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Author Topic: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 431578 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2955 on: March 12, 2023, 06:23:59 pm »

I didn't check, but the one who was blighted, along with his (or her, I'm not sure) cabinet by Hannibal. Unsurprisingly, the thrall that killed me was also one of the 922 infected directly by Hannibal.

Ah... sounds like you got ganked in Clenchportent then. Will need to see if I can find your body... for reasons. :D
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2956 on: March 12, 2023, 09:15:02 pm »

I didn't check, but the one who was blighted, along with his (or her, I'm not sure) cabinet by Hannibal. Unsurprisingly, the thrall that killed me was also one of the 922 infected directly by Hannibal.

Ah... sounds like you got ganked in Clenchportent then. Will need to see if I can find your body... for reasons. :D
Actually, it was Cilbaenna / Faithtalk of Dur Leru/The Empire of Peeks. I mostly ran around blindly, so I only found out now after checking Legends Viewer. Aaand I might have destroyed the bodies. My character had an epiphany along the way and we were supposed to do great things after he retired. Ah well.

Things working well enough, other than some small setbacks:
* Thralls now enter the map as creatures with all their body-parts grey, as in lost. Three pages of them. They still do get attacked by the random passer-by until they don't, and sometimes they can be one-shot. They don't die to exterminate this, but they can be fully healed. A few mistakes made me discover that if I full heal them, then exterminate, THEN they thankfully die. This is very very strange indeed, since I very much remember the first time the Omon Obin caravan in a previous turn came with a blighted thrall, that thrall was very active.
* Luki has arrived at least once with the caravan and left unhappy.
* On that note, I can't give positions to anyone. It's not insurmountable and thankfully I have a trader who trades by default. That does mean that I can't see the prices, so I have to guestimate. Last time I sent a trader packing ecstatic, so I probably gave them way too much.
* The work is trudging along. I've tied myself to a bit of a megaproject without realizing it, but it's going along as well as I could hope, I suppose.
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2957 on: March 15, 2023, 05:10:44 am »

Some updates, my mystery fort is Ulosothro (Entrancegrape), the castle-capital of Omon Obin since Señamatem's fall and until Jas' rise. And it was... not fun; it was work. The castle has several issues, including that at least 3 levels are buried in the hill. This forced me to raise the courtyard two levels above the usual pedestal building. I might be exaggerating, but the courtyard is about one third of a 3x3 map, which is... a lot. I've finally completed the courtyard around Monday and made a few buildings out of marble. I've also had to make some small walls around so the "basement" isn't seen by adventurers, but I didn't check how it looks from an adventurer level. On the other hand, I've seen the hummies use the up-down ramps, so hopefully adventurers can too; at least one entrance is accessible; I've remade the really plain entrance of two simple ancient wood double doors. Speaking of ramps, they break (become "unusuable") in real finicky ways, including as a result of a roof. I had to keep the tiles above the ramps open to the sky.

My plan to replace the entire castle in either granite or marble has died a painful death. Not only did it take me a few days just to make the courtyard, but only a few buildings besides and I had to leave the "basement" in that Minecraft covered-up way. And I loath seeing that in others' build; as much as I respect people's work on projects, it just breaks my immersion seeing grass for miles under the foundation.

I've counted a whooping 16 thralls that came to Ulosothro's outskirts as migrants with a soft cap of 50 migrants, so that does not bode well for Omon Obin at all. Not having a bookkeeper or broker were annoying too, but what put the lid on it was the lag, FPS falling to 50. In hindsight, it was probably the animals running around the castle being blocked by all the doors, but at that point, I felt I'd burn out, so just as I finished the courtyard, I retired.

On that note, is rutile useful for anything other than walls or crafts? I wanted to make a "purple room" from rutile, but was one wall short (which I replaced with marble) as I didn't turn it into blocks in case I needed it for something else.

After all that trouble, I thought to check out Ilrallenod... and surprisingly, I actually had fun with it. There was only one thrall in the NPC buildings above the lava lake, which I promptly exterminated. Somehow, the capital even has less necros + undead than Eskôn received from migrants alone. And, again somehow, I'm at 100 colonists with 100 FPS. I think it's that I either kill any non-fur non-milk giving animal or that I pastured them outside and out of the way. The elves are being uppity as usual, but they give me wood and gem pedestals, so it's fine. Wood is actually a problem, since there's nothing on the surface and I emptied out the caves. I am serious, any tree in the caves that's not under water has been chopped. I'm observing also a variety in comparison with Eskôn, where there are a LOT of blood thorn in comparison to other types. There were the usual bugs, the dwarves (and a human I suspect died of old age) refused to get about anything done in the first year, but I hope I fixed it now. Now the capital has actual stairs, though there are "redundant" stairs as a few of the nobles were teleported on reclaim in the cave and dehydrated around there while next to the lake. Nobles.

And that's another thing, or a series of things: there's only one or maybe two water sources waaaaay in the third cavern layer. The layer that wasn't discovered in nearly a millennium and was a wall away from being so. The layer between where the NPC bedrooms and the other layer of caverns are located. Also, the Low Roads run EXACTLY over the bedrooms. That's some shoddy design. I'm surprised they didn't just build over the lava directly and opened a few holes to smoke the fumes too. I've also rebuilt some of the Low Roads, they still go where they were supposed to, but I blocked a part of it both from the adjacent caverns and the (no longer) open ceiling. All in ominous slate, because by the time I found some good chunks of granite, this had become a style.

I'm also one year from playing over 10 years in fort mod in Orid Xem, which I hope I'll manage by tomorrow, then I'll put the save up.
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2958 on: March 15, 2023, 11:29:48 am »

Sounds like you’ve been very busy. I’m interested to see how the world has changed!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2959 on: March 15, 2023, 12:02:02 pm »

I think I passed the ten year mark! Ilrallenod is really fun. I've started testing pumps, I both want to thank and apologize for Avolition because I assume the Ancientknoledge Scholor [sic] is one of yours, for giving me a level 13 necromancer scholar pump operator. I apologize that, while I didn't get him killed, he's had some rough months. I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong and he's not supposed to be thrown in the 6/7 water each time he pumps, but on the other hand I'm getting what I wanted, which was a tree farm. He's also already a competent swimmer and a dabbling climber, I wonder how high I'll be able to rise him until tomorrow. Who knows when a necromancer will need to use a legendary swimming skill.

The elves, tree hungers aside, are very lucrative. Beyond the gem items that I can't normally create and the wood they're berating me for burning and chopping, now they're selling me grown cages and barrels. That means, unless the game removes the "grown" tag once they're full, I can finally sell them booze and trapped animals (I'm not going to waste metal on them... or I could have made them out of glass, since I'm surrounded by sand. D'oh! Ah well, live and learn). They also gave me two giant leopards and it's a pair too! Maybe they'll have time to have cubs.

I'm also starting to get hillocks spammed, 3 so far. My noble necromancers have also had several children, 4 of them in the same day (though I suspect one of them was lost to as-of-yet-unknown cause). I had a weird moment when I reclaimed and I was wondering where all the dorflings that were born during my previous Ilrallenod turn had gone to, then suspected they were lost in some purge (though I wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened). Then I remembered that was over half a century ago, they must have grown and went on their way.

I'm also surprised on how I found Ilrallenod basically as I left it. From the hints from kesperan, I was expecting all the undead pile to have been raised and the map to be full of bodyparts. I've had several dark humorous moments when some of the dwarves fell asleep right on the corpse pile. I tried to figure why that was, then realized dragging bodies was a long and tedious affair, they did their job, but were too tired to move and just collapsed there.

I haven't mentioned the wiki for a while, I've mostly been letting it be, but most of my worried are over. With over 1000 pages of content, it has more pages (with actual content) than many wikis on mainstream media (movies, videogame etc.) so I doubt it'll be ever taken down for inactivity. I'll get back to it after my turn.

While reclaiming a castle has left me with mixed reactions, would anyone mind if I tried to reclaim another castle in future turns? I have no exact plans right now, but us going around reclaiming abandoned settlements sounds like a fun idea. Or I might try to do with Shadmalzuglar what I've done with Ilrallenod. I've mentioned some months ago, but if anyone is ruthless enough, killing everyone in a 3x3 NPC dwarf fortress (doesn't work for human settlements or such, but with Shadmalzuglar having been occupied until the end of the 8th century and being able to resettled, this probably means any 3x3 NPC dwarf fortress is up for grabs if it gets emptied) can make it eligible for player reclaiming without putting a different settlement over it.

I'll give before and after pictures of my main modifications to Ulosothro and Ilrallenod. I'm not sure if I have that much to say about my actual adventure, my killing of the Law-Giver and his cabinet was relatively a breeze, which surprises me even more that I got downed by that dwarf thrall in the middle of nowhere.
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2960 on: March 15, 2023, 12:40:16 pm »

Ah glad to see the isle of ancientknowledge isn't issolated and on occasion the odd scholor leaves to pursit the rest of Orid Xem. Living forever in an early 9th century fortress with an entrance overgrown with years of poor upkeep its any wonder why you wouldn't go out and explore the world. The ones that remain seem to keep writing every hundred years or so. I often do a quick reclaim, make an newcomers a scholar and retire it.

I think building upon these forts is a good idea, breaths life back into a rather dead settlement. Its what i have done by sending populations to occupy abandoned forts. Plus who knows what you will find. Glad to see Entrancegrape being brought new life after 900+ years of its founding. It has an interesting history and i look forward to exploring what you have done.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2961 on: March 15, 2023, 12:52:20 pm »

I unretired a few of my old fortresses as well in my recent turns. Razorbridge was especially fun. It immediately crumbled to ruin upon unretiring because all the inhabitants had died of old age, I had to reclaim immediately. I did not have time for major updates however.

I look forward to see what you did with Treatyseed. 10 years is a long time!
« Last Edit: March 15, 2023, 01:04:15 pm by Bralbaard »

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2962 on: March 15, 2023, 01:18:39 pm »

Yes, but so are megaprojects and I dedicated 3 days or so to Ilrallenod and most of that was for the semi-mega-project of the deep road. It's not that visible, only in contrast with the dilapidation left in the rest of the deep roads. Also a central stairway instead of a direct hole in the ground. Aside from that, I more or less let the game run so the barons can procreate. I have had at max even 70 idlers at some times. A large population is good for building, but not for much else and I didn't want to make excess production which would lag.

I can't believe I forgot this, but I am happy to report that since the initial thrall, there was no new thrall.

As for your fellow, well... he is in the unfortunate position for him and fortunate for me to never need food, drink or sleep, which means he'll be approaching the year of continuous pumping in the caverns by now.

Already proficient swimmer (he didn't even start with dabbling, I don't think), though still dabbling climber though I saw him jump around cave-cliffs like crazy.

I'm already at the fifth hillock too.

All that being said, thanks for the positive feedback. Just don't expect miracles, building big takes time and it feels there's little to show for it when it's done, but it's nice to leave something better than what you found when you went in.
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2963 on: March 15, 2023, 02:18:19 pm »

Ah Urist Basement pride, yeah they are certainly of Ancientknowledge. They are a double necromancer with both secret_5 and secret_22, they studied under the late Ustuth Dusttombs before his death to old age in 869. Seems he surpassed his masters knowledge and then some. Urist is the Author of Classic Screws and Dialogue For the beginning Practitioner. Settled in Falsetower then Treatyseed. They have been around and i recall their master had be in many player forts doing different things each time so im glad to see that he has carried his masters tradition of doing something new and different. A lifetime of knowledge spending 10 years pumping. He might master all skills one day.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2964 on: March 15, 2023, 04:15:51 pm »

After more than 10 years I suspect Moldath’s son will have come of age, if he hasn’t befallen some terrible accident. This could be very interesting for future turns!

You don’t happen to have seen Stukos Orbshaken anywhere on your travels? :P
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2965 on: March 15, 2023, 08:29:18 pm »

Moldath's Son? Gods, who was the mother. . ?
I've lost control of my life.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2966 on: March 15, 2023, 09:24:38 pm »

Someone unfortunate enough to be Zeus'd. Kesperan just df-hacked a baby on the poor lass.

After more than 10 years I suspect Moldath’s son will have come of age, if he hasn’t befallen some terrible accident. This could be very interesting for future turns!

You don’t happen to have seen Stukos Orbshaken anywhere on your travels? :P
Funnily enough, I both have a Stukos and a baby Moldath in Ilrallenod. As for my adventures, I don't think I'd run into Moldath's son into elven or human-adjacent lands.

That pool I pictured killed two people since I've started the works. At this point, I don't even need the mud because trees are regrowing all over the caves, but there are two necromancers now having fun pumping the water. The second one is short and muscular, which means he's literally a dwarf among dwarves. In a few in-game months, he is barely a novice swimmer because he literally did not need to learn to swim. He was thrown in the water? He just grabbed the wall and threw himself out. I had to teleport Urist between 3 and 5 times to save his life before he accommodated with water. Truly, Urist is a scholar at heart.

Success! It's likely they'll just die there of old age, but at least they have a family now!

I think I can confirm animals are the main cause of lag, beyond even having many items. After slaughtering about 5, FPS went up from 90 back to almost 100.

We are now on Hematite 18, 967. I plan to wait for the fall caravan, trade with them, save then upload. I have 122 people, that means around 25 noble born were born in Ilrallenod since I reclaimed. Sadly, the laws of dorf kind are not as those of Terra, and if not given titles, they grow up into useless peasants (but they can inherit their parents' position after their death, so that's something).

Our current King is a spry 130ish old, he doesn't have much to live. I think the cap is 150. He made an artifact while possessed. I had a lot of dorves possessed, for that matter, which is weird, since it's not like I was running a horror charnel house or anything. (I wouldn't have 122 citizens with a soft cap of 100 if that was the case.)
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2967 on: March 15, 2023, 10:03:26 pm »

Year 1000 beckons soon. What will it bring for Orix Xem I wonder? Hopefully I get to starting my turn's story tomorrow, we need to check up on good old Omon Obin after Irka sequestered himself away in a dark castle.
I've lost control of my life.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2968 on: March 15, 2023, 11:12:40 pm »

I remember when we were 100, then 150 years in, I thought that was much. Now we're at almost double, 300 years since the year 700 of the rashaping of Orid Xem's very rules of nature and the arrival of the adventurers of the Museum. What a ride!

Anyway, here's the save. I've turned compression off and it seems to save a lot faster. With it on, it saves in over 5 minutes, with it off in around a minute, but for autosaves I think the compression is worth it to have plenty of backups all in all.

Note that since I don't know how compatible the files between the uncompressed and compressed versions are, I left the raws as they were modified by LNP with the Phoebus tileset. If there's problems, consider trying to use the raws from the last turn.

Good luck, Flame!
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #2969 on: March 16, 2023, 02:25:02 am »

Good luck Flame!

There's a fortress still loaded when you unpack the save, so you will have to retire it first.

Interesting that the save is below 500MB again. Well over 11 years have passed since the last turn, impressive.
I'll update the maps later.
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