Maybe it's time to build a giant wall around the entire Realm of Silver. :p
*tempted to spoil my next turn, tempted to spoil my turn, tempted to spoil my next turn...*
You're correct of course, perhaps it will be the life-goal of a future mad and weak Law-Giver. But for now. . . Soldiers and Silver armor.
They had this child in their mid-seventies. I had always wondered if there was some 'fertility' stat that reduced as they aged, now I'm not too sure. I feel like I'm playing Crusader Kings over here, never would get this experience of DF without the Museum. : )
Congrats for the offspring. I also love CK almost as much as DF. Specifically "almost", including because CK was always used as a cash cow, CK2 likely won't be further updated, I hate the graphics in CK3 so I won't play it until they get out a mod for it to look like CK2 and CK is ultimately playing with only the lives of a limited number of people, in DF you control just about everything in the environment. Long life to Toady to make this game as great as can be.
Well, seeing as I've had the fortune of your turn to be shortly before mine, I continue to wish you well in completing it (save often!), maybe I won't be forced to flee like a thief in the night from my hopeful home in Señamatem, because yes I plan to start from there and I've learned my lesson to just run from the blight. Props to (off the top of my head) Bralbaard, Maloy and Leto for doing that when I foolishly rushed in to confront it last time.
Re: fertility and other matters: At least from World Generation, we see hist figures marry, give children and fight until they keel over, even if it is from old age. The legendary
Tholtig was fighting a war by herself and slaying elves until she dropped dead of old age and she was the only person left alive of her fortress, if not her civilization. When she died, the events for the fort died, she died during the war, she died of old age. Dwarf Fortress is the best game that humanity has ever seen.
Just got to read Leto and QD as Ehhu's turn, I'm surprised I'm almost up to date with the stories. Remember
that troll that tried to take Mischieflaws, he also attacked Leto's vampire companions, apparently by his lonesome, and was repelled before the attack on Atticmuffins. Either Ol' Urut is determined to enter into (Museum adventurer) history or his superiors are, the Most Sin are hitting at our very history.
As for QD's turn, definitely loved it. It had enough mystery, enough action and moderation in making the Abyssal Cult a practically regional though story-wise world threat. I loved the fight with Jas, how it was incorporated, how
Ehhu died a hero. 10/10, there's always work and thoughtfulness shown in QD's stories while we run around either as scared chicken or murderhobos. Also loved the exploration of those two large and awesome forts. Maybe mine will be 1% of that after I'll complete my thousandth turn in the same world lol.