So I've been thoroughly hooked on this thing ever since 1.0 hit. Must've sunk 20+ hours so far, still got a ton to do tho. Favorite stuff so far has been the fists, the railgun (secret variant especially) and the chiron version of the bow for that sweet sweet doom/hangover cheese.
All of that however pales in comparison to my latest run. Was watching some other folk play the game and figured I'd give this cast build a try, especially since I've kinda been ignoring Poseidon most of my runs. So I grab his aspect of the sword and well, shit escalates to stupid levels afterwards:
Started off kinda meh as the cast wasn't that strong but managed to grab an extra from chaos early on. Then a lucky Artemis roll got me the bonus damage on dislodge, so the main clearing method was spamming out casts then doing the nova near anything that was still standing. By Asphodel I managed to grab both the Second Wave and Sea Storm, which was just pure damage on top of damage, then Zeus decided to be a real bro and give me his legendary as well (so even more damage). After that I wanted to grab Mirage shot but Artemis was playing coy and giving me pretty much everything (including her legendary) except that, managed to get it as my last boon in Styx actually. Before that tho, Hermes went, hey, wanna be even dumber, here have Instant Recall.
So by the end, my main move was just mostly standing still and shitting out my 6 casts (which returned instantly whenever they killed something, which was often), occasionally dashing towards something tougher to dislodge them all for massive damage. It was such a shitshow of stacked triggers too, a cast would hit, dealing damage and knocking the target back, this would trigger a rupture, then a lightning strike from Zeus (which then triggered additional ball lightning effects), then the second wave of knockback would hit, repeating the whole thing another time, and if it lived the target took even more damage once the cast was out of their system.
Oh and all of this shit could crit too. Think this run had my fastest arena and dad kills to date.