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Author Topic: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)  (Read 18874 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #165 on: April 22, 2020, 12:25:09 am »

The Knight does their best to answer your questions in the order they are posed. "I'd say Wizards fall into four groups, great one, when it comes to what they want. Those tied to the military are most concerned with Húndàn rising in power, so that they might one day contest the Dire Orca for control of shallower water. The Wizards in Húndàn's personal court and inner circle crave rare materials and divine essence to experiment with, like their master does. The wizards of the great families of the University are most concerned with protecting and expanding their power base. The wizards without direct ties to the institutions of power, of course, seek power, and often wealth; They typically work as healers, smiths, masons, and glassblowers, and trade on their professional reputation above all else. I'd say most wizards, regardless of status or profession, are also interested in knowledge for knowledge's sake."

The mortal can only shrug at your second question. "I'm afraid I cannot offer much insight on the common people. I've been raised at the military academy since I came to this place, and have had very little business with the average inhabitant of the city. Almost everybody I have dealt with so far is either my better or my peer. Húndàn does well at providing for his people. I'm sure many are happy living quiet and comfortable lives. But I'm also sure there are always those with ambitions, or at least dreams of great wealth."

The soldier finally moves onto the third question. "Most of the reyherd tribes are led by traditionalist chieftains who cling to the old ways. The scour the abyssal floor, looking for food for their beasts, who in turn provide them with blood and eggs. Few want anything to do with the outside world, but even those ones are willing to send excess population away to Húndàn in exchange for gifts of weapons and food. Best in their eyes to send the troublemakers and change bringers somewhere they can do no harm, but I'm sure many would remove Húndàn and his cities if they had the means to do so, so as to open up more seafloor for themselves. I'm sure in the ranks of this very unit are plenty of banished tribesquid who were sent away for dreaming too big."

It pauses before continuing, and gives his own steed a pat on the hump. "Of course, sometimes a leader rises who wants to move his tribe into the future. A good handful now raise breeds of ray that are far better at providing death to a battlefield than they are at providing food to a table. They both sell those rays directly to Húndàn, and use them to raid their neighbors for slaves, who are also sold to the Enigma Sharks as soldiers. They grow rich off this trade, and eventually can afford arms and armor for their entire population, at which point they often become too ambitious for their own good, contest for control of shallow well-lit waters, and get smacked by the Dire Orca. I have heard tales of many tribal leaders, including my own grandfather, who fell in battle against the dolphin-fiends only to be replaced by an ambitionless traditionalist. But there are plenty of tribes out there who would have plenty of use for a god."
"Hm... back to the Dire Orcas, then. It would seem any who operate in the water must bear them in mind.

Very well. Tell me what you know of them, and in particular if you know what it takes to dissuade their aggression. I know Pai keeps a navy sufficient for this task, but I do not know any details."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #166 on: April 22, 2020, 12:52:20 am »

Dun can tell it takes a good amount of the Knight's self control to avoid scoffing at its new god. "I mean no disrespect, great one, but whomever told you Pai's navy keeps the dire orca away has a poor understanding of the situation. There is no force present beneath the waves or on the coast capable of mounting real resistance against their full might should they choose to deploy it. Pai is 'safe' because the Dire Orca already have their fill of land dwelling slaves, and because destroying a city with three patron deities might create more trouble for their own god than could be justified by the spoils."

It pounds its chestplate with pride. "My riders should more than suffice to keep small parties of scouts or hunters out of your merchant's way, but if they learn your merchant's routes and schedules, and they think your cargo is worth the trouble, there is nothing any mortal soldier could do to stop them from crushing your traders. The only means by which one might dissuade their aggression would be to remain beneath their interest, threaten them with significant divine retribution, or hide out in the blackest corners of the abyssal depths."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #167 on: April 22, 2020, 08:45:08 am »

What? Yes, of course, why wouldn't I be?

"Well – after the big deal I made about finding resources and then I hardly . . . never mind. Just . . . If you are satisfied and I am satisfied then what else is there to say?"

"Er, I don't know if I ever mentioned this out loud, but I have a tentative arrangement with Dun, where she can have presumptive access to our storage space in return for unlimited use of her Menagerie. This room suits our needs for Resource Acquisition class, but the other is constructed specifically to let living things grow and even increase. Can I tell her you are on board as well, or would you prefer to make your own arrangement?"

Chet considers the question. "You should be able to stabilize it with a creative application of divine energy. Not sure alloying a mineral that is to be consumed with a mineral generally not eaten by organic lifeforms is the wisest way of going about it, but I suppose that it could work..."

The instructor scratches his blow hole. "What I'd do is plate it with a thin layer of frost copper, which I'd peel away when it was time to consume it. What are you thinking about doing with solid Godswine anyway?"

"Well, I wasn't thinking of saving the Godswine for consumption so much as whether I could harness its properties by other means. Worked into a artifact to entertain at parties, or something like that. Inebriating music to get everyone a little buzzed and loosened up. From there, who knows? Maybe I'll form a band."

Dun considers for only a moment before nodding. "I believe I will do just that, then. I look forward to assisting you and attending your event."

Koaring experiences a cascade of emotions as he sees Dun chatting with the senior god. An odd sort of protectiveness, maybe even jealousy, which is foolish given how brusquely he's treated her in the past age or so. And even more foolish, an unbidden comparison between Dun and Baba Yāo fù in which the latter easily comes out ahead. The hag is objectively lesser in power and looks; yet Koaring longs to see her again.

Overriding his confused affections, though, is a spike of terror at the thought of losing control of himself, again, amongst a crowd of strangers. Koaring had spent many nights carousing with the Amazons back home. Now this is one more aspect of his life the hag's touch has tainted. No party bands for him, not until he gets a healthier grip on his surreal family life.

Koaring declines the party invitation, beset with equal parts regret and relief.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #168 on: April 22, 2020, 08:49:39 am »

The nameless deity, though lacking a beard, mimics the thoughtful chin-scratching they have occasionally seen others do.
Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should move some of the moss into there?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #169 on: April 22, 2020, 10:05:59 am »

"Between the two of us, we have certainly gathered enough moss for both rooms," Koaring chuckles. "Yes, I am interested in cultivating some if we can do it outside of the backs of yaks on a far-off glacier."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #170 on: April 22, 2020, 12:22:08 pm »

"Well, I wasn't thinking of saving the Godswine for consumption so much as whether I could harness its properties by other means. Worked into a artifact to entertain at parties, or something like that. Inebriating music to get everyone a little buzzed and loosened up. From there, who knows? Maybe I'll form a band."

Chet nods. "Oh! Yeah! Frost Copper would be fine for that. You'll probably want some Zinc then. It is a simple enough mineral to make yourself, but you can alloy it with the Frost Copper to make Cold Brass, which is good for making horns and stuff! From there you'd just have to figure out how to incorporate the Godswine, which shouldn't be too difficult. Or you can just do the frost copper plating I mentioned if you want to make some strings for, like, a lute or a piano or something!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #171 on: April 23, 2020, 03:17:31 pm »

Dun can tell it takes a good amount of the Knight's self control to avoid scoffing at its new god. "I mean no disrespect, great one, but whomever told you Pai's navy keeps the dire orca away has a poor understanding of the situation. There is no force present beneath the waves or on the coast capable of mounting real resistance against their full might should they choose to deploy it. Pai is 'safe' because the Dire Orca already have their fill of land dwelling slaves, and because destroying a city with three patron deities might create more trouble for their own god than could be justified by the spoils."

It pounds its chestplate with pride. "My riders should more than suffice to keep small parties of scouts or hunters out of your merchant's way, but if they learn your merchant's routes and schedules, and they think your cargo is worth the trouble, there is nothing any mortal soldier could do to stop them from crushing your traders. The only means by which one might dissuade their aggression would be to remain beneath their interest, threaten them with significant divine retribution, or hide out in the blackest corners of the abyssal depths."
Dun scowls. "Retribution it is."

Her tentacles begin thrashing restlessly and her eyes focus on nothing in particular, apparently buried in thought. "I yet lack the strength for apocalyptic horror, but it should be trivial to prove more trouble than I am worth. I will need a show of strength before I produce or control any holdings of value."

Her expression darkens further, and she even gnashes her obsidian teeth. "And those fools at Pai... I thought I was hiding in their shadow, but even that much is only marginally true. Are they so weak and cowardly that they're willing to leave their holdings defended by only a vague promise? Were I to control such a city, none would cross it without suffering for the act and then facing my response..."

Her eyes snap back to her knight. "Do you know of any foes I could make an example of? Preferably those the Dire Orca would hear the fates of, but sufficient cruelty can make a statement out of the most obscure of villages."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #172 on: April 23, 2020, 05:58:25 pm »

"Oh... how interesting. Less useful for living things, but more secure. You have my thanks. I suppose I should likewise extend permission to utilize my Menagerie as you wish. And to the nameless one, I presume?"

"Yes, if you please. They should allow you access past the locks same as I."

Saga of the Dog
Critical Success! The Hag is Asleep, and you have the run of her hut! You have several options as to how to proceed! You could ransack her place, in hopes of learning her secrets and leveling the playing field for your future battles against the corruption! You could play your harp for her while she rests, using its power to reinforce whatever genuine fondness she has for you! Or you could even attack her while she is vulnerable, starting combat with a huge advantage!

When the Hag at last falls asleep, Koaring's instinct is to run to Peanut Village to scoop up his daughter. Something holds him back, though. Perhaps some glimmer of compassion: Sayamin – he chokes a little, mouthing her name to himself – is still unaware of all that has transpired between her supernatural parents. For all the trouble his actions will bring her in the future, perhaps he owes her these days of relative happiness. Perhaps some cord of desire: his ardor for Baba Yāo fù – whatever its origin – is hardly dimmed, it's only been a week after all.

Instead he begins to search the hut for some advantage over his opponent. That attempt is over seconds after it began: his attention is caught by the mirror and his daughter's image. Professor Yínfà's lesson in mortal magic echoes through his brain; he has no understanding of what rules Baba Yāo fù's magic might follow. If there is something as straightforward as a spellbook or diary containing the secrets of hagdom, she has surely concealed it and Koaring is too enthralled watching his daughter to bring his godly powers to bear.

What he ought to do, the sensible and practical thing to do, is to attack the hag while he has the advantage. Koaring tears himself away from the mirror and back toward the straw mattress where Baba Yāo fù slumbers. He raises his left hand to strike, but he lowers it impotently. He has never considered himself as her enemy. Even when he first set out, it was with the intention of an interrogation at most, to learn enough so he could build an effective defense for his village rather than to rid the land of hags. And of course after he encountered her it had been impossible to remain angry. Terribly angry at himself and his folly, but never at her. He made his second journey to the corrupted forest with the vague idea of persuading his family to experiment on Electric Blue Moss; hardly daring to hope that it would answer all their wickedness but knowing it was the best he had found to offer.

Again his vision drifts to the mirror, where he can see the gangly form of Sayamin now sleeping ungracefully with limbs akimbo and tongue lolled out of her mouth. She is beautiful. But she is not here. Anger wells up in Koaring's heart, springing forth from the bestial, feral part of his soul. Who dares keep a bear from his cub without consequence! Baba Yāo fù had invited him to visit, but her hut does not stay in one place. What if he cannot find her the next time?

Once more he is on the verge of attacking the Hag, and once more he withholds his blow. He must fight himself to do it, though, barely containing his own inherent ferocity with the reminder that such actions are part of Baba Yāo fù's nature. She weeps over the future she plans, weeps over the pain she has suffered. And it will be his own daughter's nature as well, nothing he does here will alter Sayamin's hidden corruption. Koaring shudders. How close he was to losing himself, his reason. And yet, on the other other hand ––

–– and yet: is there no one Koaring the aspiring guardian god will battle? He was dismayed to hear Elbakaepsnu's endorsement for conquest, he has been suspicious of the senior moose gods from the start. Elba's people are so far away that Koaring is not even sure where to find them, and the worst the moose have done is exploit freshmen for magical labor with the promise of a party afterward. Whereas Baba Yāo fù, for all she acts as though she regrets it, is warring openly against his Village and against him. She has not deviated from her plans to torment her neighbors. No, she has infiltrated them with her own child to better ensure their future suffering. She has joined her cursed line to a god's to increase its power. Left unchecked she will teach and refine her daughter's evil powers no matter how many tears she sheds. Even though Baba Yāo fù once told him she was not compelled to afflict Koaring in the same fashion that she feeds on mortals, every act of hers – even choosing their daughter's name – could not be more precisely aimed at exploiting his emotions to increase his torture.

Sitting in the middle of her merciless aura while she is not awake to distract him, he must admit that from their first contact she has been an enemy of him. He pauses only long enough to turn the magic mirror against the wall, illogically keeping Sayamin from witnessing what he is about to do. The third time he raises his arms against the Hag of the Corrupted Woods they do not stop halfway.

Koaring attacks Baba Yāo fù! His intent is to keep Baba Yāo fù away from Sayamin by physically incapacitating the Hag! (Up to and including ending her life of misery, if that's what it takes!)

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #173 on: April 25, 2020, 12:49:18 pm »

Saga of the Goat

Qu, listening in on the conversation with the two seniors, bows his head. 'I, too, wish to participate in this revelry. I desire to be enlightened of this... massive raging bending. Are we to clothe and shape ourselves in some special way?'

Saga of the Monkey/Saga of the Pig

Master Zhèngniàn's report brings a slight smile onto Qu's lips. He dwells on the matter of the glass city at some length.

'You have done well so far. We must tend to the earth with care if we are to plant the seed of their downfall,' Qu says after the two of them have walked the temple's halls for a time. 'This is not a time for rash action. It seems to me that their power is built on the backs of their slaves. Perhaps we may find an ally in the chained? I task you with building resistance to the rule of the Queens. Reach out to those you believe still possess some spark of defiance. Heal their hurts with my Blooms and win their confidence. I will send you something to aid in this task.'

Pausing, he looks to the skies. 'Let us also seek out sympathetic captains among the sky-sailors. They may aid us in bringing what is necessary into the city. Weapons and such for an uprising. Perhaps we might use them to steal slaves away from the city, to be brought to you and freed from their chains. Would you be willing to take those escaped slaves who wish to fight as novices?'

Qu feels a shiver of excitement. He could imagine the toiling masses on the city streets rise up and topple the high thrones of their Queens. Their glass palaces would shatter, their ancient bodies torn limb from limb to pay for their crimes. The old order would be razed to make room for a new and brighter world. He would- No. That was too much. Moderation and mercy; the thoughts had crept up on him again. He has to be vigilant.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #174 on: April 26, 2020, 02:33:03 am »

Dun scowls. "Retribution it is."

Her tentacles begin thrashing restlessly and her eyes focus on nothing in particular, apparently buried in thought. "I yet lack the strength for apocalyptic horror, but it should be trivial to prove more trouble than I am worth. I will need a show of strength before I produce or control any holdings of value."

Her expression darkens further, and she even gnashes her obsidian teeth. "And those fools at Pai... I thought I was hiding in their shadow, but even that much is only marginally true. Are they so weak and cowardly that they're willing to leave their holdings defended by only a vague promise? Were I to control such a city, none would cross it without suffering for the act and then facing my response..."

Her eyes snap back to her knight. "Do you know of any foes I could make an example of? Preferably those the Dire Orca would hear the fates of, but sufficient cruelty can make a statement out of the most obscure of villages."

The Knight bows again. You can tell it is buying time to formulate an answer. Eventually it speaks. "In this section of the abyss, there is little in the way of hostility." it admits, "Swim as far as you want in any direction, without entering waters shallow enough to be exposed to the Dire Orca, and you will find nothing but people under Húndàn's protection and reyherd tribes. It shouldn't be too hard to find some tribal conflict to insert yourself in, great one, in fact I'm sure my troops, most of whom are fresh from the tribes, might have some ideas. If you would like my humble advice, however, I think the Dire Orca are far more likely to notice your example if you set it on the coast or in shallow waters."

Koaring attacks Baba Yāo fù! His intent is to keep Baba Yāo fù away from Sayamin by physically incapacitating the Hag! (Up to and including ending her life of misery, if that's what it takes!)

Challenge Phase:
Koaring - His intent is to keep Baba Yāo fù away from Sayamin by physically incapacitating the Hag! (Up to and including ending her life of misery, if that's what it takes!)
Baba Yāo fù - Escape Unharmed

Combat Phase:
Koaring - 1d20 = 13 * 3 (Helpless Foe) = 39!!! Winner!
Baba Yāo fù - 1d16 = 12 (No mods)

Fallout Phase:
Baba Yāo fù suffers an utter defeat to Koaring, as even a max roll on her combat power of 16 cannot beat the margin of 27 that she lost the fight with!


As Koaring brings his hand down on the helpless, sleeping, hag, he knows that no mere physical injury is a guarantee that the magical being will leave his daughter alone! She must be destroyed! The only question that remains is does the god prefer to bring home a vegitable, or a more hunter's trophy.


The blow lands, and at once the hut, along side every non-living thing inside of it (except perhaps for some trophies that Koaring rapidly stabilizes with a small infusion of divine energy), begins to dissolve into corrupt purple goo!

Baba Yāo fù has been destroyed! Add purple hut goo (value 4) to open storage! In addition, select one of the following options below!
-Add Comatose Hag (value 5) to open storage
-Add Hag Skull (Value 3) and Hag Hair (Value 2) to open storage

Saga of the Goat

Qu, listening in on the conversation with the two seniors, bows his head. 'I, too, wish to participate in this revelry. I desire to be enlightened of this... massive raging bending. Are we to clothe and shape ourselves in some special way?'

The moose headed god shrugs. "No dress code, but I wouldn't wear anything you would mind getting ruined! Clothing is often the first victim of a good party!"

Saga of the Monkey/Saga of the Pig

Master Zhèngniàn's report brings a slight smile onto Qu's lips. He dwells on the matter of the glass city at some length.

'You have done well so far. We must tend to the earth with care if we are to plant the seed of their downfall,' Qu says after the two of them have walked the temple's halls for a time. 'This is not a time for rash action. It seems to me that their power is built on the backs of their slaves. Perhaps we may find an ally in the chained? I task you with building resistance to the rule of the Queens. Reach out to those you believe still possess some spark of defiance. Heal their hurts with my Blooms and win their confidence. I will send you something to aid in this task.'

Pausing, he looks to the skies. 'Let us also seek out sympathetic captains among the sky-sailors. They may aid us in bringing what is necessary into the city. Weapons and such for an uprising. Perhaps we might use them to steal slaves away from the city, to be brought to you and freed from their chains. Would you be willing to take those escaped slaves who wish to fight as novices?'

Qu feels a shiver of excitement. He could imagine the toiling masses on the city streets rise up and topple the high thrones of their Queens. Their glass palaces would shatter, their ancient bodies torn limb from limb to pay for their crimes. The old order would be razed to make room for a new and brighter world. He would- No. That was too much. Moderation and mercy; the thoughts had crept up on him again. He has to be vigilant.

"Your assessment is fair, your holiness," Master Zhèngniàn admits, "but I would advise against trying to organize and nurture a large scale slave revolt. The inhabitants of the city have been keeping slaves for terms and terms. They know how to control, manipulate, and police those they keep in bondage. They would likely sniff out any plans involved a significant percent of the slave population before the time to strike arrives, and surprise is our greatest weapon."

The monk stops walking, and turns to gaze out a window into a courtyard, where several Warriors of Light have paired off to spar. "On the topic of expanding my forces, I think this temple could house twice the number of monks it does so now. It would take me at least two ages to bring a batch of novices to a state of expertise that I would be willing to bring to a battlefield, and I'm not sure if stealing slaves from under the city's nose is the wisest move, but adding more heads and hearts to the order is likely the correct move if we are to openly fight the city."

The sparring monks below pick up their pace. Each strike in the courtyard lands or is blocked at nearly the speed of sound. Should they start going all out, the shockwaves would be quite noisy, even from Master Zhèngniàn's current vantage at the window. Reaching this conclusion, your follower endeavors to get the point of his thoughts before he might be interrupted. "If you wish to topple the Green Glass City using my order, I think the best plan would be for my order to slip in through the doorway you have gifted us during some feast or celebration. We can employ a small cell of slaves to leave door unlocked, or perhaps if you value results above honor, carry out other acts of sabotage or assassination as or just before The Warriors of Light attack. Of course, if you would rather carry on with a large slave revot, your holiness, I will follow your wishes to the best of my ability."

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #175 on: April 26, 2020, 04:52:01 am »

"Your assessment is fair, your holiness," Master Zhèngniàn admits, "but I would advise against trying to organize and nurture a large scale slave revolt. The inhabitants of the city have been keeping slaves for terms and terms. They know how to control, manipulate, and police those they keep in bondage. They would likely sniff out any plans involved a significant percent of the slave population before the time to strike arrives, and surprise is our greatest weapon."

The monk stops walking, and turns to gaze out a window into a courtyard, where several Warriors of Light have paired off to spar. "On the topic of expanding my forces, I think this temple could house twice the number of monks it does so now. It would take me at least two ages to bring a batch of novices to a state of expertise that I would be willing to bring to a battlefield, and I'm not sure if stealing slaves from under the city's nose is the wisest move, but adding more heads and hearts to the order is likely the correct move if we are to openly fight the city."

The sparring monks below pick up their pace. Each strike in the courtyard lands or is blocked at nearly the speed of sound. Should they start going all out, the shockwaves would be quite noisy, even from Master Zhèngniàn's current vantage at the window. Reaching this conclusion, your follower endeavors to get the point of his thoughts before he might be interrupted. "If you wish to topple the Green Glass City using my order, I think the best plan would be for my order to slip in through the doorway you have gifted us during some feast or celebration. We can employ a small cell of slaves to leave door unlocked, or perhaps if you value results above honor, carry out other acts of sabotage or assassination as or just before The Warriors of Light attack. Of course, if you would rather carry on with a large slave revolt, your holiness, I will follow your wishes to the best of my ability."

Qu's disappointment is evident. 'I see. That is not the path forward, then. Troubling. I am not convinced, Master Zhèngniàn, that your order alone will be enough to accomplish lasting change. There is too much we do not know of these Queens and what they are capable of. Even if this surprise strike of yours was enough to destroy them and clip the stem of their empire, there would be many thorns remaining beneath. No, we will not make our move until I am certain that our victory also brings freedom to their slaves. I would root this vileness out entirely.'

He thinks for a time. 'You will have your novices soon. Seek to learn the strengths and weaknesses of our enemy. Plan for your decapitating strike. I will consider how we may deal with its... aftermath. If there is anything further you would ask of me now, speak.'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #176 on: April 26, 2020, 08:12:05 pm »

The Knight bows again. You can tell it is buying time to formulate an answer. Eventually it speaks. "In this section of the abyss, there is little in the way of hostility." it admits, "Swim as far as you want in any direction, without entering waters shallow enough to be exposed to the Dire Orca, and you will find nothing but people under Húndàn's protection and reyherd tribes. It shouldn't be too hard to find some tribal conflict to insert yourself in, great one, in fact I'm sure my troops, most of whom are fresh from the tribes, might have some ideas. If you would like my humble advice, however, I think the Dire Orca are far more likely to notice your example if you set it on the coast or in shallow waters."
Dun nods. "I believe you are correct. I will seek out a shallow or coastal victim when the time is right.

Unless you have further need of my presence, you are dismissed."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #177 on: April 26, 2020, 08:18:51 pm »

Qu's disappointment is evident. 'I see. That is not the path forward, then. Troubling. I am not convinced, Master Zhèngniàn, that your order alone will be enough to accomplish lasting change. There is too much we do not know of these Queens and what they are capable of. Even if this surprise strike of yours was enough to destroy them and clip the stem of their empire, there would be many thorns remaining beneath. No, we will not make our move until I am certain that our victory also brings freedom to their slaves. I would root this vileness out entirely.'

He thinks for a time. 'You will have your novices soon. Seek to learn the strengths and weaknesses of our enemy. Plan for your decapitating strike. I will consider how we may deal with its... aftermath. If there is anything further you would ask of me now, speak.'

The Monk bows low. "You need not concern yourself with acquiring novices, my lord. With the doorway, finding suitable candidates suitable for initiation is a task I can carry out without further divine intervention. Might I ask how long you intend to take planning and preparing for the aftermath, so I know how long I might have to prepare the order to strike?"

Dun nods. "I believe you are correct. I will seek out a shallow or coastal victim when the time is right.

Unless you have further need of my presence, you are dismissed."

The Knight bows low. "We will not disappoint you, great one."

It then turns to the soldiers under its command, "Make your final preparations! We leave for the realm of the Otterfolk at the next striking of the gong!"

With that, your soldiers offer one final salute to their new deity, before disbanding and vanishing into the abyssal city.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #178 on: April 28, 2020, 11:03:28 am »

Saga of the Dog
Koaring feels the hag's skull bend inward with his first blow. No second blow is required: Baba Yāo fù's form bounces from the force and then crumples even more limply than in her sleep. The swan prince's success is evident as her hut begins to dissolve. Hastily he shoulders the near-corpse and makes his way free of the slime.

Koaring feels only weariness replacing the anger which drove him to lash out. There is no elation or relief in this victory. Although his instinct is again to go to his daughter, he does not want her to meet him in this state. So he reluctantly heads back to the Academy dorms.

Saga of the Pig
Koaring spends this period repeatedly washing and preening his feathers to rid himself of even the tiniest remnant of the hut's foul goo. His mind races with thoughts of how this twist of fate will impact Sayamin's destiny, but as ever the future remains opaque to his guessing.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #179 on: April 29, 2020, 01:52:58 am »

Sage of the Tiger
"Well it seems you have done an acceptable job given that I have provided you none my immense power to you Huntress, my own collective goals will mean that I will create a monster more suited with pure destructive and combat potential rather based on skirmishing or flanking tactics, though you give me a good basis on how to create such a useful servant. On to more pressing matters, you will continue to lead the 72nd Infantry as a supportive and escort to the Duke's Forts until the time comes where I will my army against those that dare try to impose my influence. Though to continue this you need to stop the wood logging teams of the mutants to for only niceties to formalize a non aggression pact of sorts towards those mechanical beings known as the Salvaged, this is so your species isn't met with the wrath of god by higher powers strong than me, impossible I all knowingly can see the irony, as well as myself being reprimanded. Know you will be set forth back to the wasteland however I have a gift of my definite power to provide you with due to your surprising success during the mock tournament in my class."

Elbakaepsnu will utilize a Miracle to enhance Alpha Huntress combative traits before leaving her back with the White Locusts, largish purple tentacles and eyes will adorn her body, being benefited with a supernatural 360 degree of vision with the many eyes that adorn her body, as well as the randomly assorted large tentacles with immense strength and regenerative powers will replace her current appendages while not only giving her a crushing grip but also being able to climb a multitude of surfaces with her new limbs as well

Sage of the Snake

Elba would attempt to fester and introduce himself to the small talk that Bethany is having, accepting the invitation.

"You are such an interesting choice to be my first core class god teacher Bethany, but it seems you also foster a great example with your followers in your City, they must be so skilled to be to worthy of your acceptance of belief, do tell if possible about what kind of worshiping population that you cultivate?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2020, 01:58:00 am by Shadowclaw777 »
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