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Author Topic: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 460046 times)

Quantum Drop

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1650 on: February 18, 2022, 09:16:59 pm »

Beautifully done, Unraveller. Beautifully done.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1651 on: February 19, 2022, 11:19:44 am »

Love the different styles in people's turns. It makes my simple diary entries look rather bland... poor Mucka and poor Amala.

Don't say that! Moldath has been absolutely awesome to follow as of late. Even if you don't even up continuing his tale, I don't find anything bland about your stories.

Beautifully done, Unraveller. Beautifully done.

This is pretty stellar as feedback. Thanks a ton QD. For real. Especially given as I was a little leery on whether or not I should have actually posted it as prose.

Totally unrelated, but I kiiiiiiiindaaa wanna see the Omon Blight spread even harder. (Even if only because I have a arc in mind to write and hope it's not solved by my turn.)
I've lost control of my life.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1652 on: February 19, 2022, 11:24:27 am »

Great story, Unraveller!

Nice use of a deity not technically associated with elves. Hells, poor Amala doesn't know the half of it, most of her kin turned their eyes from the nature spirits and now worship Ala, god of death and are kin in more ways than one with the goblins. The current elven Queen is an Ala worshiper first, Cacame second. The current elven crown-princess is an exclusive worshiper of Ala.

Nevermind, I thought Amala was an elf for some reason.

By the way, did you try that method of hopefully repairing Legends Viewer?

And now for the wolf-man of the hour, love his adventures. The Ear Chose You indeed (though I'm not sure how happy you should be about it, since it's sourly whispering things into your ears). I think it'd make a great Museum submission just by itself. Just that it's century and a half old ear is impressive, but that it's Bralbaard's, the Museum's founder, as well as the King of the most successful dwarven civilization, makes it more than worthy. Add to that that it was lost in battle against a demon and that demon can breathe fire, makes it almost a divine blessing that it wasn't burned to a crisp at the time of Bralbaard's death.

The only problem is that it may rot or not properly load out with a site. I had this problem with teeth, Lurker Onecbehal became an avid collector of teeth found in his wanderings, you see, but most of them just disappeared when the site he left them unloaded.

Now I wonder if there's a record in the memory's game of Bralbaard losing his ear. There should be, which means it could end up on carvings, statues and artifacts. That would be awesome.

On my way out I noticed that all the statues in town depict different people screaming or begging the gods to show mercy as they are cursed to wander the lands as vampires. Very morbid.

At least that's thematically appropriate. I ran into statues in settlements abandoned for centuries of adventurers of the Museum (which was founded in the 700), even if no-one living should have been around there. I can think of very few in-world explanations for that: either ghosts did it, the undead roaming around there (unlikely), the Gods are remaking the statues to their will and whim (more probably) or there's some reality-changing effect in the world (which works both as an out-world explanation and in-world as there have been many weird happenings in Orid Xem, even before the founding of the Museum).

By the way, for those who don't know, Mukca is an actual deity in the Omon Obin pantheon and the only non-human one.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 01:31:04 pm by Lurker Z »
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1653 on: February 19, 2022, 01:28:25 pm »

Great story, Unraveller!

Nice use of a deity not technically associated with elves. Hells, poor Amala doesn't know the half of it, most of her kin turned their eyes from the nature spirits and now worship Ala, god of death and are kin in more ways than one with the goblins. The current elven Queen is an Ala worshiper first, Cacame second. The current elven crown-princess is an exclusive worshiper of Ala.

Nevermind, I thought Amala was an elf for some reason.

By the way, did you try that method of hopefully repairing Legends Viewer?

I believe I actually intended to make her an elf to begin with, and just chose human on instinct. We really don't have a lot of elves or even exploration into the goings on of elven society much at all. Maybe Arcturus was the last one (I remember) being relevant from around those parts?

And sadly no, your method didn't seem to help me. I think it just comes down to me having an ancient machine and the legends files from the Museum are significantly larger than anything else I've played.
I've lost control of my life.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1654 on: February 19, 2022, 01:32:18 pm »

Sad to hear that. Hope you get a new one soon.

Amala was insane, and so are you, Unraveller! I'm on night 4 trying to get the Mayor of Stukossazir, Kogsak Datanrir to that island so I can get its true name and I think the trip might take more than a week.

Yeah, just checked, I'm half way there. I could have more easily just created a fort, retired it and then possessed a dwarf from there, but I wanted to use a historical character to do it.

I think the "You flounder in the water" messages every other tile are slowing me down. Also, I only now noticed the wonders of the number 7 on the keypad to get me diagonally. Ah well, I'm getting there, slowly but surely.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 01:41:49 pm by Lurker Z »
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1655 on: February 19, 2022, 01:42:19 pm »

I don't suggest you waste terribly too much time on it Lurker. You'll be quite disappointed by the metric amount of nothing that I've left behind. Hahaa! But since you're going there in this alternative world, tell me if you can find Okirramtak in Quietdens, I attempted to place the morningstar into a coffin under Amala's home there, but it vanished when I did so. And on a further return, so did the staircase down into the coffin room, used to be accessible from her bedroom, seemed that Adv-fort didn't save the tunnel I'd dug down into, wonder if it saved anything else. . .

As for the swim. . . Yeah, it was painful,  especially because I could move only a few tiles before the game would freeze for about a minute each time. Due to hauling Mucka as well, Amala's speed was something like 0.2 or so. Essentially causing MANY days to pass on the journey, nearly starved and dehydrated to death heading there.
I've lost control of my life.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1656 on: February 19, 2022, 02:00:18 pm »

LAND HO! Merciful Uzol and Onget below... Let's see what I'll find there. By the way, my speed is 0.530, I died 3 or 4 times just on the sholes of the fortress (before I learned that you swim AFTER you go up, not through the bottom of the ocean, perpetually drowning) and lost all of Kogsak's gear. And I'm having that lag you mentioned, but it only takes 10 seconds for me. Still a pain though.

Spoiler: Image, Day 5, LAND HO! (click to show/hide)

Ah, you... already wrote the names in the ballad. I could have just asked you. This is awkward.

I found nothing but crabs, porcupine, wombats and a red panda boar.

I'm following the eastern coast, I'm here now.

Spoiler: Image (click to show/hide)

Kogsak's journal:

Something comes over me. I know not what. I think it is the solitude here, me and only one fellow dwarf remaining. We have been abandoned by the world. I plunge myself off the bridge of my home, Stukossazir. I swim frantically towards the open ocean, though I know not how, nevermind why. I think I die a few times, I must have, for my clothes are missing, close to the shores of the land. I swim bare for days and nights. As the fourth night comes, I feel forlon and I have the sense I am only half-way there. I despair, yet my limbs refuse to stop. I have felt hunger and thirst these last days, yet by a miracle almost as soon as they appear, they leave, as if I slept for a good night on good dwarven beds (the only good thing wood is for except wheelbarrels, bins and burning, but I digress). I worship Uzol and Onget, gods of minerals, metals, fire and volcanoes, so I know not the meaning behind them guiding me in this vast ocean.

Day 5 comes and finally I sense land. It's so far away yet close enough to touch sometimes. I go and go and night comes and lose track of it. No! I must follow the general direction, I must be land-bound! I must!

I find the Island, this is what I was sent to do! It's night, but I don't care. I follow the southern coast, hoping to find something. Dawn comes, yet I do not. I have this strange urge to go north, so I do. I know there are three camps, I know I will find what I am looking for in one of them. I finally find a wooden house, I enter it and find some murder weapons. In a small room, I find a body. I wave my hands above it and say some mumbo-jumbo and the body disappears. I'm not even surprised anymore.

I look at the weapons. I see beyond the mere physical.
Spoiler: Image (click to show/hide)
There are some nick-nacks around, the poor lasses' belongings. Obviously an adventurer, I have eye for those ones. A large copper dagger covered in crab blood. A pick and a casket. Some tables and chairs.
Spoiler: Image (click to show/hide)

But they're not what I'm searching for. I go outside, looking frantically, and finally, there it is!
Spoiler: Images (click to show/hide)
I take it in my hands. It feels wonderful! It is... it is... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

I wake up. I forgot how to swim, yet the waves wash around my ears. I'm back home. What was that?! I must write this. It must have been the Gods' will! It must have... right?

This is what I spent all that time looking up the names. It's not much, but enjoy, Unraveller. And RIP Amala (until you get turned into an unfeeling undead by the next passer-by, of course).
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 06:59:32 pm by Lurker Z »
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1657 on: February 19, 2022, 02:41:33 pm »

Ah, that's what you were after. . .

Well, no time like the present, can Okirramtak still be found?

EDIT: Ah good! I was worried the artefact would have been lost forever! Glad DF decided to scatter it rather than leave it in the container I designated for it. Not that it really matters I suppose. Surely no one else is going to make the utterly tedious journey to the Ultimate Island and the Intricate Horns of Vanishment, right. . ?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 06:14:58 pm by Unraveller »
I've lost control of my life.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1658 on: February 19, 2022, 08:56:41 pm »

Amala did her party in the war against the goblins
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1659 on: February 19, 2022, 09:19:31 pm »

Some good writings here!
On my end cozy is what I was going for!
I think on my first turn it'd be strange to have an epic adventure to compete with these greats, and so maybe the humble beginnings of a wolf man haunted by an omniscient ear?


After sitting on a hillside for awhile with Zon I took a second look at my maps.
It hit me all of a sudden. My regional map looked different than the map I had of the world, and so I was wandering around a small circle that looked the same on the world map as my regional map, but was too far north

With that Zon and I set south!

On my journey I ran into another snapping turtle as well as more kestrels and ravens. I was able to gather more meat for the rest of the journey

The next day while climbing a steep hill was strange though.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I felt...uneasy. Like something was very very wrong and I found my instincts slowing me down to a crawl.
Zon and I quietly creeped up the hill seeing nothing to indicate what might be near, if anything.

I heard stories in the tavern back home of forests filled with undead, demons, goblin marauders and more. So far my trip had been quiet, but this could be the threat, and I am no warrior.

We manage to safely clear the area and continue south uninterrupted, but I'm curious if I ran into anything or if I'm just starting to get nerves being isolated so long.

The rest of my journey took about two days, but I spent the next afternoon at a brook with Zon. We stood right where the brook began to drop off and turn into a proper river. I waded in and used the opportunity to practice my vocals, but... I really doubt I'll make it as a singer even if the museum will take me in.
Zon disagrees and jumps in the brook and rolls on his back between my legs. I scratch his belly since he's a good boy.
We spend most of the afternoon there.

The next day I made it over the last hill just as the sun was beginning to set behind me coloring the countryside below orange and violet.
I could see the Museum now! and other places beyond it!
We had made it! I was tired and thirsty and the sun had set by the time we got inside the castle grounds, but we had made it!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
But it was quiet...empty. I was stumbling around in the dark and I wondered where everyone was? If the museum was made up of great heroes and adventurers I supposed it made sense for few to be hear.

In the distance I heard loud stomping as if someone was sprinting while wearing maracas on their feet! Knowing caution to have worked so far I creeped along in its direction, only for it to turn around and bolt towards me: A goblin! A monk to be more specific!
I introduced myself and then asked him about the site.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Outlaws? How can this place be ruled by outlaws? Was it overtaken? I looked inside the "Museum" corpses and body parts littered the ground and many of its treasures were scattered all over in disarray. It looked like a battleground rife to pilfering by these "outlaws"

Zon and I continued inwards and I heard more conversation. One of the most muscular goblins I've ever seen in my life had passing conversation with a "baron". Each floor was also in equal states of disarray. Someone had left coins here in the past it seems so it might not be inappropriate tribute despite the Ear's opinion.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Yeah, well I've never heard of a museum run by outlaws so I guess we're even.

I went back to the entrance and found an open pedestal and considered it. I held the ear out and looked at it longingly. Zon was very insistent that I put the ear on the pedestal. That I be done with it and it's "influence" over me.

I stared at the ear for a long long time. I felt the noises of the world around me drown out as it spoke to me. I saw Zon barking frantically although I could not hear it.

No. No. the Ear had chosen me. I was its Master now. It could not stay in a outlaw den when it was so safe with me. It was mine. My precious.
I put the ear back into my bag and Zon howled.

 Instead I reached for the crown. Whoever wore this at the battle with that monster left behind a masterpiece crown. A historical marker for the ages and a acceptable diversion from my true prize that sang from within my bag.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It has come to me, the Ear. All those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to its fate, for I shall risk no hurt to the Ear. It is precious to me, though I buy it with a great pain.

The Ear tells me that we shall remain in Boltspumpkin for a time until it can lead me to greater glory. It tells me that I don't need protection anymore, but I do need to wait and listen for awhile longer

I hope the crown is acceptable. It is a masterpiece and was found with the ear! I could also unload the treasure I found which also has historical significance or the mediocre book

Me and Zon:

If all that is cool I'll quietly finish up my turn with some quick fort shenanigans and turn it in on time!


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1660 on: February 19, 2022, 10:19:00 pm »

>I scratch his bellye, because he's a good boy

This is what I live for. In all honesty it's nice to see a story that wasn't overly dour as many of ours have come to be of late (for good reason to be fair.) Though who knows how things will change for Maloy, as he begins to covet this century old ear. . .

All things considered, its owner Bralbaard Hammerfishes is a benign fellow, despite the dark magicks that animate them, perhaps all the nasty undeath juju was absorbed into the ear? Haha.
I've lost control of my life.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1661 on: February 20, 2022, 12:04:20 pm »

All things considered, its owner Bralbaard Hammerfishes is a benign fellow, despite the dark magicks that animate them, perhaps all the nasty undeath juju was absorbed into the ear? Haha.
Quick reminder that the ear not only belongs to a dwarf recently killed after its parting from its master, but also stayed in the same room with the corpse of a foul demon for almost a century and a half. It looks like the foul energies of the demon suffused it, embued it with power... and likely something much, much more sinister. I wonder if this storyline will result in Pis' return to the land of the living. I've never seen an undead demon before (plenty of forgotten beasts though).
Some good writings here!
On my end cozy is what I was going for!
I think on my first turn it'd be strange to have an epic adventure to compete with these greats, and so maybe the humble beginnings of a wolf man haunted by an omniscient ear?
The only problem with "competing with the greats" is if someone tries too hard. But just having a light-hearted adventure and becoming a Supreme Being in the process isn't a problem at all. Look at Galka Linarad, he started as a slave in a mine and became a great blighted thrall killer out of necessity, succeeding what an adventurer (my own) hasn't with two tries (killing a vampire (former) Law-Giver) and became (by accident?) a vampire himself.

Regardless, enjoy all the successes you can get in this world, for many don't get to see their dreams or their roads take them on twisted paths they never expected.

I'm glad you reached the Museum. I suppose you have the right to keep the Ear, it's yours by right of salvage. Maybe name it so you're sure it won't rot? Or give it a nickname or whatever the game allows you to do with it?
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1662 on: February 22, 2022, 02:56:59 pm »

So I made a very very tiny fort in the middle of a wasteland
filled it with custom statue pieces, traps, and before retiring I released a forgotten beast I had trapped in the caverns so potential fun to explore

There is an artifact steel morningstar and a crown there if anyone wants to go to the trouble though!

Here is the save with my turn completed!


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1663 on: February 22, 2022, 04:15:39 pm »

Nice, will be interesting to see when someone goes to explore that site.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1664 on: February 22, 2022, 04:49:06 pm »


It's good to hear that my ear is doing fine, while the rest of my body is somewhere in this strange state between life and death.
I've updated the map, and other posts, let me know if I missed anything.
Do you want another turn Maloy?
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