I think this most hinges on one thing; whether in a narrative sense Lurker would have petitioned to do so in an official capacity, essentially gaining lordship over the land, or if he merely moved into the old castle for their own sake. In the former scenario, I feel as if though he would be welcome, despite now having a familial ruling system and dynasty, I like to imagine the earliest of the Anthad stock cares little of nobility and relies more on merit - If a man comes to them wishing to rebuild a holding for the sake of the Realm, then so be it, and best of luck to him, the Realm requires strong hands and ambitions for the future now that the worst of the blight seems through with.
On the other hand, should it have been an oddball adventurer moving in to claim their own fort, then I think they would be much more wary. Swordgleamed was merely a stones throw away from the capital in the past and it was a vertible hive of banditry, the memories of Jas and Galka's final adventure before settling into rulership in order to cow the bandits that dwelt there is still in the minds of the Anthads. In this case, at best they'd hope Lurker to be a harmless adventuring fellow squatting on ruined land, at worst, a would be bandit lord.
EDIT: In order to get the positions right for Lurker, I'm gonna need to finish up tomorrow morning, it's getting quite late for me to be doing this and I don't want to make a mistake. Sorry folks.