- Craft a quire
- Create weapons (exept stone axe)
- Create Armor
- Make Clothing
These are all possible with some light RAW modding; in fact several mods for them exist already, I think (I make my own, so I'm not sure what's publicly available)
- Use workshops (except Carpender)
Actually you
can use any workshop - it's just that there are no Adventure Mode reactions for any shops other than Carpenter's. But if, say, you mod in some smithing reactions that happen at a metalsmith's forge, you can totally use a forge to do them.
Of course the problem there is the forge itself - since you can't build one (without DFHack) you have to find one in a dwarven fortress. But it is at least possible.
I mean, you can lie down anywhere (with "s") - just lie on top of the bed?
- Have a house inside a settlement
- Own a room, using retirement and fotressmode
While you can't "own" a house in a pre-generated settlement (though nothing stops you from squatting) you can assign a room to yourself in a settlement that you build. Then, if you retire that character at the site, they will remain in their room.
- Become a noble in a fortress or settlement, or have some occupation or position
You can claim ownership of a site you create, or of any human site (town/hamlet, possibly castles in .47.xx?) either by killing the former occupants or by claiming an abandoned site. It should be possible, also, to give your adventurer a position in a player fortress (including nobility), using retirement shenanigans, but I've never tried it.
- Marry, get a wife or husband
- Get children
All adventurers start out asexual - so, in vanilla, these are impossible. You can change this with DFHack's "fix-ster" script, though, which should theoretically allow adventurers to get married and procreate. I don't know a way to "choose" your lover/spouse, though; but if you retire a fix-ster'd adventurer and let them operate on their own for a while there's a chance they'll hook up with someone.
Unless you start as a species that can breathe underwater or fly, no. Swimming underwater as a non-amphibious creature (or a non-vampire) always causes you to be
Drowning, and you'll die pretty quickly if you don't swim back up. Most bird-men can fly, and some bug-men too, but there's no way for one of the standard races to fly.
If I may say, this topic seems a little... loose? Like, there's a whole lot of things you "can do" in Adventure Mode: you can walk around, talk to people, attack people, look at objects... but obviously that's not the kind of activities you want to know about. Similarly, there's potentially infinite things you
can't do: you can't build a spaceship, or travel to other planes, or gamble... these things haven't been added to the game. It might be helpful to add some extra parameters to your question: like, "What can you not do it Adventure Mode that you can do in Fort Mode," or something like that? Otherwise we could could go on ad infinitum with things we can and can't do.