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Author Topic: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 460369 times)


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2235 on: August 15, 2022, 02:57:57 pm »

Lawtaker or herograves if thats alright. Sorry to hear your turn corrupted. Good you had the backup. Curious what you did to corrupt it.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar

Quantum Drop

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2236 on: August 15, 2022, 03:15:31 pm »

We might have to be careful around the museum for the time being. The feather was not the only thing raised by Avolition but he appears to be in a better mood now. Anyhow, I was very lucky that the serpent was on a higher floor, not to speak of the fortunate location of submission 31:

31: a pile of 78 demon corpses stacked on a birchen pedestal on the top floor of the museum; some dark magic must prevent the birchen pedestal from collapsing under the weight. (submitted by Quantum Drop)"

That could have been a disaster of museum-ending proportions.
...In hindsight submitting that probably wasn't the wisest idea, though I'm not 100% sure whether or not demon corpses can even be resurrected in the first place. (Though this has reminded me that I still need to write that turn.)

Unfortunate to hear that your save got corrupted, though it's good you have a backup, at least. Do you have any idea what caused the corruption, or was it just a random stroke of bad luck?
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2237 on: August 15, 2022, 03:49:31 pm »

I know what caused the corruption, and it was kind of ironic. I'll save the story for later.

@Avolition: I'll make that Lawtaker, Herograves is probably not a very good location for an overenthousiastic necromancer  ;D.


@QD; Organic demons can be resurrected, but the ones made of inorganic materials can not, as far as I'm aware (I think that murder monster might actually have been a demon?). Don't worry about the submission, if it had gotten out of hand, it would have made a hilarious story. I'm quite sure we would have had sufficient capable adventurers to reconquer the museum.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2022, 05:01:42 pm by Bralbaard »


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2238 on: August 15, 2022, 05:27:45 pm »

Be me contemplating how to make my mark on museum game history

Bralbaard states about how any necromancer could unleash the apocalypse by resurrecting 78 demon corpses


jk I would never intentionally grief


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2239 on: August 15, 2022, 06:24:14 pm »

The child, Irka Tinsabre he is named -- A blade that should never be swung. Still overcome with emotion, the Law-Giver of the Realm of Silver plants a kiss upon the whinning little bundle's forehead. Starlight filtering in from the white jade windows of the bedchamber illuminates the boy's flushed face. "I dare not utter a curse against ye, o' Silver Lord. . ." Speaks the High Housekeeper, clearly more words yet still hold upon her tongue.

"Please. Cast off those thoughts, we are not the nobles of old, we're hardly noble at all." Jas responds with a light grin.

"Oh no, good ser. You and your clansmen are more noble than any I've served, that is what says my tongue." Slowly, methodically, the Housekeeper draws the curtains, lighting a candle or two.

Detsis heaves, a mighty sigh escapes her throat, she's exhausted to say the least, "Let me have a hold of my damn son." She manages to say, feebly so.

"Ah. Right." Her husband stammers, gently handing off the shimmering cloak swaddling their child. With that, he turns again to the High Housekeeper, "Let us step out." He says, a credulous gaze is shared.

Irka's cries are muffled behind the solid willow door, Galka and Eman sit quietly in the dim dining room -- as quietly as the one-armed sword-master could manage, casting knuckle bones and beckoning his dour companion to play along. The Law-Giver leans against the bright microcline masonry of the Staff of Kissing's finest craftsmen, looking down to the squat Housekeeper, he speaks softly, "Now what was it that's bothering you?"

The woman gazed up at her tall, yet humble lord, "Ser. Again, I mean no disresp--"

"None taken, please. . ." He splays out a hand in gesture.

She adjusts herself, after these past few years still unable to acclimate to the 'royals'' lack of decorum. "It's just that. . . That the stars shone on young master Irka tonight. A. . . Constellation foretelling woe."

Jas raises an eyebrow, but he does not appear shaken, "And that would be?" He asks, pushing her on to continue, and to cut her vagueries.

"Gopet's Crook." She whispers at near inaudible level, yet Galka can't help but find his ear twitch as he turns his attention from Eman's foolery.

Again, unperturbed, Jas responds, "Dear Housekeeper, I am a simple man. Hardly can I read a codex let alone the stars, what significance is this?"

"You know Gopet of course. The Putrid Cyst. Death and Disease are his domain. The High Confederacies know he as Sut, the Tomb of Quests, while the Nations of Honoring give him only the name Ala. . . I do not question the motives of the gods, no, no of course not. But I fear for young master Irka in their plans -- the Gopet's Crook signifies the rise of troubled times, not the fall!"

Working herself up into a frenzy as her voice grows more and more unstable by the moment, Jas places both hands about her shoulders, steadying the woman. "There will always be troubled times, The Band of Wax's journey was only the end of the chapter, not the story. But even so, my progeny and I, the Realm of Silver, we make our own fate -- We are not beholden to some dictations of the night sky." He bears a warm smile, practically embracing the High Housekeeper as if to thank her for her concerns, yet he stalwart against their meaning. "Now. My wife awaits you, take good care of them both, and burden not their hearts with such words."

With a nod, and a return of Jas's countenance, she returns to the bedchamber. Galka has not taken his eyes off of her, nor Jas, he beckons the man before he can compose himself. "Is it secret. . . Is it safe?"

"Even you, Master Galka? My son is no pawn in our enemy's game." Jas rests both palms down upon the wooden table, leaning in over his companions.

Galka responds with a cold stare, "Can you be so sure?" He doesn't allow Jas a pithy retort. "You've blithely accepted the strange gifts of that hollow-eyed Raven, what makes you believe they weren't tools sent to destroy us from within? Or have you forgotten what has become of our dwarven scholars?"

Jas speaks softly, "Of course not. . ."

"It had to be done." The Law-Giver remarks, "I could not bring myself to execute them for their errant gaze. What monsters would we be?"

Galka merely grumbles before continuing, "Regardless, the slab is yet locked away, is it not?"

"Yes, yes of course. None but the three of us know it's precise location. Nor the rest of the manuscripts left by those assailants." Jas is haggard, some deeper portion of him is long exhausted from their campaign against the blight, yet that only seems to be the beginning.

"Good. See that it remains that way. . ."

Jas sups upon a mug of spiced strawberry wine, sitting forward upon the eponymous Silverthrone. The castle's main hall is all but empty save for the Law-Giver and his two closest confidants. The night is young still, and the coolness of the hall invites awakness. Galka's voice carries only to the pair of men he'd shed blood with. ". . . Yea, if there's aught my journey has determined, 'tis that our foe is no dark god, but flesh and blood the likes of we three. The blight only persists in small pockets beyond our Realm, enough to assume this foe -- 'The Abyssal Cult',  either is near to us, or merely has a vendetta against our Realm, or perhaps certainly against our cleansing of their taint. To the fortress of Ancientknowledge I'd traveled, there the Queen of the Walled Dye met with me, her eyes as hollow as the scholars below us. I cannot say that she or the dwarves have any part in this, no, but I learned that the tablet in our vault is not the only one of its kind. Indeed there are no less than fourteen slabs, each holding the concentrated secrets of life and death. . ."

Eman rasps after a heavy glug of his mead, "Ain't no man needs that kinda power, must do stuff to yer head."

Galka nods gazing at his own pale limbs, "I concur. Certainly thee have noticed by now -- I am no mere man. A taste of that curs--"

Jas raises a hand to quiet his mentor's concern. "You are as much a man as we are. Nothing more need be said."

"Aye!" Adds Eman, "Band o' Wax, thru an' thru."

The crippled one can't help but fill ill at ease, but he manages a chuckle. "Well. . . Regardless of that, I put it to thee that wouldst we seek to learn any more of our foe, than seeking out the remaining slabs, chiseled by the gods is nary our only choice."

Jas replies resoundingly, his questions purposeful. "You would have us set out on another journey then? A wild chase even. And what of these tablets, if they are so corrupting the eyes of men, how can we keep them safe?"

"I've now more than a few leads. . . We would destroy them." Galka's proclamation resounds through the hall. "The will of the gods be damned, we've naught but suffered under the burdens they've laid out for us. It is my belief that we are no more than playthings for the greater powers, cheap toys to be discarded after a time. Let us rise above our station, let us wrest fate into mortal hands. . !"

Here, here! The other's exclaim, bringing their mugs together.

"But master Galka, I'm afraid we cannot set out at once. . . You know as well as I do that Silverthrone could be under threat again soon, we must continue preparations. I've contacted the Dwarves of the Staff of Kissing, they're willing to return and build walls for us -- fortify the river and more. Just the same, we've sent out a call for all able bodied men of the realm to join us here, Eman will be in charge of training them. But even before all of this. . ."

Eman wheezes, gripping tight on his drink. "Swordgleamed ya know. . . The Feed o' Styles're startin' to get uppity as hell. We gotta put those bandits in their place. Sooner the better."

"Legitimacy is still hard to come by for us Master Galka. We've the support of a good deal of the populous to be sure, but the nobles are just as well to use our rise for their own gain. Our fist must be shown to come down on any threat, from within or without." Jas mimics his words with a clenched hand and a steady strike. "We cannot loosen our resolve, not ever."

Bringing his one good hand to his strong chin, the now more youthful face of the crippled vampire gazes back, "Great stewards of the Realm you've become. . . Such things had slipped my mind. We've no army yet to strike at the bandit stronghold, and I've heard tale that they're four-hundred strong and swelling still, what is your plan?"

Jas stands from the Silverthrone, a wide smile on his face as he raises his cup, "We'll go ourselves, as the Band of Wax!"

OOC: Not much to say here, lots of dialogue in this one. Probably just one more part after this.

Also Maloy! The Wolfman Lord obsessed with an ear is already plenty an impact if you ask me. Haha.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2022, 06:27:28 pm by Unraveller »
I've lost control of my life.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2240 on: August 15, 2022, 06:48:42 pm »

"You've blithely accepted the strange gifts of that hollow-eyed Raven, what makes you believe they weren't tools sent to destroy us from within? ..."

The slab, Stabbedwring! It was gifted by the Black Raven surely because the noble Jas Gloryage is incorruptable? And unlike poor Kothvir, lied to by his "father", ostracised by the golden-haired menfolk of the High Confederacies for being different, not driven by a yearning to fill a hollow in his soul?

I am really grinning here that you are weaving in the stories by me, and by QD and no doubt others. Keep it up. I have been sneak-peaking in Legends Mode and I have to say, Unraveller, with this turn and the one before, you have taken Adventure Mode to the next level. I wish I knew how to do half the things you have done.

Indeed there are no less than fourteen slabs, each holding the concentrated secrets of life and death. . ."

Acccckkkktchually, there are 14 slabs, but only 12 have secrets. The other two are vault slabs, with demons true names... Beware! Destroying them will put you at odds with the Blind Sadist, hidden away in plain sight in Clearmasters, who seeks still to find a way to uncover the Twelfth Secret!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2241 on: August 15, 2022, 07:26:02 pm »

Galka's a suspicious one, and perhaps for good reason these days. He's been spending too much time among the dwarves I suppose. Besides, I imagine Kothvir's meeting with them was rather curt.

And hell yeah! The part I live best about this game is the collective story telling the emerges. I already know well how giddy I can get when someone mentions my adventures in their posts, so of course I gotta make sure to do the same.
I've lost control of my life.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2242 on: August 19, 2022, 12:41:34 pm »

Dear museum curator,

It was not long ago that I became the owner of the piece of art that I now entrust to you. Though I am an avid collector of art, and know quite a bit of the history of our realm, I am at a loss as to what the subject of the painting is. It clearly depicts events of great significance, but all I have been able to learn so far is that it dates to the early Second Age of Heroes. A part of history that is sadly, shrouded in mystery. This is why I entrust the work to you, hoping that you will be able to use the museum's vast resources to learn more.

Best regards,

Kadol WhiskyBreakfast

(might take a few days before I'm able to write down further explanations, feel free to speculate)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2022, 01:07:09 pm by Bralbaard »

Quantum Drop

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2243 on: August 19, 2022, 02:23:30 pm »

That's some really cool artwork to start a turn off with, Bralbaard!

Spoiler: Initial Speculations (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2022, 02:29:41 pm by Quantum Drop »
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2244 on: August 19, 2022, 02:25:29 pm »

The age of Twilight has been broken,
Means a beast has reawoken.
Look above into the sky,
The roc of wind has come for thy

- Unknown

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The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2245 on: August 19, 2022, 05:00:37 pm »

Both of you have identified the majority of events!, but there is always more...

The save game can be found here.

@Quantum drop; when you are updating the list you only have to include Bor Kurerom.
Some spoiles about the rest:
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« Last Edit: August 19, 2022, 05:13:03 pm by Bralbaard »


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2246 on: August 19, 2022, 05:39:13 pm »


Do the two wolves represent my wolfman and his personality split?

I look forward to hopefully bringing more bral incarnations through body parts


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2247 on: August 19, 2022, 06:27:16 pm »

I've always wanted to see someone play as a zombie hand!


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2248 on: August 19, 2022, 06:30:12 pm »

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Also Maloy. Maloy Craftsoars is 61 now, the life expectance of a wolfman is around 60-80 so he is certainly getting up their in years. Hope he lives long enough for you to play him again. If you are intending to do so.

Speaking of old age, seems rekthor Lulledhames finally croaked in 893, living to the ripe old age of 167 years old which is 3 years from the oldest a dwarf can get without immortality. Lived the remainer of his life in Shadecavern and nothing happened. Quiet life working in The Basis of Bolts which is now being run by a dwarven couple. Wonder if we will ever learn more of this mysterious figure. He is attributed the pile of 78 demon corpses stacked on a birchen pedestal on the top floor of the museum; some dark magic must prevent the birchen pedestal from collapsing under the weight. I wonder if his spirit will be spotted when visiting.

The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #2249 on: August 20, 2022, 05:41:27 am »

This artwork is decorated with hanging rings of excellence and menaces with spikes of awesome!

This seriously looks like it could be a stained glass window in Boltspumpkin.

I’m very interested to hear of your tales Bralbaard! I’m liking some of the theories so far. Could that be an undead Roc? I didn’t think there were any intact roc corpses around to animate… intriguing indeed!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.
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