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Author Topic: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)  (Read 18886 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« on: February 29, 2020, 11:58:36 pm »

You, along with a strange collection of four other divine beings you assume to be your classmates, arrive at The Manor Lǜsè, a large structure atop a small misty mountain concealed by thick jungles stretching hundred of leagues in every direction. You are greeted by a tall well dressed being with the head of a serpent, who introduces himself as Cónglín, god of jungles and steward of The Manor Lǜsè.

"This is the home of our Emperor's Planar Court, where we tend to the land and population of Qiángdà that our students are not interacting with." the god explains, "Incoming students spend an age here in soft quarantine while their beings acclimate to the laws of fate and time present upon The Plane of Qiángdà, but beyond that this place and the people within it will have little to do with your education at the academy. At some point during this Age the Goddess Shizi will take you out to meet your first followers, but beyond that your duties for now involve making yourselves comfortable and avoiding needless stress and strain until you are acclimated."

Term 17010, Age 0:

Saga of the Rat -

You are all shown to your individual chambers, which you find spacious and well designed for your unique body. They are stocked with books of fiction and legend from across the realms, that seem to have been chosen to suit your particular interest and values. Servants bring you food when you are hungry, draw you baths when you are dry, entertain you when you are bored, and empty your chamber pot when it is full.

Saga of the Ox -

You and your peers are summoned to the highest point of the manor to meet with Cáipàn, an impressively powerful divine (only Elbakaepsnu and Qu are confident that they have met mightier beings in their own parents) who takes the form of the face upon the manor's clocktower. Cáipàn, who is tasked with maintaining the laws of time and fate on The Plane of Qiángdà, gives you a brief rundown of how time is kept.

"The largest, and most abstract, unit of time here is called a 'Term'", the immobile god explains, "A new term begins at the end of the age in which a student becomes the first in his, her, or its class to complete a course after all students in that class have completed a core course. The laws of fate ensure that each term takes the same amount of time for each class in the Academy, but two terms may differ vastly in length."

"Terms are divided into Ages, and Ages are divided into twelve Sagas. To a god, an age can be perceived as lasting an amount of time equal to about ten days in most universes. To a mortal, an age can be perceived as lasting a little more than ten years. The twelve Sagas are named after the animals of the standard multiverse zodiac, and the laws of fate favor actions that take place on the correct Saga. You will, for example, be slightly more successful if you behave enigmatically during the Saga of the Snake, or with compassion during the Saga of the Pig."

"Unless outside intervention aims to extend or shorten them, Mortal lives are ended by chance rather than directly by age." The god explains with confidence, "For mortals with an average lifespan, I will roll a one hundred sided dice each age, and if the result is less than or equal to twelve, the mortal dies a natural or accidental death during the corresponding saga. Smaller dice are rolled for mortals with longer lives, and larger dice are rolled for mortals with shorter lives. As a courtesy to students, I will not roll the dice for your followers during your upcoming freshmen term. After that, I will roll for your mortals an age in advance, and if they are to die, I will tell you when and how so that you may try to settle their affairs, extend their life, or find them a suitable afterlife."

With that, Cáipàn has you ushered back to your chambers, refusing to take questions as "it is best you learn the details for yourselves."

Saga of the Tiger -

Today you are summoned to the manor's garden courtyard to meet with Empress Liúchan, one of the Emperor of Scholar's wives and the Queen of the Dead. The goddess takes the form of a beautiful woman clothed in thorny vines and decorated with parasitic bugs that dig into her flesh. "Greetings students!" She declares warmly, "my main job is to handle whatever sentient souls that die on this realm without a god to arrange them a place in an afterlife. I send some of these souls to various academy instructors as raw materials for assignments, and the rest are stripped of their memories, broken down into several pieces, and reincarnated as intelligent plants and beasts that are turned loose in the surrounding jungles to prevent mortals from easily reaching this manor."

The goddess offers you all a warm smile. "As making afterlives is difficult, often a task reserved for experienced older students, I do take some steps to prevent death from depriving you of access to a soul that is important to your studies or ambitions. Until somebody in your class makes an afterlife, I will gladly hand over the soul of a fallen mortal once per class per term on a first come first serve basis. Aside from that, if I feel that you have lost an important mortal unfairly, I may make its soul available to you if you complete some sort of challenge."

Liúchan stretches herself out on a hammock of vines, and pauses to run her hand through her red hair for a moment before continuing. "Aside from that, divine politics is the best means by which an inexperienced divine can protect the souls of their followers. If you really want to be safe, seek out an older student and see if they might be willing to warehouse your mortals in an afterlife of their creation."

Liúchan, again, isn't willing to answer specific questions on what she has just told you, but unlike your clock-faced host from yesterday, she does serve tea and make idle chitchat before sending you all back to your chambers.

Saga of the Rabbit -

Today the group is brought fourth to the manor's main hall and briefly introduced to the Goddess Shizi, a towering muscular woman with the head rear paws, and tail of a lion. The Snake headed Cónglín gives her a brief introduction: "This is Shizi, our emperor's elder sister. As The Emperor of Scholars has little time for mortal affairs these days, he allows the mortals here to inaccurately recognize his sister as the chief goddess of this plane of existence. Mortals call her the God-Bringer, as aside from tending to the prayers of those not affiliated with a student deity, it is also her job to introduce said student deities to their first mortals. Over the rest of this age, she will do just that. When she introduces you to your first followers, feel free to speak with them briefly, but do not exert yourself. You are not yet acclimated. Today her business is with Dun. The rest of you may return to your chambers."


Shizi takes Dun by the hand and lifts her into the sky as wings sprout from the back of the Lion Goddess. The pair leaves through the window and flies for several hours until they reach a massive sprawling city that sits ajacent to a natural harbor. As the pair descends, Shizi leads the tentacled goddess not into the city itself, but toward the narrow peninsula that separates the harbor from the nearby rough seas. Dun notes this peninsula is covered with densely packed poorly made shacks. On the very narrow paths between the shacks she observes many lithe, furry, whiskered humanoids going about their daily routine.

"These are the Otterfolk," Shizi explains, "they were created and placed in charge of a mighty empire many terms ago by a long since graduated student. After their patron god left them, they have been in decline. They lost their lands and armies and navies. Then somebody created the Dire Orca, who love the Otterfolk for their meat and fur, and hunted them to near extinction. This is the only sizable population left today. The inhabitants of Pài, the nearby city, keep a strong enough navy to drive the Dire Orca away, but they are no friends of the Otterfolk. The High Mayor of Pài forbids the Otterfolk from living within the city walls, and bans them from diving for fish as it hurts the profit of his fishing trawlers. Several more established and experienced student gods have large followings within the city of Pài, so interfere with the town itself at your own peril."

Shizi lands on the narrow path, and pulls Dun down next to her. She continues to talk, ignoring the shocked and staring mortals around her, as she walks right up to the door of the shack at the very tip of the Peninsula. "The Otterfolk eek out a living on the knowledge of their old empire. They are known as master physicians. A rich city-dweller in need of treatment can keep several shacks of Otterfolk fed for a Saga or two."

"No Otterfolk, indeed hardly any mortal living, knows more about medicine than Elder High-Oyster. In the old days, before his kind were banned from living within the city walls, his grandfather was personal physician to the Lord Mayor of Pài. The Otterfolk still look to him and his family for leadership to this day." Shizi explains as she opens the door to the shack and points out the rather surprised Otterfolk in question, a mature male of his species whom, until the pair of goddesses so rudely interupted, was sitting in his chair, smoking his pipe, and reading some sort of book on anatomy. His refined spectacles fall to the floor as he stares in surprise.

"High-Oyster, revered elder of the Otterfolk!" Shizi booms in the sort of voice your father would use to address a mortal, "This is Dun, who will be the Goddess of you and your people! Honor her and be honored!"

Saga of the Dragon -

On this Saga, Shizi comes for both Elbakaepsnu and the nameless construct. She takes both deities skyward, and after several hours, they are flying above a vast ashen wasteland. Leagues upon leagues of featureless grey ground, broken only by the occasional destroyed fortress or city. "Two terms ago, a pair of talented graduating students decided to put their knowledge to the test, and have their mortals fight an epic war here. Magical weapons of great power were used, most life in the contested area was destroyed, and the ecosystem has yet to recover."

"Outsiders still brave the wastes, in hopes for finding useful salvage in the ruined cities or abandoned battlefields, but few people actually live here. You two will each be put in charge of one of the groups that do." The Goddess explains before splitting her being into two identical copies, and leading her charges off in two different directions.


Shizi leads Elbakaepsnu across a wide patch of wasteland before stopping at the mouth of a cave. Outside the cave, humanoid skeletons are scattered. "In here, we find the only unit of soldiers to survive the war. They did so by using a cursed artifact to merge their flesh with that of various desert invertebrates, becoming monsters."

The Lion goddess escorts the eldritch god into the cave, and various mortals flee their guard post in their wake. The creatures are largely human looking, but most have a few parts that would better fit on a spider, roach, or centipede. A few have the gaul to challenge the pair, but Shizi swats them harmlessly to the side as they charge. "These people," she explains, "call themselves The 72nd Infantry, and are known to others as The White Locusts. They survive by preying upon those who would scavenge these wastes. Their leader calls herself The Alpha Huntress, and she is known for her skill and brutality."

Shizi gestures to a figure hiding in the shadows, watching you both with a crossbow in hand, waiting for an opening unaware that divine vision has nullified her stealthy approach. She has the mandibles and wings of a large grasshopper, and the horizontally aligned many-legged lower body of a centipede. The stinging tail of a scorpion hangs from her head like a ponytail. Her human flesh is ghostly white, and her eyes a hungry crimson.

"Alpha Huntress, great and bloodthirsty leader of the 72nd!" Shizi calls out to the hiding mortal, "This is Elbakaepsnu, who will be the God of you and your people! Honor her and be honored!"

The Abhorrent woman leaves her hiding place, and approaches her abhorrent god for a closer look.


Shizi leads the nameless created god across the ashen wastes to the charred remains of a large walled city. "This place was called Qīngnián back in the day. It was a great city. War is kind of a shame, but I'm glad you students can practice it here where the stakes are only high to the mortals."

The goddess leads the created deity through the streets and into the tunnels below the city. As the pair moves deeper and further away from the sun, they begin to spot small humanoid creatures with scaly green skin. The creatures scurry into the shadows to avoid the pair as they travel, but the young deity notices that many have replaced parts of their head and torso with bits of metal.

"These creatures are called The Salvaged." Shizi explains. "They were created by accident while testing mutagenic weapons during the war. Instead of eating food, they metabolize pure magical energy that they harvest from the various artifacts and power sources that dot these wastes. They have also learned that with the correct technique they can replace their organic bits with metal."

As the pair turns a corner, they find some sort of excavation site, where The Salvage are working with tools to dig up something big. They are so focused on their work, that they do not notice the gods watching them. Shizi points out one barking orders, clearly a foreman of sorts. "That is Lingbān. He is more or less the leader of The Salvaged. He has big dreams of helping his people leave the wastes, and thus is a good candidate for divine assistance."

Shizi clears her throat loudly. All of The Salvaged working drop what they are doing upon noticing the two gods. Only then does the lion headed goddess speak to them. "Lingbān of The Salvaged! This god, who presently lacks a name of its own, has been selected to be the God of you and your people! Honor it and be honored!"

Saga of the Snake -

Little happens during the Saga of The Snake, but you are offered to opportunity to go out and play in the courtyard, where a rare snowstorm has occurred, if you so choose.

Saga of the Horse -

Another boring day in 'Soft Quarantine'. Servants come around to change out the books in your room, but little else happens.

Saga of the Goat -

The servants are abuzz today. The Emperor of Scholars is spending this saga at The Manor Lǜsè, but you are not permitted to leave your chamber to go and see him.

Saga of the Monkey -

A strange minor deity in the form of a small monkey visits your chamber today, claiming to be part of the Academy medical staff. She performs a few basic tests of your cognitive abilities and reaction time, before declaring that you are acclimating to The Plane of Qiángdà at the expected rate, and that you should be good to begin your studies at The Academy next age.

Saga of the Rooster -

This Saga marks Qu's turn to meet his first mortal followers, as Shizi comes for him.

The lion goddess takes the defector by his hand, and flies him out the window. They travel for only a short time, following the chain of mountains upon which The Manor Lǜsè sits until they leave the dense jungle and enter a proper alpine climate. The pair approaches a temple sitting upon a cliff near one of the higher peaks.

"Many Terms ago, a mighty student created an order of Monks devoted to fighting evil that she called The Warriors of Light," Shizi explains as she lands herself and her passenger upon the temple roof, "The Warriors of Light faced many trials and fought many great battles, that when it came time for their patron goddess to graduate and leave this realm, she took many of them with her. Some temples, however, were left behind on The Plane of Qiángdà because they were deemed to weak or corrupt by their goddess. Many of these temples took this abandonment poorly, and fell into darkness and disrepair, but some, including this one, continued to train Monks and defend the helpless for generations, even without a god to guide them."

Shizi hops off the roof, and gestures for Qu to follow before striding right through the front door. The monks, who seem to be made up of several different member species, stop what they are doing and stare at the strangers in their midst. Shizi ignores them and points to the obvious leader, an elfish looking creature who wears a white gi and a gold belt. "This is Master Zhèngniàn, the foremost living practitioner of Fúshè lùjìng, the ancient martial art of The Warriors of Light. He is also an expert in the quarterstaff, throwing star, and parrying dagger."

Zhèngniàn approaches and bows low before you, before Shizi can even carry about a proper introduction. "It is an honor to have a deity bestowed upon this temple. I hope we may serve you well."

"...Um yes. This is Qu. Your new god." Shizi sputters, the wind taken out of her sails.

Saga of the Dog -

In this Saga, Shizi comes to collect Koaring, the last incoming student to receive a follower. She takes the adventurous young god by the hand, and flies him out the window.

The pair follows the jungle westward for quite some time, until eventually the trees turn from green to various shades of red, purple, and black and Koaring begins to sense a vile aura to the land below him. "This stretch of woods is a popular place for students in Devilry and other less than wholesome studies to hone their craft. Even when there are no gods about causing trouble, the woods are infested with hags and other foul nerdowells."

Eventually the woods break, and at the edge of the vile forest, a small village comes into view. "This is Peanut Village. It was founded by an older student two Terms ago, but said student is transferring to the Divine Politics program, and has decided to abandon most of his mortal followers to focus on his new studies. Most of the mortals left town upon hearing that they no longer have a God to protect them on the border of the foul forest, but some have stayed."

Shizi lands near a one-roomed building labeled 'Witch Hunter's Guild'. "Guildmaster Qīzi is the most important person to have not fled town, and as such is the defacto leader here. She could use a new god."

The goddess leads her charge through the door, where they find a well toned woman sitting at a desk, drafting some sort of document. She has wild untamed hair, and some slight canine features including large teeth and pointed furry ears. Hung on the wall around her are various weapons, including two holstered pistols.

"Guildmaster Qīzi!" Your guide booms, "This is Koaring, who will be the God of you and your people! Honor him and be honored, for according to his profile, he isn't the sort to abandon people."

Saga of the Pig -

You are all summoned from your quarters to the manor's main hall, where a massive feast with every food imaginable awaits the five of you. Cónglín welcomes you all into the room, and bids you all to have a seat. "Welcome! Welcome! Today we celebrate the end of your quarantine and beginning of your studies. Make yourself comfortable! Until this point your time has been tightly regimented, so it is likely that you have not had the chance to introduce yourselves to your peers. You will be living together for a considerable amount of time, so it is our most sincere hope that you all can get along. The Emperor of Scholars will join the feast once he feels introductions are complete, and will escort you to the academy once the festivities have concluded."
« Last Edit: March 01, 2020, 12:33:20 am by Weirdsound »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2020, 11:59:54 pm »

Some Rules and Mechanical Explanations:

On Turn Actions:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

On Scheduling:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

On Academics and Student Discipline:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

On Combat:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

On NPC Actors:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

On The Academy Grounds:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

On Resources:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 05:57:13 pm by Weirdsound »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2020, 12:01:06 am »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2020, 03:03:28 am »

Saga of the Rabbit

Dun beams at her new acquisition, and promptly scoops him up into a hug without so much as a word. She then carries him around like a cuddly doll while investigating his anatomical literature, deeply curious about the life of this realm.

Saga of the Pig

The transparent tentacled goddess stares intently at the other beings at the table. These are the entities she will be measured against, and the raw material a hierarchy will emerge from. She'll need to pay close attention to them, lest she end up on the bottom. Or worse yet, discarded.

"I am Dun, spawn of Authority and the Unknowable. My specialty is creating loyal servants. I currently own the only major population of Otterfolk."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2020, 09:56:33 am »

Saga of the Rooster

Qu blinked and directed an uncertain look at Shizi. He had little experience of mortals. This one seemed particularly odd. Qu considered his words carefully for a long moment before speaking. 'I am pleased to have you. Tell me, why has your temple persevered, when so many others have fallen to ruin?'

Saga of the Pig

'I am Qu.'

It suffices for an introduction, he hopes. The void-touched god feels the eyes of the others upon him, feels their judgement, their fear, their poorly concealed revulsion. They must think him an abomination. Is the rot of the void upon him? Is his skin not coated in the frost of oblivion? They must sense it. The bright flowers in his hair and the earthly scents lingering around him cannot be enough to conceal it.

Qu tries to shake off such thoughts. With a forced smile and a courteous tone, he addresses his companions: 'May I ask, fellow students, why is it that you are gods? What is your purpose? Why have you come here?'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2020, 10:28:39 am »

Saga of the Dragon
Elbakaepsnu shall sprout out many stalks from the many eyes that has infected his draconic body, watching all over the 72nd infantry and their intent, to show that nothing can evade the gaze of his own, and than his body sets up a posture and performs a war-commanding speech to the leader and all of the people, to show who’s now in charge here and what his leadership will bring to these people.

”Yyw xe oyddas wyrjilz zmiz wmidd wyrjy ph efreawyw... My own condolences as I don't imagine you can speak the language of the far realm so I refer to the universal one for you mortals and you, master of the hunt. You and your military company of the left remaining from this time period and onwards, shall be my servants and my army for the task of conquering and raiding this solemn land. Unless you have the thinking process that you have the ability to challenge my superiority over your own which I would say would result in a horrible end to your lives. So then, as long as you scratch my tentacled back and I scratch yours and we work in collective contingency and cooperative pact with each other as I your own omniscient leader of all matters, with each other than their won’t be any problems just the reclaiming the lands and wealth of this land which are properly mine and yours to be shared, compared to the meek morsels who have infected it!”

Saga of the Pig
The dark-purplish tentacled draconic individual straightly using all of the appendages coming out from his body, to grab all of the to the other gods might consider to be unsavory or even inedible, even surprised himself that is uniquely specialized to his diet, of course he just doesn’t digest the sustenance but rather absorbs their very nutrients into his own body. His own physical form and his main eyes eventually get to the direction, after being satiated from the dishes into his soul, and begins to speak with a flat and gravelly tone, yet a weirdly familiar ting to it.

A oh cyp iqpdacojnp... or rather the name that has been provided to be is referred to as Elbakeapsnu, the merger created soul of two powerful beings, master in the arts of war and of enhancing worthy individuals and their minds. My goals currently are... let's just say I have a long-term picture I plan to direct myself towards while I remain here.”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2020, 01:30:30 pm »

Prelude Sagas

Koaring spends most of his time in the quarantine period contemplating the artifact Harp pressed into his hands at the last possible moment before he departed his home plane. It is familiar to him from old legends – mostly heard around the amazon campfires, rather than the swan gods' courts – yet indescribably disturbing to hold. Not because it is a great treasure, something the swan gods would not want lost beyond retrieval in a foreign world, but for what it represents of his mother. In Jaleniniqel's retelling Sayamin had been little more than a lost foundling; among the swan gods he could get few to speak of her and only briefly; and of course his third home had no news of her whatsoever. Yet if this object of power had been hers by right of inheritance, then he had known even less of her than he could have imagined. It makes him feel an alien in his own body.

The long period of isolation gives him the blessing of time to work this sorrow through his system. He tries to practice, sometimes shedding tears as he does so. The Harp, at least to his own ears, does not impart any supernatural melodic skill, though he feels the vibrations of its power beyond the sense mortals would call hearing: a force of resonance and attunement, that calms the worst of his sadness while he explores the methods of plucking and strumming. Had Sayamin known the same?

He chooses to believe it was so.

Saga of the Dog

Koaring welcomes the distraction from his melancholy and attempts to make a good impression with his new followers. He does his best to inquire about the village's needs and most immediate surrounding threats without promising any miracles he won't be able to deliver. He feels the pressure of his new status while the veteran hunter, Qīzi, subtly questions him in return. Eventually he confesses to just how new he is at being a personal god.

Interaction?: If it's allowed during age 0, bond with the villagers by sharing one of Koaring's home songs, plucked out as best he can with the Harp, in return for one of theirs.

Saga of the Pig

As the new students are given leave to mingle at last, Koaring joins the conversation. "Well met, all! I am Koaring, son of Jaleniniqel and Sayamin. Currently I am a bit of a wanderer searching for a home of my own."

"I am Dun, spawn of Authority and the Unknowable. My specialty is creating loyal servants. I currently own the only major population of Otterfolk."

"I find your choice of words most interesting. After the manner in which I was introduced, I feel more as though I have been given to Peanut Village rather than they to me."

'I am Qu.'
'May I ask, fellow students, why is it that you are gods? What is your purpose? Why have you come here?'

Koaring immediately notices that Qu names no parents, and decides to be subtle about learning more – the courtiers of the Celestial Palace had repeatedly warned him that he would face beings of very different background and ideals, so he must maintain politeness in dealing with them. "Why, I have been a god since I was born. What else should I be? But it seems to me that my own pantheon have not been great teachers, so they sent me here to learn from those who are. What of you, Qu? Do you have any lofty ambition? Will you make your ancestors proud?" This is Koaring being subtle.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2020, 02:51:48 pm »

Saga of the Pig

"Why, I have been a god since I was born. What else should I be? But it seems to me that my own pantheon have not been great teachers, so they sent me here to learn from those who are. What of you, Qu? Do you have any lofty ambition? Will you make your ancestors proud?"

Qu's return look holds no apparent emotion. The black depths of the godling's eyes seem to have no end to them. The smile becomes even more artificial, a brittle thing drawn onto a face unsuited for it. 'I hope I will not,' he says. 'I do not know what will become of me. If we are fortunate enough, I will be a force of creation. Restoring that which has been lost. That would be enough.'

He plays idly with the flowers in his hair. Then, with a flinch, his eyes focus on Dun instead. 'What are mortals for? I do not know what to do with mine. Will you tell me?'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2020, 05:00:49 pm »

Qu tries to shake off such thoughts. With a forced smile and a courteous tone, he addresses his companions: 'May I ask, fellow students, why is it that you are gods? What is your purpose? Why have you come here?'
Dun smiles back, pleased that another has grasped the correct way of thinking about those present.

"I am a god because greater powers desired to know more of the world. My purpose is to give mortals purpose. I have come here to become stronger and more useful."

"I am Dun, spawn of Authority and the Unknowable. My specialty is creating loyal servants. I currently own the only major population of Otterfolk."

"I find your choice of words most interesting. After the manner in which I was introduced, I feel more as though I have been given to Peanut Village rather than they to me."
Dun tilts her head.

"But you are mightier than they, so that wouldn't make sense. Unless it was the desire of those mightier than you to tend to their possessions, in which case that would be so.

I do not think the masters of this place care how you manage your flock, though."

He plays idly with the flowers in his hair. Then, with a flinch, his eyes focus on Dun instead. 'What are mortals for? I do not know what to do with mine. Will you tell me?'
Dun claps her hands together in joy.

"Yes! The point of mortals is to be whatever you want them to be. If you are not sure what you would like to do with them, try several things out until you find something that pleases you."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2020, 07:45:55 pm »

'I hope I will not,' he says. 'I do not know what will become of me. If we are fortunate enough, I will be a force of creation. Restoring that which has been lost. That would be enough.'

He plays idly with the flowers in his hair. Then, with a flinch, his eyes focus on Dun instead. 'What are mortals for? I do not know what to do with mine. Will you tell me?'

Koaring is somewhat shocked by the intensity of Qu's response – a different background from the protective Jaleniniqel, indeed – but not so much as to keep him from wading into a question asked of someone else. "I think one needs to keep in mind what is pleasing to the mortals, too. If you do not, they are very likely to seek change in rebellion. Most mortal life tends to change its world anyway, but never more so than when it is unhappy. Learning to harmonize your ends with their desires is one of the hallmarks of high achievement."

"I do not think the masters of this place care how you manage your flock, though."

"The masters of this place may not punish us unless we threaten the higher levels of order, it is true, but I suspect they will be measuring our choices all the same. And I think they chose to pair me with a people who are likely to cooperate with my ideas. It costs me little, then, to keep those people satisfied and cooperative by returning their regard with a bit of my own. A symbiosis of divine and mortal."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2020, 08:57:14 pm »

”Why, I have been a god since I was born. What else should I be? But it seems to me that my own pantheon have not been great teachers, so they sent me here to learn from those who are. What of you, Qu? Do you have any lofty ambition? Will you make your ancestors proud?"

Elbakaepsnu stares at the one who makes this question with the main eyes and all of the eyes that have surrounded his body. ”Beautiful or rather how succulent naivety is of the ones who are inexperienced with the ways of the multiverse, why should I make my ancestors proud if I have already absorbed all of the power I could from them, ancestors only exist for nostalgic principles for those who lack the self-confidence to be disciplined in their own right, not with the backing of strongest, though I shall submit that having a strong bloodline allows you tap in to that power allowing that respective individual to gain the right of rule and authority, this is the meaning of continuing a god’s purpose in the greater whole.

He plays idly with the flowers in his hair. Then, with a flinch, his eyes focus on Dun instead. 'What are mortals for? I do not know what to do with mine. Will you tell me?'

With the very own picosecond of time Elba make a brief chuckle, after waiting for Dun’s response then states. ”Mortals are created to give the meaning to the creator and often that is through worship, a god that doesn’t have a loyal and faithful symbiosis and often times just being commensalism. The reason we give these individual the reality of free-will is that it improves their ability to develop as a civilization as a whole in which means a stronger religious basis and bastion of useful pawns and playthings to enact your will, when the gods clash in terms of birthright only the one with the strongest and most zealous mortals will make it through, it is only the simple of ideas to improve the basis of which creates and maintenances your existence.

The masters of this place may not punish us unless we threaten the higher levels of order, it is true, but I suspect they will be measuring our choices all the same. And I think they chose to pair me with a people who are likely to cooperate with my ideas. It costs me little, then, to keep those people satisfied and cooperative by returning their regard with a bit of my own. A symbiosis of divine and mortal."

Elba, makes a rather bewildered look at this response, all the eyes making a slightly closing motion. The higher level of gods as I shall refer to them, have created this academy to foster the next generation if you will, of the strongest and most suitable for the maintenance and improvements of new worlds and even new universes. In is not the matter of making these mortals care for your existence that is important, but rather the achievement of making and fostering your mortals to do great things such as the acts of creating continent-spanning civilizations, magical artifacts and monolith to your greatness, or the conquering of others. It matters less that you are on a friend or a paternal figure to them, configure it like the basis of feudalism, the god provides them safety and protection against natural disasters, other gods, and godless civilizations in exchange for their servitude to yours.

Qu tries to shake off such thoughts. With a forced smile and a courteous tone, he addresses his companions: 'May I ask, fellow students, why is it that you are gods? What is your purpose? Why have you come here?'

Elba after making it's spiel of attention to the contemporary matters, draws back attention to a opening question made by Qu with it's own eldeitch thinking to go from the ending to beginning, making a boom of what he clamors. This individual of me was created at first a construct of war, catered by one of my guardians while the other even denying very existence. I am here to give myself purpose and the will to act upon it, to show all of reality where my place is at, the very top.”


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2020, 09:21:38 pm »

Saga of the Dragon

[null]'s eyes - previously blue, with sadness at the clear state of disrepair of this location, and a bit of red, it is absolutely shameful that someone has allowed this place to break down like this - swiftly take on a friendly green shade upon arriving at the excavation site of the Salvaged. They wave cheerfully to the bemused workers and Lingbān.

Salutations! I have never met a mortal before! What is it like?

Saga of the Snake

[null] does go out into the courtyard, but they do not play. They just stand still in the center, occasionally snatching a snowflake out of the air and thoroughly examining it.

Saga of the Pig

[null] wanders over to the conversing deities, after having spent a while investigating the contents of the food tables, trying to figure out what their function was; the yellow light of curiosity shifts into their (seemingly default) green blaze of friendliness.

Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2020, 09:26:26 pm »

'I hope I will not,' he says. 'I do not know what will become of me. If we are fortunate enough, I will be a force of creation. Restoring that which has been lost. That would be enough.'

He plays idly with the flowers in his hair. Then, with a flinch, his eyes focus on Dun instead. 'What are mortals for? I do not know what to do with mine. Will you tell me?'

Koaring is somewhat shocked by the intensity of Qu's response – a different background from the protective Jaleniniqel, indeed – but not so much as to keep him from wading into a question asked of someone else. "I think one needs to keep in mind what is pleasing to the mortals, too. If you do not, they are very likely to seek change in rebellion. Most mortal life tends to change its world anyway, but never more so than when it is unhappy. Learning to harmonize your ends with their desires is one of the hallmarks of high achievement."

"I do not think the masters of this place care how you manage your flock, though."

"The masters of this place may not punish us unless we threaten the higher levels of order, it is true, but I suspect they will be measuring our choices all the same. And I think they chose to pair me with a people who are likely to cooperate with my ideas. It costs me little, then, to keep those people satisfied and cooperative by returning their regard with a bit of my own. A symbiosis of divine and mortal."
Dun blanches in confusion.

"If they rebel, they were bad mortals and should have been fixed before then. Unless you wanted them to rebel, in which case they're doing as they should.

I suppose they are symbiotic, but what does that have to do with being happy? Sometimes unhappy mortals are more effective than happy ones."

She just nods along with most of what Elbakaepsnu has to say. She doesn't agree with all of it, but he seems to have a sound and clear opinion of mortals and himself, and an obvious plan for his time here.

[null] wanders over to the conversing deities, after having spent a while investigating the contents of the food tables, trying to figure out what their function was; the yellow light of curiosity shifts into their (seemingly default) green blaze of friendliness.

Dun gives a friendly wave to the doll. Seems vapid, but nice. Will probably end up as Elbakaepsnu's pet or trophy, maybe hers if she's unusually proactive about it.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2020, 12:22:46 am »

Saga of the Rabbit
Dun beams at her new acquisition, and promptly scoops him up into a hug without so much as a word. She then carries him around like a cuddly doll while investigating his anatomical literature, deeply curious about the life of this realm.

Elder High-Oyster is taken aback, but does not immediately object to being carried around his own home. Upon closer inspection the book he was reading is a collection of hand rendered drawings and diagrams that describe the common types and anatomical locations of tumors found in various humanoid populations. Leafing through a few pages, aside from Otterfolk, no being illustrated in the book deviates too far from the standard human or elfish archtypes.

You turn to the rest of High-Oyster's collection which is stored on several shelves and sorted by publication date. The oldest texts seem to have been produced by a printing press of some sort, while more recent additions are completely and painstakingly hand made. It would seem that your new possessions have been losing rather than gaining technology over time.

The Elder notices you eyeing his books, and works up the courage to speak. "Can I help you find something, your holiness?"

Saga of the Rooster

Qu blinked and directed an uncertain look at Shizi. He had little experience of mortals. This one seemed particularly odd. Qu considered his words carefully for a long moment before speaking. 'I am pleased to have you. Tell me, why has your temple persevered, when so many others have fallen to ruin?'

Zhèngniàn pauses to consider your question. "I cannot say for sure. My order was abandoned by its previous god many lifetimes ago, and many temple records have been lost to fire since. Several Masters who have held my office in the past had titles such as 'the reclaimer' or 'the rebuilder'. So perhaps this place was in some state of disrepair at some point. All I can do is be mindful of the present, and prepared for the future."

Saga of the Dragon
Elbakaepsnu shall sprout out many stalks from the many eyes that has infected his draconic body, watching all over the 72nd infantry and their intent, to show that nothing can evade the gaze of his own, and than his body sets up a posture and performs a war-commanding speech to the leader and all of the people, to show who’s now in charge here and what his leadership will bring to these people.

”Yyw xe oyddas wyrjilz zmiz wmidd wyrjy ph efreawyw... My own condolences as I don't imagine you can speak the language of the far realm so I refer to the universal one for you mortals and you, master of the hunt. You and your military company of the left remaining from this time period and onwards, shall be my servants and my army for the task of conquering and raiding this solemn land. Unless you have the thinking process that you have the ability to challenge my superiority over your own which I would say would result in a horrible end to your lives. So then, as long as you scratch my tentacled back and I scratch yours and we work in collective contingency and cooperative pact with each other as I your own omniscient leader of all matters, with each other than their won’t be any problems just the reclaiming the lands and wealth of this land which are properly mine and yours to be shared, compared to the meek morsels who have infected it!”

You are quite sure that if the Alpha-Huntress had lips, that they would be contorted into a sick grin. She offers you a military salute, and after several moments her troops do the same. Some who still possess a relatively human leg arrangement choose to kneel instead. "It has been too long since we have fought for a purpose, much less divine purpose. My soldiers should find fulfillment in killing for reasons beyond their own mere hunger and amusement. May we prove to be worthy instruments of your will!"

Saga of the Dog

Koaring welcomes the distraction from his melancholy and attempts to make a good impression with his new followers. He does his best to inquire about the village's needs and most immediate surrounding threats without promising any miracles he won't be able to deliver. He feels the pressure of his new status while the veteran hunter, Qīzi, subtly questions him in return. Eventually he confesses to just how new he is at being a personal god.

Interaction?: If it's allowed during age 0, bond with the villagers by sharing one of Koaring's home songs, plucked out as best he can with the Harp, in return for one of theirs.

No Interactions on age 0. Just RP. I'll start off with your inquiry on needs and threats.

Qīzi considers her new god's quarry. "As it stands right now, my boys and I can hold off most threats to the village. But we are stuck here. Our previous god found mineral deposites just inside the forest for us to mine, but without divine protection, it is nearly impossible to safely mine them. Farming is also risky here, as the general wicked malease of the land can sometimes corrupt a crop and turn it into something useless or even harmful. Without some means for this town to provide for itself, the population will continue to dwindle. On my honor, I will not abandon this place so long as one civilian remains, but I can not speak for the rest of my guild. Eventually we will become weak enough that some Hag or monster might finish us off."

Saga of the Dragon

[null]'s eyes - previously blue, with sadness at the clear state of disrepair of this location, and a bit of red, it is absolutely shameful that someone has allowed this place to break down like this - swiftly take on a friendly green shade upon arriving at the excavation site of the Salvaged. They wave cheerfully to the bemused workers and Lingbān.

Salutations! I have never met a mortal before! What is it like?

Lingbān is taken a bit aback by the question, but eventually answers. "It is not bad, I guess. We don't have to worry about mortality too much. Plenty of magic to eat, and our flesh is toxic to the monstrous White Locusts who hunt any other mortals who might come out here. But it is hard to truly thrive. The monsters make it hard for trade partners to visit us, and our unique diet makes it hard for us to leave our ruins to find trade partners. You will help us, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Academy of the Young Gods (IC Thread)
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2020, 12:45:42 am »

Of course! They then turn toward Shizi. That's what I'm supposed to do, right? Without waiting for an answer, they return their attentions to Lingbān. You eat metal, yeah? I'm good at metals. And wood and stone, too! I think we can make this work. Do you think a metal forest would look good here?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.
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