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Author Topic: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 460050 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3045 on: April 03, 2023, 04:35:01 pm »

I was preparing to get really mad while I looked up which goblin nation you were exterminating. :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3046 on: April 03, 2023, 08:00:30 pm »

How... long... has it been?

How did I get here... where is the exit?

Ah! Stairs!

After surfacing, I made my way to the nearest tavern. There, I spoke with my fellow goblins.

The world has been sliding towards nonexistence for hundreds of years. This world's destruction is inevitable, but there are some who insist on greasing the slide. I have decided, I will not be one of those.

What? A demon, siding with order? Just because Midor brought me into this world, does not mean she owns me. I choose my own path. I choose to preserve my own corner of this failing world. Those who seek life will be given life. Those who seek death WILL BE GIVEN DEATH.

There will be a reckoning for the dwarves of Falsetower. These foul necromancers seek to destroy my kingdom!

I set off south at once. A goblin does not need food, water, or shelter, so long as hate burns in its heart. On my way, I stopped at several dwarven settlements. Those I found with necromancers or undead, I purged.

Ulux Lusmza, the silver two-handed sword, is a brutal weapon. More a club than a sword. With my size so reduced, I must wield it two-handed, forgoing a shield. However, there is an advantage to fighting shieldless.

With sufficient skill, a bare hand can be better than any shield. I call this art "Esh Ac", or "Empty Fist" in the common tongue. It was far easier as a massive demon, but can be applied almost as well as a strapping goblin.

At one dwarven settlement, a goblin stood idly by as I slaughtered the twisted inhabitants.

Gisep proved to be a valuable guide on the way south. After we had reached the far side of the Tundra of Heroes, the Purged Loot stood in our way. Following it to the downriver, we hoped to find a bridge. But there wasn't a single one! What else are humans good for, besides building bridges? We walked all the way to the Sea of Blades without a safe place to cross. We were forced to cross the river at its widest part! Thankfully, the estuary was quite shallow, and we were able to ford it safely.

After weeks of travel, we reached Falsetower. There, I slew each and every dwarf, human, and undead. NO QUARTER ASKED. NO QUARTER GIVEN. All except one.

An undead of a different kind, he threw me into walls, floors, and ceilings with invisible force. His steel shell protected his vitals. He did not bleed. He did not tire. I barely escaped with my life.

I will return.

During the destruction of Falsetower, I stole everything of value. I also lost Gisep. She fled when the necromancers raised their hordes. Her path is now her own. Alone, I traveled east. I slew several demons and undead at Deepvaulted.

I delivered the treasure of Falsetower to the Tower of Silence.

Now I return north to the lands of the Knowing Deceiver, to seek out other threats.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3047 on: April 03, 2023, 08:32:35 pm »

I was preparing to get really mad while I looked up which goblin nation you were exterminating. :P
oh you good lol between Arthur's general optimism and the fact that his exposure to heroes and adventurers is through stories I don't think he'd ever exterminate any group unless something crazy happened!
He just wants to bring security in lands he frequents

I love the berserk reference with the silver two-handed sword. False tower has fallen! It took all my stealth and very specialy placed battles to get through their alive!
I just realized that Midor brought your character into this world and also is the same goddess who cursed Maloy the wolf lord, and insists on planting statues of his transformation in every town he visits, so our characters have a common thread!

@Kesperan I like the idea of following the illegitimate heir, but that's also because I feel more time pressure when it comes to mortal characters. I'm very happy all three of my current people are immortal


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3048 on: April 03, 2023, 09:42:26 pm »

In response to an earlier mention, I could write a short guide about how to properly become a monarch through df-hack and have it stick one of these days should it be desired.
I've lost control of my life.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3049 on: April 04, 2023, 05:35:34 am »

In response to an earlier mention, I could write a short guide about how to properly become a monarch through df-hack and have it stick one of these days should it be desired.

If it’s noob friendly and won’t break the game, I’m down for this.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3050 on: April 04, 2023, 03:40:17 pm »

In response to an earlier mention, I could write a short guide about how to properly become a monarch through df-hack and have it stick one of these days should it be desired.
Please do.

I love the berserk reference with the silver two-handed sword. False tower has fallen! It took all my stealth and very specialy placed battles to get through their alive!
I just realized that Midor brought your character into this world and also is the same goddess who cursed Maloy the wolf lord, and insists on planting statues of his transformation in every town he visits, so our characters have a common thread!
I didn't even notice the Berserk parallels until now. Now that you mention it, Dreamypuzzled's left arm is permanently disabled. First it was some undead, but it seemed like every single enemy would only go for her left arm. Dreamypuzzled has like, 7-10 crippling injuries to her left arm by now. Somehow, it was never severed by even the most violent attacks. By this point, her arm is nothing more than a mass of scars, and she uses it like a fleshy shield. She has a lot of other scars too, but oddly, only on the neck and face. A crossbowman shot her through the left cheek. She has only like half her teeth left. Her right thumb was cut off during my first turn. Her head and neck have been twisted by deflected blows many times. She's kind of a mess. :D She's also tall and incredibly muscular.

Green-skinned Guts, anyone?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3051 on: April 04, 2023, 08:30:34 pm »

The goblins tell me of a far more urgent threat, right at our doorstep. The Creamy Confederacy has been infected by an undead plague.

I scour each hamlet. I stop every traveller. Ulux Lusmza takes the undead.

Just north of Fondledhatred, I come upon three skeletal undead. An axeman, a pikeman, and a crossbowman. Like the dwarf, they are armored. Unlike the dwarf, they lack flesh. I hack at their limbs. Two pommel strikes of Ulux Lusmza sever the axeman's arms. The pikeman's copper chain leggings tear, and I take his legs. I am growing tired. The axeman bites my left arm, tearing away a mouthful of flesh. The pikeman snaps my right arm. I drop Ulux Lusmza. The crossbowman puts a bolt through my left cheek. My steel greaves keep my legs intact. I flee into Fondlehatred.

An hour later, my right arm has regenerated. My left arm will never recover. I will wield Ulux Lusmza one-handed now, as I did in my prime.

I take a copper maul from Fondlehatred. The maul crushes the skeletons' armor, then their bodies. I retrieve Ulux Lusmza from the pool of my congealing blood.

One hamlet at a time, I strike down the ghouls. Fighting my way through hordes of infected. Finally, the mead hall of the capital.

Even with one arm, none can stand against me. The dull blade of Ulux Lusmza sends limbs and heads flying. My right arm is broken again. The sword clatters to the blood-slicked floor. A DEMON NEEDS NO WEAPON!

The Creamy Confederacy is cleansed of the ghoul plague... for now.

Then, I travel east, and destroy the dwarven conquerers of the pits there. The Knowing Deceiver does not have enough goblins to fill these pits, but better that they remain empty than for the dwarves to have them.

Ulux Lusmza still requires souls. I walk northeast, into the High Confederacies.

On a whim, I roll a die at a village shrine. I am blessed with a pet cave crocodile!

This reminds me of when I made a journey to the depths of the world and tamed the cave crocodiles there.

What greets us at the mead hall is a scene from a human's nightmares - but not mine.

Blades are drawn.

The ensuing bloodbath spills out of the door, flowing downhill. The cave crocodile is killed in the chaos. Ulux Lusmza feels as light as a feather in my hand.

In the end, only I am left standing.

I have a grudge to settle.

South. Alone this time.

One on one. A contest to prove, once and for all, who is the true demon. I may not have two arms. But this time, I brought a can opener.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spear in hand, I stand victorious over the mangled corpse. My work here is done.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3052 on: April 05, 2023, 05:49:06 am »

Part Three

The four found themselves within a dark pit bordering the lands of Nusmzolak. Who knows how many times it had been cleared out previously, but now it was being done again. As a spearman Arthur's advantage was his reach, and so advanced slowly through the tunnels as the occasional goblin would come charging out to attack the elf. Soon though Uvel and Birrello lost interest in waiting and charged past as the duo butchered their way through tunnels into the main pit.
Arthur would walk behind and spear fallen goblins through the head as they continued to brutalize the pitiable creatures. Miara couldn't get a shot in the cramped space and so followed mostly.
The last few goblins in the main pit were unarmed civilians and Arthur could see his two mercenaries laughing and jeering at them. Miara prepared for her first open shot since they arrived before Arthur laid a hand on her bow to push it down
"Stop you two!" He shouted "No unnecessary killing"
Uvel, covered in blood and viscera again frowned at Arthur only turning his head toward the elf, said "There's no such thing as unnecessary killing with us. These guys will be picking up weapons in a matter of days"
"No we won't! we would never!" the trio of goblins exclaimed begging for their lives
Arthur knew that heroes didn't kill people on what they might do.
"Who rules here?" he asked
They looked between each other still visibly afraid of the terrible four "They're called the Misty Vice. I don't know who leads them I swear!"
Uvel screamed and and shook his blade in the air "Pathetic liars! I'll eat your entrails!"
"We swear we don't know! We swear!"
"Where are their forces at?" Arthur continued
"I do not know. You killed all the ones we've seen here!"
Uvel snarled at the goblins again as they whimpered. Arthur considered this. Some of the pits they went to had still been abandoned since the last adventurer or army had come through, but according to research it was still ruled by Nusmzolak. Perhaps they had decided to prevent their leaders from dying by not stationing them at the pits themselves? It would be a sure way to ensure only unimportant goblins ever died. Either way he had to stop his companions before they butchered these creatures before them.

Arthur reached into his pack and gently unfolded the torso sized leaf he had retrieved and attached it to the extra spear he brought and planted it before the goblins. Upon the leaf was a large sigil drawn in blood. "This land belongs to the fields of liberation now! If anyone has a problem with it tell them to come and fight me: Arthur Mossdiamonds the Light Eagle!"
"the land is yours! It's yours! We don't care who rules here!"
"You may stay here and you will serve the ones who are to come here under my direction, are we clear?"
"Yes, Lord!" they said groveling.

The four departed the pits, but not before Uvel snarled one last time at them and made them jump again.
From there they went to the border city of Tormentlives. In it's heyday capable of fitting thousands of goblins, but now completely abandoned. They explored every nook and cranny of the dark fortress and found no one, but did stop in it's dungeons which had enough weapons and armor lying around to outfit an army.

The goblins seemed disinterested in the location completely. Uvel kicked a helmet while Birrello admired a statue.
"Do you care nothing to see your people's lands lay in ruin?" Miara said. Arthur could feel the cold in her tone
"The weak deserve to die" Birrello said without even turning.
Miara went expressionless which usually indicated an explosion was coming so Arthur cut in "Uvel, you wanted to kill those civilians at the last pit. Why? I feel like I somewhat understand your bloodlust when fighting soldiers, but they had nothing to do with it"
Uvel didn't seem upset at the question, but more the expression when someone asks a question even a child should know "There's no such thing as goblin civilians. Just bad soldiers."
"Then why kill them? Why don't you help your people get stronger?" Miara cut in
Uvel laughed as Birrello fingered her whip "You want us to turn on you? Is that it?"
"It would make my day actually" She retorted coldly
Uvel was not shaken "All goblins should look out for themselves. If we all focus on making ourselves greater than we will all become stronger."
"And the weak shall perish" Birrello muttered
"That too!" he chuckled
"The weak should be lifted up and made stronger by the strong. Not butchered as you would" Arthur interjected
"That doesn't work and your own people are proof of it" Miara bristled, but Uvel continued "Look at all of you! You're almost all died out from wars and plagues while we've prospered. Sure you got those adventurers, but half the time they end up releasing some stupid plague or monster, but we're still here!"
Miara shouted "We're still here and we aren't done yet!" Arthur stayed quiet considering this insight into goblin perspective.
Uvel pointed one finger upwards "I'm going to keep doing what works best for me, and one day when I reach the top everyone will fall in line or their heads will fall onto the ground!"
"Even us?" Arthur asked calmly
"Even you!" Uvel grinned while saying. Birrello spoke up "We are all this way. Unlike the humans and dwarves we have all the time in the world and all of us dream of taking the top"
"Your dreams are pathetic" Miara muttered. Birrello looked at her now "Are yours any different?"
Arthur put up a hand "Let's just mark this place as a new holding and move on. We need to get to Stoneclasps"
The next few days of travel were quiet indeed.

Stoneclasps was south-east of Incenseorder by some days. An old dwarven city, but now almost empty of any dwarves. Instead it was populated almost entirely by humans, many of which were fleeing the blight. Despite the protection of a fortress and presence of work humans did not find comfort in going days without sunlight. Arthur was a known merchant in this city and so as he walked through it's gates some men came up to him to shake his hand and greet him. He hadn't seen them since they were children, time really did fly for this species, and they would talk.

Arthur made his way to the population centers of the city and would speak to the crowds, but his main interest was in hunters and warriors in the city. He spoke of lands between here and Razorbridge that he had laid claim to and was opening for anyone to live in.
"All you need is the strength to take it with your own two hands!" he said enthusiastically
"But what about the goblins?" One man from the crowd called
"But what about the blight?!" Arthur responded "Everywhere you go in this age there is great trials, but how many places are there where you can say 'This is my land! This is my wealth!'?"
The man quieted, but another spoke up "Will it be safe though?"
"My companions and I struck through those lands these last few weeks and fought bandits and goblins alike to clear it and claim the land I am now giving away to you" Arthur responded "But no. It's not safe. Taking control of your own life and future is never safe. There will be great trials to overcome and ruined lands to restore, but it will be your land to restore and your life to build!"
The people murmured interest. Arthur was excited.

Afterwords he would catch individual warriors or hunters he saw separately and offer them lordship of different sites in the region. Not a single one told him no.
The future of the Jungle of Dents would be decided by honest men and women who would fight to build their own future. "and" arthur reasoned. the governments of this world would be inclined to help these people for they would be the only buffer between the Most Sin and the rest of civilization to the north and west.

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« Last Edit: April 05, 2023, 05:57:42 am by Maloy »


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3053 on: April 05, 2023, 01:58:43 pm »

That's an interesting perspective of goblinkind.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3054 on: April 05, 2023, 04:49:19 pm »

Thank you!
I was trying to reason with the stated personalities of the two goblins.
They're both still active members of the Most Sin, have all normal goblin personality traits and values, including wanting to rule the world.
So why are they helping me? Especially when they are the ones who start all the battles not me!

So trying to reason why they might sent me down a whole philosophical spiral with stated civ values lol


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3055 on: April 05, 2023, 06:56:55 pm »

Wasn't expecting a TED talk on goblin philosophy but I am here for it, Maloy.

And really like the persona of the demon-trapped-in-a-goblin Flame.

My story is progressing well. A slight departure from my previous escapades so far...
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3056 on: April 05, 2023, 07:47:33 pm »

Back north, to Boltspumpkin. I retrieve my ensouled weapons and The Lord of Riddling. West, to my despoiled vault. Deep beneath the earth, surrounded by the stone of hell, I lay out my accoutrements.

Human, goblin, dwarf, and elf
By their blood I bind myself
Hydra tooth, snow of fiend
Fragments of power gleaned
Shadow creature, howling freak
Darkness grant me what I seek
Necromancer, endless dead
Given death, bloody and red
Hand of Planegifts, created race!
Free my soul from death's embrace!


It didn't work.

I resign myself to my fate. What is lost is lost, and not even the most powerful magic can return it.

This vault is no longer safe. However, the Lord of Riddling sat unmolested for hundreds of years enshrined in the Museum of Boltspumpkin. There is no safer place to keep treasure on Omon Obin.

I submit the slab bearing my true name and the weapons bearing my true soul to the Museum. May they remain there forevermore. I will return to Dreadruled.

I will rest my broken body.

And rule forevermore.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2023, 08:27:04 pm by TheFlame52 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3057 on: April 05, 2023, 08:00:35 pm »

Post-script: Bralbaard, thank you for running the Museum series for over 10 years now. So many stories have been made because of your efforts. According to the last monthly report, Toady One has been hard at work on adventure mode for v50. I eagerly await the Museum IV, and I hope it's you at the helm. Consider this a request for turn slot #2. ;D

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3058 on: April 05, 2023, 08:22:00 pm »

I've read a part so far, but I like what I read. Thanks for the update, Flame and Maloy!
A demon, siding with order? Just because Midor brought me into this world, does not mean she owns me. I choose my own path. I choose to preserve my own corner of this failing world. Those who seek life will be given life. Those who seek death WILL BE GIVEN DEATH.
I'll use this for Dreamypuzzle's introduction in the wiki. It's awesome. It also explains why you (Flame) declared the protection of your civilization.

At one dwarven settlement, a goblin stood idly by as I slaughtered the twisted inhabitants.

Gisep proved to be a valuable guide on the way south. After we had reached the far side of the Tundra of Heroes, the Purged Loot stood in our way. Following it to the downriver, we hoped to find a bridge. But there wasn't a single one! What else are humans good for, besides building bridges? We walked all the way to the Sea of Blades without a safe place to cross. We were forced to cross the river at its widest part! Thankfully, the estuary was quite shallow, and we were able to ford it safely.[/color]
That's an interesting goblin. Did he change his mind after you slaughtered everyone around him? At first he didn't want to, then he was immediately on board joining.

As for the Purged Loot, I was just thinking about that during my turn. I was actually thinking about how many adventurers must have had problems with the Purged Loot and never mentioned it... just like me. The damn thing is between 10 and 20 tiles of 7-full water, it's insane! Usually, I'd go on and off fast travel until I either found a settlement with bridges or a place where the water was frozen or where it'll let me cross in fast travel. Someone mentioned that the Purged Loot has no elevation and that's also insane because yes, I've encountered sheer cliffs that are probably 20 Zs tall and are probably certain death if jumped. The Purged Loot isn't just a massive river, it's an amazing obstacle for travelers and basically reshaped the lands themselves wherever it crosses.
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3059 on: April 05, 2023, 08:31:11 pm »

Gisep was apparently just a visitor that got generated out of thin air. I was surprised that she joined me. I'm really not sure what happened to her. At Falsetower, she was helping me with the fights on the surface, but I lost her in the tunnels. Legends Viewer says she's alive.
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