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Author Topic: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 460098 times)


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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #90 on: April 10, 2020, 06:27:14 pm »

Could you drop me down a turn or two? I'm currently running two different succession forts at the same time and will go insane if I have to do anything else.
And thus was the dwarven meatshield invented.
the child should serve well in the infantry (that is a horrible pun, and I already regret saying it).


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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #91 on: April 11, 2020, 12:49:49 am »

No problem!

Quantum Drop

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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #92 on: April 11, 2020, 03:36:22 am »

I have the file. Will try and start playing later today.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.

Quantum Drop

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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #93 on: April 11, 2020, 11:20:13 am »

Journal of Kom ‘QD’ Uzinithbi, 18th Malachite, 703.

This is the journal of Kom ‘QD’ Uzinithbi, a Black Mamba Man of Sparkhides. I’ve called this place home ever since I crawled out of that stinking hole of a marsh; the humans here didn’t really like me, but if they wanted fresh meat on their tables, they had few other options. I can drop a deer with a copper bolt through the eye at a dozen paces while lying down, and all of these bastards knew it.

Today, though, I leave. I have no choice but to do so, for the place is completely deserted – everyone’s seemed to vanish overnight, leaving me to remain. Rumours reached this sleepy little hamlet of a Museum, just before all this – a massive fortress, where adventurers bring items to be enshrined within. I know my destination, then: I will find an item worthy of this place, and bring it to them.

Should you find my diary, I will have failed in my quest. I don’t care what you do with this, or with my corpse; I ask only that you bring something to the Museum, and submit it in my name.

Kom closed the book and slipped it into his one of two backpacks, along with the necessary quill and ink. His serpentine head twitched from side to side as he looked about, before raising himself upward and beginning to slither off. A copper crossbow and a quiver of arrows were strapped to his back, while a bronze breastplate, copper helm, and copper gauntlets protected the rest of him.

The air was cold, though not bitterly so, and the sky above was clear. The Sun was directly overhead – noon, it would seem – as a cool breeze began blowing in from the west; over in the east, a waxing crescent moon had begun to arise. For a moment, he hesitated, considering where to go. West held nothing but stony mountains and ruined fortresses; to the east, there was rumour of a powerful magicker, raising the dead to do their bidding. North was no better, the empty plains stinking of death and dark magic. South it is, then.

Journal of Kom ‘QD’ Uzinithbi, 18th Malachite, 703.

Scarcely a day’s travel, and I have found something. A tower of some kind, abandoned, yet filled with bags and chests. Searching them proved fruitful; among other things, I now have seventy five bolts (twenty-five silver, fifty copper), an equal number of arrows (plus bronze bow) a bronze shield and spear, and two statues.

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The latter of the two is particularly curious: it is cast in silver, and depicts some strange beast, all tentacles and claws and eyes, yet it bears the marks of no craftsman I know of. I have managed to take it with me, if only due to its relatively small size, though it is a significant weight upon my shoulders. Perhaps I may sell it, or provide it to the Museum.

Either way, I grow drowsy; I must sleep, and soon. This meadow is dense, and the grass will be more than sufficient to light a campfire – I will write more tomorrow, when I have the time.

Kom awoke to the sound of a howl. Dingos, an entire pack of them - they were racing towards him, eyes ablaze with hunger and drool dripping from exposed teeth. Teeth fouled against his gauntlets and bronze breastplate as the pack began their assault.

He scrambled upright, lunching forward to meet the pack’s alpha – a brutish, muscular thing, charging towards him.

Teeth sank into the creature’s leg as it lunged, and he could feel his venom pump into its blood. The Dingo snarled and clawed at his armour; the two of them carried on like that for what felt like a small eternity, the Muscular Dingo snapping and snarling, Kom biting and injecting as much venom as he could.

Then, at last, something shifted.

The Dingo’s second-in-command – a chubby, fat thing – rushed in without warning, leaping into the fray on the ground. The creature’s teeth closed on his right eye, punching through with ease. Kom’s scream of rage and pain echoed across the meadow as blood flowed from the pierced eye, his violent shaking hurling the Dingo away. Half-blindly, he reached for his backpack, seized something. It felt heavy, reassuringly weighty, and he flung it at the charging Muscular Dingo without a second thought. The creature staggered as the wooden chest impacted its lower body, the rest of the pack pulling back for their next charge.

His hands found their way to the crossbow and buckler. In the time they took to charge, a single arrow went wide – after that, he was back in the thick of it, slamming the crossbow against one attacker’s chest, driving his fangs into the neck of another.

With a scream half-muffled by the Dingo’s fur, he pumped all the venom he could into the Muscular Dingo’s upper body, shaking him around like a rabid beast. It was still fighting, despite everything; most went wide, or were dodged as the beast began to sway drunkenly, his venom finally taking effect.

Thing ran together for some time – everything was little more than a blur of strikes, punches, bites and dodges, frantic and disorganised. At last, there came a lull in the fighting. His bronze spear was drawn in place of the crossbow, his teeth bared in pain and rage as the pack charged forward to strike. The pack leader’s lunge was met with a strike to the chest and foreleg; the Dingo went down shrieking, before finally passing out from exhaustion.

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He wasted no time in stabbing the downed beast through the throat; another dingo suffered the same fate, choking on its blood as the spear punched through the neck. The pack fell back in disorder as Kom switched once more to his crossbow, reloading and firing towards the fleeing pack members. A few bolts hit home, mostly against the legs or the lower body, sending the Chubby Dingo staggering. The final member of the pack came charging in, another muscular brute. His teeth swiftly punctured its lung, and venom began to pump in as the spear was once again drawn. Awkward to wield as it was, he still managed to drive the tip into the Dingo’s head – it convulsed violently, before finally going still as he levered the head off of the beast’s neck.

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Kom breathed, ragged and half-exhausted. He managed to slither back over to his campfire, pulling up close to the warmth; he was freezing, and he needed something to drink before he did anything further. Gingerly, he placed a finger against the bloodied wreck of his eye, then looked down at the spear and the fire beside him.

Barely half a minute later, a cry of pain rang loud through the meadow.

Full battle text:

(OOC: Got ambushed by a Dingo pack while asleep. 'least I still have my left eye, and got more than enough food out of it.)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 02:31:07 pm by Quantum Drop »
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #94 on: April 11, 2020, 12:49:55 pm »

Eeyouch... that's gonna leave a mark.  :-X

A well-written (if inauspicious) beginning! Here's hoping your snake-guy's fortunes improve somewhat.
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important

Quantum Drop

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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #95 on: April 12, 2020, 09:48:04 am »

Eeyouch... that's gonna leave a mark.  :-X

A well-written (if inauspicious) beginning! Here's hoping your snake-guy's fortunes improve somewhat.

I think they just did.

Journal of Kom ‘QD’ Uzinithbi, 19th Malachite 703 – 3rd Galena 703
My eye is lost. That damn Dingo’s teeth blinded me wholesale, and the heated spear-tip took care of what was left. Painful, but necessary: infection can kill as quickly and far more painfully than any blade. I don’t have bandages or dressings, or any of that medical crap on me – let’s hope that the cauterisation will work. In the meantime, I need to hunt: I'm starting to get sick of the taste of Dingo meat, and I need some variety.

Kom lay in the undergrowth, bow pulled taut and his breathing regulated. A bronze arrow had been nocked in his bow, ready to fire at its target: a heavyset boar, fat and stupid, standing about in the grasses outside the Human castle. He breathed in, letting his eye track directly to the wild boar’s heart and shifting his aim appropriately, then breathing out as the crossbow fired.

The boar had already dodged a couple of arrows, moving out of the way at the most inopportune of times. A third copper arrow had smacked into its lower body, taking out one of the kidneys, but the boar had just continued to stand there, too stupid to realise it was under attack. The fourth shot proved the finisher, striking it firmly in the chest – the beast finally staggered forwards, moving a few steps before collapsing in a pool of blood.

Kom shifted his copper bow and nocked an arrow; it felt far too flimsy for him, compared to the reassuring weight and recoil of his crossbow. He’d been running low on bolts, and had been forced to switch a while ago – though the four-odd boars lying dead on the ground were a testament to its lethality, without bolts it would be no more than an unwieldy mace.

A low wheezing noise caught his attention. Turning, he was faced with the form of another wild boar, this one a female, not-so-stealthily approaching from the side. An arrow was swiftly fired, catching the creature in the kidney; it staggered for an instant, before turning its head and beginning to seek his scent. It wouldn't find him. The grass was his territory, and he could hide well enough that he was practically a part of it.

Kom answered its search with a low hiss, sheathing his bow and beginning to slither forwards. This boar was weak, and he felt unusually bloodthirsty for this hunt; his teeth were soon bared as he slid forth, before lunging at the boar from behind. The boar was already weak, and he was soon driving fist and fang into it alike, letting the venom paralyse and shut down his prey while he battered and broke its bones. Another one suffered a similar fate, a mix of venom and several extra bolts finally putting the creature down.

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Finally, the boar began to fall still – Kom let out a triumphant hiss, before seizing the creature’s head and driving one of his thumbs directly into the left eye. There was a moment of flailing, a final few convulsions, and then all was still. The broken bodies of the group lay around him, many with bolts or arrows sticking from their hides, or with limbs missing or broken.

With a sigh, he drew a silver short sword from his increasingly-stuffed pack, leaned down, and began his grisly work.

I set out once more today, heading deeper into the wilderness. Killed another Dingo pack when it crossed my path – speared them through the skulls. Almost all were dead before they noticed me. Further travel has led me to a fortress of some sort, apparently Human in construction. Completely abandoned, from what I can see – no bags, no beds, nothing.

Killed a few wild boars while moving away from it to sleep. Plenty of meat and bone, but it took most of my bolts to end them. Had to finish the last one off barehanded - that was messy, to state the least, but I feel it’s improved my wrestling and striking ability.

Spoiler: Our... Newest Locale (click to show/hide)

You are Suque Tunulfuri, former Human Administrator, and your grave has been disturbed. With a growl, you arise from death once more, already summoning your magic and reaching into the tomb’s skeletons. Loyal servants one and all, they had volunteered to guard your tomb until they themselves died, and were buried with you. Now they will see life once again, tearing apart this intrud—

…Where are they all?

You raise yourself up fully, eyes scanning the room-

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…Why are you outside your coffin?

You move through the tomb, checking every room with increasing speed and frenzy. Your statues are gone, your skeleton servants vanished – even the bags and chests of weapons and armour with which you were buried are gone, picked clean or simply taken from where they lie. Room after room after room yields the same scene: everything has been taken, even your favourite x silver carving knife x!

At last, you simply turn on your heel and begin marching back upstairs, muttering obscenities in a long-extinct language. You need a bloody long nap before you deal with this; maybe another century or two. You’re getting too old for this shit.

Found a tomb, apparently Human in construction. Slept outside for a few hours before sneaking in at night – if it was guarded, thought that would let me get the drop on them. Nothing was inside beyond Human skeletons and a lot of chests, bags, and oversized bits of armour. Oh, and a few traps.

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In hindsight, I was bloody lucky. One of them nearly got me – if I’d taken a single step further, I would’ve taken an oversized bronze arrow through the breastplate. Barely saw it in time. Took everything I could carry with me, statues, chests, books, skeletons – the works. Beyond a slab or two that I couldn’t read, the main coffin, and a few bags here and there, the Tomb has been stripped clean of its treasure. Tomorrow, I set out north-west; there's foul magic on the air, accompanied by the stench of Goblins in desperate need of skull-removal.

(OOC: Despite me looting everything, standing adjacent to the Coffin, and straight-up pulling the poor bastard’s (partial) remains out of the coffin and throwing them across the room, repeatedly, the Mummy didn’t wake up. They’re either one of the most hilariously heavy sleepers to exist, or I’m going to get horribly, horribly murdered in the next few posts. I checked with a backup save afterwards: there is a Mummy in there, or at least some kind of Undead, as Alt-Kom got carving-knifed to death by a ‘broad-nose human administrator mummy’. Was it due to me Solid Snaking (read: lying down, sneaking at minimal speed) my way through the Tomb?

As a side note, I have this mental image of Kom wearing a pack several times bigger than he is, due to just how much loot he has crammed in that rucksack of his so far. He's at something like 0.099 speed so far.)

EDIT: That may have been due to me only hitting one of the tombs. Looks like there're another 2-3 that I haven't raided yet. Maybe a bit later, when I've got decent close-combat weapon skills and armour.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 05:32:25 pm by Quantum Drop »
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #96 on: April 12, 2020, 09:54:07 am »

Well, on the bright side, it can't go any lower than that.

Quantum Drop

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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #97 on: April 14, 2020, 02:34:55 pm »

Journal of Kom ‘QD’ Uzinithbi, ??-???

(Several pages illegible or blank; signs of water damage are visible.)

…Ran like hell for a while after that. Got a fair few Goblin skulls in the bag now – coupled with the generous donations from that Dingo pack, I’d say I’ve got my entry finished. No way will it match the spectacle of the Second’s entries, but I ain’t out to change history or make myself notable. I’m a simple man, and at the moment, I’m just glad to be alive.

Was in the Goblins’ pit when I came to my senses. Whatever possessed me fled, and I saw just how foolhardy this was: a copper-and-bronze armed and armoured adventurer against those rabid bastards only ends one way, and that’s with them shitting out your bones while shagging your corpse. Good though their deaths would be, I refuse to risk biting it at their hands.

Ended up going flat and hiding as they came banging in for the night; a few swordsmen and some big-shot carrying the biggest fucking silver hammer I have ever seen. Looked like he could knock my head off and then some. From what I’d heard while lurking, he’d personally put down some of his subordinates for failing him – would explain why there’re so many corpses in these tunnels.

One of them damn near saw me on the way out. I could hear their screeching as I bolted – got the hell out of there, quickly, and had to cut through a river in the process, but I escaped with my tail intact. Few pages are utterly fucked, though; my combat logs are completely gone, along with pretty much everything on my training.

Either way, I’m done with this little misadventure. Maybe I’ll head back to one of the hamlets nearby, keep on selling my talents as a hunter.

Journal of Kom ‘QD’ Uzinithbi, ??-???
Finally reached the Museum today: place was deserted beyond some Gobbo and his slaves. Damn near offed him where he stood, before he managed to explain he was the Museum’s curator-slash-manager and pointed me in the direction of the pedestals.

Apparently, someone else got to this place before me: there’s a pig tail cap over on one of the pedestals, along with some poor bastard’s skull. Can’t read what the little signs around the bottom and middle of the pedestals read, though – probably just the name of the items in question.

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Mine joined them, put up on the iron pedestal: a backpack, filled with thirteen skulls of various hostile creatures. Four Goblin (fifth was too badly mangled for inclusion) and nine Dingo. Not the most impressive addition to this, aye, but I have the feeling this is as good as I’m going to get.

As for me? I’m staying here. There’s plenty to hunt in the surroundings, and I can always try to provide advice on those bastard Gobbos to the new meat this place’ll draw.

To whoever finds this journal: good luck, and may your adventure end better than mine.

(OOC: Due to real life and a number of other issues getting in the way, I am ending my turn earlier than I would’ve. Hopefully, the next player can provide a better show than me, though I don't think it was too bad for a first adventure mode game.)

« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 03:28:37 pm by Quantum Drop »
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #98 on: April 15, 2020, 01:49:08 am »

First adventure mode game? Quite impressive.
The items have been added to the museum, and posts have been updated.

Timeless Bob is next!

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #99 on: April 16, 2020, 03:33:56 pm »

I'm not back to my computer until Sunday evening, but I'll take the turn.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #100 on: April 16, 2020, 04:27:02 pm »

Thanks for the update!

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #101 on: April 20, 2020, 02:27:13 pm »

I will post the new turn save file by Wednesday the 22nd, just to keep things rolling along.  Crazy times, eh, people?

Still working on the turn.  I'll post the save file first, then add the entry in afterwards.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 06:15:25 pm by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #102 on: April 23, 2020, 04:15:00 am »

Hey Timeless Bob,

Could you upload the save game? It's fine if you post any updates and stories later, because as you mention, crazy times..

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #103 on: April 23, 2020, 09:35:20 am »

I'll have to ask for a one day extension. I'll get the link up today for sure.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The Museum III: Adventure mode succession game
« Reply #104 on: April 23, 2020, 10:39:49 am »

no problem  :)
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