Maybe I'm not clear enough, so to put things extra clear : I really like the idea that race and culture are detached.
I really want elves to integrate into humans communities and vice versa. In my world, humans very often go abandon civilization and join retreats to live on trees and adopt the elven mentality and way of life. I like it and I'd prefer it to stay that way.
I do not like the idea that a dwarf should "think like a dwarf" and automatically have a "dwarven culture" - instead he should behave how he has been raised, by the people he has been raised. It wouldn't make sense that an elf risen in a human civ use wooden weapons or would want to live in a tree.
In worldgen, maybe if a population of meat eater joins a civilization - like hyena men or the like - maybe it should influence the amount of cattle, or add new sizes in the clothes that are produced locally to accomodate the population. But aside that... no thanks.
Civilizations have a culture, races do not.
Edit: A human in a dwarven civilization do not know how to make bows or two handed swords. In my assessment, that's the point of civilization - to define what you can or cannot build. Also I'm fine with one dwarven civ to not have the ability to build everything as it would make commerce obsolete. And dwarven civs are already OP enough as they are, lol