I noticed Adilatír population falling vertiginously, I think the biggest problem is the capital Ilrallenod, which I don't see how we can change. We could do it to the other two civs because their capitals were ruins, but Ilrallenod is a major religious hub, among other things. The blighted thralls and attempted cullings are also major problems. I honestly don't see a solution except keep making void dwarves, fortress, babies, retiring, making new ones to fill them etc. etc. On the bright side, as I've noted and mentioned before, the game
does give from time to time void dwarven historical figures, as it does even for elves or humans. But yes, in the long run, Adilatír's fall in population if nothing else is as surprising for me.
I am always concerned he is going to get himself killed with his constant misadventures...
NPC!Moldath's luck boggles my mind. One part of that luck is that he keeps running into forts of players who recognize him. Another part of luck is that wherever he goes, the place is not attacked like Bralbaard found his final death in Sethurdim Mestthos Oram (or so I suspect).
I can't believe I'm saying this, but he may have been safest as a Broker in Eskon. The only thing around Eskon was Omon Obin territory, and nobody was going to attack it soon (plus it's not at war with anyone). On the other hand, I'm glad he's out of my hair, if I ever reclaim I won't have to worry about an insane vampire eating my
forced laborers precious historical figures. Well, until the migrant waves...
Since I'm posting, I have to ask: has anyone any leads on Lurker Onecbehal's corpse? At this point, I'm seriously considering making a reincarnated character - it's been a long time since then that a fresh start may be warranted - but I'd at least put his undead rear in a fort or something. I think Bomrek, the soldier of night, is having the time of his (un)life in Iroram. By the way, it hasn't been mentioned, but Moldath killed most of Bomrek's kin while Bomrek was (un)living the (un)life with the dwarves of Adilatír. Well, it was probably a release anyway. I think I'm giving up trying to restore Dalzatèzum, at least in my next turn.