One issue with royal jelly is how to make chefs in kitchen to actually use it.
Even once, we patched with special stockpiles issue of food stored in bags and jugs inside barrels (flour and sugar bags) and bins (jelly jugs),
which makes their contents invisible for cooking. Given everyone has "no mix" in orders menu turned on. (By default it is not. Nice trap Toady!)
It seems cooking has iron priorities in what is getting cooked first and only first.
One priority has to be worked entirely away, before another priority is even considered for cooking.
There is no randomness. It seems most dishes almost always contain only one food.
So forget about cooking lavish meal with 1 dog meat, 1 garden grass with 1 dwarven wheat flour and 1 spice of sorts (there's no spices in DF yet?
Combining ingredients coming in small "1" batches with "8" home-grown plants for example, so their satisfaction bonus lasts longer,
seems almost impossible without tedious managing of 4 1x1 food stockpiles (next challenge for automation to have beside 20 auto-stills also 200 auto-kitchens?).
1. Seeds (At the beginning of embark unlucky priority for all those, who forget to forbid cooking all seeds from start. Nice trap Toady!)
2. Meats-> Fishes-> Plants and Fruits (Basically basic fresh food for all cooking and eating purposes.)
3. Processed food like flour, sugar and (if jelly's tool-stockpile is closer kitchen then stockpile for flour, and sugar!) _royal_jelly_.
So, basically all foods except flour and sugar have to be disabled for kitchen.
The only way to efficiently empty royal jelly jugs without adding besides "empty water bucket" another process for screw press.
Imho, this information should be mentioned on wiki both with royal jelly information and in kitchen with cooking.
Kitchen is a cumbersome business, as farming and bee-keeping.
You can not expect a new player of Dwarf Fortress to enjoy automating mead brewing and automating royal jelly cooking without this vital information about these priority linkages.
Also, if it wasn't about this guaranteed depression issue in Dwarves none would bother with cumbersome kitchen mechanics. Same meal of dog meat and plump helmets for everyone year around!
Though as fulfilling needs fixes only focus, the question is why highly focused Dwarves spiral down in depression less, then unfocused ones? Depression is not caused by (= focus) needs, right? At least !Science! so far claimed. So, why this correlation? Is focus the issue causing depression to spiral down, besides main moods' alterations from rain and dead bodies and such?