So I have... mixed news. Remember when a few months ago I attempted to recreate Orid Xem from seed to near-total failure? While I managed to get the geography right, the names were all different, including of geography (mountains, jungles etc.), settlements, civilizations, characters, history, everything. I didn't bother checking most of it out, but if you dropped one of our Orid Xem-ers there, they wouldn't know they were on the same world. I called that world Orid Xem Secundus, but then renamed it to
Orid Xem Protos. This is the world (more or less) that would have resulted if Bralbaard hadn't change a parameter here and there.
I can't say I've been searching for a solution since that time, but an idea hit me. Now, while I was doing that, I was reading the DF wiki on world generation and it says:
In older versions, the same seed value(s) produced identical worlds on every computer at any time (if other parameters were identical, too). In the current version, the seed values for the world itself and the names seem to produce the same result, but you will get changes in events which will result in a very different world history. It seems like the history is partly random and not completely connected to the seed. Keep this in mind if you want to regenerate a particular world.
But I ignored that as I looked upon my results and expected the world to despair! I had did it. Same civilizations, same creatures, same events, same artifact names! It was amazing! Yes, a few things changed down the line, but surely we could recover Orid Xem to its true, unhidden history for future generations to know! The Walled Dye is there, Oddom is there, she turns necromancer at the exact same day, the same gods, everything.
There were... just a few snags.
But my biggest concern is, each 3 times I generated the world, this gal shows up...
An interesting thing is that in two generated worlds, with the same death age, in one she has one extra child. But that's not the problem. The problem is Galka "Tunnelglazes" Gujegcango herself, or rather what she represents. And what she represents is that in 3 out of 3 generated worlds, she took the place of an Orid Xem Prime Omon Obin Law-Giver early in its history, which threw off the whole chain of command and more-over, is sure to have caused butterflies. Now, you'd think with Omon Obin being isolated, this wouldn't create waves in the world. Maybe that's correct. But if she didn't,
some other things did.
Things go off the rails after that.
The Assault of Gales/Okgush Irka never happens, not in the two worlds I generated until the year 700. Oddom wins both times. And it's surprisingly not the end of the world. Wellllll, I say that...
It looks like I was inspired in choosing Omon Obin for most of my characters, it's the only one left standing. The elves are dead (well, some undead may be still running around), the goblins are almost destroyed and the dwarves somehow still survive, but barely. At least Oddom has stopped her conquest in the south and the north is sa-
But let's return to Galka. Why does she represent the biggest threat to the restoration of the True Orid Xem Unveiled? Because all these worlds I generated with histo-
Wait. I had an idea. I'll get back to you in a while. While this post may seem like mad ramblings, I'll leave this here and post updates as soon as I test my new theory.
(I swear that last mid-cut was not planned, I literally got an idea to restore Orid Xem while I was typing.)
Meanwhile, have some elven madness (the "necromancers" are obviously blighted thrall equivalents):
No, it seems my theory didn't pan out. I was actually generating the world with historical figures culled. With them unculled, Ebpel exists, but she doesn't inherit any longer because... she's passed over for her younger sister for no reason? ... This might require more investigating/generating.
I also notice the world I just generated entered in 202 in the Third Age of Myth, compared with Orid Xem Prime which enters this period since 160. This is definitely a large change in the world already.
Well, to finish my post, my original belief (which may be true even now) was that we might never recover the original Orid Xem, or even one remotely close to it. However, with at least the first century being near-identical, it does help us identify some historical characters which were outright culled in Orid Xem Prime. While not foolproof that they'll be the same, it can be tested by re-generating the world again and again and see the most common creatures in it. One thing that is very important to me is that we finally have the region names unhidden, which will help my obsession with using the original names of everything in the game. Or people could just regen the game to a time they want to play and save some civilizations, destroy others or do other things in the 1st century. Do note that as things are history break down from about the start of the 1st century (maybe it can be pushed further) and that once you generated the world, you might never get those variables again, so be careful when you set your end date.
I'll upload on DFFD the template with which you can create your own Orid Xem, "slightly" modified, but it is so far the best I could do.