bump replacement sounds interesting! I'll try that.
The story is this: I have a fort which can be completely seperated from the outside world, by a 3 tiles wide chasm, and drawbridges. I plan to have chasm go all the way down to the caverns. The fortress need to be a self-sufficient as possible. Using the aquifier feels like cheeting. So watersupply is here a problem.
I want to be able to take water in from the outside, but all connections must be cutted of in case of a siege. So my watersource need to be able to jump the gap of 3 tiles. Also, this fortress must be the only 'cilivised' structure, so no intelligent structures outside its walls. So I cannot make a powered system outside. I've tried let it flow over the bridge, but it goes sideways into the chasm, even when its under pressure. The only way I can see this work, is crossing a drawbridge with minecarts, pick up water, and then return.
But as soon as the minecarts goes into the water, it slows down. It has to have a maximum speed of 10.000 in order to be able to pick up water, and it need to has a minimum speed of 5000 to climb out the fill-pit. Also, water of level 7/7 slows it down to much, Even with the highest pickup-speed possible. It only works when the level is exactly 6/7, but this is very hard to maintain with an automated but unpowered system.
Also what I tried, is standing under a waterfall: the minecart wont fill up. And I tried to ride down a slope, which is flooded with water on the top, but in this case, the water doesn't have the minimum depth of 6/7, so the minecart wont will up either.
Here are my rules:
- no exploits, so no impulsramp or infinte watergenerator, or other infinite stuff
- no infinite aquifer watersource.
- no powered system outside the walls,
- need to be closed off completely in case of a siege.
- What I will allow is an 'intelligent' system, using pressureplates, floodgates and floorhatches and stuff, but rather not.