk, and collect information rapidly to track them down. 
-Speed, agility, and dexterity; while capable of taking a hit, most Witch Hunters rely more on avoiding them, and strike back using finesse rather than brute force.
-A grim demeanour; they've Seen Some Shit, and have little time for frivolity. When it comes time to fight, they shoot first, and don't ask questions.
-A sweet hat; it's not clear why, but all Witch Hunters wear a cool hat (typically of the broad-rimmed leather variety). Fortunately, there are many other people who wear cool hats, so it doesn't necessarily make them stand out.

Though their numbers were depleted, Rafal has commanded that their ranks be bolstered once more, so that they can serve in the Bookbinders. Veteran Witch Hunters have been roped in to train novices- show them the basics of the Witch Hunter fighting style, educate them on effective interrogation tactics, then take them on a hunt or two (of minor rebellious witches; there's always some to be found) to bloody their blades, that sort of thing. With the Bookbinders' resources, it should be possible to deploy a number of Witch Hunters without calling away too many from their regular duties.
-Witch Hunter Hero (eg Willow). Would be an easier step into designing regular Witch Hunters, iirc. Though honestly, I'm mainly putting this here cos I like the backstory I assembled for Willow and don't want to see it go unused.
-I'd suggest better equipment, but we really have no idea what we're up against, so there's no way to know what equipment we need.

Revisions options:
-Kobold stealth training. Make them more effective in combat. Would also help with information gathering.
-...can't think of any others off the top of my head.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fight for the Woods - Bookbinders
« Reply #44 on: November 27, 2020, 01:21:25 pm »

M's super awesome definitely well thought out plan
Jaunt Jolie

Send Grenda's Heavy Squad to capture and interrogate that Tavernkeeper alongside the local recon squad. Any other goons with them are considered acceptable casualties, though if some happen to live we'll interrogate them as well

Borna Coric
send two combat squads to set up traps and ambush whoever is moving through our territory with the recon squad.

have the recon squad's kobold's setup traps at the armory to catch any would-be thieves while the humans provide any muscle they need.

Kingdom Kyrgios Raid
Rafal and his guards will seize the assets of any merchant who has a history not paying taxes, any excess assets not used to cover their unpaid taxes will be given first to sympathetic merchants in the area and secondly to orphanages and other local charity assets. In the event a merchant does not have enough assets to pay for their taxes, they will be sent to the mines to work off their debts.
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