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Author Topic: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset  (Read 13336 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« on: April 30, 2020, 07:22:27 pm »

We're getting ready to kick off the last game of this cycle. I'll be playing LA Abysia and while my opponents haven't 'locked in' yet it's fairly certain that they'll be Agartha, Man, and Midgard. We probably won't be playing turn one until this weekend but here's a place to consider pretender choices and go ahead and claim any desired names in advance.

Late Age Abysia
Just a brief rundown on how the troops and commanders have changed here. I'll do the more flavorful intro to them after the pretender is locked in.
Did you guys enjoy the assassins from last match? Because let me tell you about assassins.
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These are all assassins that we can recruit. Everyone of them is sacred and can be blessed. The first, Slayer Newt, is the Slayer equivalent from the middle age minus the heat aura because this one is human. He's sacred, sneaky, and wield two poison daggers.  The second is the Slayer Worm, they still have strong Abysian blood and therefor a heat aura. These guys are also priests with level 1 Holy magic access.  Both of these assassins can be recruited in any fort we control.

The next two however are capital only.  The Slayer Anathemant  has level 1 Fire magic, level 2 Holy, and even odds of getting another point of fire or gaining 1 level of Death magic. I've never used Death before so I'm interested to see what it opens up.   The final one is the Slayer Sanguine. Instead of Fire and/or Death magic this one comes straight out of the box with level 2 Holy and level 2 Blood abilities.

Our other commanders don't matter because they aren't assassins.  But I suppose they can be of use anyway.  Our warlocks and apprentices return as capital only recruitment options. The apprentice is 2 Blood, 1 Astral but the main Warlock has been improved quite a bit. They now come stock with 2 Astral and 3 Blood as well as a chance to gain up to 2 additional points in either as well as a chance to have 1-2 levels of Fire or Earth magic.

Anathemant Dragons and Salamanders also make a return appearance.  The Anathemant caste seems to have embraced death magic en mass.  The dragons are Fire 2, Death 1 (still Holy 3) mages with a guaranteed chance to have either fire or death increased by one point.  The Salamanders are Fire 2, Death 1, Holy 2 but without the extra random bonus point.

The last thing of note is that we have 2 new units from the 'Sanguine' line. The Sanguine Acolyte and the Sanguine Anathemant.  Both of these can be recruited in any fort. The acolyte is Blood 1, Holy 1 and the Anathemant is Fire 1, Blood 2, Holy 2.  I suspect these guys will be key in our blood hunting.

We also still have commanders though the Abysian Warlords (rip Steve) of the past are no more. Human commanders have taken over the role and wield battleaxes and wear heavy plate armor.

Our sacreds have changed from the Lava Warriors to Guardians of the Pyre.
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They still look pretty great but have fallen from the outstanding level that they were at in previous ages.  However we now have access to Warbreds, which I think will form a large part of our army. These guys are fire resistant beserkers the size of a horse.
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Other than that, our troops are mostly halfbreed human/abysian race and range from light infantry to heavy and we have access to throwing axes.

Initial Pretender Thoughts

There's 3 types of pretenders that we likely could go for. Another supercombatant, a rainbow, or scales. 

The supercombatant would speed up initial expansion (if taken Awake) and provide a defense against early aggression by the other nations like The Veiled One did in our last game. Abysia shouldn't need the help expanding (I haven't run my test games yet so there's some assumptions here) but it would still be beneficial.  Here's a sample pretender that I could run using this type.
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That would give us the shock resistance that looked needed for last game and enough earth access to break some of our warlocks into it (Yep, our warlocks can gain earth magic in late age!).  I did a very brief test run with this guy and he clears indy provinces like a madman. Taking out 50-80 strong defenses easily. But being unarmored he gets poked a lot. I think after conquering 7 provinces in 7 turns he had 5 permanent wounds on himself.

I tried to make a usable rainbow for research speed and general magery. If I make one sleeping then I lose out of the significant early game research boost and if I take him awake then I have to tank more than half of my scales to afford him and our units are not cheap!  I'll tinker with it some more but at this point I don't think it's a viable way to go.

For scales I'm looking at an imprisoned Divine Glyph, mostly because Abysia gets a national discount on it. Something along these lines:
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I think either air or earth for shock resistance is going to be mandatory. Both Man and Midgard have strong air magic access. We can get the air resistance from the air magic much more cheaply than doing the same from earth (and earth also requires our pretender to be present in the world). This also gives the option, admittedly late game, to construct both air gear and high level astral gear.

At the moment I'm leaning towards the glyph and may tinker with the exact details of it a bit more but it's not locked in as of yet. Again feel free to go ahead and claim some names if you want! I'll name the pretender but everything else is up for grabs!                                   
« Last Edit: April 30, 2020, 07:29:02 pm by oldark »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2020, 08:57:09 pm »

Alrighty, scheduling mishaps and waiting on a bugfix patch delayed things but we're finally kicking this thing off. 

Meet Sigil the Divine Glyph, God of Abysia,
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Thoughts here were to double down on shock resistance (both Man and Midgard have good air evocation access) and have enough astral for crafting the magic boosters that it allows. Other than those considerations Sigil is focused on having good scales this game.

Our opponents will be The Third Stone of Agartha, Selwyn of Man, and Kyle of Midgard.

Our map:
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Victory condition is Ascension.  There will be 8 level 1 thrones, 4 level 2 thrones, and a single level 3 throne.  11 Ascension points required to win (57.9% of total). Only real game rule is that all trade agreements are binding. Viewer/reader rule is please don't give spoilers to a player if you're involved in more than one let's play (I believe Man is planning to post his this game as well, if it's not here I'll make sure to provide a link for y'all).

There will be a prophet being declared in turn 1 if anyone wants to jump on naming him.  Turn one will likely be played in about 8 hours and posted shortly thereafter.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2020, 08:40:30 am by oldark »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2020, 09:44:49 pm »

Here we go, going to try a character reporting style. Not sure if it'll end up feeling any different or if I'll get annoyed with it and change 2 turns in but seems fun anyway!

In the beginning, there was Chaos.

Turn 1. Spring in the year 0.

I am Inigo Montoya, elves killed my father. They should prepare to die first Sanguine Acolyte of Sigil, God of Abysia, the Vessel of Might, the Consuming Fire, Lord of Luck, the Most High.   The Ascension Wars have begun once again. The ancient powers of Man and Agartha are stirring as well as what has become of the once powerful Vanheim race, now calling themselves Midgard. Our lord Sigil has weakened its bonds enough to make its presence known to the people of Abysia. Perhaps Sigil will be able to restore our fading flame.

The other awakening powers have made themselves known to the world. The nation of Man worships Selwyn, Prince of Fires of the Earth, the Everburning One.
The remnants of Agartha worship Third Stone, Shining Boat of Heaven, Lady of Navigation, Lady of Forgiving. Finally we have the nation of Midgard worshipping Kyle, the Leech, Master of Pain, Tower of Strength.

Our world is finally known to our people as initial explorers have spread throughout it's reaches. Abysia and the Smouldercone lie in a valley between mountain ranges with a variety of terrain nearby.
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Many of us have gone before Sigil in prayer these past months. It was there I received my calling to record these times so future generations may learn from our failures or successes. As of yet none have come forth proclaiming themselves Sigil's prophet, though our commander High General Cin is considered by many of the priests among us to have a high likelihood of success and he's currently ensconced in the temple preparing for leading Abysia's first expansion army in this Age.

The Slayer Cult temples are planning to provide a number of their members to our grand expansion as well.
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I am also instructed by Sigil to lead our nation's research teams. Our first goal will be Construction 4 in order to craft Sanguine Dowsing Rods. Our current technology status is:
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« Last Edit: May 14, 2020, 09:52:06 pm by oldark »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2020, 10:32:57 pm »

Hazzah, it lives!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2020, 09:19:38 am »

Turn 2. Late Spring in the year 0.

It seems ancient powers truly are on the move once more! High General Cin returned from his prayers and was immediately recognized as the prophet of Sigil. Within a week word had reached us that Aethelfrith the Castellan had been declared the prophet of Selwyn and Vitiges the Cave Captain declared as prophet of Third Stone.

High General Cin formed up our army and began marching it south to claim the Evergreen Forest for Abysia. Many of the peoples living there already worship Sigil as their god.

The slayer cult moves to begin operations in the mountains of Carnag to the northeast.

Initial scouts report that the Copper Canyons contains an unknown throne of Ascension guarded by about 80 units consisting of infantry, heavy infantry, crossbowmen, and archers. Thoughts in the command tent are that it may be an easy conquest though I have my doubts. For the moment caution has prevailed and it has been decided that any assault on such valuable land should be preceded by a more thorough scouting report.

More Slayer Worms are being prepared for their missions by the slayer cult this month and the Humanbred experimenters have mastered the creation of Warbred - very strong and obedient troops that will be a force to be reckoned with even in small numbers. They should begin filling in our garrison next month and will move out to conquer when they have sufficient numbers and a suitable commander.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2020, 05:15:39 pm »

Turn 3. Early Summer in the year 0.

Reports arrived this month that High General Cin successfully conquered the Evergreen forest with minimal casualties. The resources from the region are already pouring into the forges of Abysia. The report also declared his intention to march into the Gnome Peaks as soon as possible.
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A second wave of Slayer Worms began traveling to Copper Canyons to see what they can do about the Yakshini located there. We are expecting reports within a few weeks of the actions of those slayers that slipped into Carnag last month.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2020, 09:17:15 pm »

Turns 4 & 5. Summer in the year 0.

An envoy from Midgard arrived in Late Summer.

It seems I am also to be assigned the role of foreign representative for our people. The following is a record of our first official correspondence with a foreign power in this Age, along with a trio of Fire Gems as a gesture of good faith.

Word came back from Carnag. The slayers operating in that region have all had successfull kills on their targets and they have brought the military of that region into the fold.

A report from High General Cin also brought more good news as the Gnome Peaks were brought under our nation's banner. He immediately force marched his troops further south to the Black Peaks and only weeks later we received the report of a successful engagement there as well. He intends to continue operations in that area and leave the closer provinces up to the slayers and soon to march followup forces.

Speaking of those followup forces, a young human commander from the Evergreen Forest known as Speedo is expected to arrive in Abysia in the next week. He'll be the first to lead a force of Warbred out of Abysia and on to conquer Trouble Bog

Slayers in Copper Canyons have finally gotten reports in. One had a successful mission against a common troop commander but 2 others died attempting to take out the Yakshini guarding the throne there. Report from the survivor is that it summoned massive water elementals that smashed his brethren without mercy or opportunity to reach their target.

Azazel the Slayer Worm is our nations first renowned hero after tales spread of how he single handedly brought Carnag under our rule. These tales of course leave out the other slayers involved that will remain operating in the shadows but they do make sure to elevate Azazel's heroic toughness.

The most recent word from Cin was that he intended to capture an apparently weak Throne nearby. It seems foolhardy to me but he is far away and my opinion matters little.

The Black Peaks with their unique position of bordering 3 separate thrones, have been declared a critical location. Recruitment has been cut dramatically this season in order to send the funds and resources required to being palisades there as soon as a commander can be raised from the local people to oversee it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2020, 10:05:19 pm »

Question:  Images out in the open or do yall prefer the spoiler tag version used in the last game?  I still plan to spoiler some things like big battles or any named asssassination attempt logs.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2020, 12:04:44 pm »

My understanding is that spoilering images is generally easier for some readers, especially those reading on smartphones.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2020, 12:35:36 pm »

Turn 6. Early Fall in the year 0.

Midgard proclaimed a prophet of Kyle this season, a Vanjarl named Hrugner. We've had no other news of the other nations and powers that are moving in this age.

Cin reported a successful assault on Ba'an Dagor, a name that is known from our histories and considered to be a good omen! The Throne of Law is located there in this age and the High General has sent his intentions to immediately begin the ritual to claim the powers of this throne for Sigil.
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Reports from Speedo indicate that the projected battle prowess of the Warbreds is holding up to expectations. They cleared the defenders out of Trouble Bog without a single injury among them and he's continuing across the river to the nearby wastelands without delay.
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Both High General Cin and the Slayer Worm Barbiel entered the Hall of Fame as mighty heroes this season. Stories are spreading of Barbiel's Extraordinary Agility and of the High General's heroic battle prowess. There is only one other still living member in this august society, that being Napa Tua, a Pale One mercenary commander currently in the employ of Selwyn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2020, 03:17:58 pm »

Turn 7. Fall in the year 0.

A new message arrived from Midgard recently and the ambassador presenting it seems to be prepared to set up a permanent embassy. They also gave a gift of air gems.
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The High General successfully harnassed the power of The Throne of Law and directed it to Sigil. He reports that though his forces are getting low on strength that he believes he can press forward carefully.
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Speedo continues to move east after another harmless conquest in The Obsidian Waste.
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We've had our first scout reports of the claimed lands of Midgard and Man come in. I have attached an overview of the world's status at the end of this entry.  Other news of note is that one of the elder Anathemant Dragon's offered her services. Going by Hot Topic Barbie, she's a skilled fire and death mage and a high priest. She has been assigned to site searching duty.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2020, 04:18:06 pm »

Turn 8. Late Fall in the year 0.

The palace was in chaos earlier today. Rumors were flying that High General Cin and his army had been wiped out by a horde of barbarians. Thankfully the actual report, while still bad news, was far less dire.
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The army itself was defeated and only a few soldiers remain, but the High General escaped back to Ba'an Dagor unharmed. He sends word that he is marching back to Abysia with his survivors though it will take him some months to cover such a distance.
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Speedo's report from Vath was much better news. The dozen Warbreds he led defeated 2 score enemies including crossbowmen and heavy cavalry. The crossbows in particular took a toll on them but as if Sigil himself was watching to reward us, Speedo found a Staff of Flame Focus on one of the enemy commanders. Such an item is beyond our mage's understanding to craft but it's ability to extend the range of fire spells and rituals could prove very useful. I wrote orders to Speedo this evening to continue his conquest and hand in the staff at the first lab he reaches.
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The Slayer cult reported that the Earthshell Mountains were now securely under Abysian rule and that they were moving their operations there into Witch Haven and also provided a warning that their resources were being stretched thin and that they may not be successful there.
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A few other points of record this season, Sheddan set off with another dozen Warbred to clear out the Windswept Desert and Rimmire and we fought some well forged blacksteel armor hidden in a Griffon's Nest in the Black Peaks.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2020, 08:14:54 pm »

Turn 9. Early Winter in the year 0.

A fairly brief description of this season, much of my time has been unfortunately taken up by my foreign relations duties.

The provinces of Cottoqar and Spires of Ascension have been brought into the fold by the Slayers, while Speedo conquered Chiilad.  Of particular interest is the Throne of Zeal located in Cottoqar, the High General will have to be sent there when he is not needed elsewhere.

Agarthan infantry and crossbows have been spotted by Speedo's forces to the east om Dardania and Man has been using mercenaries to firmly establish himself in the sea.  Meanwhile we are nearing Midgard lands both to our north and south. Some border agreement must be reached soon to avoid hostilities there.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2020, 03:49:39 pm »

Turns 10 & 11. Winter in the year 0.

As Winter reaches its peak the Slayers report the successful acquisition of Witch Haven. This province is bordering lands claimed by Kyle of Midgard. We've pressed close enough to their capital in both the north and south that the opinion of the Abysian High Council is that we should focus further expansion efforts elsewhere as to not provoke them unduly. (notes on initial border negotiations follow near the end of this entry)  As this will mark a key border for Abysia, construction of both a Temple and some Palisades has begun.
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Both Warbred parties reported complete success and continue to march ceaselessly through the snows to bring more lands under our banner.
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Speedo has gained a worldwide reputation for his Iron Will. Well deserved in my humble opinion has he marches through snow covered forests to bring more lands under the flag of Abysia and Sigil.

The High General arrived back in Abysia and took command of the 28 Warbred awaiting action. There was considerable discussion about trying to capture the throne in Copper Canyons immediately, but in the end it was decided that the general should march south and west to some other unclaimed lands and the Copper Canyons can wait until we have more massed forces to ensure a victory.
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Negotiations with Midgard on initial borders.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Dominions 5 LA Abysia - The Last Sunset
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2020, 07:45:05 pm »

Turn 12. Early Spring in the year 1.

Northria was converted by slayer cult agents just before the weather turned warm again and Speedo conquered the Griffon Spires around the same time. It'll be quite the march for the latter to be able to return to central Abysia.
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Palisades have begun going up in Cottoqar and soon in Ba'an Dagor as well.
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I am traveling out of the capital myself now for the first time. Not a terribly long trip, just to spend a few months in Cottoqar to establish a lab and temple to Sigil in that location. Of other note, Ba'al Kar the warlock is beginning the first mass blood hunting down in the Evergreen Forest.  Preliminary plans are to establish a research center in Cottoqar (hence my being sent there) and a blood hunting center in Ba'an Dagor.  There's a strong possibility that I'll be traveling southward after finishing my work in Cottoqar.

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