Yeah, whatever you're doing, keep doing it. It will pay off. I can remember how in last year I learned how to improvise on songs knowing their chord progression, and you just keep getting better and better.
Heh, I also started guitar recently. Interesting instrument, totally different from what I know... In terms of handling. The good thing with music is, as broad term it is, you can transfer your experience onto many different things, it's great.
Dissecting songs really useful, you can find some really interesting song structures. I think most interesting example I know, would be
"Dreams of an Absolution", this particular version. It has really unique chord progression, it has only three chords, they're all in a row (moves only a single tone each time), and it never changes this scheme. And it works. On page 1 of this thread, I have my song Ykewaka, where I used this scheme too, in the same key. Well, there's one extra chord on two spots I think, maybe I changed the formula a bit, to spice it a lil' bit, but it is still heavily inspired by Dreams of Absolution.
Edit: You can really tell how little knowledge on contemporary music lil' wee Q'uaksna had, blissfuly unaware in these days, harmony doesn't shift every beat