Sites and missions
Maps of Orid Xem, The Universes of Myth:
Player sites and fortresses:
Worldgen sites and regions (By Lurker Z):
1: Boltspumpkin, the museum (see the post above for a list of the treasures it holds)
2: The Iron Deep: Founded in 700 by Imic. Adventurers have reported that water is pouring into the ruins of this fallen fortress, making it very hard to access for most adventurers. The albatross woman Galka Fancyrocks (TheFlame52) was able to fly down between the cascading waterfalls and found many artefacts.
Explored by Tonnot98, TheFlame52, Bralbaard, Eric Blank, Kesperan 3: Stockadeoutrage: Founded in 703 by Timeless Bob. This fortress of fire and ice was ravaged by the undead muskox Crazedburial the reclusive who killed 73 dwarves. Only a few survivors remain
Explored by Eric Blank, Bralbaard, Tonnot98, Kesperan, Avolitionbrit, Unraveller4: Championvault: Founded in 706 by Eric Blank, construction resumed in 727. Before construction resumed, the site was visited by several adventurers, who remarked it was mostly inhabited by humans and goblins, after their visits the site grew to a major dwarven fortress and the new dwarven mountain home
Explored by Th4dwArfY1, Glloyd, Eric Blank, Yarlig, Kesperan, TheFlame525: Lashedjade:Founded in 710 by Th4dwArfY1. The dwarves have cleared large parts of the forest here, and have produced many stone and wood crafts.
explored by Tonnot98, Nogoodnames, Kesperan6: Healerlashes:Founded in 712 by LuckyOwl. An old site close to the museum that is currently overrun by hordes of gremlins.
explored by Bralbaard, Yarlig, Eric Blank, Kesperan7: Razorbridge:Founded in 712 by Bralbaard, with later constructions added by Maloy. Dwarves have build a massive bridge at this location that connects the Jungle of Dents and the Tattooed forrest. For some hard to explain reason the bridge is now inhabited by an all female race of naked angel cyclopses.
Explored by Tonnot98, Bralbaard, Chaospotato, Kesperan, Maloy8: Deepvaulted the Tower of Stars:Founded in 714 by Imic. The dwarves here dug deep, possibly to deep. Also, there is a cat corpse here that has been burning for a century.
Explored by Quantum Drop, Eric Blank, Kesperan, TheFlame52 9: Mosshill the Mines of Iron:Founded in 716 by Imic. Lonelythrall visited this site when he was on his first historic rampage. Somehow the dwarves in this iron mine escaped his wrath. Little is known from recent visitors
Explored by Quantum Drop, Erik Blank, Imic, Yarlig, Kesperan, Nogoodnames10: Homesafe The Shrine of Guarding:Founded in 717 by Tonnot98. The dwarves that founded this site were turned into terrible monstrosities by an unnatural syndrome.
Partly explored by Eric blank, Kesperan 11: Shotgleeful: Reclaimed by Tonnot98 in 717. The site was founded long ago, early in the Third Age of Myth. The original inhabitants were driven out by a cyclops in the distant past. Recently, this cyclops was defeated by the goblin Fidale Umberrazors (Tonnot98). It is rumoured that shortly afterwards, the site was claimed by dwarves.
explored by Kesperan12: Shiptrails: Founded in 719 by Timeless Bob. A small compact fort that was only explored in the eightthirties. It is inhabited by elven merchants and silent fell ones.
explored by Quantum Drop, Kesperan13: LanceSavage: Constructed by DF-AI starting in 721. This maze was designed by a mad machine, and is haunted by the ghosts of the dwarves that it enslaved. It was later occupied by goblins
explored by Nogoodnames, Tonnot98, Kesperan, Avolitionbrit14: The Shelter of Adventures: This (adventure mode) site was build by Glloyd Ancientborn the Round, and he has stated that he will welcome new adventurers to the shelter. They can even take equipment and supplies if they promise to support the shelter with donations once they return from their adventures. (visited by Glloyd, Bralbaard, Quantum Drop, Lurker Z, Tonnot 98, Unraveller, Maloy)
15: Archquakes: Constructed by Tasoth in 733. This site, originally known for its mugs was overrun by large numbers of trolls and beakdogs, it is unknown how many remain after Kesperan's rampage
Explored by Quantum Drop, Kesperan 16: Duskhome :This site was rumoured to be a magnificent site, with a large library. The corruption however has taken it, and it has been completely erased from the world. (build by Imic)
Explored by Eric blank, Yarlig, Paaad, Kesperan, Chaospotato 17: Gor (The Pit) :This place was known as "Gor" in the old language. Whatever was here has been completely erased by the corruption, now the land is soaked in the goblin blood that falls from the sky (constructed by Imic)
explored by Yarlig, Tonnot98, Quantum Drop, Paaad, Chaospotato 18: Monkeycurse : The mad monkey king Raki Umberclan was entombed here, before he was raised from death as a weremammoth fell one. His pyramid is still there reminding us of this terrible mistake. (constructed by Bralbaard)
Visited by Eric Blank, Quantum Drop, Chaospotato, Kesperan, Tonnot98 19: Emeraldcrown (constructed by Nogoodnames). "A towering structure of green glass dangling over a volcano, Emeraldcrown is certainly a sight to behold" (text attributed to Glloyd Ancientborn, 749)
Explored by Glloyd, Tonnot98, Eric Blank, Bralbaard, Kesperan20: Healedwhips the Awe-Inspiring despair-: A small encampment constructed by an unknown adventurer.
21: Relicward: Demons were worshipped at this place, this practice apparently did not end terribly well.
explored by Kesperan, Tonnot 98, Dikbutdagrate (constructed by Eric Blank)
22: Jackaldens the Distant Hearth: The adventurers Pik and Desli withdrew from society in this wooden house deep in the forrest. You may not want to visit under a full moon.(constructed by Eric Blank)
explored by Eric Blank, Bralbaard23: The Abyssal sanctuary:To quote Lusko on the Abyssal Halls (Tonnot98): "Crafts made of brilliant blue metal are jealously guarded by many dangerous demons and devious weapon traps. Red statues of burning dwarves adorn the blackened halls of that forsaken place"
Explored by Tonnot98. Quantum Drop, Kesperan 25: Herograves/Confinedsabres: (Founded by Bralbaard, some repairs by Maloy) Many adventurers have died while working for the museum. They can be laid to rest at this site. (Site has been visited by Bralbaard, Tonnot98, Quantum Drop, Eric Blank, Lurker Z, Yarlig, Avolitionbrit, Unraveller, Nogoodnames) Apparently grave robbers have been active here, several artifacts have gone missing, and there is evidence that graves have been disturbed. In 943 the site was briefly reclaimed under the name Confinedsabres to try and repair the damage. The following heroes were entombed here at some point:
Imic Heatherwind the moth man (Imic) b. 678 d. 700. Entombed by Bralbaard.
Doñas Silenttowers the Ominous Hoary Zenith (Eric Blank) b. 679 d. 705. Entombed by Bralbaard.
Thon Scarone, Ettin slayer (Luckyowl) b. 682 d. 712. Entombed by Bralbaard.
Vadane Ancienttress the elf (Nogoodnames)b. 525 d. 727. Entombed by Tonnot98
Th4dwarfy1 Shieldtempests the dwarven necromancer b. 625. d. 710 , retrieved from Palacework by Quantum Drop
Pictham Contestlabour the thrice cursed (Catham) b. 683 d. 712 Entombed by Quantum Drop
Solon Riftworks the dwarf (Imic) b. 680 d.755 Retrieved from Gor by Quantum Drop
Tipi Fatewalks (Eric blank) b. 455 d.727 Entombed by Yarlig
Lurker Lockkingdom (Lurker Z) b. 744 d. 794. Entombed by Yarlig
Arcturus Cinderfang the Hoary Merchant of Adventure (Nogoodnames) b. 743 d. 812 and 825. Entombed by Bralbaard
Avafi Specialmosses the Kobold, (Eric Blank) b. 828 d. 901 Entombed by Yarlig
26: Jackalhide: A campsite left behind by mysterious jackalmen
Explored by Kesperan, Lurker Z 27: Crownhall the City of Stone: The rumours that the dwarves have founded a new capital city are everywhere. (Founded by Imic)
Explored by Kesperan, Unraveller 28: Ironwards the Strifeful Hollows :The fortress was founded to the rough north-west of Boltspumpkin in 780 by The Walled Dye; the few rumours that the caravans have brought back indicate that it is heavily militarized, and has been conducting a number of highly aggressive campaigns against goblin presences in the Tundra of Heroes and around The Dark Fortress River. Dangers may hide in the deep here
Explored by Kesperan, Lurker Z (Founded by Quantum Drop)
29: Dyezeal : A number of rooms have been dug out deep under the ice of the Tundra of Heroes. There is also strange underground river some distance away from the main entrance. The site has been abandoned and is filled with cobwebs and skeletons of wild animals. (Founded by BluarianKnight)
Explored by Kesperan, Bralbaard 30:Sealsabres:This fortress at the edge of the tundra of heroes has a very large temple complex, and treacherous drawbridges.
Explored by Bralbaard, Kesperan (Founded by Eric Blank?)
31:Northcamp: This camp site was founded by Arcturus the black bear man ages ago. It is said that it is still being fiercely defended by his undead, corrupted form
Explored by Bralbaard, Kesperan Avolitionbrit (Founded by Nogoodnames)
32:Mountaincrest the Last Shelter: Who is hiding here, deep in the mountains?(Founded by Glloyd)
Explored by Kesperan 33:Jackaldens the Secretive Home of Disappearing: A top secret hiding place (Founded by Erik Blank)
Explored by Eric Blank 34:Clearmasters If you ever encounter an immortal pet, chances are good that they originated here. Did this curse take hold when the artifact "the immortal cat" was constructed here? (Site build by Lurker Z)
Explored by Kesperan, Unraveller 34:The Tower of Silence A fortress carved in the rock above a volcanic caldera. There is a large library here.
Explored by Kesperan, TheFlame52 (constructed by Unraveller)
35:Ghoulcreek The final resting place of Kosoth Salvesank, the ghoul that spread the Omon Blight in Treatyseed, the place is rumored to be guarded by a former adventurer of the museum and his undead minions
explored by Kesperan, Tonnot98, Maloy36:Ashcinders the molten scar A mighty fortress where divine metals and adamantine were hoarded. High quality statues are on display which depict the adventurers of the museum and their exploits. Many hillocks have been founded in the foothills surrounding the fortress. (constructed by Kesperan )
Explored by Kesperan, Nogoodnames, Avolitionbrit, Quantum Drop, Erik Blank 37:Ancientlibrary the library of secrets Terrible experiments were conducted on Moldath in this fortress, in an attempt to cure him from a terrible rot. The place is apparently overgrown by a forest that is so dense that even elves have trouble to pass through(Constructed by Avolitionbrit)
explored by Kesperan, Tonnot98, Avolitionbrit, Eric Blank38:Newworld |(This site has been reported to crash the game upon visiting) Questionable experiments on Moldath continued in this fortress. (constructed by Lurker Z)
Partly explored by Bralbaard, Kesperan 39:Thiefguild Rumor has it that the local criminals have a hideout beneath the tavern. (constructed by Bralbaard)
explored by Kesperan, Bralbaard, Nogoodnames40:Free the egg The site was
explored by Lurker-Z, Kesperan but there are no detailed written records.
41: Waterdeeps This is where the mightiest river on the continent, the Purged Loot, has it's source. (constructed by Bralbaard)
explored by Kesperan, Bralbaard, Bluarianknight, Avolitionbrit42: Frostwall the last Bastion Deep within the fated frost lies a mighty fortress carved from the purest ice(constructed by Quantum Drop)
explored by Kesperan, TheFlame5243: Falsetower the Citadel of worlds According to Moldath's records on this site, extensive battles have been fought here. The surface is littered with corpses and bones. (constructed by Avolitionbrit)
explored by Quantum Drop, Kesperan, Maloy, Broken44: Stasismanors This fortress lies in the treacherous sands of the harmonious dune, and is surrounded by statues of dwarves, elves, humans and other creatures being shot, tortured, and flayed. Moldath defeated an ash demon here on his journey. (constructed by Maloy in 858)
explored by Kesperan, Bralbaard45: Northmanor the Unholy Cathedral. The site was visited by the elf Yawo Rainstir, who noted that there are many tamed grizzly bears here. Constructed by Kesperan
Explored by Tonnot 98, Kesperan46: Agefall Agefall was constructed right after the age of heroes ended, but quickly fell to some unknown calamity (constructed by Bluarianknight)
Explored by Kesperan47: Mischieflaws A small fortress overrun by turkeys and gremlins, famous for it's massive egg hatcheries (constructed by Bralbaard)
Explored by Kesperan48: Warshrieks Warning, this place may currently crash your game (build by Erik Blank)
49: Silverthrone The mighty city from which Jas Gloryage ruled over the kingdom of Omin Obin. He fought many battles against the blight, including some, right here, in Silverthrone. (constructed by Unraveller)
Explored by Quantum Drop, Kesperan, Bralbaard50: Secrethome This once secret hideout has been deserted by the dwarves that founded it.
Constructed by Bluarianknight.
explored by Kesperan51: Crystalworship the Temple of Vultures Rumors have started spreading claiming that the long dead dwarven civilisation known as Mörul Kan has somehow survived on this distant island. Involvement of a certain scorpion man is suspected. (Constructed by AvolitionBrit)
explored by Kesperan52: Onionbunions A strangely named fortress, not much is known about it.(constructed by Yarlig)
53: Urnways Why has this place fallen to ruin? (constructed by Yarlig)
explored by Kesperan54: The Mountain of Hatred A camp site deep in the mountains (constructed by Yarlig)
55: Abyssdeeps A fortress founded in one of the most dangerous areas of the world, filled with traps of unknown purpose (constructed by Quantum Drop)
(explored by Kesperan)56: Balancehammer A fortress founded by the Pages of Tiredness. Once this place was guarded by grizzly bears, however due to the passage of time they may no longer be around. Constructed by Eric Blank.
Explored by Kesperan.57: Holykingdom Constructed by Avolitionbrit. The site is rumored to be the hiding place of Avolition Holyblood, but visitors have reported it is inaccessible and flooded.
Explored by Kesperan, Eric Blank58: Realmspire This is where Irka Tinsabres of the Gloryage dynasty founded a mysterious fortress. Demons roam the surrounding country side. Is this place as evil as it seems, or is there more behind this story? (Constructed by Unraveller)
explored by Lurker Z, Kesperan, Bralbaard59: Weatherponder the New A new expansion of the city of Weatherponder that now connects the old town to Silverthrone. (Constructed by Unraveller)
explored by Bralbaard, Kesperan60: Blueoceans Visitors to the site have claimed there are voices coming from deep underground, unreachable from the surface (Constructed by Lurker Z)
Partly explored by Kesperanm, Eric Blank61: Deephalls What is this place, and how on earth was it constructed? (build by Lurker Z)
62: Ilrallenod Treatyseed, or Ilrallenod, the famous capital of the Walled Dye. Forever envelloped in chaos, a site where nobles, goblins and thralls have killed eachother in large numbers. (Recently unretired by Lurker Z). Since it was unretired it was
explored by Kesperan.63: The Eternal Citadel From here rules Moldath Mournsaints, who has shaped much of the history of this world (Constructed by Kesperan)
explored by Kesperan, Eric Blank 64: The Charcoal Pit This site is a place of worship for the Worm, build by the charcoal demon Handbane. (Constructed by Nogoodnames)
explored by Bralbaard 65: Eldergraves A small wooden necromancer tower (Constructed by Bralbaard)
explored by Bralbaard 66: Scorpiontower the lost vault of books The scorpion king ordered construction of this massive site, that was build over an ancient necromancer's tower. (Constructed by Avolitionbrit)
explored by Kesperan 67: Entrancegrape This site was once the capital-castle of Omin Obin, before Jas Gloryages rise to power. It is the 4th oldest castle in the world, but was recently renovated (Reclaimed by Lurker Z)
explored by Bralbaard, Kesperan 68: The Hungry Aching Wood This site will crash your game if approached. Unspeakable things have happened here. (constructed by Dikbutdagrate)
69: Honeyhammer the fortress of snacking For those who want honey, or a face transplant. (constructed by Dikbutdagrate)
explored by Quantum Drop, Bralbaard, Eric Blank 70: Futureseals A site build at the turning of the millenium. This is where Desli and Pik performed a dark ritual to cleanse Pik of his curses, be warned, the place is overrun by undead. (constructed by Eric Blank)
explored by Eric Blank, theFlame52, Avolitonbrit, Kesperan 71: Drinkstasis Founded by the Band of Wines, a group of humans. The site is relatively close to the museum(constructed by Kesperan)
explored by Kesperan 72: Weatherponder the Lurking The latest addition to the metropolis of Weatherponder-Silverthrone. (constructed by Lurker Z in 1022)
explored by Kesperan 73: Watchfulpalace Not much is known about this fortress (constructed by Sockmit2007)
74: Flightseas A myserious fortress at the northern coast
75: Swordgleamed the Ageless Tomb This town was once a famous hideout for bandits, untill the many thousands of them were slaughtered in a near forgotten battle. In the eleventh century the site was reclaimed by Bralbaard to deal with the many dead. Currently the site is overrun by undead howling freaks, raised by Maloy.(Constructed by Bralbaard)
Visited by Kesperan; Maloy 76: Icefury The snow here is stained red by the blood of the vampires that were slain here. (Constructed by Eric Blank in 1031)
Visited by Kesperan, Eric Blank 77: Fortressbranded The first part of Dikbutdagrate's massive wall (unexplored) constructed by Dikbutdagrate.
Eric Blank 78: Risewinds The second part of Dikbutdagrate's massive wall (unexplored) constructed by Dikbutdagrate.
Eric Blank 79: Speechlesshames The third section of Dikbutdagrate's massive wall (unexplored) constructed by Dikbutdagrate.
Eric Blank 80: Coverashes It is whispered that angels have retaken the ancient vault of coverashes, and that the site is now known as lightningrope. (reclaimed by Bralbaard)
81: Livingdeath the Depths of Despair This place has an ominous name. Probably for a good reason (constructed by Eric Blank)
82: Palacework The last of the dwarven houses, the Matched Hame, has been resurrected. They have reclaimed Palacework (reclaimed by Kesperan in 1063)
explored by Kesperan83: Cleanlands the Fortress of Destruction It is said the end times are near.
84: The Traps of Dying These are apparently not the True traps of Dying but a... trap? (constructed by Quantum Drop)
85: The True traps of Dying The Traps of Dying, for real this time. (Constructed by Quantum Drop)
86: Oceanmaster the Gilded Bridge The seafaring dwarves of The Salty Dog from the Staff of Kissing embarked on an enormous gold deposit and built a literal golden bridge across the sea to the Island of Clouting. (Constructed by Kesperan)
87: Bloodspire the Crimson Bastion A tower crafted of bloodstained cinnabar in the reanimating haunted wastes by the Bloody Hand of the Staff of Kissing with a plan of harvesting sliver barbs for the incredibly rare black dye. Beware the undead ogres! (Constructed by Kesperan)
88: Lullmischief The latest addition to the wall, added in 1129. (constructed by Dikbutdagrate)
89: Purplefrothy Founded by the Hungry Fiend of Honey in 1129. (constructed by Dikbutdagrate)
90: Ringboot Founded in 1153 as part of the wolf man's efforts to metropolize Incenseorder. (Constructed by Maloy)
91: Bora Obin This name roughly translates as "Mine of Silver". Could this human fortress be the place where the Realm of Silver mines their precious ore? (Constructed by Lurker Z)
Bring the bodies of fallen adventurers to Herograves so that they can get a proper burial.
Return the missing artifact native aluminum harp to Crownhall the City of Stone information
here and
here Return missing artifacts to Ironwards. The artefacts Ocig Dumat and Sat Vuknud have been taken from Ironwards by unknown hands. Any adventurer who returns them to the fortress’s museum (top floor, look for the room filled with wooden and stone pedestals) may take an artefact of their choosing from those on display, which include an artefact short sword, hammer, and dwarf-sized steel boot. Furthermore, they may take any masterwork item of arms or armour from the fortress (all dwarf-sized), which they may utilize or trade as they see fit.
Gain weird transplants Dikbutdagrate
offers the following!: My offer to act as a NPC vendor for item grafting still stands.
1 honey = 1 item + 1 body part.
You wanna have tree frogs for eyes? Sure! 2 Honeys plz, and done.
Become Tetsuo, the Iron Man today!
Play the Oxang Kol (Avolitionbrit) wishes to hear the Oxang (instrument from museum submission 65) played before them and in return they will assist them in anyway they can. (you can control them, add to your party and stuff like that).